01 Downtown Parking Modifications Phase 1 Presentation.pdf — original pdf

Downtown Parking Modifications Phase 1 C20-2023-043 Planning Commission Meeting April 30, 2024 Cole Kitten, PTP, Division Manager Background On February 1, 2024, City Council adopted Resolution No. 20240201-054, initiating changes to the Land Development Code to modify parking regulations in downtown. “so that the regulations…help achieve the goals of reducing the overall number of new parking spaces built within downtown Austin to meet parking needs more efficiently and creating a more walkable, pedestrian-oriented built environment with fewer large above-ground parking structures.” These modifications could include: • • • implementing parking soft caps and requiring a fee for parking built above soft caps; reducing the maximum motor vehicle parking allowed for a development downtown from the existing maximums in City Code Chapter 25-6, Article 7, Division 5; and requiring developers to decouple parking as part of the gatekeeper requirements for the Downtown Density Bonus Program. 2 4/23/2024 FTA New Starts Application Existing Land Use Criteria Central Business District Parking “A more constrained parking supply (fewer spaces per employee or square foot) indicates that transit is likely to be more competitive in this market, and therefore may support a higher land use rating. “ Economic Development Effects Criteria Transit-Supportive Plans and Policies “Elimination or reduction of minimum parking requirements, as well as establishment or reduction of maximum requirements, are strategies that are considered transit-supportive and may support a higher rating.” 3 4/23/2024 ULI Technical Assistance Panel Report 4 4/23/2024 ULI Technical Assistance Panel Report 5 4/23/2024 ULI Technical Assistance Panel Report 6 4/23/2024 Staff Analysis Parking Calculations Total Site Plans Total Spaces 76 30,165 Parking Spaces Minimum Average Median Maximum 0 397 278 2,064 *based on approved site plan applications from 2013 to present 7 Staff Analysis Parking Calculations • The amount of parking allowed is calculated based on a site’s land uses and parking ratios in Appendix A of the Land Development Code. • Parking has not been required in Downtown since 2013 and citywide since 2023 (Appendix A is still used to calculate parking maximums and required accessible spaces). • Parking Downtown is currently capped at 60% of the previous requirement in Appendix A and can be exceeded up to 110% upon request. • Prior to 2013, a minimum of 20% for all developments and 60% for residential uses was required, with no parking maximum. *not the complete l ist of uses Percent of Appendix A = 68% 8 4/23/2024 Staff Analysis Total Spaces Total Site Plans 30,165 Parking Spaces 76 0 397 278 2,064 Minimum Average Median Maximum Minimum Average Median Maximum 80th Percentile Percent of Appendix A 0% 50% 53% 107% 78% Percent of Cases compared to Appendix A 30% Less than 40% 12% 40% - 50% 22% 50% - 60% 17% 60%-80% 18% Greater than 80% 23 9 17 13 14 *based on approved site plan applications from 2013 to present Appendix A = 779 spaces | Parking Provided = 526 Percent of Appendix A = 68% 9 4/23/2024 Staff Analysis Commercial Percent of Cases compared to Appendix A Percent of Appendix A Minimum Average Median Maximum 80th Percentile Less than 40% 40% - 50% 50% - 60% 60%-80% Greater than 80% Total Site Plans 20% 53% 54% 93% 61% 2 3 7 2 1 15 Total Spaces Minimum Average Median Maximum 11,065 12 738 526 1,894 13% 20% 47% 13% 7% *based on approved site plan applications from 2013 to present 10 4/23/2024 Staff Analysis Hotel Percent of Cases compared to Appendix A Percent of Appendix A Minimum Average Median Maximum 80th Percentile Less than 40% 40% - 50% 50% - 60% 60%-80% Greater than 80% Total Site Plans Total Spaces Minimum Average Median Maximum 0% 34% 30% 88% 63% 8 2 1 3 1 15 1,965 - 131 80 429 53% 13% 7% 20% 7% *based on approved site plan applications from 2013 to present 11 4/23/2024 Staff Analysis Mixed-Use Percent of Cases compared to Appendix A Percent of Appendix A Minimum