B-05 (NPA-2021-0017.01 - 7113 Burnet Rd; District 7).pdf — original pdf
Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN AMENDMENT REVIEW SHEET DATE FILED: February 11, 2021 (In-cycle) NEIGHORHOOD PLAN: Crestview/Wooten Combined CASE#: NPA-2021-0017.01 PROJECT NAME: 7113 Burnet (also known as 7115 Burnet) PC DATE: May 11, 2021 ADDRESS: 7113 & 7115 Burnet Road DISTRICT AREA: 7 SITE AREA: 4.388 acres OWNER/APPLICANT: CSW Cart, Inc. AGENT: Armbrust & Brown, PLLC (Michael J. Gaudini) CASE MANAGER: Maureen Meredith STAFF EMAIL: Maureen.meredith@austintexas.gov TYPE OF AMENDMENT: Change in Future Land Use Designation From: Commercial Base District Zoning Change To: Mixed Use Related Zoning Case: C14-2021-0044 Related RCA: C14-72-032(RCT) From: CS-1-CO-NP, CS-CO-NP and LO-CO-NP NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN ADOPTION DATE: April 1, 2004 PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: May 11, 2021 - STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Recommended. PHONE: (512) 921-6223 To: MF-6-CO-NP 1 of 37B-5Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 BASIS FOR STAFF’S RECOMMENDATION: Staff supports the applicant’s request for Mixed Use land use because the property is located along Burnet Road which is a commercial corridor with a mix of uses. Burnet Road is identified as an Activity Corridor in the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan where a mixed of commercial, office, and residential uses are appropriate. Below are sections of the Crestview/Wooten Neighborhood Plan that supports the applicant’s request. 2 LAND USE DESCRIPTIONS EXISTING LAND USE ON THE PROPERTY Commercial -Lots or parcels containing retail sales, services, hotel/motels and all recreational services that are predominantly privately owned and operated for profit (for example, theaters and bowling alleys). Included are private institutional uses (convalescent homes and rest homes in which medical or surgical services are not a main function of the institution), but not hospitals. 2 of 37B-5Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 Purpose 1. Encourage employment centers, commercial activities, and other non‐ residential development to locate along major thoroughfares; and 2. Reserve limited areas for intense, auto‐oriented commercial uses that are generally not compatible with residential or mixed use environments. Application major highways; and 1. Focus the highest intensity commercial and industrial activities along freeways and 2. Should be used in areas with good transportation access such as frontage roads and arterial roadways, which are generally not suitable for residential development. PROPOSED LAND USE ON THE PROPERTY Mixed Use - An area that is appropriate for a mix of residential and non‐residential uses. Purpose 1. Encourage more retail and commercial services within walking distance of residents; 2. Allow live‐work/flex space on existing commercially zoned land in the neighborhood; 3. Allow a mixture of complementary land use types, which may include housing, retail, offices, commercial services, and civic uses (with the exception of government offices) to encourage linking of trips; 4. Create viable development opportunities for underused center city sites; 5. Encourage the transition from non‐residential to residential uses; 6. Provide flexibility in land use standards to anticipate changes in the marketplace; 7. Create additional opportunities for the development of residential uses and affordable housing; and 8. Provide on‐street activity in commercial areas after 5 p.m. and built‐in customers for local businesses. Application 1. Allow mixed use development along major corridors and intersections; 3 3 of 37B-5Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 2. Establish compatible mixed‐use corridors along the neighborhood’s edge 3. The neighborhood plan may further specify either the desired intensity of commercial uses (i.e. LR, GR, CS) or specific types of mixed use (i.e. Neighborhood Mixed Use Building, Neighborhood Urban Center, Mixed Use Combining District); 4. Mixed Use is generally not compatible with industrial development, however it may be combined with these uses to encourage an area to transition to a more complementary mix of development types; 5. The Mixed Use (MU) Combining District should be applied to existing residential uses to avoid creating or maintaining a non‐conforming use; and 6. Apply to areas where vertical mixed use development is encouraged such as Core Transit Corridors (CTC) and Future Core Transit Corridors. IMAGINE AUSTIN PLANNING PRINCIPLES 1. Create complete neighborhoods across Austin that provide a mix of housing types to suit a variety of household needs and incomes, offer a variety of transportation options, and have easy access to daily needs such as schools, retail, employment, community services, and parks and other recreation options. • The property is located along Burnet Road which is identified as an Activity Corridor in the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan. The proposed development of 330 apartment units will add to mix of housing types in Austin. Burnet Road has access to public transportation and numerous businesses. 