01 Planning Commission May 28, 2024 Draft Meeting Minutes — original pdf

PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2024 The Planning Commission convened in a regular meeting Tuesday, May 28, 2024, at Austin City Hall, Council Chambers, Room 1001 301 W. Second Street, Austin, TX. Chair Hempel called the Commission Meeting to order at 6:07 p.m. Commissioners in Attendance: Greg Anderson, Awais Azhar, Adam Haynes, Claire Hempel, Felicity Maxwell, Danielle Skidmore, Alice Woods Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Nadia Barrera-Rameriz, Grayson Fox, Jennifer Mushtaler, Ryan Johnson Commissioners absent: Patrick Howard, Alberta Phillips Ex-Officio Members Present: Jessica Cohen – Chair of Board of Adjustment 2 vacancies on the dais. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION The first four (4) speakers signed up prior to the speaker registration deadline will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. APPROVAL OF MINUTES None 1. Approve the minutes of May 14, 2024. The minutes from the Regular meeting of the Planning Commission on May 14, 2024, were approved on the consent agenda on Commissioner Maxwell’s motion, Commissioner Woods’ second, on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Cox was off the dais. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. 2. Plan Amendment: NPA-2023-0023.03.SH - 6304 Manor Road; District 4 6304 Manor Road, Little Walnut Creek Watershed, University Hills/Windsor Park Combined (Windsor Park) NP Area Location: Owner/Applicant: Anmol Mehra Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Drenner Group, PC (Leah M. Bojo, AICP) Single Family to Mixed Use land use Recommended Maureen Meredith, 512-974-2695, maureen.meredith@austintexas.gov Planning Department A motion to approve staff’s recommendation of Mixed use land use for NPA-2023- 0023.03.SH - 6304 Manor Road, located at 6304 Manor Road was approved on the consent agenda on Commissioner Maxwell’s motion, Commissioner Woods’ second, on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Cox was off the dais. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. 3. Rezoning: Location: C14-2024-0012.SH - 6304 Manor Road; District 4 6304 Manor Road, Little Walnut Creek Watershed, 6304 Manor Road, Little Walnut Creek Watershed, University Hills/Windsor Park Combined (Windsor Park) NP Area Owner/Applicant: Anmol Mehra Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Drenner Group, PC (Leah Bojo) SF-3-NP to LR-MU-V-CO-NP Recommended Jonathan Tomko, (512) 974-1057, jonathan.tomko@austintexas.gov Planning Department A motion to approve staff’s recommendation of LR-MU-V-CO-NP for C14-2024-0012.SH - 6304 Manor Road, located at 6304 Manor Road was approved on the consent agenda on Commissioner Maxwell’s motion, Commissioner Woods’ second, on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Cox was off the dais. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. 4. Plan Amendment: NPA-2023-0010.02 - East 2nd Street - 2300 Block; District 3 Location: 109, 111, 113 Mildred Street and 2305, 2307 E. 2nd Street (Unit A), 2307 E. 2nd Street (Unit B), 2311 E. 2nd Street, Lady Bird Lake Watershed, Holly NP Area Owner/Applicant: Patrica Ann Pope; LaFayette 2109, LLC; and Isdale Investments, Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: LLC; and Emily Kolb Isdale Armbrust & Brown, PLLC (Michael Whellan) Single Family to Mixed Use land use Staff postponement request to June 11, 2024 Maureen Meredith, 512-974-2695, maureen.meredith@austintexas.gov Planning Department A motion to approve staff’s postponement request to June 11, 2024, was approved on the consent agenda on Commissioner Maxwell’s motion, Commissioner Woods’ second, on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Cox was off the dais. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. 5. Plan Amendment: NPA-2023-0002.02 - 1307 and 1309 E. 4th Street; District 3 1307 and 1309 E. 4th Street, Lady Bird Lake Watershed, East Cesar Chavez NP Area and Plaza Saltillo (TOD) Station Area Plan Location: Owner/Applicant: JLCC Interests, LLC Agent: Request: Drenner Group, PC (Leah M. Bojo, AICP) To amend specified properties within the East César Chávez (ECC) neighborhood plan and the Land Use and Design Concept Plan map(s) in the Plaza Saltillo TOD Station Area Plan from Live/Work Flex to TOD Mixed Use. The existing land use on the future land use map (FLUM) is Specific Regulating District. There is no proposed change to the future land use map. Recommended Maureen Meredith, 512-974-2695, maureen.meredith@austintexas.gov Planning Department Staff Rec.: Staff: A motion to approve neighborhood’s postponement request to June 11, 2024, was approved on the consent agenda on Commissioner Maxwell’s motion, Commissioner Woods’ second, on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Cox was off the dais. