Planning CommissionOct. 13, 2020

B-05 (C14-2020-0047 - 902 Morrow St; District 7).pdf — original pdf

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ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2020-0047 – 902 Morrow St DISTRICT: 7 ZONING FROM: SF-3-NP TO: MF-1-NP ADDRESS: 902, 904 Morrow Street SITE AREA: 0.74 acres (32,380 sq. ft.) PROPERTY OWNER: Vineway, LLC, (Tyler McReynolds) AGENT: Thrower Design, (A. Ron Thrower) CASE MANAGER: Mark Graham (512-974-3574, ) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommendation is to grant multifamily residence (limited density) – neighborhood plan (MF-1-NP). For a summary of the basis of staff’s recommendation, see case manager comments below. PLANNING/ COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: October 13, 2020: August 25, 2020: TO GRANT POSTPONEMENT TO OCTOBER 13, 2020 AS REQUESTED BY NEIGHBORHOOD, ON CONSENT (12-0). [A. AZHAR; R. SCHNEIDER-2ND] J. SHIEH-RECUSED. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: Planned to be scheduled for November 12, 2020 ORDINANCE NUMBER: ISSUES: No issues were identified for this proposal. 1 of 13B-5 C14-2020-0047 2 CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: NPA A Neighborhood Plan Amendment was filed requesting that the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) be modified from single family to multi-family residence for the subject tract. A Virtual Neighborhood Meeting was webcast on July 9, 2020. ( Neighborhood Planning supports modifying the FLUM from single family to multi-family. DENSITY The applicant requests multi-family residence (limited density) – neighborhood plan (MF-1-NP) combining zone district to build 13 dwelling units on .74 acres (32,380 sq. ft.). The subject tract is on the north side of Morrow Street about 350 feet west of North Lamar Boulevard and about 700 feet east of Watson Street. The property is currently zoned family residence – neighborhood plan (SF-3-NP) which allows a single family or duplex unit on a minimum of 5,750 square feet; about 7.6 units to the acre. The platted SF-3 zoned lots along the north side of Morrow Street were each about a half-acre (21,780 sq. ft.) or the equivalent of about 3.8 times the minimum lot size for the SF-3 zone district. Many of the SF-3 lots on Morrow Street and Taulbee Lane (one block north) are developed with two or more dwellings or have been subdivided to the same effect. The subject tracts addressed as 902 and 904 Morrow Street have about 160 feet of Morrow Street frontage and 200 feet of lot depth. The requested MF-1 zoning requires 8,000 square feet for a lot and permits up to 6 units per lot. The proposed development density is for 17 units per acre. The west property line and 1/3rd of the north property line of the subject parcel are contiguous with SF-3-NP zoned land. 2/3rds of the north and all of the east property line of the subject tract are contiguous with MF3-NP zoned land. The MF-3 zoned lot to the north and east has 16 dwelling units; 12 on Taulbee Lane and 4 fronting on Morrow. The density of that development is about 12.6 units per acre where about 43 units per acre are permitted. Development Standards/Compatibility Building height and setback are regulated by the zone district and also by Compatibility Standards. Some of the zone district standards for the SF-3 and the requested MF-1 are similar: buildings can be 35 feet in height in SF-3, and 40 in MF-1. Both have 25 foot front setbacks from the street. Compatibility standards require 25 foot side and rear setbacks for buildings when adjacent to property zoned SF-5 or more restrictive. 5% more building coverage is allowed in MF-1 (45% versus 40% in SF-3). Maximum impervious cover in both is 55%. City compatibility standards require a landscaped buffer and increased building and driveway setbacks from the family residence zone. Building height is limited to 30 feet tall for the first 50 feet away from the SF-3 zone. There are requirements for screening mechanical equipment, dumpsters and parking. 