Joint Meeting LDC Amendments Presentation.pdf — original pdf

Joint City Council & Planning Commission Public Hearing April 11, 2024 April 11 Joint Meeting Items Electric Vehicle Charging Use HOME Phase 2 (Smaller Lot Size for One Unit) Citywide Compatibility Changes Equitable Transit Oriented Development (ETOD) Overlay 2 Public Hearings & Engagement Joint City Council & Planning Commission Meeting April 11, 2024 Open Houses April 17, 2024 + April 20, 2024 (Virtual) Planning Commission Meetings April 23, 2024 + April 30, 2024 City Council Meeting May 16, 2024 3 Council Direction Electric Vehicle Charging HOME Phase 2 Citywide Compatibility Changes ETOD Overlay Resolution No. 20230608-082 provided direction to create a new land use for Electric Vehicle charging and define where EV charging facilities could be located. Resolution No. 20230720-126 provided direction to reduce minimum lot sizes for single-family zoning districts. Resolution No. 20230608-045 provided direction to simplify citywide compatibility standards and make them less restrictive. Resolution No. 20240201-054 provided direction to create and apply a new zoning district to support the Phase 1 Austin Light Rail alignment and Priority Extensions 4 Electric Vehicle Charging Use 5 Electric Vehicle Charging Use Resolution No. 20230608-082 directed staff to create a land use for Electric Vehicle Charging with the following considerations: – Prevent the use from becoming concentrated within activated or residential areas. – Allow the use through the conditional use permit process. – Limit the use to General Commercial Services (CS) or less restrictive zoning districts. Proposed use balances environmental benefits with land use considerations. 6 Electric Vehicle Charging Use Amend Subchapter A, Article 1 to define the new commercial use: Electric Vehicle Charging use is the use of a site for the charging of an electric vehicle (EV), including battery charging stations and rapid charging stations, each as defined by the United States Department of Energy. 7 Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Use Permitted, conditional, or prohibited use depending on the following factors: – Existing and Previous Land Use – Zoning Districts – Roadway Types – Site Area and Location 8 EV Charging Use Permitted use when the previous or existing land use is service station, if: – The base zoning district is commercial or industrial; and – The previous service station use was not converted to a residential or restaurant use. The use is prohibited underground. 9 EV Charging Use - Zoning Districts Permitted use if CS/less restrictive zoning district and site abuts specific roadway types. CS/less restrictive zoning districts are: – General Commercial Services (CS) – Commercial Liquor Sales (CS-1) – Commercial Highway (CH) – Industrial Park (IP) – Major Industry (MI) – Limited Industrial Services (LI) – Research and Development (R&D) 10 EV Charging Use - Roadway Types Permitted use if site abuts: – Highway Roadway – Hill Country Roadway – Suburban Roadway – Internal Circulation Route 11 EV Charging Use - Roadway Types If site abuts: – Core Transit Corridor – Future Core Transit Corridor – Urban Roadway Then: – Permitted use if 25,000 sq ft or less and at least 1,000 ft from another EV Charging Use – Conditional use if greater than 25,000 sq ft or less than 1,000 ft from another EV Charging Use 12 HOME Phase 2 13 HOME Phase 2 Goals: Create more housing options attainable for middle- income earners Increase housing supply Create walkable neighborhoods with a variety of housing types in line with Imagine Austin goals Support Project Connect transit investment 14 HOME Phase 2 Phase 1: Adopted December 7, 2023 Allow up to three homes on a single-family lot, including tiny homes Phase 2: Reduce the minimum lot size required to build one unit to 2,000 sq ft to facilitate fee-simple ownership 15 16 HOME Phase 2 Overview of Proposed Changes: All proposed changes apply to one unit on a small lot in SF-1, SF-2, and SF-3 zoning Height and general unit sizes are comparable to those allowed under HOME Phase 1 Development standards such as lot size, lot width, and setbacks are reduced to provide flexibility for a variety of housing types 17 HOME Phase 2 Unit Size Limit within McMansion Boundary: The greater of 1450 sq ft or 0.55 FAR Maximum unit size 2300 sq ft No unit size limit outside of McMansion Boundary 18 19 20 HOME Phase 2 Design Standards: Required street-facing entrance Restrictions on garages and carports that are not set back behind the facade Front yard impervious cover limited to 50% Lot Width: 30 ft minimum for lots with an individual driveway 20 ft minimum for lots with a shared driveway, alley or side street access, or no driveway 21 22 23 HOME Phase 2 Flag Lots Reducing the minimum lot size will result in more flag lots The required width of the "flagpole" is reduced to allow for easier subdivision Impervious cover in the "flagpole" is counted, a change from current code, to ensure sites do not exceed 45% 24 25 HOME Phase 2 What is not being changed: Impervious cover 45% maximum remains Regulations for one unit on a lot of 5,750 sq ft or greater will remain the same lot area of 5,750 sq ft Two-unit and three-unit uses will still require a minimum 26 Citywide Compatibility Changes 27 Citywide Compatibility Changes What is compatibility? Zoning regulation created in 1984 to “preserve and protect single-family residential neighborhoods” Sets height limits for properties near single-family homes 28 Citywide Compatibility Changes Goals Increase the number of homes that could be built Create more walkable, transit-oriented neighborhoods Simplify complex regulations and align with peer cities 29 Citywide Compatibility Changes Overview of Proposed Changes End compatibility at 75’ Limit applicability Simplify regulations 30 Citywide Compatibility Changes Current