13 C14-2022-0093 - SDC-MLK; District 9.pdf — original pdf
ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET DISTRICT: 9 TO: LI-PDA DMU-V* CASE: C14-2022-0093 (SDC-MLK) ADDRESS: 607, 611, 615 W. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard & 1809 Rio Grande Street ZONING FROM: CS *On November 22, 2022, the applicant amended their rezoning request to DMU-V zoning (please see Applicant’s Amendment Request Letter – Exhibit C). SITE AREA: 0.6784 acres (29,551 sq. ft.) PROPERTY OWNER: Jack Brown Family II Limited Partnership (Paul Brown) AGENT: Alice Glasco Consulting (Alice Glasco) CASE MANAGER: Sherri Sirwaitis (512-974-3057, sherri.sirwaitis@austintexas.gov) STAFF RECOMMEDATION: Staff recommends DMU-V, Downtown Mixed Use-Vertical Mixed Use Building Combining District, zoning. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: December 20, 2022 CITY COUNCIL ACTION: ORDINANCE NUMBER: 1 of 1213C14-2022-0093 2 ISSUES: N/A CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The property in question is currently zoned CS and is developed with a laundry services use (Jack Brown Cleaners). The lots to the north, across W. Martin Luther King Boulevard, are zoned CS-1-NP and CS-NP and contain restaurant (Kesos Tacos) and retail (The UPS Store) uses. To the south, there is a multifamily use (Penthouse Apartments) zoned GO. The lot to the east is zoned CS-MU and is developed with a restaurant use (Jimmy John’s). To the west, across Rio Grande Street, there is a multifamily complex zoned GO, and an office use (Austin Symphony Orchestra) that is zoned DMU-H. The applicant is requesting DMU-V zoning to redevelop this site with a multifamily housing use (please see Applicant’s Amendment Request Letter – Exhibit C). The staff recommends DMU-V, Downtown Mixed Use-Vertical Mixed Use Building Combining district, zoning. The proposed zoning is compatible and consistent with surrounding land uses and zoning patterns in this area as there is DMU-H zoning to the southeast and DMU-CO zoning to the west. The area under consideration is located to the south of the West Campus Neighborhood Overlay (Inner West Campus), across W. Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard. The lots in question are within the Northwest District in the Downtown Area Plan. The DAP calls for DMU 60 for these tracts and this property is ineligible for the Downtown Density Bonus Program (please see attached Exhibit D- Downtown Austin Plan Exhibits). However, with the adoption of VMU2 and modification of compatibility and parking requirements along certain roadways, the City Council has signaled that they are supportive of additional height on major corridors. Therefore, the staff is recommending DMU-V zoning for this property that fronts onto West Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard, a Level 3/Arterial Roadway. The DMU base district permits a maximum height of 120 feet. The staff supports DMU-V zoning at this location because it is consistent with the DMU designation in the Downtown Area Plan (DAP). The addition of the “V”, VMU overlay, will permit the applicant to provide multifamily housing at this location and will encourage the development of more on-site affordable units. The proposed housing is consistent with the goals and priorities that have been identified in the City of Austin's Strategic Housing Blueprint. There are transportation options available in this area with exiting sidewalks and a shared bike lanes on Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard and Rio Grande Street and a Metro Rapid Bus route two blocks to the east along Guadalupe Street. The applicant agrees with the staff’s recommendation. BASIS OF RECOMMENDATION: 1.The proposed zoning should be consistent with the purpose statement of the district sought. Downtown Mixed Use district is intended for areas on the periphery of CBD classifications in the central core area, permitting a variety of uses compatible with 2 of 1213C14-2022-0093 3 downtown Austin and allowing intermediate densities as a transition from the commercial core to surrounding districts. Site development regulations are intended to permit combinations of office, retail, commercial, and residential uses within a single development. Vertical Mixed Use Building (V) combining district may be applied in combination with any commercial base zoning district and allows for a combination of office, retail, commercial and residential uses within a vertical mixed use building. 2. The proposed zoning should promote consistency and orderly planning. The proposed DMU-V zoning would be consistent with the DMU-CO zoning to southwest and DMU-H zoning to the west of this site, across Rio Grande Street. There are multifamily uses to the south (Penthouse Apartments) and west and restaurant and retail uses to the north and east. The site under consideration is located at the southeast intersection of a Level 3/arterial roadway, W. Martin Luther King. Jr. Boulevard, and a Level 2/ collector street, Rio Grande Boulevard. There is access to public transit with a Capital Metro bus route and a Metro Rapid bus route along Guadalupe Street two blocks to the east. This property is located within the Northwest District in the Downtown Area Plan. The Downtown Area Plan calls for DMU 60 zoning for these tracts. However, the City Council has signaled that they are supportive/ comfortable with additional height on major corridors with the amendments to VMU (VMU2) and the modification of parking requirements along certain roadways, such as Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. compatibility and 3. The proposed zoning should allow for a reasonable use of the property. The proposed DMU-V zoning would permit the applicant to redevelop the property with residential and other supporting uses that would be consistent with the residential, civic, office and low density commercial uses in this area. EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USES: ZONING CS CS-1-NP, CS-NP, P Site North South GO East West CS-MU GO, DMU-H LAND USES Laundry Services (Jack Brown Cleaners); Billboard Restaurant (Kesos Tacos) and Retail (The UPS Store) Multifamily (Penthouse Apartments) Restaurant (Jimmy John’s) Multifamily, Office (Austin Symphony Orchestra) NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING AREA: Downtown Austin Plan (Northwest District) TIA: Not Required 3 of 1213C14-2022-0093 4 WATERSHED: Shoal Creek SCHOOLS: Austin I.S.D. Matthews Elementary School O’Henry Middle School Austin High School NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATIONS: Austin Independent School District Austin Lost and Found Pets Austin Neighborhoods Council Central Austin Community Development Corporation City of Austin Downtown Commission Downtown Austin Alliance Friends of Austin Neighborhoods Historic Austin Neighborhood Association Homeless Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Empowerment Foundation Old Austin Neighborhood Association Preservation Austin SELTEXAS Shoal Creek Conservancy