2. Support the development of compact and connected activity centers and corridors that are well-served by public transit and designed to promote walking and bicycling as a way of reducing household expenditures for housing and transportation. • The property is located along Burnet Road which is identified as an Activity Corridor in the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan. The proposed development of 330 apartment units will add to mix of housing types in Austin. Burnet Road has access to public transportation and numerous businesses. 3. Protect neighborhood character by ensuring context-sensitive development and directing more intensive development to activity centers and corridors, redevelopment, and infill sites. • The property is located on an Activity Corridor as identified in the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan. 4. Expand the number and variety of housing choices throughout Austin to meet the financial and lifestyle needs of our diverse population. • The applicants proposed use of 330 multifamily dwelling units will expand the number of housing choices in Austin. 4 4 of 37B-5Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 5. Ensure harmonious transitions between adjacent land uses and development intensities. • Mixed Use land use is appropriate in this location along an Activity Corridor with a mixed of uses. 6. Protect Austin’s natural resources and environmental systems by limiting land use and transportation development over environmentally sensitive areas and preserve open space and protect the function of the resource. • The property is not located in an environmentally sensitive area of the city. 7. Integrate and expand green infrastructure—preserves and parks, community gardens, trails, stream corridors, green streets, greenways, and the trails system—into the urban environment and transportation network. 8. Protect, preserve and promote historically and culturally significant areas. • To staff’s knowledge there is no historic or cultural significance to this property • Not applicable. or buildings. 9. Encourage active and healthy lifestyles by promoting walking and biking, healthy food choices, access to affordable healthcare, and to recreational opportunities. 10. Expand the economic base, create job opportunities, and promote education to support a • Not directly applicable. strong and adaptable workforce. • Not directly applicable. creative art forms. • Not applicable. 11. Sustain and grow Austin’s live music, festivals, theater, film, digital media, and new 12. Provide public facilities and services that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, decrease water and energy usage, increase waste diversion, ensure the health and safety of the public, and support compact, connected, and complete communities. • Not applicable. 5 5 of 37B-5Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 Proximity to Imagine Austin Activity Centers and Corridors 6 6 of 37B-5 Proximity to Park Facilities Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 7 7 of 37B-5Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 Proximity to Public Transportation IMAGINE AUSTIN GROWTH CONCEPT MAP Definitions Neighborhood Centers - The smallest and least intense of the three mixed-use centers are neighborhood centers. As with the regional and town centers, neighborhood centers are walkable, bikable, and supported by transit. The greatest density of people and activities in neighborhood centers will likely be concentrated on several blocks or around one or two intersections. However, depending on localized conditions, different neighborhood centers can be very different places. If a neighborhood center is designated on an existing commercial area, such as a shopping center or mall, it could represent redevelopment or the addition of housing. A new neighborhood center may be focused on a dense, mixed-use core surrounded by a mix of housing. In other instances, new or redevelopment may occur incrementally and concentrate people and activities along several blocks or around one or two intersections. Neighborhood centers will be more locally focused than either a regional or a town center. Businesses and services—grocery and department stores, doctors and dentists, shops, branch libraries, dry cleaners, hair salons, schools, restaurants, and other small and local businesses—will generally serve the center and surrounding neighborhoods. Town Centers - Although less intense than regional centers, town centers are also where many people will live and work. Town centers will have large and small employers, although 8 8 of 37B-5Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 fewer than in regional centers. These employers will have regional customer and employee bases, and provide goods and services for the center as well as the surrounding areas. The buildings found in a town center will range in size from one-to three-story houses, duplexes, townhouses, and rowhouses, to low-to midrise apartments, mixed use buildings, and office buildings. These centers will also be important hubs in the transit system. Job Centers - Job centers accommodate those businesses not well-suited for residential or environmentally- sensitive areas. These centers take advantage of existing transportation infrastructure such as arterial roadways, freeways, or the Austin-Bergstrom International airport. Job centers will mostly contain office parks, manufacturing, warehouses, logistics, and other businesses