Planning CommissionJune 22, 2021

B12-B14 Additional Q and A .pdf — original pdf

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• Do the use allowances recommended by Staff for 11 St. NCCD apply along Rosewood as well or not? Can you please clarify the staff note in cell D4 in the DRAFT_PCWG_RecTable spreadsheet that you shared with us this? o Staff recommends that conditions related to use placement along 11th Street do not apply to Rosewood Avenue. This clarification is only needed if the staff recommendation for Subdistrict 1 to front along Rosewood is accepted. • Are condo/town home prohibited as a use in the staff recommendation for both 11th and 12th streets? Why are we looking to prohibit a use (SF) that is expressly called out in the original URP vision for the street? o Townhouse and Condominium use are allowed in both NCCDs with the condition that they will not front on 11th or 12th street. o The recommendation is to allow for single family use to continue where it exists through the “save & except” provision and on 12th street, where the base zoning is SF-3. • o Unsure which part of the original URP is being referenced. Please clarify. Is there a map that can show lot numbers in the area? We are specifically, trying to understand which lots are Lot 16 and 18. o Updated map attached!