2 of 13B-5 C14-2020-0047 3 Compact, Connected The subject tract is about 700 feet from the southbound MetroRapid stop on Lamar and 450 feet from the northbound stop. Lamar is a Future Core Transit Corridor and current MetroRapid bus route with buses departing each 15 minutes during peak travel hours. Google maps estimates the walk from 902 Morrow to Justin Station Commuter Rail would take ten minutes via Easy Wind Drive or eleven minutes via Lamar. There are abundant retail, restaurant, recreation, entertainment, personal and business services and employers along North Lamar and West Anderson Lane near this location. In addition, Morrow is a through Street to Burnett Road with many more options for transportation, essentials and entertainment. BASIS OF RECOMMENDATION: 1. The proposed zoning should be consistent with the purpose statement of the district sought. MF-1 – Multifamily Residence (Limited Density) district is intended to accommodate multifamily use with a maximum density of up to 17 units per acre, depending on unit size. This district is appropriate for residential neighborhoods having a mixture of single-family and multifamily uses, as a buffer between single-family neighborhoods and higher intensity uses, and in selected areas where limited density multifamily use is desirable. NP – Neighborhood Plan district denotes a tract located within the boundaries of an adopted Neighborhood Plan. The subject tract has higher density zoned properties to the north and east (MF-3). To the west is lower density single family zoning (SF-3). The proposed rezoning creates a buffer between the two. The proposed rezoning to MF-1 creates a transition area from the MF-3 to the SF-3 consistent with the stated purpose of the zone. 2. The proposed zoning should be consistent with the goals and objectives of the City Council. The 2017 Strategic Housing Blueprint establishes a City-wide goal to produce a total of 135,000 new units with a goal of at least 60,000 new low to middle income households (available to households earning approximately $60,000 or less per year. There is a need for affordable housing of all types throughout the City including, but not limited to single family, duplex, townhome, condominium and multi-family. The ten-year goal for North Lamar Blvd. corridor is 1,326 residences with a goal for 90 percent of the newly built affordable housing to be located within ¾ of a mile of transit service. 3. The proposed zoning should satisfy a real public need and not provide special privilege to the owner. The location is compact and connected and presents the opportunity to increase the variety and density of residences near a Future Core Transit Corridor. The subject location is walkable to MetroRapid and Commuter Rail as well as for goods, services, recreation and entertainment. 3 of 13B-5 C14-2020-0047 4 Site North South East EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USES: Zoning Land Uses SF-3-NP Detached family residence SF-3 -NP, MF-3-NP Detached family residences, multifamily residences TOD-NP, LI-PDA-NP Detached family residences, (TOD) MF-3-NP, CS-MU-CO-NP multifamily residences, strip retail commercial West SF-3-NP Detached family residences NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING AREA: Crestview/Wooten Combined Neighborhood Plan (Crestview) TIA: A Traffic Impact Analysis is not required. The traffic generated by the proposal does not exceed the thresholds established in the Land Development Code. WATERSHED: Waller Creek, Urban – Maximum impervious coverage in MF-1-NP is 55%. Residential Design Standards: LDC/25-2-Subchapter F Transit Oriented Development: LAMAR BLVD Selected Sign Ordinances OVERLAYS: SCHOOLS: Brentwood Elementary Lamar Middle McCallum High NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATIONS Austin Independent School District Austin Lost and Found Pets Austin Neighborhoods Council Bike Austin Crestview Neighborhood Assn. Crestview Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Friends of Austin Neighborhoods Homeless Neighborhood Association Lamar Blvd./Justin Ln. TOD Staff Liaison Neighborhood Empowerment Foundation North Austin Neighborhood Alliance SELTexas Shoal Creek Conservancy Sierra Club, Austin Regional Grou 4 of 13B-5 C14-2020-0047 5 AREA CASE HISTORIES: Number Request Commission City Council C14-2009-0065 C14-2008-0030 To grant Apvd., 09/24/2009 Ord.