Sierra Club, Austin Regional Group West Downtown Alliance, Inc. AREA CASE HISTORIES: NUMBER C14-2010-0035 (1800 Nueces Street) REQUEST GO to DMU COMMISSION 5/11/10: Approved the staff's recommendation for DMU-CO zoning, with the conditions to prohibit Laundry services and Pawnshops; was approved by Commissioner Clint Small's motion, Commissioner Benjamin Deleon second the motion on a vote of 6-2; Commissioners Mandy Dealey and Saundra Kirk voted against the motion (nay), Commissioner Jay Reddy was absent. CITY COUNCIL 6/24/10: DMU zoning was approved with the following additional conditions: 1) The following uses are prohibited uses of the Property: Automotive rentals, Automotive repair services, Automotive sales, Automotive washing, Bail bond services, Cocktail lounge, Laundry service, Limited Warehousing and distribution, Maintenance & service facilities, Pawn shop services, Service station and Vehicle storage. 2) Exterminating services use is a conditional use of the Property. 3) The maximum height of a building or structure is 60 feet from ground level. 4) The minimum rear yard setback is 5 feet. 5) The 4 of 1213C14-2022-0093 5 minimum interior side yard setback is 5 feet., on consent on Council Member Morrison’s motion, Council Member Spelman’s second on a 7-0 vote. RELATED CASES: N/A EXISTING STREET CHARACTERISTICS: Name ASMP Classification ASMP Required ROW Existing ROW Existing Pavement Sidewalks Bicycle Route 80 feet 86 feet 60 feet Capital Metro (within ¼ mile) None West Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Rio Grande Street Local Mobility – Level 3 (Minor Arterial/Major Arterial) Local Mobility – Level 2 (Collector) 80 feet 80 feet 40 feet None 9 feet existing sidewalks 6 feet existing sidewalk On-street shared lane, future protected bike lane proposed On-street shared lane 5 of 1213C14-2022-0093 6 OTHER STAFF COMMENTS: Comprehensive Planning No comments received. Environmental No review necessary. Fire No comments. Parks and Recreation Parkland dedication will be required for the new applicable uses proposed by this development, multifamily with LI-PDA zoning, at the time of subdivision or site plan, per City Code § 25-1-601. Whether the requirement shall be met with fees in-lieu or dedicated land will be determined using the criteria in City Code Title 25, Article 14, as amended. Should fees in-lieu be required, those fees shall be used toward park investments in the form of land acquisition and/or park amenities within the surrounding area, per the Parkland Dedication Operating Procedures § 14.3.11 and City Code § 25-1-607 (B)(1) & (2). If the applicant wishes to discuss parkland dedication requirements in advance of site plan or subdivision applications, please contact this reviewer: thomas.rowlinson@austintexas.gov. At the applicant’s request, PARD can provide an early determination of whether fees in-lieu of land will be allowed. Site Plan Site plans will be required for any new development other than single-family or duplex residential. Any development which occurs in an SF-6 or less restrictive zoning district which is located 540-feet or less from property in an SF-5 or more restrictive zoning district will be subject to compatibility development regulations. Any new development is subject to Subchapter E. Design Standards and Mixed Use. Additional comments will be made when the site plan is submitted. 