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. 6. Rezoning: Location: C14-2023-0153 - 1307 and 1309 E. 4th Street; District 3 1307 and 1309 East 4th Street, Lady Bird Lake Watershed, East Cesar Chavez NP Area and Plaza Saltillo (TOD) Regulating Plan Owner/Applicant: JLCC Interests, LLC Agent: Request: Drenner Group, PC (Leah Bojo) TOD-NP (Live/Work Subdistrict) to TOD-NP (TOD Mixed Use Subdistrict) Recommended Jonathan Tomko, (512) 974-1057, jonathan.tomko@austintexas.gov Planning Department Staff Rec.: Staff: A motion to approve neighborhood’s postponement request to June 11, 2024, was approved on the consent agenda on Commissioner Maxwell’s motion, Commissioner Woods’ second, on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Cox was off the dais. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. 7. Plan Amendment: NPA-2023-0013.01 - 200 W. Mary; District 9 Location: 200 and 204 W. Mary St., East Bouldin Creek Watershed, Bouldin Creek NP Area Owner/Applicant: Herb Bar Soco, LLC Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Husch Blackwell, LLP (Nikelle Meade) Single Family to Mixed Use land use Staff postponement request to June 11, 2024 Maureen Meredith, 512-974-2695, maureen.meredith@austintexas.gov Planning Department A motion to approve staff’s postponement request to June 11, 2024, was approved on the consent agenda on Commissioner Maxwell’s motion, Commissioner Woods’ second, on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Cox was off the dais. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. 8. Rezoning: Location: C14-2023-0021 - 200 W. Mary; District 9 200 and 204 W. Mary St., East Bouldin Creek Watershed, Bouldin Creek NP Area Owner/Applicant: Herb Bar Soco, LLC Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Husch Blackwell, LLP (Nikelle Meade) SF-3-NP to GR-MU-NP Staff postponement request to June 11, 2024 Jonathan Tomko, 512-974-1057, jonathan.tomko@austintexas.gov Planning Department A motion to approve staff’s postponement request to June 11, 2024 was approved on the consent agenda on Commissioner Maxwell’s motion, Commissioner Woods’ second, on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Cox was off the dais. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. 9. Plan Amendment: NPA-2023-0019.01 - Duval Street Residences; District 9 3303, 3305 Duval St. and 501, 505 Harris Ave., Waller Creek Watershed, Central Austin Combined (Hancock) NP Area Location: Owner/Applicant: 3305 Duval St LLC (Joshua Lake McGuire) Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Clean Tag Permits (Linda Sullivan) Single Family to Multifamily Residential land use Recommended Maureen Meredith, 512-974-2695, maureen.meredith@austintexas.gov A motion to close the public hearing passed on Vice Chair Azhar’s motion, Commissioner Maxwell’s second, on an 11-0 vote. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. A motion to approve staff’s recommendation for Multifamily Residential land use for NPA- 2023-0019.01 - Duval Street Residences located at 3303, 3305 Duval St. and 501, 505 Harris Ave passed on Commissioner Anderson’s motion, Commissioner Maxwell’s second on an 8–3 vote. Commissioners Cox, Haynes, and Mushtaler voted against. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. 10. Rezoning: Location: C14-2024-0035 - Duval Street Residences; District 9 3303, 3305 Duval St. and 501, 505 Harris Ave., Waller Creek Watershed, Central Austin Combined (Hancock) NP Area Owner/Applicant: 3305 Duval St LLC (Joshua Lake McGuire) Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Clean Tag Permits (Linda Sullivan) SF-3-CO-NP to MF-1-NP Recommended Cynthia Hadri, 512-974-7620, cynthia.hadri@austintexas.gov Planning Department A motion to close the public hearing passed on Vice Chair Azhar’s motion, Commissioner Maxwell’s second, on an 11-0 vote. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. A motion to approve staff’s recommendation for MF-1-NP for C14-2024-0035 - Duval Street Residences located at 3303, 3305 Duval St. and 501, 505 Harris Ave passed on Commissioner Anderson’s motion, Commissioner Maxwell’s second on an 8–3 vote. Commissioners Cox, Haynes, and Mushtaler voted against. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. 