Recommendation 20221115-019: Code Amendment - Compatibility and Parking Requirements — original pdf

PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 20221115-19 Date: November 15, 2022 Subject: Code Amendment - Compatibility and Parking Requirements along Certain Roadways. Seconded By: Commissioner Azhar Motioned By: Commissioner Thompson Recommendation Recommend an ordinance amending City Code Title 25 to create a new overlay that modifies compatibility and parking requirements along certain roadways and include the following amendments: 1. § 25-2-769.04 (D), Strike out "two stories" and "three stories" in this section and remove the reference to stories from all other parts of the ordinance. To read as follows: “The height limitation for a structure is: (1) two stories and 35 feet, if the structure is 50 feet or less from a triggering property; (2) three stories and 45 feet, if the structure is more than 50 feet and not more than 100 feet from a triggering property; or” 2. § 25-2-769.06 (F), Fee in lieu funds must be used within 0.25 miles of a corridor. 3. § 25-2-769.06 (F) (2) and (3), and § 25-2-769.04 (B) (2), Allow the same compatibility standards on both light rail and large corridors. This standard should be the following: - a structure can reach allowable height if the structure is located at least 100 feet from a triggering property if it is participating in an affordable housing program. - a structure can reach allowable height if the structure is located at least 200 feet from a triggering property if it is not participating in an affordable housing program. 4. § 25-2-769.06 (F) (4), and § 25-2-769.04 (B) (2), The compatibility standards for medium corridors should be the following: - a structure can reach a maximum height of 65 ft if the structure is located at least 100 feet from a triggering property if it is participating in an affordable housing program. - a structure can reach a maximum height of 85 ft if the structure is located at least 150 feet from a triggering property if it is participating in an affordable housing program. - a structure can reach the allowable height if the structure is located at least 200 feet from a triggering property, whether it is participating in an affordable housing program or not. 1 of 2 5. § 25-2-769.04 (C), Define what is or is not allowed in the 25 foot compatibility setback. We should ensure that refuse uses such as dumpsters are not allowed and buildings, meaning covered spaces which a human can inhabit, are not allowed. Otherwise, all other uses should be allowed. 6. § 25-6-471 (K) (3), If a development has a residential use only and is located on a light rail corridor, there should be no minimum parking requirement, except for meeting the requirements for ADA compliance 7. § 25-2-769.02 (4), Red Line MetroRail should be included as a Light Rail Corridor, where it is already being treated as a corridor under consideration as a part of this ordinance 8. § 25-2-769.06 (E) (7) (c), Remove the requirement for equal access to parking facilities, unless parking and rent are bundled 9. § 25-2-769.03 (C) Include the 803 and 801 Metro Rapid routes (not including parts that are under the light rail corridor category) as a large corridor. 10. § 25-2-769.02 (6) and § 25-2-769.04 (B) Ensure that properties with SF-6 zoning or use: - do not trigger compatibility on to other structures - do not have compatibility triggered on them from properties zoned SF-5 or more restrictive 11. § 25-2-769.04, Compatibility should only be triggered by a conforming residential use in SF5 or more restrictive zones. 12. § 25-2-769.04 Ensure that properties with 11 or less units: - do not trigger compatibility on to other structures - do not have compatibility triggered on them from properties zoned SF-5 or more restrictive. 13. § 25-2-769.01, Ensure that this ordinance governs over NCCD requirements along the light rail corridors unless the conflicting provision is less restrictive. 14. Clarify and ensure that W Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. is considered a medium corridor between N Lamar Blvd. and Austin City Limits, both in the map and the corridor list. Include the widest reading of Council guidance that we were noticed for. Vote : 7-2 Aye: Chair Shaw, Vice-Chair Hempel and Commissioners Anderson, Azhar, Flores, Howard, and Thompson. Nay: Commissioners Llanes Pulido and Mushtaler Absent: Commissioners Cox, Shieh and Schneider One vacancy on the dais (District 2) Attest: Andrew D. Rivera Planning Commission Staff Liaison 2 of 2