13 C14-2024-0021 - 6605 Regiene Road; District 1 — original pdf

ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2024-0021 (6605 Regiene Road) DISTRICT: 1 ADDRESS: 6605 Regiene Road ZONING FROM: LI-CO-NP TO: LI-PDA-NP SITE AREA: approximately 0.56 acres (approximately 24,393 square feet) PROPERTY OWNER: Regiene Holdings, LLC AGENT: Drenner Group, PC (Leah M. Bojo, AICP) CASE MANAGER: Jonathan Tomko (512) 974-1057, jonathan.tomko@austintexas.gov STAFF RECOMMEDATION: Staff recommends granting limited industrial services-planned development area- neighborhood plan (LI-PDA-NP) combining district zoning. The existing conditional overlay that limited daily vehicle trips to no more than 2,000 per day is recommended for removal. However, TPW recommends a Restrictive Covenant tying this site to the TIA for C14-2020-0150. See the basis of recommendation section below for more information. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: June 11, 2024: Case is scheduled to be heard by the Planning Commission. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: TBD ORDINANCE NUMBER: N/A ISSUES: N/A CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The subject property is located east of Ed Bluestein Boulevard and north of the proposed Capital Metro Green Line rail right of way. Properties surrounding the subject tract on all sides have recently been rezoned LI-PDA-NP, please see the area case histories section below. The applicant has stated their intent to combine the tracts as one cohesive development, a collective 21-acre mixed use development with clean industrial creative and maker spaces, retail, office, restaurant, and multifamily uses. The site development standards are identical to the development standards already approved with the previous cases; however, the applicant has removed their previous modification requests related to the City’s parking requirements so that the development standards are more in line with the City’s present Code. C14-2024-0021 2 Staff supports this request as it is in line with other rezonings to LI-PDA-NP surrounding the subject tract and would enable the owner to combine the tracts into one cohesive development with standard site development regulations, authorized uses, and prohibited uses. Existing Zoning A conditional overlay was applied through Ordinance No. 20060727-114 that would limit daily vehicle trips to no more than 2,000 per day. This conditional overlay is recommended for removal. Proposed Zoning Section 1. Applicable Site Development Regulations Except as specifically modified below, the property may be developed and used in accordance with the regulations established for the Limited Industrial Services (LI) base district and other applicable requirements of the City Code. The following development standards are modified for all development across the site: Max. Height: 275’ Max. FAR: 2:1 Min. Setbacks: Front Yard: 0 feet Street Side Yard: 0 feet Interior Side Yard: 0 feet Rear Yard: 0 feet Section 2. Authorized Uses Additional Permitted Uses: - Bed & Breakfast (Group 1) - Bed & Breakfast (Group 2) - Condominium Residential - Duplex Residential - Group Residential - Multifamily Residential - Retirement Housing (Small Site) - Retirement Housing (Large Site) - Single-Family Attached Residential - Single-Family Residential - Townhouse Residential - Two-Family Residential - Short-Term Rental* * Standards in LDC §25-2-491, Zoning Land Use Summary Table, for Austin City Code apply. Prohibited Uses: - Agricultural Sales and Services - Automotive Rentals - Automotive Repair Services - Automotive Sales - Automotive Washing (Of Any Type) - Bail Bonds Services - Basic Industry - Building Maintenance Services - Campground - Exterminating Services - Funeral Services - General Warehousing and Distribution - Kennels - Laundry Services - Maintenance and Service Facilities - Monument Retail Sales - Outdoor Sports and Recreation - Railroad Facilities C14-2024-0021 3 - Construction Sales and Services - Drop-Off Recycling Collection Facility - Electronic Prototype Assembly - Electronic Testing - Equipment Repair Services - Equipment Sales - Recycling Center - Resource Extraction - Scrap and Salvage - Vehicle Storage - Veterinary Services Section 3. Additional Requirements for Certain Uses - Light manufacturing use is a prohibited use on the Property, excluding a brewery as the principal use of the Property. A brewery as a principal use on the Property shall require no minimum square feet of gross floor area of the principal developed use. Section 25-2-492 (Site Development Regulations) is modified to require when the principal use of the Property is a brewery a 50-foot-wide building setback shall be established and maintained where the brewery use abuts any residential land use. - BASIS OF RECOMMENDATION: 1. The proposed zoning should be consistent with the goals and objectives of the City Council. 