Average Median Maximum 80th Percentile Less than 40% 40% - 50% 50% - 60% 60%-80% Greater than 80% Total Site Plans Total Spaces Minimum Average Median Maximum 1% 54% 53% 95% 77% 6 3 6 5 4 24 12,858 1 536 363 2,064 25% 13% 25% 21% 17% *based on approved site plan applications from 2013 to present 12 4/23/2024 Staff Analysis Office Percent of Cases compared to Appendix A Percent of Appendix A Minimum Average Median Maximum 80th Percentile Less than 40% 40% - 50% 50% - 60% 60%-80% Greater than 80% Total Cases Total Spaces Minimum Average Median Maximum 0% 33% 30% 91% 61% 7 0 1 1 2 11 1,197 - 109 35 455 64% 0% 9% 9% 18% *based on approved site plan applications from 2013 to present 13 4/23/2024 Staff Analysis Residential Percent of Cases compared to Appendix A Percent of Appendix A Minimum Average Median Maximum 80th Percentile Less than 40% 40% - 50% 50% - 60% 60%-80% Greater than 80% Total Cases Total Spaces Minimum Average Median Maximum 41% 77% 82% 107% 89% 0 1 2 2 6 11 3,080 18 280 277 727 0% 9% 18% 18% 55% *based on approved site plan applications from 2013 to present 14 4/23/2024 Staff Analysis - Conclusion Actual Parking Provided Max Spaces at 100% Appendix A Max Spaces with ULI Caps Spaces at 40% Spaces at 50% Spaces at 60% Spaces at 80% Total Spaces 30,165 57,354 29,254 22,944 28,693 34,410 45,881 • Only 36% of cases exceeded the current 60% parking maximum – making up 41% of parking provided • Only 18% of cases provided greater than 80% of Appendix A – making up 23% of parking provided • Only 1 case exceeded 100% of Appendix A (361 spaces) Appendix A • 30% of cases provided less than 40% of • 71% of total parking provided (51% of cases) fell between 40% - 80% of Appendix A Percent of Appendix A Minimum Average Median Maximum 80th Percentile 0% 50% 53% 107% 78% Percent of Cases compared to Appendix A Total Spaces 23 Less than 40% 9 40% - 50% 17 50% - 60% 60%-80% 13 Greater than 80% 14 30% 12% 22% 17% 18% 1,908 5,927 9,859 5,585 6,886 6% 20% 33% 19% 23% 15 4/23/2024 Staff Recommendation • Revise the existing “soft parking cap” • Properties zoned CBD and DMU: Soft parking maximum reduced from 60% to 40% of former Appendix A requirement. • Developments under 10,000 sq ft or with 70 or fewer residential units can continue to include up to 60% of parking spaces formerly required by Appendix A. • Only allow more parking than the “soft cap” under certain conditions • The director may allow more parking than the soft cap allows if: • There is no risk to public health, safety, or welfare and it aligns with planning policies for the area; and • Parking is part of a shared parking facility; or • Parking is rented or sold separately from the building space; or • Parking is designed and constructed for conversion to usable building space in the future; or • Parking is underground; or • Mitigation Fees are paid for parking built above the parking maximum and go toward multimodal improvements. • Reduce the absolute maximum amount of car parking allowed • Current parking maximum reduced from 110% to 80% of parking spaces of former Appendix A requirement. • All developments allowed up to 100% of parking spaces of former Appendix A requirement, if excess spaces above the 80% limit are included underground. 16 4/23/2024 Staff Recommendation Existing Parking Regulations: ▪ No minimum parking requirements ▪ 60% of Appendix A allowed ▪ Up to 110% of Appendix A allowed without conditions Proposed Parking Regulations: ▪ No minimum parking requirements ▪ 40% of Appendix A allowed ▪ Up to 80% of Appendix A allowed with conditions ▪ Up to 100% of Appendix A allowed if the additional parking is underground Central Business District (CBD) Zoning Downtown Mixed Use (DMU) Zoning *Note: Parking Levels are not to scale. Each Parking Level is only shown as a way to represent 10% of Appendix A. Parking garages are designed based on the size of the site and may include more or less than eleven levels and each may not represent 10% of Appendix A. Thank You Cole Kitten, PTP, Division Manager Cole.Kitten@AustinTexas.gov, (512) 974-6442 18 4/23/2024