6 of 1213C14-2022-0093 7 Compatibility Standards The site is subject to compatibility standards. Along the Western property line, the following standards apply: • for a structure more than 100 feet but not more than 300 feet from property zoned SF-5 or more restrictive, 40 feet plus one foot for each 10 feet of distance in excess of 100 feet from the property zoned SF-5 or more restrictive. Additional design regulations will be enforced at the time a site plan is submitted. The applicant is responsible for requesting relocation and demolition permits once the site plan is approved. The City Historic Preservation Officer will review all proposed building demolitions and relocations prior to site plan approval. If a building meets city historic criteria, the Historic Landmark Commission may initiate a historic zoning case on the property. Transportation A traffic impact analysis is not required as the proposal does not exceed the thresholds established in the Land Development Code. The ASMP requires a minimum of 80 feet of right-of-way for West Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. No additional right-of-way will need to be dedicated; right-of-way is sufficient per the ASMP (LDC 25-6-55). The ASMP requires a minimum of 80 feet of right-of-way for Rio Grande Street. No additional right-of-way will need to be dedicated; right-of-way is sufficient per the ASMP (LDC 25-6-55). Bike lane improvements are recommended. Water Utility The landowner intends to serve the site with City of Austin water and wastewater utilities. The landowner, at own expense, will be responsible for providing any water and wastewater utility improvements, offsite main extensions, utility relocations and or abandonments required by the land use. The water and wastewater utility plan must be reviewed and approved by Austin Water for compliance with City criteria and suitability for operation and maintenance. Depending on the development plans submitted, water and or wastewater service extension requests may be required. All water and wastewater construction must be inspected by the City of Austin. The landowner must pay the City inspection fee with the utility construction. The landowner must pay the tap and impact fee once the landowner makes an application for a City of Austin water and wastewater utility tap permit. 7 of 1213C14-2022-0093 8 INDEX OF EXHIBITS TO FOLLOW A: Zoning Map B. Aerial Map C. Applicant’s Amended Request Letter D. Correspondence from Interested Parties 8 of 1213( 81-81 MF-4-CO-NP MF-4-NP 80-212 PARKING GARAGE AND OFFICES ( GO-MU-H-CO-NP BOARDING HOUSE APTS. AND RETAIL MF-4-NP CS-MU-NP MF-4-NP HOUSE C14-2007-0119 MF-4-CO-NP SP-2007-0369D RECORDS CS-NP CHURCH C14-2007-0262 CS-CO-NP SHOES W 23RD ST MF-4-H-NP ( C14-91-0038(RCA) C14-2016-0052 GO-NP ( ( GO-NP CS-NP SP-05-1543C GO-MU-NP 4-PLEX . S T P A MF-4-NP 81-211 MF-4-NP T S S E C E U N C 4 0 0 2 - 0 0 - P S ( 4-PLEX PARKING 74-041 MF-4-NP MF-4-NP STUDENT CENTER LO-H-NP C14-85-002(RCT) ( C14-2017-0025 LO-NP GR-MU-H-CO-NP GR-MU-CO-NP GO-NP 84-306 74-136 84-306 SP-98-0465C E R O T S K O O B CS-NP BOOK C14-2007-0262 CS-CO-NP CHURCH CLOTHING YMCA T S E P U L A D A U G UNZ INNER CAMPUS DR UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS CAMPUS UNZ WEST MALL UT SP-03-0050D GO-MU-H-NP APTS. GO-MU-H-NP MF-4-NP SP-04-0588C.SH CONDOS PARKING GO-MU C14H-81-018(90)TA OFF. LO-NP MF-4-NP PARKING I G N K R A P 96-0469CS MF-4-NP CHURCH CHURCH MF-4-NP D 0 5 0 0 - 3 0 - P S MF-4-NP 82-91 LO-NP SP- 06-0463C.SH GO-H-NP ( MF-4-H-NP MF-4-NP MF-4-NP OFF. GO-NP MF-4-NP CENTER CO-OP SP-05-1348C CS-NP MF-4-H-NP C14H-85-014 CHURCH REST. C14-2007-0262 CS-CO-NP