2. Zoning should promote clearly-identified community goals, such as creating employment opportunities or providing for affordable housing. EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USES: ZONING LAND USES Site North South East West LI-CO-NP LI-PDA-NP LI-PDA-NP LI-PDA-NP LI-PDA-NP Undeveloped Undeveloped, Limited industrial Single family home Four Single family homes Undeveloped NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING AREA: East MLK Combined Neighborhood Planning Area (MLK-183) WATERSHED: Boggy Creek Watershed SCHOOLS: A.I.S.D. Norman-Sims Elementary School Martin Middle School LBJ High School COMMUNITY REGISTRY LIST: Austin Independent School District, Austin Lost and Found Pets, Austin Neighborhoods Council, Del Valle Community Coalition, Dog’s Head Neighborhood Association , East MLK Combined Neighborhood Plan Contact Team, Friends of Austin Neighborhoods, Homeless Neighborhood Association, Neighborhood Empowerment Foundation, Neighbors United for Progress, SELTexas, Sierra Club, Austin Regional Group C14-2024-0021 4 AREA CASE HISTORIES: Number C14-06-0082 (Kurachi Paint & Body) Request From SF-2 to LI-CO- NP C14-2020-0150 (6705 and 6501 Regiene Road) The Applicant is proposing to rezone approximately 15.69 Acres from SF-2-NP and LI-NP to LI- PDA-NP. Commission 05.09.2006: Denied staff’s recommendation for LI-CO-NP Commissioner Dealey, 2nd by Commissioner Stegeman (7-0) Commissioner Jackson departed early 11.10.2021: Forwarded to Council without a recommendation C14-2021-0157 (6600, 6702, 6704 and 6706 Regiene Road) The Applicant is proposing to rezone approximately 4.26 acres from LI-NP to LI-PDA-NP. 05.10.2022: To grant LI-PDA-NP with conditions as recommended by staff, on consent. C14-2021-0158 (6603 Regiene Road) The Applicant is proposing to rezone approximately 0.5142 acres from 05.11.2022: To grant LI-PDA-NP with conditions as City Council 7.27.2006: Ordinance No. 20060727-114 for limited industrial services-conditional overlay-neighborhood plan (LI-CO-NP) combining district zoning was approved 06.16.2022: Ordinance No. 20220616-108 for limited industrial services-planned development area- neighborhood plan (LI-PDA-NP) combining district zoning was approved on Council Member Vela's motion, Council Member Ellis , second on an 11-0 vote. 06.16.2022: Ordinance No. 20220616-112 for limited industrial services-planned development area- neighborhood plan (LI-PDA-NP) combining district zoning was approved on Council Member Vela's motion, Council Member Ellis, second on an 11-0 vote. 06.16.2022: Ordinance No. 20220616-110 for limited industrial C14-2024-0021 5 SF-2-NP to LI-PDA- NP. recommended by staff, on consent. services-planned development area- neighborhood plan (LI-PDA-NP) combining district zoning was approved on Council Member Vela's motion, Council Member Ellis' second on an 11-0 vote. RELATED CASES: NPA-2023-0015.03 Industry to Major Planned Development Future Land Use ADDITIONAL STAFF COMMENTS: Environmental 1. The site is not located over the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. The site is located in the Boggy Creek Watershed of the Colorado River Basin, which is classified as an Urban Watershed by Chapter 25-8 of the City's Land Development Code. It is in the Desired Development Zone. 2. Zoning district impervious cover limits apply in the Urban Watershed classification. 3. According to floodplain maps there is no floodplain within or adjacent to the project location. 4. Standard landscaping and tree protection will be required in accordance with LDC 25- 2 and 25-8 for all development and/or redevelopment. 