11. Plan Amendment: NPA-2022-0005.01 - Vargas Mixed Use; District 3 Location: 400 Vargas Road and 6520 Lynch Lane, Country Club East Creek and Colorado River Watersheds, Montopolis NP Area Owner/Applicant: Vargas Properties I LTD and Jayco Holdings I LTD (Jay Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Chernosky) Thower Design, LLC (Ron Thrower and Victoria Haase) Commercial to Mixed Use land use Recommended Maureen Meredith, 512-974-2695, maureen.meredith@austintexas.gov Planning Department A motion to approve staff’s postponement request to June 11, 2024, was approved on the consent agenda on Commissioner Maxwell’s motion, Commissioner Woods’ second, on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Cox was off the dais. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. 12. Rezoning: Location: C14-2022-0107 - Vargas Mixed Use; District 3 400 Vargas Road & 6520 Lynch Lane, Country Club East Creek and Colorado River Watersheds, Montopolis NP Area Owner/Applicant: Vargas Properties I LTD & Jayco Holdings I LTD (Jay Chernosky) Agent: Request: Thrower Design, LLC (Ron Thrower and Victoria Haase) GR-NP to CS-CO-DB90-NP for Tract 1; LR-NP to LR-DB90-NP for Tract 2 Recommended Nancy Estrada, 512-974-7617, nancy.estrada@austintexas.gov Planning Department Staff Rec.: Staff: A motion to approve staff’s postponement request to June 11, 2024, was approved on the consent agenda on Commissioner Maxwell’s motion, Commissioner Woods’ second, on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Cox was off the dais. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. 13. Plan Amendment: NPA-2023-0014.04 - 4302 Nuckols Crossing; District 2 4302 Nuckols Crossing, Williamson Creek Watershed, South Austin Combined (Franklin Park) NP Area Location: Owner/Applicant: Katherine Barnidge Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: LOC Consultants – Civil Division (Sergio Lozano Sanchez) Single Family to Multifamily Residential land use Staff postponement request to July 23, 2024 Maureen Meredith, 512-974-2695, maureen.meredith@austintexas.gov Planning Department A motion to approve staff’s postponement request to July 23, 2024, was approved on the consent agenda on Commissioner Maxwell’s motion, Commissioner Woods’ second, on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Cox was off the dais. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. 14. Plan Amendment: NPA-2023-0025.01 - 5725 W. US Hwy 290 Eastbound; District 8 5725 W. US Hwy 290 Eastbound, Barton Creek Watershed, Oak Hill Combined (East Oak Hill) NP Area Location: Owner/Applicant: Cheryl Ogle Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: DuBois Bryant & Campbell, LLP (David Hartman) Neighborhood Mixed Use to Mixed Use land use Recommended Maureen Meredith, 512-974-2695, maureen.meredith@austintexas.gov Planning Department A motion to close public hearing passed on Vice Chair Azhar’s motion, Commissioner Skidmore’s second, on a 9-0 vote. Commissioners Cox and Mushtaler were off the dais. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. Commissioner Skidmore motioned to approve staff recommendation, seconded by Commissioner Woods. A substitute motion to approve staff recommendation with a CO maximum impervious cover at 40% failed on Commissioner Cox’s motion, Commissioner Mushtaler’s second, on a 2-8 vote. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. The original motion to approve staff’s recommendation for Mixed Use land use for NPA- 2023-0025.01 - 5725 W. US Hwy 290 Eastbound,located at 5725 W. US Hwy 290 Eastbound, was approved on Commissioner Skidmore’s motion, Commissioner Woods’ second on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Mushtaler abstained. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. 15. Rezoning: Location: C14-2024-0040 - 5725 W. US Hwy 290 Eastbound; District 8 5725 W. US Hwy 290 Eastbound, Barton Creek Watershed. Oak Hill Combined (East Oak Hill) NP Area Owner/Applicant: Cheryl Ogle Agent: Request: Staf f Rec.: Staff: DuBois Bryant & Campbell, LLP (David Hartman) GR-NP to GR-DB90-NP Recommended Marcelle Boudreaux, 512-974-8094, marcelle.boudreaux@austintexas.gov Planning Department A motion to close the public hearing passed on Vice Chair Azhar’s motion, Commissioner Skidmore’s second, on a 9-0 vote. Commissioners Cox and Mushtaler were off the dais. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. Commissioner Skidmore motioned to approve staff recommendation, seconded by Commissioner Woods. A substitute motionto approve staff recommendation with a CO maximum impervious cover at 40% failed on Commissioner Cox’s motion, Commissioner Mushtaler’s second, on a 2-8 vote. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. The original motion to approve staff’s recommendation for GR-DB90-NP for C14-2024- 0040 - 5725 W. US Hwy 290 Eastbound located at 5725 W. US Hwy 290 Eastbound was approved on Commissioner Skidmore’s motion, Commissioner Woods’ second on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Mushtaler abstained. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. 16. Plan Amendment: NPA-2023-0023.04 - 5810, 5812, and 5816 Berkman Drive; Location: District 4 5810, 5812, and 5816 Berkman Drive, Fort Branch Watershed, University Hills/Windsor Park Combined (Windsor Park) NP Area Owner/Applicant: WFT-ASW Property Management, LLC Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Drenner Group, PC (Leah M. Bojo) Mixed Use/Office to Mixed Use land use Recommendation of Neighborhood Mixed-Use Maureen Meredith, 512-974-2695, maureen.meredith@austintexas.gov Planning Department A motion to close the public hearing passed on Commissioner Maxwell’s motion, Commissioner Woods’ second, on an 11-0 vote. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. A motion to approve applicant’s request for Mixed Use land use for NPA-2023-0023.04 - 5810, 5812, and 5816 Berkman Drive located at 5810, 5812, and 5816 Berkman Drive was approved on Vice Chair Azhar’s motion, Commissioner Johnson’s second, on an 11-0 vote. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. 17. Rezoning: Location: C14-2023-0151 - 5810 Berkman Drive; District 4 5810, 5812, 5816 Berkman Drive, Fort Branch Watershed, University Hills/Windsor Park Combined (Windsor Park) NP Area Owner/Applicant: WFT-ASW Property Management, LLC Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Drenner Group, PC (Leah Bojo) LO-MU-CO-NP to GR-MU-CO-NP Recommendation of LR-MU-CO-NP Jonathan Tomko, (512) 974-1057, jonathan.tomko@austintexas.gov Planning Department A motion to approve applicant’s request for GR-MU-CO-NP for C14-2023-0151 - 5810 Berkman Drive located at 5810, 5812, and 5816 Berkman Drive was approved on Vice Chair Azhar’s motion, Commissioner Johnson’s second, on an 11-0 vote. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. Location: 18. Plan Amendment: NPA-2023-0005.01 - Montopolis-Fairway Mixed Use; District 3 6202, 6204 Caddie Street; 1600, 1604, 1606, 1608, 1610, 1612, and 1614 Montopolis Drive; 6205, 6211, 6215 Fairway Street, Country Club East Watershed, Montopolis NP Area Owner/Applicant: 3rd Angle Developments, LLC Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Thrower Design, LLC (Ron Thrower & Victoria Haase) Single Family and Civic to Mixed Use Staff postponement request to June 11, 2024 Maureen Meredith, 512-974-2695, maureen.meredith@austintexas.gov Planning Department A motion to approve staff’s postponement request to June 11, 2024, was approved on the consent agenda on Commissioner Maxwell’s motion, Commissioner Woods’ second, on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Cox was off the dais. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. 19. Rezoning: Location: C14-2024-0015 - Montopolis-Fairway Mixed Use; District 3 6202, 6204 Caddie Street; 1600, 1604, 1606, 1608, 1610, 1612, and 1614 Montopolis Drive; 6205, 6211, 6215 Fairway Street, Country Club East Watershed, Montopolis NP Area Owner/Applicant: 3rd Angle Developments LLC & 1614 Montopolis LLC (Ben S. Agent: Staff Rec.: Staff: Cobos) Thrower Design, LLC (Ron Thrower & Victoria Haase) SF-3-NP to CS-DB90-NP Staff postponement request to June 11, 2024 Cynthia Hadri, 512-974-7620, cynthia.hadri@austintexas.gov Planning Department A motion to approve staff’s postponement request to June 11, 2024, was approved on the consent agenda on Commissioner Maxwell’s motion, Commissioner Woods’ second, on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Cox was off the dais. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. 20. Plan Amendment: NPA-2023-0018.06 - 6725 Shirley Avenue; District 4 6719, 6725 Shirley Ave and 605 William Street, Waller Creek Watershed Location: Owner/Applicant: 6725 Shirley Avenue, LLC, Brentwood/Highland Combined Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: (Highland) NP Area Drenner Group, PC (Leah M. Bojo) To change the base maximum building height from 60 feet to 120 feet with participation in the density bonus program. The land use on the future land use map is Specific Regulating District. There is no proposed change to the future land use map. Applicant postponement request to June 11, 2024 Tyler Tripp, 512-974-3362, tyler.tripp@austintexas.gov Planning Department A motion to approve applicant’s postponement request to June 11, 2024, was approved on the consent agenda on Commissioner Maxwell’s motion, Commissioner Woods’ second, on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Cox was off the dais. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. 