# 20090924-091 To grant Apvd., 12/11/2008 20081211-086 C14-2011-0117 950 Banyon St To grant Apvd., 12/15/2011 Ord.# 20111215-077 Rezoning 29.7 ac. To add vertical mixed use building (V) combining district to certain tracts in Crestview Neighborhood Planning Area. Rezoning approx. 195 ac. To change zoning districts to Transit Oriented Development (TOD) district on certain property in Crestview/Wooten and adopting the Lamar BLVD/Justin Lane TOD District Station Area Plan and Regulating Plan including modifications to Title 25 of the City Code. Rezoning Crestview Station Development from TOD-NP to TOD-NP and amending Ord.# 040415-50 amended to allow duplex residential as a permitted use of the current Lot 7 Property; adding permitted uses and development standards for a large tract of land with frontage on Morrow Street and the railroad tracks. Crestview/Wooten Neighborhood Plan Amendment. Amend Ord.# 040401-Z-2, which adopted the Crestview/Wooten Combined Neighborhood Plan to add new element regarding TOD, and to revise land use designations on the future land use map for properties within the station area plan. NPA-2008- 0017.01 To grant Apvd., 12/11/2008 Ord.# 20081211-087 C14-2012-0098 950 Banyon St. Ordinance amending Ordinance #20111215-077, Rezoning Crestview Station Development Regulations. Rezoning from LI-PDA-NP to P-NP Rezoning from CS-NP to CS-MU-NP C14-2007-0095 7520-7530 North Lamar Blvd. C14-06-0008 918-920 Apvd., 10/18/2012 Ord.# 20121018-092 Apvd., 02/28/2008 Ord.# 20080228-083 Apvd., 05/04/2006 Ord.# 20060504-035 5 of 13B-5 C14-2020-0047 6 RELATED CASES: NPA-2020-0017.02 Neighborhood Plan Amendment for 902 and 904 Morrow Street. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 34 and the East 54.4 feet of Lot 33, Block B of North Gate Addition in the current deed, recorded on June 1, 2001 in Document #2001088047 in the Travis County Deed Records; and recorded in Volume 3, Page 196 in the Travis County Plat Records. OTHER STAFF COMMENTS Environmental 1. The site is not located over the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. The site is located in the Waller Creek Watershed of the Colorado River Basin, which is classified as an Urban Watershed by Chapter 25-8 of the City's Land Development Code. It is in the Desired Development Zone. 2. Zoning district impervious cover limits apply in the Urban Watershed classification. 3. According to floodplain maps there is no floodplain within or adjacent to the project location. 4. Standard landscaping and tree protection will be required in accordance with LDC 25-2 and 25-8 for all development and/or redevelopment. 5. At this time, site specific information is unavailable regarding vegetation, areas of steep slope, or other environmental features such as bluffs, springs, canyon rimrock, caves, sinkholes, and wetlands. 6. This site is required to provide on-site water quality controls (or payment in lieu of) for all development and/or redevelopment when 8,000 s.f. cumulative is exceeded, and on site control for the two-year storm. 7. At this time, no information has been provided as to whether this property has any preexisting approvals that preempt current water quality or Code requirements. Site Plan SP1. Site plans will be required for any new development other than single-family or duplex residential. SP2. Any development which occurs in an SF-6 or less restrictive zoning district which is located 540-feet or less from property in an SF-5 or more restrictive zoning district will be subject to compatibility development regulations. 