5. At this time, site specific information is unavailable regarding vegetation, areas of steep slope, or other environmental features such as bluffs, springs, canyon rimrock, caves, sinkholes, and wetlands. 6. This site is required to provide on-site water quality controls (or payment in lieu of) for all development and/or redevelopment when 8,000 cumulative square feet is exceeded, and on site control for the two-year storm. 7. At this time, no information has been provided as to whether this property has any preexisting approvals that preempt current water quality or Code requirements. Fire No comments on rezoning C14-2024-0021 6 PARD – Planning & Design Review PR1: Parkland dedication fees may apply to any future site or subdivision applications resulting from this rezoning. As of January 1, 20234, new commercial uses are not subject to parkland dedication requirements at the time of site plan and subdivision. Site Plan SP1. Site plans will be required for any new development other than single-family or duplex residential. SP2. Any new development is subject to Subchapter E. Design Standards and Mixed Use. Additional comments will be made when the site plan is submitted. SP3. FYI: Additional design regulations will be enforced at the time a site plan is submitted. AIRPORT OVERLAY SP4. FYI – This site is located within the Austin-Bergstrom Airport Controlled Compatible Land Use Area Overlay. No use will be allowed that can create electrical interference with navigational signals or radio communications between airport and aircraft, make it difficult for pilots to distinguish between the airport lights and others, result in glare in the eyes of pilots using the airport, impair visibility in the vicinity of the airport, create bird strike hazards or otherwise in any way endanger or interfere with the landing, taking off, or maneuvering of aircraft intending to use the Austin-Bergstrom Airport. Height limitations and incompatible uses with each Airport Overlay zone are established in the Airport Overlay Ordinance. Additional comments may be generated during the site plan review process. WILDLAND-URBAN INTERFACE the site SP5. This site is within the Wildland/Urban Interface and will need additional related review reference is when https://www.austintexas.gov/department/wildland-urban-interface-code for additional information. Or, work directly with the fire reviewers during the site plan process. The fire reviewers are Anthony Delmonico (Anthony.Delmonico@austintexas.gov), and Elliott Bucknall (Elliott.Bucknall@austintexas.gov). submitted. Please plan Transportation and Public Works Department – Engineering Review 1. The site is required to comply with the TIA and final memo associated with C14-2020-0150. TPW recommends a Restrictive Covenant tying this site to the TIA for C14-2020-0150. Compliance with the TIA will be assessed at the time of site plan submittal. 2. The Austin Strategic Mobility Plan (ASMP), adopted 04/11/2019, identifies Regiene Road as a Level 1 roadway; some additional right-of-way may be required at the time of subdivision or site plan. EXISTING STREET CHARACTERISTICS: 7 Capital Metro (within ¼ mile) No C14-2024-0021 Name Existing ROW ASMP Required ROW Pavement ASMP Sidewalks Bicycle Classification Route Regiene Road ~48’- 83’ 58’ 16’ 1 No No TIA: see comments above from Transportation and Public Works Department (TPW) Austin Water Utility No comments on rezoning INDEX OF EXHIBITS AND ATTACHMENTS TO FOLLOW: A. Zoning Map B. Aerial Map C. Applicant’s Summary Letter D. Traffic Impact Analysis Determination Worksheet for this case E. Traffic Impact Analysis Final Memo: C14-2020-0150 dated September 10, 2021 SF-3-NP C14-2022-0105 NPA-2022-0015.03 LI-PDA-NP CS-NP GR-MU-NP MF-6-NP C14-2022-0106 NPA-2022-0015.04 C14-02-0142.002 H A R O L D C T ( CS-NP ( ( ( N L L L I H E N N A T CS-NP 77-165 LI-PDA-NP C14-2017-0148 SP-93-0183C H U D S O N ST I-RR-NP D S R T T E B HIB C14-2017-0148 LI-PDA-NP SP91-0286C LI-NP SP91-0286C C14-02-0142.002 SP92-229C SP88-0270C P84-013 C14-02-0142.002 CS-NP SF-2-NP SF-6-NP NPA-2021-0015.02 C14-2021-0134 SF-2-NP SF-2-NP C14-2021-0158 NPA-2021-0015.03 ! ! ! ! ! ! NPA-2017-0015.02 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! C14-06-0082 LI-CO-NP ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 06-0082 LI-NP C14-02-0142.002 NPA-2017-0015.02 