SHOP DRESSES INNER CAMPUS DR UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS CAMPUS UNZ T U L L A M H T U O S ( ( . S T P A SP-86-11 MF-4-CO-NP APTS. APTS. APTS. APTS. 79-46 . S T P A ! ( ! ! X E L P U D ! ! SF-3-CO-NP ( ( ( ! ! ! MF-4-CO-NP APTS. SF-3-CO-NP T S N O E L ( 74-32 81-37 MF-4-CO-NP DUPLEXES MF-4-NP ( CS-NP SP-02-0232CS APTS. APT. 68-106 ( X E L P - 3 CP-70-42 79-91 SP-05-1621C.SH LO-H-NP . S T P A PARKING APTS. APTS. MF-4-CO-NP ( ( SP-06-0184C.SH ( MF-4-NP ( . S T P A W 22ND HALF ST ( APT. APTS. MF-4-NP ( APT. ( MF-4-CO-NP DUPLEX SP-06-0183C.SH ( MF-4-NP APTS. X E L P - 4 PARKING H81-019 H81-020 MF-4-NP 84-149RC H81-21 ( 81-209 LAUND RY ( LO-NP W 22ND ST W 21ST ST C14-2009-0129 CS-1-CO-NP SP- 98-0449CS APTS. MF-4-CO-NP PARKING MF-4-CO-NP MF-4-NP APTS. APTS. SF-3-CO-NP MF-4-CO-NP L P S N B B O R I MF-3-NP SP-02-0358C OFFICE GO-CO-NP APTS. I T S L E R B A G N A S APTS. MF-4-CO-NP CONDOS SP-06-0693C.SH MF-4-NP COOP-APTS GO-CO-NP 80-01 E C I F F O GO-CO-NP 5 0 0 - 7 7 81-102 LO-NP T S L R A E P W MARTIN LUTHER KING JR BLVD GO-NP C14-2007-0262 79-10R CONDOS C14-04-0021 NO-NP C14-85-027(RCT) MF-4-NP CONDOS W 21ST ST APTS. H83-09 CONDOS APTS. MF-4-NP APTS. 5 0 0 - 4 8 H 7 4 1 0 - 1 0 H GR-CO-NP 9 8 1 - 3 7 . B A H E R R E T N E C T S E D N A R G O R I GR-H-CO-NP GO-NP C14-2007-0262 GR-MU-NP GYM DORM CS-NP PARKING 85-070 SCHOOL CHURCH MF-4-NP APTS. H88-002 MF-4-H-NP 67-132 CHURCH 67-133 MF-4-NP I T S O N O T N A N A S MF-4-NP CONDOS MF-4-NP APTS. ( MF-4-NP ( ( MF-4-NP LO-NP APTS. MF-4-NP 85-251 92-0010 CHURCH CS-NP C14-2007-0262 STORE APTS. CS-NP C14-2007-0262 CS-1-NP SF-3 CONDOS LO SF-3 82-137 CONDOS SF-3-H C14H-2010-0012 ( ( ( ( W 18TH ST SF-3-H ( C14H-2009-0043 ( ( H2009-0043 ( ( T S L R A E P ( P -O O C ( SF-3 ( ( 3 5 -0 ( 3 LO-V 8 C14-2007-0235 2 ( 0 0- -9 H 82-121RC C 9 3 0 -0 3 0 P- S SP-06-0310C C14-2007-0235 GO-V MF-6-CO C14-03-0174 OFFICE 79-270 03-0174 E V T A S E W MF-4 APARTMENTS 65-155RC GO-H ( 01-0082 C14H-2009-0035 SF-3-H CS-NP C14-2007-0262 01-0131 C14-2007-0262 P GO LAW DMU-H OFF. ! ! ! ! S R E N A E L C Y ! R E C O R G ! ! ! CS LAB ! ! ! ! ! 3 9 ! 1 - 5 8 CS-MU-NP/MF-6-CO-NP C 5 4 0 0 - 0 9 P S 90-010 CS-MU 79-225 GO APTS. GO C14-2007-0262 CS-NP 72-294 BANK GR-NP 94-140 C14-2007-0262 CS-NP REST. BANK GAS REST. SF-3 ( ( ( SF-3 GO ( C14H-2010-0013 SF-3-H ( C14-06-0016 R81-060 6 1 1 0 - 6 0 LO ( ( ( O D N O C MF-3 79-108 84-078 SF-3 C14-2018-0072 C14-2013-0104 LO-MU-CO C14H-2013-0005 ( C14H-2009-0044 SF-3-H ( SF-3 W 17TH ST LO-H C14H-74-004 83-213 LO-H MF-4 LO-H GO SP85-18 H80-29 APT. GO C 0 0 4 -0 7 9 P S INS. OFF. C14H-2009-0011 SF-3-H ( C14H-2009-0045 LO C14-69-072 69-072 S. T P A W 16TH ST 79-014 C14-79-014 LO C14-81-218 C14-82-136 CS GO-MU-H-CO C14H-06-0015 C14-2018-0120 GO GO-H C14H-89-0022 SP89-0167A SF-3-H ( C14H-00-0010 ( ( ( ( SF-3-H ( SF-3 SF-3-H ( ( C14H-2015-0013 C14H-2007-0025 ( NO-H-CO 91-0079 LO-H CHURCH PLAYGROUND SF-3 SF-3-H ( C14H-95-0004 LO 1 7 1 - 0 8 GO PARKING LO GO-H C14H-2009-0026 T S E D N A R G IO R W 15TH ST SF-3-H H74-3 LO-H DMU-H-CO C14-2013-0087 ( 79-52 REST. 86-140 8 5 1 0 - 6 0 REST. CS SP85-069 4 0 1 - 7 6 CS GO CONDOS T S O I N O T N A N A S APTS. C14-2010-0035 DMU-CO DMU-CO GO-H ( OFF. CONDO GO F F O 6 0 - 2 9 GO-MU DUPLEX DORMS CS GO C14-2007-0223 C14-2008-0047 DMU-CO N O L A S GO 4 0 3 - 2 7 GO GO C14H-94-0019 GO-H DMU-CO C14-96-0029 GO ! ! ! ! C14-04-0210 ! DMU-CO 0 1 ! 