Planning CommissionOct. 13, 2020

B-08 - BNA Letter to PC (1512 W Koenig).pdf — original pdf

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Brentwood Neighborhood Association Serving Our Neighborhood from 45th St. to Justin Lane and North Lamar to Burnet Road Planning Commission October 9, 2020 To: From: Brentwood Neighborhood Association Steering Committee Re: We are writing this letter to inform the Planning Commission that our Steering Committee cannot support the environmental variance at this site due to the following reasons: 1512 W. Koenig Lane Environmental Variance 1. Since being re-zoned in 2004 (from SF-3 to LO-MU-NP), the property has been cited by Code Compliance for non-permitted Change of Use (residential to commercial). a. As part of that illegal change of use, gravel was added to the entire backyard to facilitate parking (without the required permits). b. In addition, a number of trees were removed (under “residential” use, although commercial use conversion was underway). Replacement of the removed trees has never been sought by the City to mitigate the loss of our urban forest. (see 2012 and 2018 aerial photos above). 2. Flooding (without current improvements – parking, driveways, etc) exists at this site (see photo at right). This shows the illegal improvements prior to being required to seek official Change of Use permit. It also shows “empty” backyard (except for standing water) where trees were previously. a. Since this project has no required on-site detention, we believe that the vegetative strips (given the increase in impervious cover from original SF use to proposed use in Site Development package) will be insufficient to mitigate downstream flooding in Brentwood (and neighborhoods to our west that flow into Shoal Creek). b. Given the lack of good faith on the part of owners of this property, we are concerned that maintenance of filter beds and other features to remedy environmental impacts will not happen in a way that safely protects adjacent neighbors and properties downstream. 3. Therefore, we are asking you deny this variance unless the following are required: more robust on-site detention, replacement of trees, and rainwater collection. Your help in this matter is appreciated to keep our neighborhood safe, especially due to increased contributing areas to Atlas 14 in this immediate area. Respectfully, Kristine Poland, BNA President