LI-PDA-NP NPA-2021-0015.04 C14-2021-0157 D R E N E I G E R C14-2020-0150 LI-PDA-NP NPA-2020-0015.03 SP89-0140C LI-PDA-NP C14-2017-0148 SP89-0149C ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! LI-NP ! ! P D E LW A U L N SF-2 SF-3-NP NPA-2011-0016.01 P-NP C14-2011-0082 SF-3-NP ( ( ( ( ( ( I R C A N E L O J ( ( ( ( ( THURGOOD AVE 72-317 01-0153.SH ( ( ( ( SF-3-NP 72-317 01-0153.SH ( ( 77-075 IP-NP B D S LV EIN B B D N LV EIN B T S E U L D B E T S E U L D B E C14-2021-0032 P SF-2 P C14-2011-0114 P C14-2011-0102 87-035 P 87-035 D D R R WA O H SF-2 ALLE YT O N D R V N C O T Y E L L A BAY CITY BND SF-2 00-2013 N L L L E H C WIN R D N E V A H D N A L H G H I R D S E R O H S D O O W N O T T O C KINGSLAND CT SF-2 SF-2 SF-2 SHELTON RD R D Y T I C E N A L 00-2013 SF-2 SF-2 SF-2 Y A W D N A L S G N I K LI-CO-NP C14-2018-0136 CS-MU-CO ± SUBJECT TRACT ! ! ! ! ! ! PENDING CASE ZONING BOUNDARY ZONING ZONING CASE#: C14-2024-0021 This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. 1 " = 400 ' This product has been produced by the Planning Department for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. Created: 2/29/2024 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(M22M21N22N21C14-2024-0021C14-2020-0150NPA-2020-0015.03C14-2017-0148C14-2011-0114C14-2022-0106NPA-2022-0015.04NPA-2017-0015.02C14-2017-0148C14-2021-0157C14-2011-0082C14-2011-0102NPA-2011-0016.01NPA-2021-0015.04C14-2021-0032C14-2018-0136C14-2017-0148C14-2021-0134NPA-2021-0015.02C14-06-0082C14-2022-0105NPA-2017-0015.02C14-2021-0158NPA-2021-0015.03NPA-2022-0015.03SHELTON RDED BLUESTEIN BLVD SBED BLUESTEIN BLVD NBHAROLD CTDELWAU LNBAY CITY BNDHOWARD RDHIBBETTS RDHUDSON STTANNEHILL LNALLEYTON DRWINCHELL LNREGIENE RDKINGSLAND WAYTHURGOOD AVELANE CITY DRHIGHLAND HAVEN DRALLEYTON CVCOTTONWOOD SHORES DRJOLENA CIRKINGSLAND CTLI-NPCS-NPPSF-2PSF-2LI-PDA-NPSF-2PPSF-2LI-PDA-NPP-NPCS-NPGR-MU-NPMF-6-NPSF-2SF-2SF-2SF-2SF-2LI-PDA-NPLI-PDA-NPSF-3-NPSF-2SF-3-NPIP-NPLI-PDA-NPCS-MU-COLI-NPSF-6-NPPSF-2-NPCS-NPLI-CO-NPCS-NPI-RR-NPSF-2-NPLI-PDA-NPSF-3-NPSF-2-NPLI-CO-NPLI-NPSF-3-NP6605 Regiene Road±This product has been produced by the Planning Department for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warrantyis made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness.CASE#:LOCATION:SUBJECT AREA:GRID:MANAGER:C14-2024-00216605 Regiene Rd0.56 AcresM22Jonathan TomkoCreated: 4/16/2024SUBJECT TRACTZONING BOUNDARY!!!!!!PENDING CASECREEK BUFFER0200400600800100Feet October 4, 2023 Via Electronic Delivery Leah M. Bojo direct dial: (512) 807-2918 lbojo@drennergroup.com Ms. Lauren Middleton-Pratt City of Austin Planning Department 1000 E 11th Street Austin, TX 78702 Dear Ms. Middleton-Pratt: Re: 6605 Regiene Road – Zoning application for the 0.56-acre piece of property located at 6605 Regiene Road in the City of Austin, Travis County, Texas (the “Property”). As representatives of the Owners of the Property, we respectfully submit the enclosed zoning application for 6605 Regiene Road. The project is located in the full purpose jurisdiction of the City of Austin and consists of 0.56 acres located on the west side of Regiene Road just southeast of the intersection of Hibbetts Road and Regiene Road. The Property is zoned LI-CO-NP, Limited Industrial Services – Conditional Overlay – Neighborhood Plan. The proposed rezoning is from LI-CO-NP to LI-PDA, Limited Industrial Services – Planned Development Area. The purpose of this rezoning is to allow for the Property to be included within the proposed mixed use development, including clean industrial creative and maker spaces, retail, office, restaurant, and multifamily uses that is adjacent to the Property. The proposed amendments to the land development code are accompanied with this letter and are consistent with those approved for the adjacent project sites associated with zoning case nos. C14-2020-0150, C14-2021-0157, and C14-2021-0158. The vision is for this area to become a cohesive mixed use hub, providing complementary live/work/play opportunities. It is important to note that no additional square footage is being permitted for this overall project. The Property is located within the East MLK Combined Planning Area – MLK/183 subdistrict and has a Future Land Use Map (FLUM) designation of Industry. A Neighborhood Plan Amendment (NPA) application