2 -0 4 0 3 2 -3 4 8 CS-1 E R O T S K O O B GO OFF. SALON GO ! ! R. D ! ! ! F. F O ! ! F. F O OFFICE GO SP-06-0308D OFFICE DMU-CO C14-05-0049 05-0049 CBD PARKING GO CHURCH S. T P A S. T P A C14-2015-0093 DMU-H-CO C14H-01-0015 SP-98-0276CS GO CHURCH C14-2015-0094 C14-95-0154 GO DMU-CO DMU-CO C14-2016-0093 C14-2010-0151 OFFICE LR PARKING CS DMU-CO C14-2016-0022 83-223 SP-98-0226C CS LR BANK CS 78-176 BANK 81-236 P81-092 83-220 GO-MU-H-CO C14H-00-2182 C14H-00-2183 H00-2182 GO H00-2183 C14-2007-0219 MF-4 LO 80-13 77-31 DMU-CO C14-2017-0077 GYM W 14TH ST OFF. OFFICE LO OFFICE DMU-CO C14-2020-0035 F. F O GO W 13TH HALF ST DMU-CO C14-2017-0076 ANTIQUES G KIN R A P ! ! GO ! ! GO ! ! ! OFF. ! LR OFF. DMU-CO C14-2021-0025 GO OFF. CBD 84-056 C14-84-056(RCT) P73-01 C14-75-085(RCT) OFF. CBD-CO C14-05-0190 APT OFF. OFF. GO OFF. OFF. T S S E C E U N GO CS-CURE OFF. OFF. GO SP91-0195 GO-H GO-MU DMU-CO GO C14-2019-0091 2 2 -2 3 8 7 9 4-2 8 0 6 0 0 - 4 9 6 0 0 3- 8 H DMU-H CP73-52 CBD OFF. 73-23 69-198 DMU OFF. DORM MALL CS-1-NP CS-1-NP 74-27 C14-2007-0262 CS-NP 68-176 C14-2007-0262 C 6 0 2 0 - 7 9 P S SP87-031 W 20TH ST C14-2007-0262 CS-NP PARKING SP-99-2190C STA. 73-95 C14-2007-0262 E V A S I T I H W CS-NP 79-60 CS-NP MF-4-NP CS-NP GARAGE GR-NP C14-2016-0059 76-115 79-162 SP-05-1748D GR-NP 76-45 MF-4-NP C14-2007-0262 CS-MU-CO-NP GR-NP C14-2007-0262 CS-NP C14-2016-0058 E V A Y T I S R E V N U I 6 7 1 - 7 8 CS-CO-NP C14-2007-0262 CS-NP G KIN R A P B A L T R A PATRS DMU R E B M U L P S. T P A REST. DMU REAL ESTATE REST. SALES APTS. PARKING CONDOS DMU DMU-H H87-012 OFFICE\BUILDING DMU P YWCA C14-2019-0127 REST. W 18TH ST REST. DMU REST. P REST. MF-5 T A S C A V A L DMU T S O D A R O L O C MF-5 DMU-CURE C14-2008-0038 S L A T N E R FOOD DMU SCOTISH\RITE\TEMPLE CREDIT\UNION DMU CS RECORD\SALES STEREO\SHOP PARKING C14-01-0178 DMU SP-98-0249 C14-06-0081 DMU-CO 87-48 CS 01-0178 83-49 MF-5 G KIN R A P VAC TELEPHONE CO DMU H90-01 DMU-H 3 3 0 7- 8 P SP92-432CS DMU GIFT\SHOP FURNITURE\STORE LIQUOR\STORE 67-129 CS APTS. OFF. STATE MF-5 BLDG. DMU PARKING CS GO MF-5 CBD E IC F F O X E L P M O C DMU FINANCE CO. CBD E IC F F O X E L P M O C REST. DMU PARKING CS MF-5 CBD MOTEL COMPLEX DMU OFFICE DMU-H C14H-96-0003 STATE CS CS MF-5 STATE BLDG. MF-5 APTS. MF-5 MF-5-H STATE MF-5 BUILDING SUBJECT TRACT ! ! ! ! ! ! PENDING CASE ZONING EXHIBIT A ZONING CASE#: C14-2022-0093 ZONING BOUNDARY E X H I B I T A This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. E X H I B I 1 " = 400 ' This product has been produced by the Housing and Planning Department for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or Created: 7/11/2022 SF-3 HOUSE PARK 87-082 P ± 9 of 1213CONDOS SP-06-0693C.SH CONDOS MF-4-NP CONDOS GO-NP C14-85-027(RCT) 85-027 OFF. APTS. LO-NP GO-H-NP ( MF-4-H-NP MF-4-NP CHURCH CENTER MF-4-NP BOOK DORM MF-4-NP CS-NP C14-2007-0262 MF-4-NP MF-4-NP MF-4-H-NP C14H-85-014 CHURCH CS-CO-NP GR-MU-NP W 21ST ST APTS. MF-4-NP H83-09 CONDOS APTS. T S L R A E P MF-4-NP 81-102 LO-NP C14-2007-0262 79-10R GO-NP C14-2007-0262 GR-CO-NP D 8 8 0 0 - 2 0 - P S . B A H E R 5 0 0 - 4 8 H 9 8 1 - 3 7 APTS. APTS. T S E D N A R G O R I ( ( ( MF-4-NP C14-04-0021 MF-4-NP LO-NP APTS. MF-4-NP 92-0010 CHURCH CS-NP C14-2007-0262 STORE CS-NP CS-1-NP C14-2007-0262 C 9 3 0 -0 3 0 - P S GR-H-CO-NP ( 2 0 0- 9 H- ( C14-2007-0235 82-121RC LO-V ( SF-3 MF-6-CO C14-03-0174 OFFICE 79-270 MF-4 APARTMENTS GO-H LAW T ( 01-0082 DMU-H GO ! ! ! ! ! ! C14-2022-0093 ! LAB ! CS-MU ! J23 CS ! ! ! 