B-01 and B-02 (Letter of Opposition).pdf — original pdf

Ana Aguirre Immediate Past Chair PO Box 19748 Austin, TX 78760 512-708-0647 April 13, 2021 Todd Shaw, Chair Claire Hempel, Vice-Chair Yvette Flores, Secretary James Shieh, Parliamentarian Awais Azhar Joao Paulo Connolly Grayson Cox Patrick Howard Jennifer Mushtaler Solveji Rosa Praxis Carmen Llanes Pulido Robert Schneider Jeffrey Thompson Don Leighton-Burwell, Ex-Officio Richard Mendoza, Ex-Officio Arati Singh, AISD Ex-Officio RE: Neighborhood Plan Amendment Case Number: NPA-2021-0021.01.SH Rezoning Case Number: C14-2021-0008.SH Dear Honorable Chair Shaw and Commissioners: Dear Honorable Chair Shaw and Commissioners: The Southeast Combined Neighborhood Plan Contact Team (SCNPCT) has a history of supporting responsible development. The SCNPCT held its regular monthly meeting yesterday evening, April 12, 2021, and met with representatives from the East Riverside Oltorf Combined (EROC) Contact Team to discuss the proposed changes pertaining to the property located at 2105 Parker Lane: 1) Neighborhood Plan Amendment to change the land use designation on the FLUM from Civic to multifamily land use; and 2) Rezoning from SF-3-NP to MF-4-NP. The SCNPCT took into consideration the information provided by the EROC representatives as well as input from neighborhood associations representing residents within our SCNPCT boundaries, which is immediately South of the EROC boundary. With a quorum present and based on the information provided and comparing shared concerns of the residents East of IH 35, the SCNPCT membership voted not to support the proposed changes to the land use designation on the FLUM from Civic to multifamily land use and rezoning from SF-3-NP to MF-4-NP. The SCNPCT voted to support the East Riverside Oltorf Combined (EROC) Contact Team and join their efforts. We respectfully request the Planning Commission not approve the neighborhood plan amendment and zoning change requests. We respectfully request the Planning Commission carefully consider the long-term and overall impact such changes would have on the current and future residents of East Austin. Respectfully submitted, Ana Aguirre, Immediate Past Chair Southeast Combined Neighborhood Plan Contact Team (SCNPCT)