20 C8-2022-0147.0A - Maxwell Subdivision; District 3.pdf — original pdf

SUBDIVISION REVIEW SHEET CASE NO.: C8-2022-0147.0A COMMISSION DATE: November 8, 2022 SUBDIVISION NAME: Maxwell Subdivision ADDRESS: 2114 Maxwell Lane APPLICANT: Real Holdings, LLC (Lynn Yuan) AGENT: LOC Consultants (Sergio Lozano, P.E.) ZONING: SF-3 (single family) (Cottage Lot) NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN: Montopolis AREA: 0.59 acres (25, 686 sf) LOTS: 5 COUNTY: Travis DISTRICT: 3 WATERSHED: Carson Creek JURISDICTION: Full Purpose SIDEWALKS: Sidewalks will be constructed along streets. VARIANCE: None DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: The request is for the approval of Maxwell Subdivision comprised of 5 lots on 0.59 acres (25, 686 sf). The plat does not comply with the criteria for approval in LDC 25-4-84(B) and staff recommends disapproval for the reasons listed in the attached comment report. An application that has been disapproved with reasons may be updated to address those reasons until the application expires. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends disapproval of the final plat for reasons listed in Exhibit C in the support material. CASE MANAGER: Cesar Zavala PHONE: 512-974-3404 E-mail: cesar.zavala@austintexas.gov ATTACHMENTS Exhibit A: Vicinity map Exhibit B: Proposed final plat Exhibit C: Comment Report ` MAXWELL LANEN64°44'24"W 129.89'N33°41'58"E 199.87'S64°36'39"E 130.10'S33°46'17"W 199.61'(N36°40'E 200')(WESTERLY 130')(S36°40'W 200')(EASTERLY 130')CALIXTO CORTES PEREZDOCUMENT #2006064759T.C.D.R.LOT 1JESSE TORRES SUBDIVISIONBOOK 56, PAGE 27T.C.P.R.0.60'(50' RIGHT-OF-WAY)CALCULATED POINTIN A STONE COLUMNLOT 1LOT 2LOT 3LOT 4LOT 53,707 SQUARE FEET7,260 SQUARE FEET3,708 SQUARE FEET3,709 SQUARE FEET6,304 SQUARE FEETS56°13'51"E 123.58'S56°13'51"E 123.62'S56°13'52"E 123.66'AMENDED PLATLOT 1LOT 3THRASHER-CHAPA SUBDIVISIONAMENDED PLATGERRY DUKE LLCSNF 6801 E RIVERSIDE LLCDEED DOC. 2019048013T.C.P.R.THRASHER-CHAPA SUBAMENDED PLATLOT 3THRASHER-CHAPA SUBGILBERT & DORIS VELASQUEZGILBERT & DORIS VELASQUEZLOT 3THRASHER-CHAPA SUBDIVISIONAMENDED PLATGERRY DUKE LLC5232060d5N56°13'43"W 50.00'30.00'30.00'60.07'30.00'30.00'30.00'41.85'68.02'S56°13'51"E 123.54'9.21' DRAINAGE EASEMENTLOT 3TEDDY PLACE SUBDIVISIONDOC. 200400198T.C.P.R.LOT 2TEDDY PLACE SUBDIVISIONDOC. 200400198T.C.P.R.LOT 1TEDDY PLACE SUBDIVISIONDOC. 200400198T.C.P.R.LOT 3RIVERSIDE II SUBDIVISIONDOC. 201300231T.C.P.R.LOT 1LOPEZ & SONSBOOK 72, PG. 85T.C.P.R.SUBDIVISION SEC. 110' ELEC & TELECOM ESMTDEDICATED RIGHT-OF-WAY49.55'30.00'L2S64°36'39"E 125.05'124.83'57.1350.0050.007' DRAINAGE ACCESS EASEMENT998 SQUARE FEETL2L15.0'34.81'25.00CITY OF AUSTIN –DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT SUBDIVISION APPLICATION – MASTER COMMENT REPORT 2114 MAXWELL LN C8-2022-0147.0A U1 CASE NUMBER: UPDATE: CASE MANAGER: Cesar Zavala Email: cesar.zavala@austintexas.gov PROJECT NAME: Maxwell Subdivision LOCATION: SUBMITTAL DATE: October 31, 2022 FINAL REPORT DATE: November 3, 2022 STAFF REPORT: This report includes all staff comments received to date concerning your most recent subdivision application submittal. The comments may include requirements, recommendations, or information. The requirements in this report must be addressed by an updated submittal. The subdivision application will be approved when all requirements from each review discipline have been addressed. If you have any questions, concerns or if you require additional information about this report, please contact your case manager at the phone number listed above or by using the contact information listed for each reviewer in this report. Any change to the plan/plat shall not cause noncompliance with any applicable code or criteria. In addition, any change to the plat may trigger new comments. UPDATE DEADLINE INFORMATION (LDC 25-4-56; 25-4-82): All comments must be addressed by filing an updated submittal prior to the update deadline of October 17, 2022. Otherwise, the application will expire. If this date falls on a weekend or City of Austin holiday, the next City of Austin workday will be the deadline. Extension of Review Period, Extension of Update Deadline and Tolling of Application Period do not apply to applications for preliminary plan, plat or subdivision construction plans (LDC 25-1-88; 25-1-89; 25-1- 90). UPDATE SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS (LDC 25-1-83): 1. Applicants must make an appointment with Intake Staff (974-1770) in order to submit an update. 