6 of 13B-5 C14-2020-0047 7 SP3. The site is subject to compatibility standards. Along the west property lines, the following standards apply: • No structure may be built within 25 feet of the property line. • No structure in excess of two stories or 30 feet in height may be constructed within 50 feet of the property line. feet of the property line. • No structure in excess of three stories or 40 feet in height may be constructed within 100 • No parking or driveways are allowed within 25 feet of the property line. • A landscape area at least 25 feet wide is required along the property line. In addition, a fence, berm, or dense vegetation must be provided to screen adjoining properties from views of parking, mechanical equipment, storage, and refuse collection. SP4. Any new development is subject to Subchapter E. Design Standards and Mixed Use. Additional comments will be made when the site plan is submitted. SP5. Site Development Regulations Max Height: 40 ft. Max Impervious Coverage: 55% Max Building Coverage: 45% • • • • FAR: N/A Transportation The Austin Strategic Mobility Plan (ASMP) adopted 04/11/2019, calls for 60 feet of right-of-way for Morrow Street. It is recommended that 30 feet of right-of-way from the existing centerline should be dedicated for Morrow Street at the time of subdivision or site plan. A traffic impact analysis is not required as this proposal does not exceed the thresholds established in the Land Development Code. Name Existing ROW Pavement ASMP Classification Sidewalks Bicycle Route ~50’ 27’ 2 No Yes Capital Metro (within ¼ mile) Yes ASMP Required ROW 60’ Morrow Street 7 of 13B-5 C14-2020-0047 8 Austin Water Utility AW1. The landowner intends to serve the site with City of Austin water and wastewater utilities. The landowner, at own expense, will be responsible for providing any water and wastewater utility improvements, offsite main extensions, utility relocations and or abandonments required by the land use. The water and wastewater utility plan must be reviewed and approved by Austin Water for compliance with City criteria and suitability for operation and maintenance. Depending on the development plans submitted, water and or wastewater service extension requests may be required. All water and wastewater construction must be inspected by the City of Austin. The landowner must pay the City inspection fee with the utility construction. The landowner must pay the tap and impact fee once the landowner makes an application for a City of Austin water and wastewater utility tap permit. INDEX OF EXHIBITS TO FOLLOW Exhibit A: Zoning Map Exhibit B: Aerial Map Correspondence 8 of 13B-5 ( ( SF-3-NP ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( GR-CO-NP ( CS-CO-NP R TAILO C. LE O E T U A AIR P E R GR-CO-NP ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( SF-3-NP ( ( ( L A D TIS ( ( R E D ( ( SF-3-NP ( ( ( ( ( ( ( T LT S ( U A G ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( MF-2-NP ( BASEBALL DIAMOND SP85-017 ( ( SF-3-NP ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( SF-3-NP ( ( FOOTBALL DIAMOND ( ( M O R R O ( W ST ( ( SP89-0164BS P O H S 72-209 SF-3-NP ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( = = = = ( ( ( ( ( PAIR E V R T C. F R. O D DISCO GR-MU-CO-NPGR-CO-NP CS-MU-NP ( B O T TLIN G\C O ( W A N D E OFC. 71-204 R S O N LN ( ( 72-291 ( ( SF-3-NP ST O B A U G 72-193 ( H ST = ( ( ( O F C. 73-202 ( CS-CO-NP S WIM 84-019 MIN G\P O 70-025 75-112 ( ( OL\SU PPLY C14-2009-0065 ( LO-MU-CO-NP ( 69-166 ( ( ( T N S O S T A W = = 67-068 P-NP C14-01-0037 R E S E R E S E A R C A R C H N R E S E A R C R E S E A R C H B L V D S B H B B T L V D O A N N B D E H B L V D S V R D N B R S O N R A M P R E S E A R C H B L V D S V R D S B N L A