with similar demands and operating characteristics. They should nevertheless become more pedestrian and bicycle friendly, in part by better accommodating services for the people who work in those centers. While many of these centers are currently best served by car, the growth Concept map offers transportation choices such as light rail and bus rapid transit to increase commuter options. Corridors - Activity corridors have a dual nature. They are the connections that link activity centers and other key destinations to one another and allow people to travel throughout the city and region by bicycle, transit, or automobile. Corridors are also characterized by a variety of activities and types of buildings located along the roadway — shopping, restaurants and cafés, parks, schools, single-family houses, apartments, public buildings, houses of worship, mixed-use buildings, and offices. Along many corridors, there will be both large and small redevelopment sites. These redevelopment opportunities may be continuous along stretches of the corridor. There may also be a series of small neighborhood centers, connected by the roadway. Other corridors may have fewer redevelopment opportunities, but already have a mixture of uses, and could provide critical transportation connections. As a corridor evolves, sites that do not redevelop may transition from one use to another, such as a service station becoming a restaurant or a large retail space being divided into several storefronts. To improve mobility along an activity corridor, new and redevelopment should reduce per capita car use and increase walking, bicycling, and transit use. Intensity of land use should correspond to the availability of quality transit, public space, and walkable destinations. Site design should use building arrangement and open space to reduce walking distance to transit and destinations, achieve safety and comfort, and draw people outdoors. BACKGROUND: The application was filed on February 11, 2021, which is in-cycle for neighborhood planning areas located on the west side of I.H.-35. The applicant proposes to change the land use on the future land use map (FLUM) from Commercial to Mixed Use land use. The applicant has an associated zoning case where they propose to rezone the property from CS-1-CO-NP (Commercial Liquor Sales district – Conditional Overlay- Neighborhood Plan), CS-CO-NP (General Commercial Service district – Conditional Overlay – Neighborhood Plan) and LO-CO-NP (Limited Office district – Conditional Overlay – Neighborhood Plan to 9 9 of 37B-5Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 MF-6-CO-NP (Multifamily Highest Density district –Conditional Overlay- Neighborhood Plan) to build approximately 330 apartment units. For more information on the proposed zoning, please see zoning case report C14-2021-0044. PUBLIC MEETING: The ordinance-required community meeting was held on March 18, 2021. Approximately 521 community meeting notices were mailed to people who rent or own property within 500 feet of the subject tract, in addition to neighborhood organizations and environmental groups who requested notification for the area. Two city staff members attended the meeting, in addition to Michael Gaudini and Michael Whellan from Armbrust and Brown, PLLC, the applicant’s agents. Also in attendance were four people associated with the application and twelve people from the neighborhood. After city staff gave a brief presentation, Michael Gaudini gave his presentation. He said there are three cases to discuss: a rezoning case, an outdated restrictive covenant from the 1970s restrictive covenant termination and a change to the future land use map (FLUM). The proposal is to build a 330-unit apartment complex on Burnet Road with 10% of those total number of units, 32 units, to be set aside as a long term affordable. According to the city's housing inventory, those would be the first income-restricted units in Crestview to date. Today the property allows for redevelopment as a large office and commercial building with no discretionary approvals needed because the existing zoning allows for it, but what it does not yet allow for multifamily which is why we're bringing forward these cases. He said there was a very similar case filed last year also for MF-6 zoning. The applicant and the owner are both different from this case but the case itself is broadly similar. With the previous case the request was for MF-6 for a multifamily project 10% of total units as income restricted affordable units. The total unit count is a little bit lower than the prior project which was for 360 units. This proposed project is for 330 units which is our best guess based on the site constraints that we know of. (Please see Michael Gaudini’s presentation is at the back of this report). The previous cases went through most of the city process. The cases were approved by Planning Commission and was approved First Reading at City Council, but ultimately the prior owner decided to withdraw the cases before City Council could take it up for a final vote. The front of the site has two of the most intensive commercial zoning districts allowed which is Commercial Services (CS-CO-NP) and CS-1-CO-NP, which allows for a bar. The eastern part has LO-CO-NP, Limited Office with a conditional overlay, which means there are some restrictions. Under the current zoning the property could be redeveloped that is fully commercial and office project by-right without any zoning approvals needed. The existing access easement between this property and the property to the north that allows access to the light at Greenlawn Parkway will remain so people can access the traffic light. 