2. Your update must include the following items: a. This report b. The revised plat/plan in pdf format c. A letter that addresses each comment in the master comment report 3. Updates must be submitted on an approved submittal date, between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:00 pm. Refer to the submittal calendar for a list of approved submittal dates. REVIEWERS: Planner 1: Chima Onyia Drainage: Joydeep Goswami Water Quality: Joydeep Goswami PARD / Planning & Design Review - Scott Grantham - 512-974-9457 Update 1: PR1. The parkland dedication and park development fee is required (City Code §25-1-601) and must be paid prior to approval. Due to SF-3 zoning, the fee for 10 units must be paid (high density rate for density greater than 12 units per acre) because each lot is large enough for a two-family residential use. Park fee bills will be issued with the next update when the number of units have been confirmed. U1: Confirmed that only 7 lots are buildable in this configuration due to smaller lot sizes for lots 2 – 4. Parkland fees have now been issued in AMANDA, and invoices emailed to the applicant. Comment pending payment of fees. A fee-in-lieu of parkland dedication and park development has been paid for 10 dwelling units due to SF-3 zoning. PR2. Add the following note to the plat: U1: Comment cleared. DATE REVIEWED: 11/2/22 UPDATE #: U2 FORMAL UPDATE REQUIRED. Drainage Engineering Review - Joydeep Goswami - 512-974-3521 Release of this application does not constitute a verification of all data, information, and calculations supplied by the applicant. The engineer of record is solely responsible for the completeness, accuracy, and adequacy of his/her submittal, whether or not the application is reviewed for code compliance by city engineers. DE 1. Verify the FEMA FIRM information shown in the construction plans, summary letter and engineering report. Update #1: Comment cleared. DE 2. Provide existing and proposed impervious cover data per LDC 25-7-61. Update #1: If the existing impervious cover is to be included in the existing drainage calculations, please clarify when the impervious cover was constructed and permitted. For the existing impervious cover to be included in the existing drainage calculations, it must be demonstrated that this impervious cover was previously permitted or constructed prior to the enactment of City of Austin drainage regulations. DE 3. Provide an existing and proposed drainage area maps per the Subdivision Application Instructions. On-site control of the two-year storm is required by Section 25-7-61 of the Land Development Code. Include off-site drainage boundaries and flow calculations with the drainage area maps. Update #1: Drainage waivers have been submitted with this update. The reviewer of the waivers will be coordinated with the Watershed Protection Department. Comment pending approval of the waivers. DE 4. Provide a drainage plan for this subdivision in accordance with the application packet page 17 per LDC 25-7-61. Update #1: Please provide the HEC-HMS model that is utilized in the drainage design. Please confirm that Atlas 14 rainfall data is utilized in the design. DE 5. Revise pond outfall design. The proposed design is discharging concentrated flows onto adjacent property. The proposed design shall not result in additional adverse flooding impact on other property per LDC 25-7-61. Update #1: The outfall from the proposed pond must demonstrate that discharge from the site is non-erosive and reverted to sheet flow conditions. Please provide calculations and construction details demonstrating this. Subdivision Review - Cesar Zavala - cesar.zavala@austintexas.gov SR 1. This application was submitted on July 18, 2022, and is subject to the following deadlines (25-1- 83; 30-1-113; 25-4-84; 30-2-84; 25-4-85): Update deadline: October 17, 2022 Fiscal due (if any): 1/15/2023 Recording due: 2/13/2023 SR 2. Comment Cleared. SR 3. Comment Cleared. SR 4. Comment Cleared. SR 5. Comment Cleared. SR 6. Show all existing easements on the plat, annotate easements accordingly if provided by separate instruments. (L.D.C 25-1-83) Clarify if drainage easements will be recorded by separate document(s) or by plat. If separate easement documents will be filed, annotate the easements on the plat to include the document numbers for the recorded easement(s). SR 7. – SR 13. Comments Cleared. SR 14. Add a note on the plat that list the lots that will have Cottage Uses. Update 1: Also include a note on plat Sheet 2 listing the lots that will have cottage use. SR 15. Comment Cleared. SR 16. Comment Cleared. SR 17. The site contains existing structures. 