was submitted prior to this zoning application to the City of Austin to amend the FLUM from Industry to Major Planned Development designation on July 31, 2023. A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) was approved with zoning case no. C14-2020-0150, which will be amended with this rezoning and the Property will have to comply with, per the attached TIA Determination worksheet, executed by Kaylie Coleman, dated October 4, 2023. Please let me know if you or your team members require additional information or have any questions. Thank you for your time and attention to this project. Sincerely, Leah M. Bojo Drenner Group cc: Jesse Gutierrez, Planning Department (via electronic delivery) Jonathan Tomko, Planning Department (via electronic delivery) Joi Harden, Planning Department (via electronic delivery) 2507 Bee Caves Road, Suite 100 | Austin, Texas 78746 | 512-807-2900 | www.drennergroup.com (cid:61)(cid:50)(cid:49)(cid:44)(cid:49)(cid:42) (cid:38)(cid:44)(cid:55)(cid:60)(cid:3)(cid:50)(cid:41)(cid:3)(cid:36)(cid:56)(cid:54)(cid:55)(cid:44)(cid:49) (cid:55)(cid:53)(cid:36)(cid:41)(cid:41)(cid:44)(cid:38)(cid:3)(cid:44)(cid:48)(cid:51)(cid:36)(cid:38)(cid:55)(cid:3)(cid:36)(cid:49)(cid:36)(cid:47)(cid:60)(cid:54)(cid:44)(cid:54)(cid:3)(cid:11)(cid:55)(cid:44)(cid:36)(cid:12)(cid:3) (cid:39)(cid:40)(cid:55)(cid:40)(cid:53)(cid:48)(cid:44)(cid:49)(cid:36)(cid:55)(cid:44)(cid:50)(cid:49)(cid:3)(cid:58)(cid:50)(cid:53)(cid:46)(cid:54)(cid:43)(cid:40)(cid:40)(cid:55) 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Bojo512-807-291810.564N/ALI-NPUndeveloped10.5644,725 SFLI-PDA-NPRestaurant (Gen.)932107.205075,775 SFLI-PDA-NPRetail822FCE474178,500LI-PDA-NPOffice710FCE19212902Regiene RoadYes4Notes from applicant: No new trips are proposed. Approved tripsare being redistributed across this new parcel from the TIAapproved with case no. C14-2020-0150. Since this parcel is not adding any new trips, but redistributing theapproved trips within the Regiene Rd TIA, no further analysis is needed at this time. However, the site is required to comply with the TIA and final memoapproved with C14-2020-0150. TIA may require update upon further review.10/04/2023As discussed in the 09/29/2023 meeting and from the notes from the TIA Determination worksheet submitted10/03/2023, no new trips are proposed. Approved trips are being redistributed across this new parcel from theTIA approved with case no. C14-2020-0150.Net trip change from approved TIA: 0Kaylie Coleman MEMORANDUM Date: To: CC: Reference: September 10, 2021 Ravali Kosaraju, P.E., PTOE, WGI Engineering Bryan Golden, Jayesh Dongre Austin Transportation Department Kate Clark, Housing and Planning Department Regiene Road – 6501 & 6705 Regiene Road 6600,6702,6704 & 6706 Regiene Road and 6603 Regiene Road Transportation Impact Analysis Final Memo C14-2020-0150 Summary of the Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA): The Austin Transportation Department (ATD) has reviewed the “Traffic Impact Analysis for Regiene Road Rezoning in Austin, Texas” dated December 11, 2020 and subsequent updates received on June 14, 2021, and July 28, 2021 prepared by WGI Engineering. The Regiene Road Rezoning TIA and all amendments thereto are collectively referred to herein as the “TIA”. The proposed development is located on the southeast corner of Regiene Road and Hibbetts Road in Austin, shown in Figure 1 below. The proposed project would consist of up to 742 Dwelling Units of Mid-Rise Multifamily Housing, 470,000 square feet of General Office, 35,000 square feet of Retail Shopping Center, and 30,00 square feet of High-Turnover (Sit-Down) Restaurant. For the purposes of the analysis, Applicant’s assumption is that the half of the buildout will be developed in the first phase and the other half in the second phase, with 371 dwelling units of Mid-Rise Multifamily Housing, 235,000 square feet of General Office, 17,500 square feet of Retail Shopping Center, and 15,000 square feet of High-Turnover (Sit-Down) Restaurant space in each phase. The existing site is vacant. The project will be built in two (2) phases. It is anticipated that Phase I of the Project will be completed by 2023, while the full buildout of the Project will be completed by 2028. Below is a summary of our review findings and recommendations: 1. The applicant shall design identified in Table 2a below and in Figure 2 prior to issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy (TCO) or certificate of occupancy (CO) at the time of the first site development permit. construct the improvements and 2. A fee-in-lieu contribution to the City of Austin shall be made for the improvements identified in Table 2b totaling $220,416 prior to issuance of the first site development permit. Figure 3 below shows the associated transportation mitigation locations. 