B-15 (Right-of-Way Vacation for 60 East Avenue, 61).pdf — original pdf

M E M O R A N D U M Andrew Rivera, Planning and Zoning Department Stephany Roy, Senior Property Agent, Land Management Development Services Department TO: FROM: DATE: November 10, 2020 SUBJECT: F#10285-2006, 10286-2006 and 10287-2006 Partial Aerial Right-of-Way Vacation Applications for 60 East Avenue, 61 Rainey Street, and 69 Rainey Street Attached are the departmental comments and other information pertinent to the three joint referenced right of way vacation applications requesting to vacate aerial rights. The area being requested for vacation will be used for Mixed use high-rise with ground floor pedestrian oriented uses (retail) outdoor seating and multi-family housing. Buildings to span over the alley above 18'. All affected departments and private utility franchise holders have reviewed this request and recommend approval subject to the following conditions: AT&T (SWBT) – Only applies to F#10285-2006 • Approved contingent on the stipulation all AT&T facilities have been removed from said aerial ROW. • Approved contingent upon 1. A public access easement will be provided for an additional 3 feet of width on each side of the alley - 6 feet in total. 2. The aerial vacation will be 20 feet in height at the building face and will transition down to 18 feet at the lowest point. • Approved contingent upon retention of a public utility easement to cover aerial utility lines. Once the lines/poles are relocated/removed, the PUE can be vacated. Be advised that poles will not be removed until all utilities have been removed from them. If there are comms located on the poles in this area, applicant should begin conversations now with comm companies regarding relocations. Continue to work with Rudy Vela at Austin Energy regarding relocation of electric facilities. Google Fiber – Only applies to F#10285-2006 • Approved contingent upon any relocations and with the understanding that an alternate underground pathway will be provided for the relocation of our existing aerial fiber optics cables. All expenses will be the responsibility of the Developer. • Approved contingent upon full reimbursement for the cost of constructions if Grande Communications Grande will need to relocate. PARD / Planning and Design Review • Approved contingent upon “See comment document”. ATD Electric 1 of 17B-15 Time Warner Cable / Charter Urban Design Review • Approved contingent upon any relocations and/or adjustments of Charter/Spectrum facilities will be paid for by the applicant/developer/owner. • Approved contingent upon the vacation retain connectivity and public access per Transportation requirements. Land Management, with Development Services Department, is requesting the applications be submitted for placement on the November 24, 2020 Planning Commission Agenda for their consideration. The applicant and/or landowner adjoining the alleys, or their representative will be present at the meeting. Staff: Stephany Roy, Senior Property Agent, Land Management Development Services Department, 404-357-1814; landmanagement@austintexas.gov Applicant: James M. Schissler, Civilitude, LLC, 512-761-6161; jim@civilitude.com Adjoining Landowner: River Street Partners, LLC, 61 Rainey Street, LLC, 69 Rainey Street, LLC Stephany Roy, Senior Property Agent Land Management Development Services Department Attachment - PC Packet: Comment Document from PARD conditional approval, Intro letter, Application (3), Surveys (3), 3D Surveys (3), Location Maps (3), Site Plan 2 of 17B-15Project Name: 10285-2006 ROW Vacation - Rainey St Alley Address: 60 East Ave LM PARD / Planning & Design Review - Robynne Heymans - 512-974-9549 06/22/2020 Update 0: PR 1: Approved on the condition that requirements from ATD, Urban Design and PWD are met with regards to retaining function as a ROW and vertical clearance. 