21 Public Comment.pdf — original pdf

From: To: Subject: Date: JJ Reinken Rivera, Andrew Janis Reinken comments for PC Mtg 11-15-22, Items 19 and 21 Tuesday, November 15, 2022 11:33:39 AM *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** 11-15-22 Dear Mr. Rivera, Please distribute these comments to the Planning Commission for the special called meeting today. I oppose Item 19 and Item 21, and urge the PC members to NOT follow the city staff recommendation opposing Item 19, and reject the city staff recommendation that favors Item 21. PC members would be way off base to push these proposals forward without current, verifiable facts to support them. Population demographic information prepared by the previous City Demographer was ignored, and the alternate data used for these proposals is overly broad and out of date. Infrastructure needs to augment and improve water / wastewater capacity in Austin are being ignored, and the "notice" sent to a limited number of persons about encroachments in their vicinity fails for lack of sufficiently specific information to enable people to know what changes are afoot, and the notice is lacking about how to protest these actions. A thorough analysis of the labor market and earning power of workers within Austin city limits needs to be made and adjustments to the concept of “affordability” and the FPL limits need to be modified to include 10-50% levels. Fees in lieu of providing affordable units need to be removed. This undermines the goals of helping "working class" residents find adequate housing for their needs. Building tall towers of "Class A Luxury Apartments" does not address the affordability issue. It is time for the City Commissions and City Council to quit making sweeping decisions first, and thinking afterward about the adverse implications imposed on the residents and taxpayers of Austin. Sincerely, Janis Reinken reinken.austx@gmail.com Austin, Texas 78757 (CD 7, Precinct 220) CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to cybersecurity@austintexas.gov.