M A R S R BLVD SB A M N LA C14-2010-0049 CS-MU-V-CO-NP NP-2010-0026 W A N D E W A N D E R S O R S O N L N L N E B N W B ( ( ( SF-3-NP ( ( ( ( 69-139 ( B T O A N D E R S O N W B R A M P ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( SF-3-NP ( TA U LB E ( ( E LN ( ( LI-PDA-NP CHEMICAL COMPANY ( ( ( ( ( ( ! ! ! ! ! ! MF-3-NP P-99-0121C S ( 67-163 MF-3-NP C14-2009-0065 CS-MU-V-CO-NP P-02-0059C ( ( 74-47 ( S C 5 9 4 -0 1 0 P- S B D S R V D S V L R B A M A N L B D N LV R B A M A N L ( 72-59 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! P83-118 82-128 78-194 71-155 83-255 CS-1-MU-V-NP 79-036 OFFICE BUILDINGS C14-2009-0012 CS-MU-V-NP PAWN\SHOP SP85-169 TOD-NP 76-05 ( ( ( M O U SPC 92 -0015C N T AIN E E R LN 64-173 T E S RIN E V L O W ( 75-121 TOD-NP 7 3 - 5 4 ( TOD-NP ( P A T S . 6 7 -1 6 7 C A N N O N E E R LN C14-06-0008 TOD-NP ! ! ! ! ( ! ! ( ! ! ! ! ( ( ! ! ( ( ! ! S. T P A CS-MU-CO-NP CS-MU-V-CO-NP C14-2009-0065 041 03-0 N LA M AR BLVD SVRD NB P-04-0005C S C. E L E O. C C P79-02 CS-1-MU-V-CO-NP CS-1-MU-V-NP SPC92-0015C 64-163 S. T P A P85-015 S SPC92-0015C TOD-NP C14-2007-0095 NPA-07-0017.01 S T O R A G E OFFICES OFC. RIN P TIN G O FC. VAC ANT IN D U C O M STRIAL PLEX & W H SE B A N Y O N ST ( HEATING EQUIPT. ELEC. CO. W H SE M E N S W E A R T PAIN O. C ( 78-210 ( 79-75 79-36 81-61 P81-20 71-156 79-75 CENTER 72-264 SHOPPING ELEC. SUPPLY CO. 71-158 ELEC. SUPPLY BEARING CO. NO-MU-V-NP G R O C. LA U N D R Y C Y C S H O P LE TOD-NP S U P ELE C. PLY CP7 4 -42 ( ( ( ( T N S O T X A P ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( SF-3-NP ( ( ( BISS O N ( ( ( C A V A LIE R LN C14-2008-0030 NPA-2008-0017.01 T LIA S O N G A R M A G U S Y N A P M O L C A MIC E H C C 5 1 1 0-0 9 P S S U G A R E E A V E C14-04-0012 PA W N JU D O 79-213 ( P-NP W C R E S NPA-2008-0018.01 ARTS & ( ( TLA N D D R ( ( ( ( SF-3-NP ( ( ( ( A PA RT M E NTS 72-31D ( ( D V R BL A M A N L TOD-NP AUTO TR O NICS AUTO PARTS 77-187 SF-3-NP ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( A M E S ( ( ( B U R Y LN ( ( ( ( ( SF-3-NP ( ( ( ( ( ET LN ( ( ( ( T S E P U L A D A U G ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( SF-3-NP ( ( ( T L S L E C R A M ( ( ( SF-3-NP ( ZONING Exhibit A ZONING CASE#: C14-2020-0047 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( MF-3-NP P83-009 ( ( ( ( C R E S T O N L N ( ( ( CHURCH SF-3-NP ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( SF-3-NP ( ( ( ( ( DELAFIELD LN ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( P-NP ( ( ( SF-3-NP ( ( ( W I L D C A T P A S S TOD-NP SP85-017 C14-2012-0098 C14-2011-0117 TOD-NP CHEMICAL COMPANY TOD-NP T W S A P R E H T N A P SP89-0164BS ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( SF-3-NP ( R D N A Y R ( ( ( ( ( ( SF-3-NP ( ( ( ± SP-05-1713C SP-05-1523D SP-05-1736C E A S Y W I N D D R TOD-NP C14-04-0004(RCA) SUBJECT TRACT ! ! ! ! ! ! PENDING CASE ZONING BOUNDARY This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. 1 " = 400 ' This product has been produced by CTM for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. Created: 4/14/2020 9 of 13B-5 SF-3-NP CS-CO-NP SF-3-NP TA ULB E E LN MF-3-NP CS-MU-V-CO-NP SF-3-NP K29 LI-PDA-NP TOD-NP TOD-NP R D D Y WIN S A E M O U N TAIN E E R L N TOD-NP T LIA S O N G A R M A G U S C A N N O N E E R L N TOD-NP TOD-NP K28 MF-3-NP CS-MU-CO-NP C14-2020-0047 CS-MU-V-CO-NP M O R R O W S T CS-1-MU-V-CO-NP B D N R BLV B D S R V D S V L R B A M A N L A M N LA N LA M AR BLVD SVR D NB CS-MU-V-NP R B A D S M A N L LV B D V L R B A M A N L NO-MU-V-NP TOD-NP SF-3-NP Copyright nearmap 2015 B A N Y O N S T TOD-NP ± 1'' = 150' SUBJECT TRACT ZONING BOUNDARY ! ! ! ! ! ! PENDING CASE CREEK BUFFER MORROW STREET RESIDENTIAL Exhibit B ZONING CASE#: LOCATION: SUBJECT AREA: GRID: MANAGER: C14-2020-0047 902 & 904 MORROW ST. 0.74 ACRES K29 MARK GRAHAM This map has been produced by the Communications Technology Management Dept. on behalf of the Planning Development Review Dept. for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. 