3 of 17B-155110 Lancaster Court Austin, Texas 78723 Firm Registration Phone 512 761 6161 Fax 512 761 6167 info@civilitude.co www.civilitude.com ENGINEERS & PLANNERS November 4, 2020 Ms. Stephany Roy City of Austin Office of Real Estate Services 505 Barton Spring Road, 13th Floor Austin, Texas 78704 Re: Partial Alley Vacation Application for 60 East Avenue, 61 and 69 Rainey Street River Street Residences 700 River Street Austin, Texas 78701 Dear Stephany, Enclosed is the alley vacation application package for the River Street Hotel & Market project. The project proposes to vacate the alley between the three tracts that make up the development to allow construction of a 48-story mixed use building with structured parking and ancillary improvements. The building will have first floor retail uses, multiple levels of structured parking, and multi-family residential units and amenity space above the parking levels. The three lots are portions of lots that were platted in the Driskell’s and Rainey’s Subdivision recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 22 filled on July 11, 1885. Subsequent to this plat, River Street was moved south per Volume 85, Page 62. The three tracts have received legal lot status from the City. 1. Is this a residential or commercial project? MIXED USE WITH RETAIL, GENENRAL RESTAURANT AND MULTI- FAMILY. 2. How was the area to be vacated dedicated? By plat or by separate instrument? BY PLAT, ATTACHED. 3. Did the City purchase the area to be vacated? (i.e., by Street Deed) NO. 4. Are both the area to be vacated and your property in the same “subdivision”? (They must both be in the same subdivision to be eligible.) YES, DRISKELL’S AND RAINEY’S SUBDIVISION. 5. Is the area to be vacated functional right-of-way, or is it only dedicated on paper? FUNCTIONAL, UNPAVED ALLEY. 6. Are there any utility lines within the area to be vacated? If yes, what are your plans for the utilities? Applicants should be advised that easements will be retained to protect existing utilities, even if utility relocation is proposed. Also be advised that no structures may be built on, over or under the easements without a license agreement, insurance, and annual fee. YES, OVERHEAD UTILITIES WILL BE BURIED. 7. How do you plan to develop the area to be vacated? A 48-STORY MIXED USE BLDG. WILL EXTEND OVER THE ALLEY. 8. Has a site plan been submitted on your project? YES, SP-2019-0435C. 9. Is your project a Unified Development? YES, ALLEY VACATION WILL ALLOW THREE TRACTS TO TIE TOOGETHER. 10. Is your project a S.M.A.R.T. Housing Project? NOT SMART HOUSING, BUT DENSITY BONUS REQUIRESHAVE AFFORDABLE UNITS. 11. When do you anticipate starting construction of the development? SPRING, 2021. 12. What is the current zoning on the adjacent properties? ALL PROPERTIES ARE ZONED CBD. 13. What is the current status of the adjacent properties? RAINEY PROPERTIES ARE DEVELOPED, EAST AVE CLEARED. 14. What type of parking facilities currently exist? MINIMAL ONSTREET SURFACE PARKING 4 of 17B-15 15. Will your parking requirements increase with the expansion? THERE ARE NO PARKING REQUIREMENTS IN CBD BUT PARKING WILL BE PROVIDED. 16. How will the increase be handled? STRUCTURED PARKING IN THE BUILDING. 17. Have any agreements or easements been executed with adjacent landowner(s) or in draft form? If yes, please include this in your letter and provide us with a copy. RAINEY ST TRACTS ARE UNDER CONTRACT WITH DEVELOPER. 