B-01 and B-02 (Walter Mareau - Parker Apartments).pdf — original pdf

FOUNDATION COMMUNITIES LEARNING CENTER @ PARKER APARTMENTS 2105 PARKER LANE, AUSTIN, TX Foundation Communities (FC) currently operates 14 “Learning Centers” around Austin and North Texas that serve a wide range of both resident and neighborhood needs. Each Learning Center is staffed by a full‐time, on‐site Learning Center Manager, who is supported by several part‐time on‐site positions and a wide breadth and depth of other Foundation Communities’ colleagues and volunteers from our Education, Health Initiatives, and Volunteer Engagement programs, as well as a variety of FC partner agencies Typical FC Services at Parker Lane FC’s plan for 2105 Parker Lane includes both a new affordable housing community, as well as a robust Learning Center that will serve both FC residents and neighbors alike. At this location, we expect to offer typical FC services programming, delivered by our staff and available on‐site for free to surrounding neighbors, including: Weekly fitness classes, with both in person and virtual options (i.e. yoga, meditation, Zumba) Healthy food pantry, offered twice per month Various nutrition education programs, offered Annual health fair, including vaccinations, blood quarterly pressure checks, etc. As we do at our existing Learning Centers, FC also intends to complement our own services at Parker Lane with a variety of free programs offered by long‐standing partners, which may include: Parenting classes with Any Baby Can and/or Mama Sana Fresh produce boxes through the Sustainable Food Center Public health support through Austin Public Health Additionally, at this site, we will offer our large, robust after school and summer youth programs. Space in these youth programs is prioritized first for FC residents, but it is also available for and we expect to serve non‐resident students of Linder Elementary School. Special Partnerships and Services at Parker Lane We know that this site housed valued nonprofits in the past, and we are hoping to continue as many of the previous uses as possible. We are in discussions with Meals on Wheels and plan to continue their use of the site as a distribution center, if that is still a need. We are also exploring a partnership with the Wesley Nurse Program, as we have done at other FC locations. Part of our agreement with the United Methodist Church is that we will provide UMC with new office space, which they in turn expect to utilize for a variety of mission‐oriented activities. This would include Justice for Our Neighbors, the church’s nonprofit immigration clinic that previously was located at the Parker Lane site. The United Methodist Church will be identifying other neighborhood service needs in the future including counseling, parenting and family support, and small group gatherings. The site’s adjacency to Heritage Oaks Park has also provided our Health Initiatives team with a new realm of ideas. We would welcome discussion with the neighborhood about partnering to offer health events out of the park, such as outdoor fitness classes and/or a more expansive health fair. We welcome the opportunity to provide space to groups like Our House, and we are in discussion with AVANCE regarding potential interest in providing services at this location. FC also has a long existing list of regular partners, and our services offerings are always growing and evolving. After we open a new community, we often tailor new program offerings based on resident need, and anticipate doing so at this site as well. We heard a desire for periodic meeting space at this location, and we are happy to make our meeting rooms available to other groups whenever possible based on staffing availability and other services programs. More Information Our goal and intention is to be a collaborative partner with the surrounding neighborhood. If there are specific ideas or questions regarding use of this space, please contact Walter Moreau at walter.moreau@foundcom.org or Sabrina Butler at sabrina.butler@foundcom.org. You can also learn more about our Health Initiatives and Education programs on Facebook or our website, including a current calendar of health programming and virtual fitness classes available to all! www.facebook.com/FC.HealthInitiatives www.facebook.com/FCLearningCenters www.foundcom.org Legend Jurisdiction FULL PURPOSE LIMITED PURPOSE OTHER CITY LIMITS OTHER CITIES ETJ TCAD Parcels EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION 2 MILE ETJ AGRICULTURAL AGREEMENT SF Heritage Oaks Park Park A pts Parker Ln Condos Parker Apartments Church Apts Condos A pts Co m m ercial 5 IH-3 Commercial Motel E Oltorf St Com mercial’ SF Foundation Communities PARKER APARTMENTS 1: 4,800 Notes NAD_1983_StatePlane_Texas_Central_FIPS_4203_Feet 0.2 Date Printed: 0 0.08 0.2 Miles This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey. This After more than 30 years of service, the Parker United Methodist Church is excited to enter into a product has been produced by the City of Austin for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. 99-year ground lease with Foundation Communities to re-develop the site located at 2105 Parker Ln. with 135 affordable homes, a Learning Center, and church offices. This new community is envisioned to achieve the following goals: • Long-Term Affordability - 100% of the units will be affordable to households at or below 60% AMI and will remain affordable even after the 45 year rent restriction expires. • Family Friendly - 80% of homes will offer 2 and 3 bedrooms to accommodate larger families. • Amenity-Rich Green Space - We are committed to preservation of trees and green space and will design several kid friendly amenities for outdoor play. • High Impact Services On-Site - We will design the Learning Center and related high impact community services to meet the needs of our future residents and neighborhood. • Community Partnerships - The Church will office on site and we will complement FC services with a variety of free programs offered by the Church and other long-standing partners. • Non-Profit Ownership- We will remain the lifetime owner, manager, and service provider of the homes and Learning Center. • Green Building Design- We will design and build the homes and Learning Center to the highest Austin