10 of 13B-5 From: To: Subject: Date: Tanner Blair Graham, Mark; Meredith, Maureen NPA-2020-0017.02 - 902 & 904 Morrow Street Friday, July 10, 2020 11:34:00 AM *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Hello Mark and Maureen, I’m glad to see this plan come to fruition, and as an interested party in this case I’m supportive of multi-family uses on this site. I’m especially supportive of the townhouse/garden home vision that the owner seems interested in developing there, and it is a great opportunity to provide homes for a dozen people at a location that underutilized now and close to transit and amenities. Regards, Tanner Blair CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to 11 of 13B-5 Meredith, Maureen Victoria; Ron Thrower Graham, Mark FW: Advance Rezoning Request Comments Re: 902 and 904 Morrow Zoning Case #: C14-2020-0047 Friday, July 10, 2020 11:43:30 AM From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: fyi From: Don Shepard  Sent: Thursday, July 09, 2020 7:00 AM To: Meredith, Maureen <> Cc: Lisa Shepard  Subject: Advance Rezoning Request Comments Re: 902 and 904 Morrow Zoning Case #: C14-2020- 0047 *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Hi Ms. Merideth: My wife Lisa and I own property in the 800-900 Block of Taulbee Lane at 7700 North Lamar in the Crestview/Wooten combined planning area, one block away from the proposed rezoning case C14-2020-0047. We oppose rezoning of the vacant lot at 902 Morrow and the house & lot at 904 Morrow from SF-3 to MF-1. Rezoning and cluster-building on what were large single family dwelling unit lots in the four block area from N. Lamar to Gault, Stobaugh to Taulbee, has had an adverse effect on affordability, walkability, traffic, safety, and quality of life here on the Eastern edge of Crestview. The only positive impact of overbuilding has been to profitability (to developers), and not to affordability of actual neighbors. This anti- affordability and anti-quality-of-life rampage by developers violates our approved neighborhood plan. We currently have five similar such housing developments within our four block area, causing housing prices to shoot up from $300,000 to $800,000 per home as a result of overbuilding, all as lot sizes and neighborhood harmony have shrunken dramatically. Moreover, Morrow has become a traffic and walkability mess due to already overbuilt Crestview Station Austin Commons development. This has to stop to maintain what little sense of harmony and affordability remain in our neighborhood. Please disapprove of the rezoning request and honor our City approved neighborhood plan. Lisa and I may try to listen in tonight on the virtual meeting, but wanted to submit our comments in advance, in accordance with the letter which your department mailed and emailed. Thank you! Don Shepard and Lisa Shepard 512-799-0202 CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to 12 of 13B-5 From: To: Subject: Date: Nate Holland Graham, Mark I Object to C14-2020-0047 Saturday, August 22, 2020 8:33:35 PM *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Mark Graham, I got your letter about a public hearing to rezone 902 Morrow St. I wanted to write to let you know that I object to this rezoning and that I live directly across the street. I reside at 821 Morrow St which is directly across the street from this lot. I can see it from my office, second bedroom, and front door. I think if it were to become multifamily it would really deteriorate the feel of the neighborhood and I would rather keep consistent zoning and keep it as SF-3. The lot already allows for a duplex to be built on the lot which I think would be appropriate for the neighborhood. Again this is for the rezoning of 902 Morrow St. which is case number C14-2020-0047. Best, Nathaniel Holland CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to 13 of 13B-5