18. Does the area to be vacated lie within the Austin Downtown Plan (DAP)? YES Does it meet DAP criteria? YES 19. Does the area to be vacated lie within UT boundaries: East of Lamar Boulevard, west of IH-35, north of Martin Luther King Boulevard, and south of 45th Street? IT DOES NOT. 20. Does the proposed vacation support the Priority Programs and policy directives set forth in the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan? If so, how? VACATION WOULD ALLOW MAXIMUM RESIDENTIAL DENSITY OF URBAN TRACTS AND REDUCE PRESSURE FOR SUBURBAN SPRAWL. The overhead electric and telecommunication lines will be relocated underground. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us and inquire at 512-761-6161. Sincerely, James M Schissler James M. Schissler, P.E. Vice President 2 5 of 17B-15APPLICATION FOR STREET OR ALLEY VACATION File No. _______________________ Department Use Only DATE: _____________________________ Department Use Only TYPE OF VACATION Type of Vacation: Street: _____; Alley: _X___; ROW _____ Hundred Block: _____________________ Name of Street/Alley/ROW: Rainey Street Alley_______________________ Is it constructed: Yes No Property address: 60 East Avenue __________________________________ Purpose of vacation: Aerial Vacatoin to allow mixed use high-rise crossing alley PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ADJACENT TO AREA TO BE VACATED Parcel #: 02 03031039 ___________________________________________________________ Survey & Abstract No.: _________________________________________________________________ Lot(s): 0, 1 ______ Block: 1_________ Outlot: __________________________________________ Subdivision Name: Driskill and Rainey Subdivision_________________________________________ Plat Book 1__________ Page Number 22_______ Document Number ___________________________ Neighborhood Association Name: _________________________________________________________ Address including zip code: ______________________________________________________________ RELATED CASES Existing Site Plan (circle one): YES / NO Subdivision: Case (circle one): YES / NO Zoning Case (circle one): YES / NO SP-2019-0465C______________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ FILE NUMBERS PROJECT NAME, if applicable: Name of Development Project: River Street Hotel & Homes_____________________________________ Is this a S.M.A.R.T. Housing Project (circle one): YES / NO Is this within the Downtown Austin Plan Boundaries (circle one): YES / NO OWNER INFORMATION Name: River Street Partners, LLC___________________________ (as shown on Deed) Address: 906 Rio Grande St______________ Phone: (512) 333-4892___ Fax No.: (___) ___________ City: Austin______________ County: Travis____ State: TX_______ Zip Code: 78701_________ Contact Person/Title: Jon Rioux______________________________ Cell Phone: (512) 333-4892 Email Address: jon@additionre.com_______________________________________________________ (If multiple owners are joining in this request, complete names and addresses for each must be attached.) APPLICANT INFORMATION Name: James M. Schissler, PE___________________________________________________________ Firm Name: Civilitude, LLC_____________________________________________________________ Address: 5110 Lancaster Ct_______________________________________________________________ City: Austin___________________State: TX______________ Zip Code: 78723____________________ Office No.: (512) 761-6161________ Cell No.: (512) 569-9830______ Fax No.: (___) ______________ EMAIL ADDRESS: jim@civilitude.com__________________________________________________ The undersigned Landowner/Applicant understands: 1) This application will be handled in accordance with standard City policies and procedures. 2) No action will be taken without (a) payment of the nonrefundable application fee, or (b) necessary documentation. 