25-1-83 or 30-1-113 If the structures will be removed or demolished, that must occur before the end of the update period (90 calendar days after formal submittal of the plat). If the structures will remain, submit a scaled drawing that shows the existing structures and the new lot lines. The structures must meet setbacks from the new lot lines, and the new lots must comply with any applicable impervious cover (IC) and building cover (BC) limits. Include calculations for IC and BC. 25-1-83; 25-2-491 Update 1: Comment pending demolition of existing structures. SR 18. The plat has 5 or more lots and requires commission action for disapprovals and approval. The case will be placed on the available commission agendas for disapproval until all comments are addressed. After the reviewers comments have been address, the case can be placed on a commission agenda for approval. Contact the Intake Department to verify application fees for the case requiring commission approval without notice. The database is not listing this case as requiring commission hearing in the fees section. (LDC 25-4-33) Update 1: The database is not listing the correct application fees for the case requiring commission approval, please contact the Intake Department to verify the submitted fees. Water Quality Review - Joydeep Goswami - 512-974-3521 DATE REVIEWED: 11/2/2022 UPDATE #: U1 FORMAL UPDATE REQUIRED. Release of this application does not constitute a verification of all data, information, and calculations supplied by the applicant. The engineer of record is solely responsible for the completeness, accuracy, and adequacy of his/her submittal, whether or not the application is reviewed for code compliance by city engineers. WQ 1. Submit a completed landfill certification form. All applications for approval that permit the construction or alteration of a residential, commercial, or public enclosed structure on a site over one acre or a site located within a landfill area shall comply with LDC 25-1-84; LDC 30-1-114. The applicant may find the Landfill Certification Form and Landfill Area Overview Map on the City of Austin website using the following link: https://www.austintexas.gov/department/development- over-closed-landfills Update #1: Comment cleared. WQ 2. Provide an exhibit that demonstrates how each lot will convey runoff to a water quality control. It appears that runoff from Lot 4 and Lot 5 will bypass the sedimentation basin. The lot fronts are graded away from the water quality control and into the right of way. Water quality controls are required per LDC 25-8-211. Update #1: It remains unclear how runoff generated from the proposed onsite impervious cover is conveyed to the proposed water quality pond. The flows arrows indicate that the front ends of Lots 2-5 do not convey runoff to the pond. Additionally, a splitter box is not proposed to divert the volume of runoff greater than the water quality volume away from the proposed pond. WQ 3. Provide an exhibit to show that adequate space has been allotted to construct the stormwater control measure requirements found in DCM 1.2.4.E; ECM 1.6.3; ECM 1.6.7.B. Update #1: The proposed water quality pond must be located within a Drainage Easement with Require Maintenance since it will be privately maintained. Additionally, since the pond will be shared between lots, a legal document that ties the lots together for the purposes of drainage and water quality is required. WQ 4. Revise Note 22. Water quality controls are required per LDC 25-8-211. The note shall read as follows: “Water quality controls are required for all development pursuant to the Land Development Code.” Update #1: Comment cleared. WQ 5. Demonstrate that the proposed water quality facility meets requirements of City-maintained facilities per DCM 1.2.4.E. This includes access requirements, maintenance ramps, required staging, drainage easements and setbacks. Update #1: The waivers have been received with this update. Review of the waiver requests is being coordinated with the Watershed Protection Department. Comment pending approval of the waiver requests. WQ 6. Demonstrate compliance with ECM 1.6.2.A. Update #1: The current design does not treat all proposed impervious cover as required per ECM 1.6.2(A). Alternate equivalent compliance through treatment of existing offsite runoff may be considered. Comment pending. WQ 7. Demonstrate compliance with ECM 1.6.8.B. On-site control of the two-year storm is required by Section 25-7-61 of the Land Development Code. Update #1: Comment pending clearance of drainage comments confirming no increase in runoff from existing conditions. WQ 8. Verify R-3 Calculations are correct. [ECM 1.6.2(A)] Update #1: Once all comments from the above comments have been addressed, a site plan exemption or subdivision construction plan is required for the construction of the proposed water quality pond. This comment is pending the submittal of the construction plans for the proposed pond. WQ 9. Submit a fiscal estimate for the construction of the ponds per LDC 25-1-112. Update #1: Once all of the above comments are addressed, please submit a revised fiscal estimate for the pond. Once the fiscal estimate has been approved, please post the fiscal. End of Master Comment Report