Compatibility 31 32 Current Proposed 33 34 Compatibility Buffer 25’-wide Compatibility Buffer required along a property line shared with a single-family home. Single-family home Large or medium trees, small trees, and large shrubs required 10’-wide Screening Zone 15’-wide Restricted Zone Low-intensity uses such as trails, driveways and fire lanes allowed 35 Citywide Compatibility Changes Other Proposed Requirements Screening – Vehicle lights, dumpsters, mechanical equipment, storage, common spaces – Mechanical equipment cannot exceed 70db at property line Noise Design – Exterior lighting must be hooded or shielded 36 Citywide Compatibility Changes Housing Capacity Current rules limit housing capacity by ~82,000 units Capacity for ~63,000 units gained back with proposed changes y t i c a p a C t i n U 90,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 - Total capacity lost to compatibility Capacity gained with proposed changes 76% 62,911 37 ETOD Overlay 38 ETOD Overlay Goals Increase opportunities to live and work near transit Provide for more affordable, income-restricted housing opportunities near transit Preserve existing affordable housing and priority businesses/services Prevent increase in uses that limit transit effectiveness Maximize Austin’s transit investments by pairing them with supportive land use regulations 39 ETOD Overlay: Proposed Code Amendment Proposed amendment creates two combining districts: ETOD Overlay combining district (ETOD) restricts certain non-transit-supportive uses ETOD Density Bonus district (DBETOD) creates a density bonus program that allows residential uses, modifies development regulations to increase maximum height (up to 120 feet total), and modifies various site development standards including compatibility 40 ETOD Overlay: Proposed Rezoning Proposed rezoning applies ETOD and DBETOD to certain lots within ½ mile of the Phase 1 Austin Light Rail alignment and Priority Extensions In the future, ETOD / DBETOD can also be applied with: Individual property-owner initiated rezoning application Additional Council-directed rezonings Properties must have ETOD district applied to have DBETOD district applied (and access the bonus program) 41 ETOD Overlay Applicability Parcels within a ½ mile of Phase I Austin Light Rail Alignment and Priority Extensions except: – Airport Overlay, ERC Regulating Plan, South Central Waterfront, Downtown Density Bonus, University Neighborhood Overlay, existing TODs – SF, MH, LA, RR, AV, DR, P, L, -PDA, PUD, and Unzoned parcels – Geographically separated areas – Parcels near East Riverside Corridor (ERC) – Any remaining parkland 42 ETOD Overlay: Use Restrictions ETOD district will restrict uses by making them conditional or prohibited. No residential uses are further restricted in the proposal Code generally allows existing uses to continue as nonconforming uses If a site is subject to existing use restrictions, the more restrictive of the two (existing regulations OR ETOD district) would control. 43 ETOD Overlay: Use Restrictions (cont.) Prohibited Uses Commercial Automotive Sales Agricultural Sale and Services Automotive Rentals Automotive Repair Services Building Maintenance Commercial (cont.) Equipment Sales Exterminating Services Funeral Services Marina Recreational Equipment Maintenance & Storage Recreational Equipment Services Campground Carriage Stable Convenience Storage Drop-off Recycling Collection Facility Electronic Prototype Assembly Electronic Testing Equipment Repair Services Research Assembly Research Testing Sales Services Services Services Research Warehousing Scrap and Salvage Service Station Stables Vehicle Storage Industrial Basic Industry General Warehousing and Distribution Limited Warehousing and Distribution Recycling Center Resource Extraction Agricultural Animal Production Crop Production Horticulture Indoor Crop Production Conditional Uses Commercial Alternative Financial Services Automotive Washing Bail Bond Services Commercial Blood Plasma Commercial Off-Street Center Parking Communications Services Construction Sales and Electric Vehicle Charging Services (New use) Kennels Monument Retail Sales Off-Site Accessory Parking Pawn Shop Services Pedicab Storage and Dispatch Special Use Historic Industrial Custom Manufacturing Light Manufacturing 44 ETOD Overlay: Bonus Overview Requirements / Restrictions: Affordable housing requirements Protections when certain properties redevelop: – For existing tenants of affordable housing – For certain small businesses, creative spaces, childcare and adult care, grocery, medical offices, etc. Vertical Mixed Use (VMU) style design standards 45 ETOD Overlay: Bonus Overview (cont.) Affordable Housing Requirements: Ownership Projects: – 12% of total units affordable to households at 80% MFI and below – May be satisfied through fee-in-lieu Rental Projects: – 15% of total units affordable to households at 60% MFI and below OR – 12% of total units affordable to households at 50% MFI and below 46 ETOD Overlay: Bonus Overview (cont.) Additional Entitlements Available For Participating: Residential uses allowed in all base zones Up to 60 feet additional height, up to a total height of 120 feet compatibility Relaxation of some site development standards including May supersede certain more restrictive regulations 47 Existing LO site LO site developed with ETOD Density Bonus 48 Existing CS site CS site developed with ETOD Density Bonus 49 Existing MF-6 site MF-6 site developed with ETOD Density Bonus 50 Schedule Spring 2024 LDC Amendments Open Houses – April 17: In Person, Central Library, 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. – April 20: Virtual, 10 a.m. - noon April 23: Planning Commission | HOME Phase 2, Compatibility, and EV Charging April 30: Planning Commission | ETOD Overlay May 16: City Council 51 For More Information Website: Email: Phone: (512) 974-7220 52 Thank You