3) The application and fee in no way obligate the City to vacate the subject area. 4) All documents related to this transaction and a certified check for the appraised value must be delivered to the City of Austin prior to placing the item on the Council Agenda for final approval. Signed By: __________________ Landowner/Applicant 7 6 of 17B-15OWNER INFORMATION: Name: 61 Rainey Street, LLC___________________________ (as shown on Deed) Address: 1900 Newton St, Unit A__________ Phone: (___) __________ Fax No.: (___) ___________ City: Austin______________ County: Travis____ State: TX_______ Zip Code: 78704_________ Contact Person/Title: Jon Rioux, Developer____________________ Cell Phone: (512) 333-4892 Email Address: jon@additionre.com Name: 69 Rainey Street, LLC___________________________ (as shown on Deed) Address: 1900 Newton Street, Unit A____ Phone: (___) _____________ Fax No.: (___) ___________ City: Austin______________ County: Travis____ State: TX_______ Zip Code: 78704_________ Contact Person/Title: Jon Rioux, Developer___________________ Cell Phone: (512) 333-4892 Email Address: jon@additionre.com 7 of 17B-15APPLICATION FOR STREET OR ALLEY VACATION File No. _______________________ Department Use Only DATE: _____________________________ Department Use Only TYPE OF VACATION Type of Vacation: Street: _____; Alley: _X___; ROW _____ Hundred Block: _____________________ Name of Street/Alley/ROW: Rainey Street Alley_______________________ Is it constructed: Yes No Property address: 69 Rainey Street ____________________________________ Purpose of vacation: Aerial Vacation to allow mixed use high-rise crossing alley PROPERTY DESCRIPTION ADJACENT TO AREA TO BE VACATED Parcel #: 02 03031001, 02 ___________________________________________________________ Survey & Abstract No.: _________________________________________________________________ Lot(s) ______ Block: 1_________ Outlot: __________________________________________ Subdivision Name: Driskill and Rainey Subdivision_________________________________________ Plat Book 1__________ Page Number 22_______ Document Number ___________________________ Neighborhood Association Name: _________________________________________________________ Address including zip code: ______________________________________________________________ RELATED CASES Existing Site Plan (circle one): YES / NO Subdivision: Case (circle one): YES / NO Zoning Case (circle one): YES / NO SP-2019-0465C______________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ FILE NUMBERS PROJECT NAME, if applicable: Name of Development Project: River Street Market & Hotel_____________________________________ Is this a S.M.A.R.T. Housing Project (circle one): YES / NO Is this within the Downtown Austin Plan Boundaries (circle one): YES / NO OWNER INFORMATION Name: 69 Rainey Street, LLC_________________________ (as shown on Deed) Address: 1900 Newton St, Unit A ______ Phone: (512) 333-4892___ Fax No.: (___) ___________ City: Austin______________ County: Travis____ State: TX_______ Zip Code: 78704_________ Contact Person/Title: Jon Rioux_____________________________ Cell Phone: (512) 333-4892 Email Address: jon@additionre.com_______________________________________________________ (If multiple owners are joining in this request, complete names and addresses for each must be attached.) APPLICANT INFORMATION Name: James M. Schissler, PE___________________________________________________________ Firm Name: Civilitude, LLC_____________________________________________________________ Address: 5110 Lancaster Ct_______________________________________________________________ City: Austin___________________State: TX______________ Zip Code: 78723____________________ Office No.: (512) 761-6161________ Cell No.: (512) 569-9830______ Fax No.: (___) ______________ EMAIL ADDRESS: jim@civilitude.com__________________________________________________ The undersigned Landowner/Applicant understands: 1) This application will be handled in accordance with standard City policies and procedures. 