21. Rezoning: Location: C14-2023-0132 - 6725 Shirley Avenue; District 4 6719 and 6725 Shirley Avenue; 605 William Street, Waller Creek Watershed Owner/Applicant: 6725 Shirley Avenue, LLC, Brentwood/Highland Combined Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: (Highland) NP Area Drenner Group, PC (Leah Bojo) TOD-NP (Live/Work Flex Subdistrict) to TOD-NP (Live/Work Flex Subdistrict) amend maximum building height to 120' Applicant postponement request to June 11, 2024 Jonathan Tomko, (512) 974-1057, jonathan.tomko@austintexas.gov Planning Department A motion to approve applicant’s postponement request to June 11, 2024, was approved on the consent agenda on Commissioner Maxwell’s motion, Commissioner Woods’ second, on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Cox was off the dais. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. 22. Plan Amendment: NPA-2023-0017.01 - Anderson Square, District 4 Location: 910, 912, 914 & 916, 1012 & 1012 ½, 1100, 1100 ½ & 1102 ½ W. Anderson Lane, 7905 ½ 8003, & 8005 Anderson Square and 7940, 7950, 8000, 8000 1/2 & 8002 Research Boulevard Service Road South Bound, Little Walnut Creek, Crestview/Wooten Combined (Wooten) NP Area Owner/Applicant: Anderson Square Investments, LLC & C2G, LLC Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Alice Glasco Consulting (Alice Glasco) Mixed Use to Higher Density Mixed Use land use Recommended Maureen Meredith, 512-974-2695, maureen.meredith@austintexas.gov Planning Department A motion to approve applicant’s postponement request to June 25, 2024, was approved on the consent agenda on Commissioner Maxwell’s motion, Commissioner Woods’ second, on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Cox was off the dais. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. 23. Rezoning: Location: C14-2023-0080 - Anderson Square, District 4 910, 912, 914 & 916, 1012 & 1012 ½, 1100, 1100 ½ & 1102 ½ W. Anderson Lane, 7905 ½ 8003, & 8005 Anderson Square and 7940, 7950, 8000, 8000 1/2 & 8002 Research Boulevard Service Road South Bound, Little Walnut Creek, Crestview/Wooten Combined (Wooten) NP Area Owner/Applicant: Anderson Square Investments, LLC & C2G, LLC Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Alice Glasco Consulting (Alice Glasco) CS-MU-NP, CS-1-NP to CH-PDA-NP Recommended Sherri Sirwaitis, 512-974-3057, sherri,sirwaitis@austintexas.gov Planning Department A motion to approve applicant’s postponement request to June 25, 2024, was approved on the consent agenda on Commissioner Maxwell’s motion, Commissioner Woods’ second, on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Cox was off the dais. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. 24. Rezoning: Location: C814-2023-0027 - 311-315 South Congress PUD - District 9 311,313, and 315 South Congress Avenue, Lady Bird Lake and East Bouldin Creek Watersheds, Greater South River City Combined (South River City) NP Area Owner/Applicant: Bridgestone Firestone (Wesley H. Pearson Jr. & Jerry W. Pearson) Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Drenner Group PC (Amanda Swor) CS-1-V-NP and LI-NP to PUD-NP Recommended Jonathan Tomko, 512-974-1057, jonathan.tomko@austintexas.gov Planning Department A motion to approve staff’s recommendation of PUD-NP for C814-2023-0027 - 311-315 South Congress PUD located at 311, 313, and 315 South Congress Avenue was approved on the consent agenda on Commissioner Maxwell’s motion, Commissioner Woods’ second, on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Cox was off the dais. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. 25. Rezoning: Location: C14-2024-0061 - 2900 Oak Springs Rd Rezoning; District 1 2900 Oak Springs Road, Boggy Creek Watershed, Rosewood NP Area Owner/Applicant: 2900 Oak Springs Horizontal Investors, LP Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Thrower Design, LLC (Ron Thrower & Victoria Haase) CS-MU-V-NP to CS-MU-V-DB90-NP Recommended Marcelle Boudreaux, 512-974-8094, marcelle.boudreaux@austintexas.gov Planning Department Commissioner Anderson made a motion to deny the request for postponement, seconded by Commissioner Maxwell. A substitute motion to postpone this case to the June 25, 2024, Planning Commission meeting failed on Commissioner Mushtaler’s motion, Commissioner Barrera-Rameriz’s second, on a 4-7 vote. Commissioners Haynes, Cox, Mushtaler, and Barrera-Rameriz voted in favor. Chair Hemple, Vice Chair Azhar, Commissioners Skidmore, Maxwell, Woods, Johnson, and Anderson voted against. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. A substitute motion to postpone the case to the June 11, 2024, Planning Commission meeting failed on Commissioner Barrera-Rameriz’s motion, Commissioner Cox’s second on a 4-6 vote. Commissioners Haynes, Cox, Mushtaler, and Barrera-Rameriz voted in favor. Commissioners Skidmore, Maxwell, Woods, Azhar, Hempel, Johnson, and Anderson voted against. Commissioner Johnston abstained. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. The original motion made by Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Maxwell, to deny the neighborhood request for postponement and hear the case at the May 28, 2024 Planning Commission meeting passed on a 7-3 vote. Chair Hemple, Vice Chair Azhar, Commissioners Skidmore, Maxwell, Woods, Johnson, and Anderson voted in favor. Commissioners Haynes, Cox, and Mushtaler voted against. Commissioner Barrera- Rameriz abstained. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. A motion to close the public hearing passed on Commissioner’s Woods’ motion, Vice Chair Azhar’s second, on an 11-0 vote. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. A motion to approve staff’s recommendation of CS-MU-V-DB90-NP for C14-2024-0061 - 2900 Oak Springs Rd Rezoning located at 2900 Oak Springs Road passed on Johnson’s motion, Vice Chair Azhar’s second, on an 11-0 vote. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. 26. Rezoning: Location: C14-2024-0043 - University Park – South; District 9 1015 E 38th Street; 3703 Harmon Avenue, Boggy Creek Watershed, Central Austin Combined (Hancock) NP Area Owner/Applicant: GDC-NRG IH35 LLC and 3703 Harmon LP Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Land Use Solutions (Michele Haussmann) CS-MU-V-CO-NP to CS-MU-V-CO-DB90-NP Recommended Marcelle Boudreaux, 512-974-8094, marcelle.boudreaux@austintexas.gov Planning Department A motion to approve staff’s recommendation of CS-MU-V-CO-DB90-NP for C14-2024- 0043 - University Park – South located at 1015 E 38th Street; 3703 Harmon Avenue was approved on the consent agenda on Commissioner Maxwell’s motion, Commissioner Woods’ second, on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Cox was off the dais. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. 27. Rezoning: Location: C14-2024-0059 - 1809 West 35th Street; District 10 1809 West 35th Street, Shoal Creek Urban Watershed, Central West Austin Combined (Windsor Road) NP Area Owner/Applicant: MEA Real Estate Ventures, LLC Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Thrower Design, LLC (Victoria Haase and Ron Thrower) LO-MU-CO-NP to LO-MU-CO-DB90-NP Recommended Marcelle Boudreaux, 512-974-8094, marcelle.boudreaux@austintexas.gov Planning Department A motion to approve staff’s recommendation of LO-MU-CO-DB90-NP for C14-2024-0059 - 1809 West 35th Street located at 11809 West 35th Street was approved on the consent agenda on Commissioner Maxwell’s motion, Commissioner Woods’ second, on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Cox was off the dais. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. 28. Rezoning: Location: C14-2024-0049 - Kenniston Court; District 4 504 Kenniston Drive, Waller Creek Watershed, Brentwood/Highland Combined (Highland) NP Area Owner/Applicant: Waterlily Homes, LLC (Tina Barrett and Elizabeth Wimberley) Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: SF-6-NP to SF-3-NP Recommended Cynthia Hadri, 512-974-7620, cynthia.hadri@austintexas.gov Planning Department A motion to approve staff’s recommendation of SF-3-NP for C14-2024-0049 - Kenniston Court located at 504 Kenniston Drive was approved on the consent agenda on Commissioner Maxwell’s motion, Commissioner Woods’ second, on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Cox was off the dais. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. 29. Rezoning: Location: C14-2023-0110 - 1230 E. 38th 1/2 Street; District 9 1230 E. 38th 1/2 St, 1400 E. 38th 1/2 St., 1402 E. 38th 1/2 St.,1406 E. 38th 1/2 St., Boggy Creek Watershed, Upper Boggy Creek NP Area Owner/Applicant: 38th Half St Holding LLC, 1230 E. 38th Half St Holding 2 LLC, Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Cherrywood Austin LLC, 706 W 34th LLC, Nasteb Keystone Family LTD Drenner Group, P.C. (Amanda Swor) CS-MU-V-CO-NP to CS-MU-V-CO-DB90-NP (change of a condition of zoning - height) Recommended Jonathan Tomko, (512) 974-1057, jonathan.tomko@austintexas.gov Planning Department A motion to approve Planning Commission’s request for a postponement to June 11, 2024 was approved on the consent agenda on Commissioner Maxwell’s motion, Commissioner Woods’ second, on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Cox was off the dais. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. 