67-132 CHURCH 67-133 T S S E C E U N MF-4-NP APTS. MF-4-H-NP MF-4-NP I T S O N O T N A N A S GYM DORM CS-NP PARKING 85-070 SCHOOL CHURCH MF-4-NP CONDOS MF-4-NP CS-NP C14-2007-0262 01-0131 C14-2007-0262 P C14-2007-0262 CS-NP REST. 72-294 GR-NP 94-140 C14-2007-0262 BANK CS-NP GO-V C14-2007-0235 03-0174 E V T A S E W C14H-2009-0035 SF-3-H GO SP85-18 APT. GO C 0 0 4 0 7- 9 P S SF-3 65-155RC MF-3 79-108 LO-MU-CO C14-2013-0104 C14-2018-0072 C14H-2013-0005 83-213 LO-H MF-4 LO-H LO-H C14H-74-004 SF-3 C14-69-072 LO GO INS. OFF. 79-014 C14-79-014 C14-81-218 C14-82-136 LO CS C14H-06-0015 C14-2018-0120 OFF. GO H06-0015 C14H-89-0022 C14H-2015-0013 GO-H W 16TH ST GO SF-3 APTS. ! ! E S D N A R G RIO W 18TH ST GO-H CONDO DORMS CS W 17TH ST GAS W MARTIN LUTHER KING JR BLVD 90-010 REST. T S S E C E U N REST. 86-140 8 5 1 0 - 6 0 CS SP85-069 GO APTS. C14-2010-0035 DMU-CO DMU-CO F F O 6 0 - 2 9 OFF. ( GO GO CONDOS 4 0 1 - 7 6 CS A S T S O NI O T N N A REST. PATRS G KIN R A P B A L T R A DMU R E B M U L P S. T P A GO-MU DUPLEX GO C14-2007-0223 C14-2008-0047 4 0 3 - 2 7 GO C14H-94-0019 GO DMU-CO GO C14-96-0029 DMU-CO GO ! C14-04-0210 ! ! SALON DMU-CO ! ! ! 3 2 3 4- 8 SALON DMU OFFICE\BUILDING P C14-2019-0127 DMU REST. P C14-2008-0038 GO DENTIST C14-2022-0011 CS-1 GO CBD SDC/MLK EXHIBIT B DMU DMU OFFICE GO SP-06-0308D OFFICE ± 1 " = 200 ' SUBJECT TRACT ZONING BOUNDARY ! ! ! ! ! ! PENDING CASE CREEK BUFFER ZONING CASE#: LOCATION: SUBJECT AREA: GRID: MANAGER: C14-2022-0093 607 W Martin Luther King Jr Blvd 0.6784 Acres J23 Sherri Sirwaitis This product has been produced by the Housing and Planning Department for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. Created: 8/30/2022 by: MeeksS 10 of 1213EXHIBIT C ALICE GLASCO CONSULTING November 22, 2022 Rosie Truelove, Director Housing & Planning Department 1000 E 11th Steet, Suite 200 Austin, Texas 78702 RE: 607, 611 & 615 W, Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. & 1809 Rio Grande Street- An Amendment to Rezoning Request – case no. C14-2022-0093 Dear Rosie: As the agent for Schlosser Development Group, the prospective developer of the above referenced property, I would like to amend the rezoning request to DMU-V Justification For DMU-V Rezoning 1.MLK Jr. Blvd., from North Lamar to FM 969 is a 2016 approved bondcorridor.2.Project connect proposed light rail on Guadalupe Street is approximately oneblock away from the subject site.3.West MLK Jr. Blvd., from San Jacinto Street, eastward to the Austin Citylimits/SH 130, is designated as an Imagine Austin Corridor – and consideredappropriate for Vertical Mixed Use, which means that it should also beappropriate from N. Lamar Blvd. to San Jacinto Blvd.Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Alice Glasco, President AG Consulting Cc: Joi Harden, Zoning Division Manager, City of Austin Sherri Sirwaitis, Zoning Planner 11 of 1213EXHIBIT D From: To: Subject: Date: Chaffin, Heather Sirwaitis, Sherri FW: case #C14-2022-0093 Friday, August 5, 2022 1:04:10 PM From: Scotty Sayers <> Sent: Friday, July 29, 2022 1:33 PM To: Chaffin, Heather <Heather.Chaffin@austintexas.gov> Subject: case #C14-2022-0093 *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Heather Chaffin City of Austin Case Manager: C14-2022-0093 Dear Ms. Chaffin, Best regards, Scott Sayers Julie Sayers We are the property owners of 1800 Nueces, in the same block as the proposed Brown Family application. We support the application for the proposed zoning change. Please feel free to call us if you have any questions, but we are firm believers that density needs to be increased in this area of downtown. CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to cybersecurity@austintexas.gov. 12 of 1213