02 ETOD Amendments Submitted by Maxwell.pdf — original pdf

Amendment No. Item (HOME Phase 2, Commissioner Reference Pg #/Section # Proposed Amendment Compatibility, EV Charging, OR Proposing Document of document ETOD Overlay) Amendment Proposed Text Change, IF necessary (Underline added text/Strikethrough deleted text) Text Change Included in Amendmen t (YES/NO) References and Notes (if needed) 1 Maxwell Page 7 of 17 -§ 25-2- Updated Line 157 (2) If a site includes an existing non- Yes 654 (F) language for residential use, the proposed development ETOD Draft Ordinance ETOD must: redevelopment (a) provide current non-residential space requirements operators with notice and information about the proposed development on a form approved by the director; and (b)grant a non-residential space operator the option to lease a non-residential space following the completion of redevelopment. 2 Maxwell Page 7 of 17 -§ 25-2- Remove Strike lines 190 - 192 (d) i-ii Yes 654 (G) and replace with (i) may not have more than two stories of non- location of residential uses language related to commerical space 3 Maxwell General Amendment Related to 4(c) (a) Add more internal uses including Mix of Uses establishing commercial uses on an internal (Line 184) street potential bonuses for creative spaces, civic uses, cultural uses open to the public, non profit community spaces, public bathrooms and specific commerical spaces (b) Expand to include outdoor uses such as sidewalks, internal walkways, bike lanes open to the public, parks, plazas and environmental features & recreational features that are open to the public (in conjunction with Parkland Dedication) (c) Incentivize Transit infrastructure & features including but not limited to bus stops, bus charging facilities, electrical equipment needed by transit in coordination with Cap Metro / ATP (d) create incentrive program for legacy businesses, and commerical uses as outlined in Section F, Subsection 1 Standards in the Great Streets Program, University Neighborhood Overlay, and South Central Waterfront and apply as appropriate to the DBETOD overlay Section 4.3.3.C standards for Section 4.3.3.C in Subchapter E, in Subchapter E ensuring best practices for Transit Oriented Development for VMU buildings. Connect infrasturcture as a community benefit within an Infrastructure density bonus requirement 4 Maxwell General Amendment Street Incorporate specfic street standards as outlined 5 Maxwell General Amendment Related to Staff shall consider updated and revised 6 Maxwell General Amendment Project Consider Project Connect transit supportive https://library. municode.co m/tx/austin/co des/code_of_o rdinances?nod ETOD Draft Ordinance ETOD Draft Ordinance ETOD Draft Ordinance ETOD Draft Ordinance ETOD Draft Ordinance