2) No action will be taken without (a) payment of the nonrefundable application fee, or (b) necessary documentation. 3) The application and fee in no way obligate the City to vacate the subject area. 4) All documents related to this transaction and a certified check for the appraised value must be delivered to the City of Austin prior to placing the item on the Council Agenda for final approval. Signed By: James M Schissler Landowner/Applicant 7 8 of 17B-159 of 17B-1510 of 17B-1511 of 17B-15EXHIBIT "___" PAGE 3 OF 4 SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION DRISKILL'S AND RAINEY'S SUBDIVISION LOT 18, BLOCK 1 OF PART OF OUTLOTS 72 & 73, DIVISION E, AUSTIN TEXAS VOL. 1, PG. 22, P.R.T.C.T. N O I T A T N E M U N O ) E D I 2, P.R.T.C.T. T W D M E E G. 2 N 0 F U O L. 1, P Y ( Y F E D B L O L D V A N A 2 E C N E D I V S E A C L Y, L 2 8 4 1 2 0 3 1 0 O.P.R.T.C.T. T R E P O R T P S D N M I K T.# 2 1 0 0 S, et al. G. 0 A 2, P R D.R.T.C.T. E R T N E 1 O O C M U I L L O U V J 5 0 3 LEGEND OF ABBREVIATIONS P.R.T.C.T. O.P.R.T.C.T. D.R.T.C.T. POB/POC AC./S.F. INST.# Plat Records of Travis County, Texas Official Public Records of Travis County, Texas Deed Records of Travis County, Texas Point of Beginning/Point of Commencing Acres/Square feet Instrument Number MNS MONUMENTS / BEARING BASIS Mag nail & washer stamped "JPH Land Surveying" set Found monuments are as noted The bearings shown hereon are Texas State Plane Grid bearings (Texas Central Zone, NAD83). 5/8" REBAR T, L C L MNS L3 1/2" REBAR DRISKILL'S AND RAINEY'S SUBDIVISION LOT 1, BLOCK 1 OF PART OF OUTLOTS 72 & 73 DIVISION E, AUSTIN TEXAS VOL. 1, PG. 22, P.R.T.C.T. (ORIGINAL) RIVER STREET PER VOL. 1, PG. 22, P.R.T.C.T. (REFERENCED AS BEING RELOCATED BY VOL. 86, PG. 52, D.R.T.C.T.) 9 0 9 4 3 1 0 1 0 O.P.R.T.C.T. E E R T Y S T.# 2 E N I A 9 R S N I 6 1/2" REBAR C L T, L 9 6 7 9 6 1 1 1 0 O.P.R.T.C.T. E E R T Y S T.# 2 E N I A 1 R S N I 6 2 L 4 L RIVER STREET PARTNERS, LLC A TEXAS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY INST.# 2020009096, & INST.# 2020009097, O.P.R.T.C.T. ALLEY (20' FEET WIDE) EVIDENCED BY FOUND MONUMENTATION AND VOL. 1, PG. 22, P.R.T.C.T. 0.021 AC. 914 S.F. MNS MNS L1 1/2" REBAR E:3115746.04' N:10067041.46' (ORIGINAL) 10' RESERVE PER VOL. 1, PG. 22 P.R.T.C.T. RIVER STREET AND CITED AS HAVING BEEN RELOCATED BY CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE AS EVIDENCED BY FOUND MONUMENTATION 60' RIGHT OF WAY RECORDED IN VOLUME 86, PAGE 52, D.R.T.C.T. (DOCUMENT ILLEGIBLE) REFERENCED BY INST.# 2011169769, O.P.R.T.C.T. AND INST.# 20100134909, O.P.R.T.C.T. P.O.B. Line Data Table Line # Distance Bearing L1 L2 L3 L4 10.00' N73°39'44"W 91.40' N16°10'31"E 10.00' S73°49'29"E 91.43' S16°10'31"W a N d L H P J 0 30' Scale: 1" = 30' c n I g, e yin S u r v JPH Job No. SF Boundary.dwg 2016.069.006 60 East Avenue, Austin, Travis County, TX - 914 © 2020 JPH Land Surveying, Inc. - All Rights Reserved 1516 E. Palm Valley Blvd., Ste. A4, Round Rock, Texas 78664 Telephone (817) 431-4971 www.jphlandsurveying.com TBPLS Firm #10019500 #10194073 #10193867 DFW | Austin | Abilene Cole Strevey Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 6731 cole@jphls.com May 20, 2020 EXHIBIT SHOWING 914 SQUARE FEET BEING A PORTION OF AN ALLEY (20' WIDE) DRISKILL'S AND RAINEY'S SUBDIVISION OF PART OF OUTLOTS 72 & 73 CITY OF AUSTIN TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS 12 of 17B-15LEGEND OF ABBREVIATIONS P.R.T.C.T. O.P.R.T.C.T. D.R.T.C.T. POB/POC AC./S.F. INST.# Plat Records of Travis County, Texas Official Public Records of Travis County, Texas Deed Records of Travis County, Texas Point of Beginning/Point of Commencing Acres/Square feet Instrument Number BEARING BASIS The bearings shown hereon are Texas State Plane Grid bearings (Texas Central Zone, NAD83). 