12 Applicant Indefinite Postponement.pdf — original pdf

November 7, 2022 Via Electronic Delivery Ms. Rosie Truelove Housing and Planning Department City of Austin Street-Jones Building 1000 E. 11th St., Suite 200 Austin, TX 78702 Re: Industrial Blvd and Terry O Lane – Rezoning application for the approximately 5.791-acre property located at 439-511 (odd only) & 515 Industrial Boulevard and 4208 Terry O Lane, Austin, TX 78745, and comprised of Lot 3, OK Addition; Lots 43-50, St. Elmo Heights Sec. 1; and Lots 2-4, Duplex Addition (the "Property") Dear Ms. Truelove: As representatives of the owner of the Property, we respectfully request an indefinite postponement of neighborhood plan amendment application for Industrial Blvd and Terry O Lane, City of Austin case number NPA-2022-0020.01, currently scheduled for a public hearing at the meeting of the Planning Commission on November 8, 2022. Please let me know if you or your team members require additional information or have any questions. Thank you for your time and attention to this project. Sincerely, Leah M. Bojo cc: Wendy Rhoades, Housing and Planning Department (via electronic delivery) Maureen Meredith, Housing and Planning Department (via electronic delivery)