10 10 of 37B-5Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 The applicant is requesting MF-6-NP, which lowers the site intensity overall, we would give up the bar use and auto uses. The building height would increase as you get closer to Burnet Road. The use would be limited to multifamily, which in comparison is usually a lower number of trips and overall lower intensity for multifamily uses. In terms of height compatibility we would still limit the back portions of the property keeping it mostly the same as it is today. There is a small portion of the back lot that would technically be allowed to step up to 50 feet where today it is limited to 40 feet. The main ask we have would be that additional height would be closer to Burnet Road, there would be an overall decrease in intensity and there would be the community benefit of affordable housing. For the affordability part of this project we would enter into a restrictive covenant with a third-party enforcer that would run with the land. It would require 10% of the total number of units be made affordable at 60% of median family income. That is the same standard that the city uses for vertical mixed use projects. With the proposed 330 dwelling units total, that would mean 33 affordable units, which doubles the number of affordable units produced along Burnet Road per year on average. According to the city's housing inventory these would be the first long-term income-restricted units provided in Crestview to date. We’ve been working with the Crestview Neighborhood Association throughout the project and we eventually landed on some key concessions. Even though it's a different applicant for these applications they are willing to stand by those concessions if the Neighborhood Association is willing to agree to them. We agreed to reduce height entitlements provide buffering and fencing, ensure interior dumpster placement, comply with hooded, shielded lighting, and mobility access that would require us to get access to the signalized intersection. We extended the maximum building height of 40 feet from 100 feet to 200 feet from the single-family homes. (See applicant’s presentation for more details). After Michael Gaudini’s presentation the following questions we asked: Q: Allandale has single family uses across the street form Burnet Road. What will the height be when our setbacks are considered? A: We will be fully compliant with the compatibility standards, which can only be waived by the Board of Adjustment. The BOA is a quasi-judicial board that only looks at demonstrated hardship with regards to the physical aspect of the property. Q: Who is the record owner of the property? A: The real owner of the property is an entity named CSW Cart, Inc. We represent the applicant. Melissa Neslund, who is participating in this meeting, is from Stratus Properties, has the property under contract. How it typically works is the applicant will only close on the property until they have the zoning in place. Q: Is there a possibility that someone else might take over the contract and whatever concessions we work out with you might not be honored? 11 11 of 37B-5Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 A: Any zoning that is approved by City Council even with a conditional overlay, goes with the land, so even if the property changes hands, the zoning with the conditions stays in place. If the new owner wanted to change the conditions or rezone the property, they would need to start the rezoning process all over again. Q: How high will the fence be? A: The Land Development Code allows a 6-foot fence. If you have approval from surrounding property owners, you can have a maximum 8-foot fence. If the neighborhood wants an 8-foot fence, this is something we can work with the neighborhood on. Q: Where will the parking garage be located? A: The parking garage will be internal to the project and will be in the middle of the property. Our main access point will be the southernmost property boundary. The City of Austin Transportation Department said we need to have our access drive as far south as possible. There will be no vehicular access back around the building near the single family homes. Q: Is there going to be cars driving back and forth directly behind my house? Is there going to be a road there? A: The answer to that is “no”. There is not going to be a road there because they have nowhere to go. Q: How far from my backyard fence will the building start? A: At minimum it will be 25 feet, based on the compatibility standards. There will be an access for emergency vehicles which adds some distance, so practically speaking it would be about 30 feet to meet radius requirements. Q: Are the height restrictions revokable? A: If approved by City Council, it would be law and part of City Code. Only City Council would have the authority to modify or revoke that Code and then it would run with the land. Q: Will there be a commercial stores and services at the bottom of the buildings? A: No, with the MF-6 zoning does not allow for