61 RAINEY STREET, LLC INST.# 2011169769 O.P.R.T.C.T. AREA TO BE VACATED 91.40' 91.43' AREA TO BE RETAINED 91.40' ALLEY 91.43' RIVER STREET PARTNERS, LLC, A TEXAS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY INST.# 2020009096, & INST.# 2020009097, O.P.R.T.C.T. 69 RAINEY STREET, LLC INST.# 2010134909 O.P.R.T.C.T. JULIO CONTRERAS, et al. VOLUME 13052, PG. 0001 D.R.T.C.T. 18.0' ABOVE GROUND 18.0' ABOVE GROUND ' 0 0 . 8 1 GROUND ALLEY 10.00' 10.00' GROUND KMDT PROPERTY, LLC INST.# 2013021482 O.P.R.T.C.T. EXHIBIT "___" SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 4 OF 4 AND CITED AS HAVING BEEN RELOCATED BY CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE RECORDED IN VOLU ME 86, PAGE 52, D.R.T.C.T. (DOCU MENT ILLEGIBLE) AS EVIDENCED BY FOUND M ONU MENTATION REFERENCED BY INST.# 2011169769, O.P.R.T.C.T. RIVER STREET AND INST.# 20100134909, O.P.R.T.C.T. 60' RIGHT OF W AY 20.00' ABOVE GROUND 10.00' 20.00' ABOVE GROUND ' 0 0 . 0 2 10.00' GROUND GROUND a N d L H P J 0 20' Scale: 1" = 20' c n I g, e yin S u r v JPH Job No. SF Boundary.dwg 2016.069.006 60 East Avenue, Austin, Travis County, TX - 914 © 2020 JPH Land Surveying, Inc. - All Rights Reserved 1516 E. Palm Valley Blvd., Ste. A4, Round Rock, Texas 78664 Telephone (817) 431-4971 www.jphlandsurveying.com TBPLS Firm #10019500 #10194073 #10193867 DFW | Austin | Abilene EXHIBIT BEING A PORTION OF AN ALLEY (20' WIDE) DRISKILL'S AND RAINEY'S SUBDIVISION OF PART OF OUTLOTS 72 & 73 CITY OF AUSTIN TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS 13 of 17B-15(ORIGINAL) RIVER STREET PER VOL. 1, PG. 22, P.R.T.C.T. (REFERENCED AS BEING RELOCATED BY VOL. 86, PG. 52, D.R.T.C.T.) EXHIBIT "___" PAGE 3 OF 4 SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION DRISKILL'S AND RAINEY'S SUBDIVISION LOT 18, BLOCK 1 OF PART OF OUTLOTS 72 & 73, DIVISION E, AUSTIN TEXAS VOL. 1, PG. 22, P.R.T.C.T. LEGEND OF ABBREVIATIONS P.R.T.C.T. O.P.R.T.C.T. D.R.T.C.T. POB/POC AC./S.F. INST.# Plat Records of Travis County, Texas Official Public Records of Travis County, Texas Deed Records of Travis County, Texas Point of Beginning/Point of Commencing Acres/Square feet Instrument Number MNS MONUMENTS / BEARING BASIS Mag nail & washer stamped "JPH Land Surveying" set Found monuments are as noted The bearings shown hereon are Texas State Plane Grid bearings (Texas Central Zone, NAD83). DRISKILL'S AND RAINEY'S SUBDIVISION LOT 1, BLOCK 1 OF PART OF OUTLOTS 72 & 73 DIVISION E, AUSTIN TEXAS VOL. 1, PG. 22, P.R.T.C.T. N O I T A T N E M U N O ) E D I 2, P.R.T.C.T. T W D M E E G. 2 N 0 F U O L. 1, P Y ( Y F E D B L O L D V A N A 2 E C N E D I V S E A C L Y, L 2 8 4 1 2 0 3 1 0 O.P.R.T.C.T. T R E P O R T P S D N M I K T.# 2 1/2" REBAR MNS 0.008 AC. 353 S.F. ALLEY (20' FEET WIDE) EVIDENCED BY FOUND MONUMENTATION AND VOL. 1, PG. 22, P.R.T.C.T. RIVER STREET PARTNERS, LLC, A TEXAS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY INST.# 2020009096, & INST.# 2020009097, O.P.R.T.C.T. Line Data Table Line # Distance Bearing L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 20.00' N73°39'44"W 35.25' N16°10'31"E 10.00' S73°47'44"E 35.25' S16°10'31"W 10.00' N73°47'44"W 1 0 0 S, et al. G. 0 A 2, P R D.R.T.C.T. E R T N E 1 O O C M U I L L O U V J 5 0 3 5/8" REBAR L3 2 L 4 L L5 MNS C L T, L 9 0 9 4 3 1 0 1 0 O.P.R.T.C.T. E E R T Y S T.# 2 E N I A 9 R S N I 6 1/2" REBAR P.O.B. C L T, L 9 6 7 9 6 1 1 1 0 O.P.R.T.C.T. 5' 0.1 E 5 " 1 0'3 1 ° 6 1 N E E R T Y S T.# 2 E N I A 1 R S N I 6 MNS L1 1/2" REBAR E:3115746.04' N:10067041.46' (ORIGINAL) 10' RESERVE PER VOL. 1, PG. 22 P.R.T.C.T. RIVER STREET AND CITED AS HAVING BEEN RELOCATED BY CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE AS EVIDENCED BY FOUND MONUMENTATION 60' RIGHT OF WAY RECORDED IN VOLUME 86, PAGE 52, D.R.T.C.T. (DOCUMENT ILLEGIBLE) REFERENCED BY INST.