3. City of Austin staff reserves the right to reassign any or all the funding to one or more of the improvements identified in the TIA. Note: Cost estimates should not be assumed to represent the maximum dollar value of improvements the applicant may be required to construct. 5. 4. The findings and recommendations of this TIA memorandum remain valid until five (5) years from the date of the traffic counts in the TIA or the date of this memo, whichever comes first, after which a revised TIA or addendum may be required. The findings and recommendations of the TIA included in this memo are based on the land use, intensity, associated traffic information and analyses and phasing of the development considered in the TIA. Should any of these assumptions change, the applicant may need to complete a new TIA, or update the TIA as required by code at the time of site plan application. 6. Street Impact Fee Ordinances 20201220-061 [https://www.austintexas.gov/edims/document.cfm?id=352887] and 20201210- 062 [https://www.austintexas.gov/edims/document.cfm?id=352739] have been adopted by City Council and are effective as of December 21, 2020. The City shall start collecting street impact fees with all building permits issued on or after June 21, 2022. For more Impact Fee website visit [austintexas.gov/streetimpactfee]. information, please the Street Figure 1: Site Location Page 2 of 7 Figure 2: Transportation Mitigation Locations (Construction) Figure 3: Transportation Mitigation Locations (Fee-in-Lieu Improvements) Page 3 of 7 Assumptions: 1. The TIA assumes that the first phase of the project will be completed in 2023 and full buildout by 2028. 2. The project will have two access points: the primary driveway will exist from Regiene Road on to the US 183 Frontage Road, per TxDOT’s approval. A secondary driveway will exist along Hibbetts Road. Both driveways will serve to all land uses within the project site. 3. Based on TxDOT Traffic Count Database System (TCDS), a 6% annual growth rate was assumed to account for the increase in background traffic. 4. Transportation Demand Management (TDM) measures would reduce vehicle trips by 10%. A TDM plan will be submitted at the time of first site plan submittal showing how the TDM measures are being met or incorporated within the site plan. 5. Should the land use or intensities be changed at any point in time or at the time of site plan, a roadway sizing capacity analysis shall be performed to analyze the new cross- sectional requirements based on the City of Austin road sizing criteria and then 24- hour vehicular volumes. 6. The applicant requested for the addition of two (2) new zoning applications at 6600,6702,6704 & 6706 Regiene Road and 6603 Regiene Road adjacent to the existing 6705 and 6501 Regiene Road TIA, which was already under review by ATD. The consultant stated that the square footages in two of the zoning application determination forms are approximated for the purpose of the zoning request and the actual square footages will be within the trip count related to the adjacent TIA that was performed for 6501 & 6705 Regiene Road (zoning case no. C14-2020-0150). Therefore, the 13,602 Adjusted Daily Trips in the table 1 below will also account for the new trips that will be generated from these two additional zoning parcels. The applicant also requested that these TIA determinations be deferred until site plan, on the condition that the applicant agrees to execute a Restrictive Covenant that ties development on these sites to the current TIA that was conducted for 6705 and 6501 Regiene Road, City of Austin (zoning case no. C14-2020-0150). 