30. Rezoning: Location: C14-2024-0025.SH - St. Martin's Senior Housing; District 9 1500 and 1500 ½ Rio Grande Street and 700 and 700 ½ West 15th Street, Shoal Creek Watershed, Downtown Austin Plan Owner/Applicant: St. Martin's Evangelical Lutheran Church Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Drenner Group, PC (Leah Bojo) GO, SF-3 to DMU-CO Recommended Sherri Sirwaitis, 512-974-3057, sherri.sirwaitis@austintexas.gov Planning Department A motion to approve staff’s recommendation of DMU-CO for C14-2024-0025.SH - St. Martin's Senior Housing located at 1500 and 1500 ½ Rio Grande Street and 700 and 700 ½ West 15th Street was approved on the consent agenda on Commissioner Maxwell’s motion, Commissioner Woods’ second, on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Cox was off the dais. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. 31. Rezoning: Location: C14-2023-0139 - Oak Creek Village - Phase 2; District 3 2302 Durwood Street and 2324 Wilson Street, East Bouldin Creek Watershed, Bouldin Creek NP Area Owner/Applicant: 2018 Austin OCV , LLC (Rene Campos) Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Armbrust & Brown, PLLC (Michael Gaudini) MF-6-CO-NP to MF-6-NP Applicant postponement request to June 11, 2024 Cynthia Hadri, 512-974-7620, cynthia.hadri@austintexas.gov Planning Department A motion to approve applicant’s request for a postponement to June 11, 2024, was approved on the consent agenda on Commissioner Maxwell’s motion, Commissioner Woods’ second, on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Cox was off the dais. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. C14-2024-0042 - 4005 and 4009 Banister Lane; District 5 4005 and 4009 Banister Lane, West Bouldin Creek Watershed 32. Rezoning: Location: Owner/Applicant: OP Park Place Property LLC Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Drenner Group, P.C. (Amanda Swor) LO & GR to GR-MU-V-DB90 Recommended Cynthia Hadri, 512-974-7620, cynthia.hadri@austintexas.gov Planning Department A motion to approve staff’s recommendation of GR-MU-V-DB90 for C14-2024-0042 - 4005 and 4009 Banister Lane located at 4005 and 4009 Banister Lane was approved on the consent agenda on Commissioner Maxwell’s motion, Commissioner Woods’ second, on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Cox was off the dais. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. 33. Rezoning: Location: C14-2022-0118(RCT) - St. John Redevelopment; District 4 800 East St. John Avenue (formerly 7211 North Interstate Highway 35 Northbound and 7309 North Interstate Highway 35 Northbound), Buttermilk Branch Watershed, St. John/Coronado Hills Combined (St. John) NP Area Owner/Applicant: City of Austin (Michael Gates - Real Estate Officer) Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Christine Freundl, City of Austin (Financial Service Department) Restrictive Covenant Termination Recommended Jonathan Tomko, (512) 974-1057, jonathan.tomko@austintexas.gov Planning Department A motion to approve staff’s recommendation of Restrictive Covenant Termination for C14-2022-0118(RCT) - St. John Redevelopment located at 800 East St. John Avenue (formerly 7211 North Interstate Highway 35 Northbound and 7309 North Interstate Highway 35 Northbound) was approved on the consent agenda on Commissioner Maxwell’s motion, Commissioner Woods’ second, on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Cox was off the dais. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. 34. Rezoning: Location: C14-2023-0094 - Merle; District 5 4405 Merle Drive, Williamson Creek Watershed, South Austin Combined (South Manchaca) NP Area Owner/Applicant: Claire and Frederick Subtle Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Keepers Land Planning (Ricca Keepers) LO-NP to GR-V-NP Pending Staff postponement request to July 23, 2024 Nancy Estrada, 512-974-7617, nancy.estrada@austintexas.gov Planning Department Staff: A motion to approve staff’s request for a postponement to July 23, 2024, was approved on the consent agenda on Commissioner Maxwell’s motion, Commissioner Woods’ second, on a 10-0 vote. Commissioner Cox was off the dais. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. 35. PUD C814-2014-0083.01 - Sunfield PUD Amendment: Location: 1901 Turnersville Road, Rinard Creek, Onion Creek, Plum Creek Watershed Owner/Applicant: Sunfield Investments LLC; Sunfield Development LLC (Ryan Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Burkhardt) Jackson Walker LLP (Pamela Madere) Amendment to permit industrial uses, reconfigure the location & massing of affordable housing units within residential portions of the PUD, increase impervious cover, request modifications to cut & fill requirements, and update provisions for water service. Pending Staff postponement request to July 23, 2024 Nancy Estrada, 512-974-7617, nancy.estrada@austintexas.gov Planning Department A motion to approve staff’s postponement request to July 23, 2024, was approved on the consent agenda on Commissioner Maxwell’s motion, Commissioner Woods’ second, on a 9-0 vote. Commissioner Anderson abstained. Commissioner Cox was off the dais. Commissioners Howard and Phillips were absent. BOARDS, COMMITTEES & WORKING GROUPS UPDATES 36. Codes and Ordinances Joint Committee – Update pertaining to recommendations to the Planning Commission regarding proposed amendments to the Land Development Code for which review is required under Section 25-1- 502 (Amendment; Review); requests to initiate amendments to the Land Development Code under Section 25-1- 501 (Initiation). (Sponsored by Chair Hempel, Vice-Chair Azhar and Commissioners: Anderson and Maxwell) No update. 