# 2011169769, O.P.R.T.C.T. AND INST.# 20100134909, O.P.R.T.C.T. P.O.C. a N d L H P J 0 30' Scale: 1" = 30' c n I g, e yin S u r v JPH Job No. SF Boundary.dwg 2016.069.006 60 East Avenue, Austin, Travis County, TX - 353 © 2020 JPH Land Surveying, Inc. - All Rights Reserved 1516 E. Palm Valley Blvd., Ste. A4, Round Rock, Texas 78664 Telephone (817) 431-4971 www.jphlandsurveying.com TBPLS Firm #10019500 #10194073 #10193867 DFW | Austin | Abilene Cole Strevey Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 6731 cole@jphls.com May 20, 2020 EXHIBIT SHOWING 353 SQUARE FEET BEING A PORTION OF AN ALLEY (20' WIDE) DRISKILL'S AND RAINEY'S SUBDIVISION OF PART OF OUTLOTS 72 & 73 CITY OF AUSTIN TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS 14 of 17B-15EXHIBIT "___" PAGE 4 OF 4 SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION LEGEND OF ABBREVIATIONS P.R.T.C.T. O.P.R.T.C.T. D.R.T.C.T. POB/POC AC./S.F. INST.# Plat Records of Travis County, Texas Official Public Records of Travis County, Texas Deed Records of Travis County, Texas Point of Beginning/Point of Commencing Acres/Square feet Instrument Number BEARING BASIS The bearings shown hereon are Texas State Plane Grid bearings (Texas Central Zone, NAD83). AND CITED AS HAVING BEEN RELOCATED BY CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE RECORDED IN VOLU ME 86, PAGE 52, D.R.T.C.T. (DOCU MENT ILLEGIBLE) AS EVIDENCED BY FOUND M ONU MENTATION REFERENCED BY INST.# 2011169769, O.P.R.T.C.T. RIVER STREET AND INST.# 20100134909, O.P.R.T.C.T. 60' RIGHT OF W AY ALLEY 18.9' ABOVE GROUND 18.9' ABOVE GROUND 61 RAINEY STREET, LLC INST.# 2011169769 O.P.R.T.C.T. ' 0 9 8 1 . GROUND GROUND 10.00' 10.00' AREA TO BE VACATED 35.25' 35.25' 10.00' ' 0 1 8 1 . 10.00' 69 RAINEY STREET, LLC INST.# 2010134909 O.P.R.T.C.T. AREA TO BE RETAINED 35.25' 35.25' ALLEY GROUND GROUND 18.1' ABOVE GROUND 18.1' ABOVE GROUND JULIO CONTRERAS, et al. VOLUME 13052, PG. 0001 D.R.T.C.T. RIVER STREET PARTNERS, LLC, A TEXAS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY INST.# 2020009096, & INST.# 2020009097, O.P.R.T.C.T. KMDT PROPERTY, LLC INST.# 2013021482 O.P.R.T.C.T. a N d L H P J 0 20' Scale: 1" = 20' c n I g, e yin S u r v JPH Job No. SF Boundary.dwg 2016.069.006 60 East Avenue, Austin, Travis County, TX - 353 © 2020 JPH Land Surveying, Inc. - All Rights Reserved 1516 E. Palm Valley Blvd., Ste. A4, Round Rock, Texas 78664 Telephone (817) 431-4971 www.jphlandsurveying.com TBPLS Firm #10019500 #10194073 #10193867 DFW | Austin | Abilene EXHIBIT BEING A PORTION OF AN ALLEY (20' WIDE) DRISKILL'S AND RAINEY'S SUBDIVISION OF PART OF OUTLOTS 72 & 73 CITY OF AUSTIN TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS 15 of 17B-15EXHIBIT "___" PAGE 3 OF 4 SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION DRISKILL'S AND RAINEY'S SUBDIVISION LOT 18, BLOCK 1 OF PART OF OUTLOTS 72 & 73, DIVISION E, AUSTIN TEXAS VOL. 1, PG. 22, P.R.T.C.T. 1 0 0 S, et al. G. 0 A 2, P R D.R.T.C.T. E R T N E 1 O O C M U I L L O U V J 5 0 3 5/8" REBAR T, L C L 9 0 9 4 3 1 0 1 0 O.P.R.T.C.T. E E R T Y S T.# 2 E N I A 9 R S N I 6 (ORIGINAL) RIVER STREET PER VOL. 1, PG. 22, P.R.T.C.T. (REFERENCED AS BEING RELOCATED BY VOL. 86, PG. 52, D.R.T.C.T.) N O I T A T N E M U N O ) E D I 2, P.R.T.C.T. T W D M E E G. 2 N 0 F U O L. 1, P Y ( Y F E D B L O L D V A N A 2 E C N E D I V S E A C L Y, L 2 8 4 1 2 0 3 1 0 O.P.R.T.C.T. T R E P O R T P S D N M I K T.# 2 1/2" REBAR LEGEND OF ABBREVIATIONS P.R.T.C.T. O.P.R.T.C.T. D.R.T.C.T. POB/POC AC./S.F. INST.