commercial uses. The current zoning allows for commercial uses, so when we requested MF-6 we decreased the intensity of uses by only limiting the property to residential uses. Q: The last plan amendment case your request was to change the future land use map to Multifamily. Now you’re requesting Mixed Use. Why the change if you don’t plan to have any commercial uses? A: Mixed Use land use allows for the MF-6 zoning, so we decided to ask for Mixed Use, but we don’t have a strong preference either way. However, when you look at the future land use map you see a lot of Mixed Use land use along Burnet Road. From a land use perspective Mixed Use made a little more sense. We don’t want to have a lot of vacant commercial space on the first floor. We’d prefer to have ground-floor with amenities and co-working space that is helpful to our residents. 12 12 of 37B-5Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 Q: How many parking spaces will be provided? Will the spaces will be on the site and will each living unit be entitled to at least one parking space? A: At minimum we will meet what is required by the Land Development Code. Yes, each living until will have at least one parking space. We are looking at having two to three guest parking spaces on the first floor and for those who have a quick drop-off. We intend to fully park the project so there will be no spill over on Greenlawn Parkway and in the development to the north. We don’t foresee any parking issues. Q: Are there any other means of ingress or egress to the property other than by entering exiting from Burnet Road? A: No. With the Burnet Road corridor improvements there will be a raised medium which is why Austin Transportation Department required us to get a joint access easement with the property to the north so people can access the light to allow for a safe left turn. Q: Will the owner work through the LLC and if so then how could the city or any other party enforce commitments for fencing trash receptacles and even the affordability of a certain number of units? A: For items that can be in a conditional overly, it will get pulled immediately at site plan. For the affordable housing element, we will enter into an agreement with a third party who knows how to operate the affordable housing agreements. This agreement cannot be dismissed by the owner or any future owner. Q: Will the buildings be constructed of highly flammable materials such as particle board and plastic materials? If so, what solutions are there for resident an egress in the event of a fire? A: We build high-quality projects and we will not build with plastic or particle board. At minimum we will meet Fire Code and will have a water sprinklers to meet fire code because of our building height. Q: What augmentations will be necessary for residents to have adequate water sewer infrastructure without interfering with surrounding owners on the same mains in lines? A: We have to go through the process of a Service Extension Request with the City of Austin Water Utility. The City then analyses if the proposed demand will ensure that the utility lines have enough capacity. If there is not enough capacity then we would be obligated to upgrade the lines. Q: There is no height of fence that will screen nearby single family residences from the view of residents on the 10th floor of the building nearer near Burnet Road. A: We’re talking about 6-story building, not a 10-story building along Burnet Rd. For the majority of the property on the backside of the property the building height will be 40 feet which is I think a pretty reasonable. The current zoning of LO – Limited Office allows for 40 feet. Q: Are there any conditions under which the perspective owner would agree to a maximum height of 60 feet for the entire property? 13 13 of 37B-5Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 A: That is not doable for us to achieve the yield we need to make the project viable. So no, that doesn’t work for us. Part of the trade-off of MF-6 zoning is you limit your impervious cover to get some more height. Compatibility standards ensure that building height is allowed where it is appropriate and a compatible distance from single family. Q: What options are available for the use of pervious cover materials in order to reduce runoff? A: We will be reducing impervious cover which would result in no water detention being required. We are adding water quality treatment to the site which it currently doesn’t have today so we are improving the water quality. We are proposing pervious payment system that is credited towards the impervious cover numbers and are acceptable for the Environmental Criteria Manual. Q: The Laguna Gloria water main is in very bad condition leaking nearly half of the entering water supply each day so how do you plan to get sufficient water volume and pressure to the 10th floor residents at the flush and brush hours in the morning and evening? A: Part of the Service Extension Request is for the City to do this analysis. We have also done a hydrant test to confirm pressure in the neighborhood and it’s fairly high for our site. Q: What is the restrictive covenant that Stratus Properties seeks to terminate? A: There’s a restrictive covenant from the 1970’s that is out-of-date because now we have compatibility standards. Also, there is a need to stream-line the