37. Comprehensive Plan Joint Committee – Update regarding recommendations to the Planning Commission on issues relating to the comprehensive plan, including proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan; and implementation of the Comprehensive Plan, including policy directives or initiatives of the city council or the Planning Commission. (Sponsored by Commissioners: Cox, Haynes, Phillips and Johnson) No update. 38. Joint Sustainability Committee - Update regarding recommendation and matters related to conservation and sustainability; and review City policies and procedures relevant to the Austin Community Climate Plan and the Austin Climate Equity Plan, including planning, implementation, community engagement, goal setting, and progress monitoring; promote close cooperation between the council, City management, City boards, commissions, committees, and taskforces, and individuals, institutions, and agencies concerned with the politics, procedures, and implementation of the Austin Community Climate Plan and the Austin Climate Equity Plan with the goal of coordinating all similar activities within the City and the community in order to secure the greatest public benefit; and forward to the city manager all advisory material that the joint committee provides to the council, the Office of Sustainability, City departments and offices, or City boards, commissions, committees, and task forces. (Sponsored by Commissioners Woods and Phillips) Commissioner Woods stated that the committee received a staff update on Environmental Investment plan, which is going to Council. 39. Small Area Planning Joint Committee – Update regarding recommendation and issues surrounding planning and zoning in areas such as downtown, corridors and centers, neighborhoods, the waterfront, planned unit developments, and transit oriented developments. (Sponsored by Commissioners: Barrera-Ramirez, Howard, Mushtaler) No update. 40. South Central Waterfront Advisory Board - Update regarding continuity and communication among stakeholders and advocates as the South Central Waterfront Plan moves toward implementation and to provide recommendations to the city council regarding plan implementation. Section 2-1-172 of the City Code. (Sponsored by Chair Hempel and Commissioner Maxwell) No update. 41. City of Austin Buildings Working Group – Update regarding possible recommendations in relation to evaluating City of Austin public buildings and related facilities. (Sponsored by Chair Hempel, Vice-Chair Azhar, and Maxwell) No update. 42. Outreach and Procedures Working Group - Update regarding possible recommendations to the in relation to outreach and procedure to better inform the public regarding matters reviewed and discussed by the Planning Commission. (Sponsored by Commissioners Cox, Haynes, Mushtaler and Phillips) No update. 43. Budget Working Group – Update on recommendation for the FY 24-25 Budget Working Group. (Sponsors: Commissioner Maxwell and Woods) Commissioner Woods will be sending out budget recommendations for discussion on the June 11 meeting agenda. 44. 2024 Technical Building Code Updates Working Group – Update on discussions on proposed technical code updates and amendments (Sponsors: Commissioners Maxwell, Cox, Anderson, Skidmore, and Johnson) Commissioner Maxwell shared that there is a person meeting from Development Services on the proposed technical code updates on May 30. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Commissioner Cox asked about the status of his request for a briefing on the status on legality (what has been struck down, what is in litigation). Vice Chair Azhar requested that the working group budget recommendations be added to the June 11 meeting, seconded by Commissioner Woods. Commissioner Woods requested that a recommendation to City Council related to the use of city-owned land for cooperative income-restricted housing for seniors be put on the June 11 meeting agenda, seconded by Commissioner Maxwell. Chair Hempel adjourned the meeting without objection on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at 8:59 PM.