Planning CommissionFeb. 13, 2024

18 Staff Presentation.pdf — original pdf

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C20-2023-044: Density Bonus Zoning District Joi Harden, AICP, Zoning Officer Paul Books, Senior Planner Background 2006- 2013 2021 City Council adopted Ordinance No. 20060302-063, creating the Vertical Mixed Use (VMU) Overlay and established standards for VMU Buildings. Processes and standards were amended several times between 2006 and 2013. City Council adopted Ordinance No. 20220609-080, creating a second tier of the VMU program, referred to as VMU 2, which allowed for increased height in exchange for increased community benefits. 2024 City Council approved Resolution No. 20240201-026, which directed staff to create a new density bonus program resembling the existing VMU 2 standards. 2 Resolution No. 20240201-026  Directed Staff to create a density bonus program that achieves the following objectives: – Resembles VMU 2 standards and is available city-wide – Serves the following households and requirements a minimum number of on-site affordable units – 10% of units set-aside affordable to 50% Median Family Income (MFI); or – 12% of units set-aside affordable to 60% MFI – 12% of ownership units set-aside affordable to 80% MFI – Allows a development that provides on-site affordable units to be eligible for 30 feet of additional height, up – For Rental: – For Ownership: to 90 feet in total height 3 Process amendment add DB90 1. Create the Density Bonus Zoning District (DB90) – Requires Commission recommendation and Council action – No change to a property’s zoning will be made at the time of this 2. Owners of eligible properties may then request a rezoning to – Requires a Commission recommendation and Council action – Notice of the rezoning will be provided pursuant to 25-1-132, which includes utility account holders and property owners located with 500 feet of the subject property – Property owners within 200 feet can protest the rezoning 4 Proposed Applicability  Properties in the following base zoning districts would be eligible to participate through a rezoning process: – Commercial Liquor Sales (CS-1); – General Commercial Services (CS); – Community Commercial (GR); – Neighborhood Commercial (LR); – General Office (GO); and – Limited Office (LO). 5 Proposed Requirements and Incentives  Affordability – Rental: – 10% of units set-aside affordable to 50% Median Family Income (MFI); OR – 12% of units set-aside affordable to 60% MFI – Ownership: – 12% of units set-aside affordable to 80% MFI  Site Development Standards – Exemptions from standards include the following: – Minimum site area requirements – Maximum floor area ratio – Maximum building coverage – Minimum street side yard setback and interior yard setback – Minimum front yard setback  Mix of Uses uses – 75% of ground-floor must be pedestrian-oriented commercial  Height – Floors beyond the second must be residential – 30 ft in additional height from the base zone up to a maximum of 90 ft 6 DB90 Combining District Example Zoning String: CS-MU-DB90-CO-NP Base Zoning Districts Base Zones Description Base Max Height Max Height with Bonus Impervious Cover CS (CS-1) Commercial Services GR LO LR GO Community Commercial Limited Office Neighborhood Commercial General Office 60ft 60ft 40ft 40ft 60ft 90ft 90ft 70ft 70ft 90ft 95% 90% 70% 80% 80% 7 – Applicants must meet with the Housing Department prior to submitting an application to provide an overview of their Changes to Chapter 4-18  Applicable to future density programs unless specified  Pre-Application Conference – Creates a process for certification by Housing Department projects  Certification  General Provisions STR limitations, etc. – Provisions for simultaneous availability of units, similar unit size/location, prohibiting income source discrimination,  Requirements for Properties with Existing Multifamily Units – Requires replacement of all existing units affordable to a household earning 80% MFI or below – Provides tenant notification and relocation benefits  Penalty – Creates a penalty for non-compliance 8 Impact of Density Bonus Programs  Affordable Housing Toolkit – Subsidize Affordable Housing – Incentivize (Affordable) Housing – Local Funding – Federal Funding – Density Bonus – Fee Waivers – Regulations Source: Strategic Housing Blueprint 9 Impact of Density Bonus Programs  Critical to achieving the goals of the Strategic Housing Blueprint  Facilitates transit supportive density in support of the Equitable Transit Oriented Development Policy Plan  Allows for mixed-use and mixed-income communities in support of Imagine Austin goals VMU Developments Completed VMU Buildings 83 VMU Housing Units 17,634 Income- Restricted Affordable VMU Housing Units 2,535 VMU Housing Units 96% rental In the Pipeline 22 under construction 17 in planning 4,277 under construction 5,198 in planning 733 under construction 995 in planning 97% rental by Tenure 4% ownership 3% ownership Source: Affordable Housing Inventory, City of Austin Open Data Portal 10 Recommendation  Staff recommends the creation of the Density Bonus Zoning District and associated changes to Chapter 4-18  Staff recommends initiation of code amendments to create additional tiers of the bonus program that include additional height or FAR in exchange for additional community benefits  Staff recommends waivers from the fees associated with a rezoning application for certain properties within the VMU overlay or with a site plan in review 11 Anticipated Timeline  Planning Commission Hearing – 2/13  City Council Hearing – 2/29 12 Contact Us  Joi Harden, AICP, Zoning Officer, (512) 974-1617  Paul Books, Senior Planner, (512) 974-3173 13 Thank You