Energy Green Building standards, with planned solar and other green features. Affordability # of units 30% MFI 50% MFI 60% MFI 14 units 68 units 53 units Rents 1BR $549 $915 $1,098 2BR $659 $1,098 $1,318 3BR $761 $1,269 $1,523 Annual Income 4-Person $29,280 $48,800 $58,560 135 units 25 units 68 units 42 units AFFORDABILITY + SERVICES The Learning Center will include several classrooms, a community kitchen and large gathering space designed to house free support and enrichment services offered by Foundation Communities, the Church, and community partners. Services will be free and offered on-site to both residents and neighbors.We are already in discussions with several community partners and are envisioning the following services: • Services offered by FC staff and volunteers • Ater school and summer youth program • Weekly fitness classes, with both in person and virtual options (i.e. yoga, meditation, Zumba) • Healthy food pantry, offered twice per month • Various nutrition education programs, offered quarterly • Annual health fair, including vaccinations, blood pressure checks, etc. • Services offered by the Church and Community Partners Immigration clinic through Justice for Our Neighbors • The Church will have offices on-site and continue to provide mission-oriented services • • Family support services through Any Baby Can, Mama Sana, and/or AVANCE • Fresh produce boxes through the Sustainable Food Center • Health services through Austin Public Health • Distribution of meals to community through Meals on Wheels About Foundation Communities 30 YEARS IN AUSTIN We are an Austin nonprofit, developing affordable housing in our community for 30 years and the largest nonprofit provider of affordable housing in Austin, serving over 7,000 residents across 22 communities, and 3 more under construction. We are the lifetime owner, property manager, and service provider for our Austin communities. We provide beautifully designed, energy efficient homes and free on-site services for thousands of Austin families with kids, as well as veterans, seniors, and people with disabilities. Our innovative, proven model empowers our residents and neighbors to achieve educational success, financial stability, and healthier lifestyles. Austin, TX COMMUNITIES 2 WY CAPITAL OF TEXAS H 11 8 PA R M ER LA NE 24 9 RESEACH BLVD 23 17 E M L K J R B LV D 7 12 A I R P O R T B L V D NTOPOLIS O M 4 W KOENIG NORTH LAMAR 15TH ST 20 C A P O M R A M A H L T U O S RESS G N UTH CO SO 25 19 22 14 13 OLTORF 18 BEN WHITE BLVD 5 15 10 O L D B E E C A V E S 3 21 S FIRST STASSNEY WILLIAM CANNON MANCHACA RD 1 16 6 SL A U G H TE R Family Communities Studios for Single Adults 7 Jordan at Mueller 12 M Station 18 Arbor Terrace 23 Spring Terrace _____________________ 132 UNITS _____________________ 150 UNITS _____________________ 120 UNITS _____________________ 142 UNITS 1 Buckingham Place _____________________ 166 UNITS 2 Cardinal Point _____________________ 120 UNITS 3 Cherry Creek _____________________ 122 UNITS 4 Crossroads _____________________ 92 UNITS 5 Daffodil _____________________ 40 UNITS 6 Homestead Oaks _____________________ 140 UNITS 8 Lakeline Station _____________________ 128 UNITS 9 Laurel Creek under construction _____________________ 88 UNITS 10 Live Oak Trails _____________________ 58 UNITS 11 The Loretta design phase _____________________ 137 UNITS 13 Sierra Ridge _____________________ 149 UNITS 19 Bluebonnet Studios _____________________ 107 UNITS 14 Sierra Vista 20 Capital Studios _____________________ 238 UNITS _____________________ 135 UNITS 15 Southwest Trails 21 Garden Terrace _____________________ 160 UNITS _____________________ 103 UNITS 16 Trails At The Park _____________________ 200 UNITS 17 Trails At Vintage Creek _____________________ 200 UNITS 22 Skyline Terrace _____________________ 100 UNITS 24 Waterloo Terrace 132 UNITS _____________________ under construction 25 Zilker Studios 110 UNITS _____________________ design phase City Plan Plan Recommendation Project Alignment Austin Strategic Housing Blueprint Austin Scoring Guidelines for RHDA funding 25% of affordable housing units should have two or more bedrooms and a system to provide opportunities for families with children. 80% of homes are 2 and 3 bedroom with amenities and services specifically designed to cater to families with children District 3 should provide 6,295 additional affordable housing units by 2027. Within ¼ mile of high-frequency transit, and within ¾ mile of local, fixed- route transit service, ensuring Metro Access service for eligible persons with disabilities. Within ½ mile of an activity center Adding 135 affordable units towards District 3 goal Within ¼ mile of multiple high- frequency and local bus routes on East Oltorf Street and Burton Drive, including Route 7, 300, and 310. Additionally, Project Connect investments will improve high frequency transit routes nearby Within 1/2 mile of Riverside Activity Center Within ¼ mile of high frequency transit Within 1/4 mi of high frequency lines 7, 300 Within 1 mile of healthy food access 3/4 mile to HEB Plus on riverside Within High Displacement Risk Census tract Within ‘Dynamic’ census tract exhibiting demographic change indicative of gentrification Increase the number of people living and working within a ½ mile of the Transit Priority Network, and encourage transit supportive densities 135 units on eight acres will be creating affordable housing opportunities where previously there were none within a transit priority network area. Austin Strategic Mobility Plan Increase the percentage of affordable housing available at 30, 50, 60, and 80% MFI within ½ mile of the transit and bicycle priority networks . Prioritize serving the most vulnerable populations in Austin by supporting broader efforts to provide social services Austin Community Climate Plan Within a 1/4 mile of existing or funded new transit options. Adding units affordable for 30, 50, and 60% MFI within ½ mile of multiple high frequency transit routes. and is included in the bicycle priority network. There will be on site services for residents, including a case manager to support financial self sufficiency, and a learning center for children. Within ¼ mile of multiple high- frequency and local bus routes on East Oltorf Street and Burton Drive, including Route 7, 300, and 310.