regulations on the property, so you only have the controlling regulations. Q: What discussions have you had with AISD regarding accommodations for the children? A: For every zoning case you are required to file an Education Impact Statement that is sent to the school district so that they can comment on the nearby schools and their level of capacity. When we submit the zoning application there will be an updated EIS that will be part of the zoning package and included as part of staff review. Q: Is there a requirement to have an internal parking garage or could that change to parking all along the complex with outdoor parking? A: Yes, you could have another owner do outdoor parking but then you eat up all of your space and have nowhere to put your multifamily units. You get to a point where the project just won't work financially to make it happened. It doesn't work to have a suburban project with surface parking everywhere. Q: Are you saying that the developer cannot make this project profitable if it cannot be built to a height of 90 feet? A: The proposal is 75 feet, not 90 feet. Q: If others agree, I would like to propose a 15-foot fence by the single family residences. A: I don’t think that’s legally allowed, but we will work with the neighborhood to figure that out. 14 14 of 37B-5Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 Q: Can we specify the unit mix in the restrictive covenant for the affordable housing part. I’d like to see family-friendly units. A: I would expect that there would be a mix of one-and two-bedrooms, there will be very few if any three bedrooms in the entire complex. The cost of the affordable units are not subsidized by the government but will be managed financially by the market. Q: Can we specify the points of height where it steps down where you talk about 75 feet and 40 feet within the conditional Overlay? Can we have conditions in both a restrictive covenant and the conditional overlay? A: Yes, the conditional overlay can be specific to what the building heights are. No, the City’s Law Department will not allow having conditions in both a conditional overlay and a restrictive covenant. Comments: • Even an 8-story building will be extremely intrusive to homeowners on the west side of Burnet Road. Essentially, it makes every backyard within 500 feet into public space. Even with an 8-foot fence nude swimming will be public. This sounds extremely entitled to visual distance. Meanwhile, the owner is offering only a pittance in reduction of impervious cover. • As proposed even with the 75-foot height, this proposed structure will overwhelm the character of the Crestview and Allandale neighborhoods. It will stand out in such a way that it will be incompatible. I would be curious to see the remaining capacity of Allandale/Crestview sewers with all of the new apartments going in. If you are going to have 12-foot-high stories, even a 48-foot high building will be extremely intrusive. • • • Would like to see some dedicated on-site park space like at The Pearl on Koenig Ln • Allandale has concerns about turn-around traffic on Greenlawn Parkway, and possible parking on Greenlawn Parkway. • Frankly, in one of my early projects, I placed a tall fence with razor wire between residences and a municipal landfill. The next week, I visited the site and saw how ghastly the fence was. The worst decision in my entire life. I'll be glad to take you to see this so you can imagine the curses the neighbors may have sworn in the past 40 years. CITY COUNCIL DATE: June 6, 2021 ACTION: 15 15 of 37B-5 Summary Letter from the Application Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 16 16 of 37B-5Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 Letter of Recommendation from the Crestview Neighborhood Plan Contact Team (NPCT) (As of May 4, 2021 no letter has been received) 17 17 of 37B-5Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 Recommendation from the Crestview Neigh. Assn. (As of May 4, 2021 no letter has been received0 18 18 of 37B-5Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 Site 19 19 of 37B-5Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 20 20 of 37B-5Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 21 21 of 37B-5Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 22 22 of 37B-5Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 23 23 of 37B-5 Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 24 24 of 37B-5Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 25 25 of 37B-5Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 26 26 of 37B-5 Applicant’s Virtual Community Meeting Presentation on Mar. 18, 20217 Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 27 27 of 37B-5 Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 28 28 of 37B-5Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 29 29 of 37B-5 Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 30 30 of 37B-5Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 31 31 of 37B-5Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 32 32 of 37B-5 Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 33 33 of 37B-5Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 34 34 of 37B-5Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 35 35 of 37B-5Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 36 36 of 37B-5Planning Commission: May 11, 2021 37 37 of 37B-5