# Plat Records of Travis County, Texas Official Public Records of Travis County, Texas Deed Records of Travis County, Texas Point of Beginning/Point of Commencing Acres/Square feet Instrument Number MNS MONUMENTS / BEARING BASIS Mag nail & washer stamped "JPH Land Surveying" set Found monuments are as noted The bearings shown hereon are Texas State Plane Grid bearings (Texas Central Zone, NAD83). DRISKILL'S AND RAINEY'S SUBDIVISION LOT 1, BLOCK 1 OF PART OF OUTLOTS 72 & 73 DIVISION E, AUSTIN TEXAS VOL. 1, PG. 22, P.R.T.C.T. 1/2" REBAR L4 MNS RIVER STREET PARTNERS, LLC A TEXAS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY INST.# 2020009096, & INST.# 2020009097, O.P.R.T.C.T. C L T, L 9 6 7 9 6 1 1 1 0 O.P.R.T.C.T. 3 L E E R T Y S T.# 2 E N I A 1 R S N I 6 5 L 0.012 AC. 502 S.F. ALLEY (20' FEET WIDE) EVIDENCED BY FOUND MONUMENTATION AND VOL. 1, PG. 22, P.R.T.C.T. Line Data Table Line # Distance Bearing L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 10.00' N73°39'44"W 10.00' N73°39'44"W 50.15' N16°10'31"E 10.00' S73°47'44"E 50.17' S16°10'31"W (ORIGINAL) 10' RESERVE PER VOL. 1, PG. 22 P.R.T.C.T. MNS L2 P.O.B. L1 MNS 1/2" REBAR E:3115746.04' N:10067041.46' RIVER STREET AND CITED AS HAVING BEEN RELOCATED BY CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE AS EVIDENCED BY FOUND MONUMENTATION 60' RIGHT OF WAY RECORDED IN VOLUME 86, PAGE 52, D.R.T.C.T. (DOCUMENT ILLEGIBLE) REFERENCED BY INST.# 2011169769, O.P.R.T.C.T. AND INST.# 20100134909, O.P.R.T.C.T. P.O.C. a N d L H P J 0 30' Scale: 1" = 30' c n I g, e yin S u r v JPH Job No. SF Boundary.dwg 2016.069.006 60 East Avenue, Austin, Travis County, TX - 502 © 2020 JPH Land Surveying, Inc. - All Rights Reserved 1516 E. Palm Valley Blvd., Ste. A4, Round Rock, Texas 78664 Telephone (817) 431-4971 www.jphlandsurveying.com TBPLS Firm #10019500 #10194073 #10193867 DFW | Austin | Abilene Cole Strevey Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 6731 cole@jphls.com May 20, 2020 EXHIBIT SHOWING 502 SQUARE FEET BEING A PORTION OF AN ALLEY (20' WIDE) DRISKILL'S AND RAINEY'S SUBDIVISION OF PART OF OUTLOTS 72 & 73 CITY OF AUSTIN TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS 16 of 17B-15EXHIBIT "___" SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION PAGE 4 OF 4 AND CITED AS HAVING BEEN RELOCATED BY CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE RECORDED IN VOLU ME 86, PAGE 52, D.R.T.C.T. (DOCU MENT ILLEGIBLE) AS EVIDENCED BY FOUND M ONU MENTATION REFERENCED BY INST.# 2011169769, O.P.R.T.C.T. RIVER STREET AND INST.# 20100134909, O.P.R.T.C.T. 60' RIGHT OF W AY 20.0' ABOVE GROUND 10.00' 20.0' ABOVE GROUND ' 0 0 . 0 2 10.00' GROUND GROUND LEGEND OF ABBREVIATIONS P.R.T.C.T. O.P.R.T.C.T. D.R.T.C.T. POB/POC AC./S.F. INST.# Plat Records of Travis County, Texas Official Public Records of Travis County, Texas Deed Records of Travis County, Texas Point of Beginning/Point of Commencing Acres/Square feet Instrument Number BEARING BASIS The bearings shown hereon are Texas State Plane Grid bearings (Texas Central Zone, NAD83). 61 RAINEY STREET, LLC INST.# 2011169769 O.P.R.T.C.T. AREA TO BE VACATED 50.15' 50.17' 50.15' 50.17' AREA TO BE RETAINED ALLEY 10.00' ' 0 9 . 8 1 10.00' GROUND GROUND 69 RAINEY STREET, LLC INST.# 2010134909 O.P.R.T.C.T. 18.9' ABOVE GROUND 18.9' ABOVE GROUND JULIO CONTRERAS, et al. VOLUME 13052, PG. 0001 D.R.T.C.T. ALLEY RIVER STREET PARTNERS, LLC, A TEXAS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY INST.# 2020009096, & INST.# 2020009097, O.P.R.T.C.T. KMDT PROPERTY, LLC INST.# 2013021482 O.P.R.T.C.T. a N d L H P J 0 20' Scale: 1" = 20' c n I g, e yin S u r v JPH Job No. SF Boundary.dwg 2016.069.006 60 East Avenue, Austin, Travis County, TX - 502 © 2020 JPH Land Surveying, Inc. - All Rights Reserved 1516 E. Palm Valley Blvd., Ste. A4, Round Rock, Texas 78664 Telephone (817) 431-4971 www.jphlandsurveying.com TBPLS Firm #10019500 #10194073 #10193867 DFW | Austin | Abilene EXHIBIT BEING A PORTION OF AN ALLEY (20' WIDE) DRISKILL'S AND RAINEY'S SUBDIVISION OF PART OF OUTLOTS 72 & 73 CITY OF AUSTIN TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS 17 of 17B-15