7. The applicant shall provide the City of Austin with a detailed cross section concept for upgrading Regiene Road for the City’s review and approval. The cross section shall provide two-way vehicular travel meeting City of Austin TCM and AASHTO guidance along with an off-street facility to safely accommodate pedestrians and bicyclists within the right-of-way. The approval and construction of Regiene Road shall occur prior to Phase I buildout. 8. Due to the unique circumstances and timing of Street Impact Fees (SIF) being implemented by the City of Austin which will go into effect in June 2022, fee-in-lieu for the improvements are being accepted by the City in the interim and subject only to this zoning case. If a building permit that is subject to this zoning case is pulled after June 21, 2022, the total fee-in-lieu amount and constructed improvements will be credited as an offset to the SIF. Page 4 of 7 Proposed Conditions: Trip Generation and Land Use Based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual (10th Edition), the development will generate a total of approximately 15,112 unadjusted average daily vehicles trips (ADT) at full build out. The applicant has committed to a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan to reduce the impact on the roadway system from their site by at least 10%. Table 1 below shows the adjusted trip generation after existing trips and TDM reductions. Table 1: Adjusted Trip Generation (Includes Both Phases I & II) ITE Code Proposed Land Use Size / Unit AM PM 710 820 General Office Shopping Center 470,000 35,000 SF SF SF 932 High-Turnover Restaurant 30,000 3,366 298 292 221 Multifamily Housing (Mid Rise) 742 DU 4,042 244 304 24-Hour Two Way Volume (Approx.) 4,762 2,944 468 34 496 250 Unadjusted Trips 15,114 1,044 1,342 TDM Reduction (10%) (1,512) (104) (134) Total Adjusted Trips 13,602 940 1,208 Transportation Demand Management (TDM) The applicant has committed to attain at least a 10% TDM reduction to meet certain vehicle trip reduction targets. In the TDM plan, the applicant has identified several measures that could be incorporated with the site to achieve the targeted vehicle trip reduction. The applicant identified the following key TDM measures to reach the reduction target: • Bicycle Parking (0.5%) • Showers & Lockers (0.5%) • Multimodal Wayfinding Signage (1%) • Unbundled Parking (6%) • Limit Parking Supply (10%) The applicant has the flexibility to choose other relevant TDM measures at the time of site plan. Page 5 of 7 Summary of Recommended Improvements – Includes Both Phase I & Phase II: Table 2a: Recommended Improvements (Construction) Intersection Improvement Cost US-183 NB Frontage Road / Hudson Street US-183 NB Frontage Road / Project Driveway 1 Subtotal Deceleration Lane at 425 ft Acceleration Lane at 720 ft Deceleration Lane at 425 ft Acceleration Lane at 720 ft Table 2b: Recommended Improvements (Fee-in-Lieu) Developer’s Share % Developer’s Share $ $187,500 100% $187,500 $ 245,455 100% $ 245,455 $187,500 100% $187,500 $ 245,455 100% $ 245,455 $865,910 - $865,910 Intersection Improvement Cost Developer’s Share % Developer’s Share $ Tannehill Lane / FM 969 $200,545 7.5% $15,041 Extend EB Lane from US-183 SBFR US-183 NB Frontage Road / FM 969 Signal Modifications $6,250 100% $6,250 US-183 SB Frontage Road / FM 969 Signal Modifications $6,250 100% $6,250 McBee Drive / FM 969 Restripe SB Approach $1,500 100% $1,500 Tannehill Lane / FM 969 Signal Modifications $6,250 100% $6,250 Johnny Morris Road / FM 969 Signal Modifications $150,000 100% $150,000 Johnny Morris Road / FM 969 Construct SBR Lane (100 ft) $187,500 15.4% $28,875 Signal Timing Adjustments $6,250 100% $6,250 Subtotal TOTAL $564,545 $1,430,455 - - $220,416 $1,086,326 Page 6 of 7 Figure 3: Summary of Transportation Improvements All requirements in Table 2a and Table 2b must be satisfied with the first the site development permit associated with any of the three zoning cases mentioned in this memo. All construction items should be designed and incorporated into the first site plan and all fee- in-lieu items should be paid in full. No temporary certificate of occupancy (TCO) or certificate of occupancy (CO) shall be issued until the completion of all identified construction items. Please contact me at (512) 974-4073 if you have questions or require additional information. Nazlie Saeedi, P.E. Austin Transportation Department Page 7 of 7