Planning CommissionOct. 13, 2020

B-15 (Presentation Climate Equity Plan).pdf — original pdf

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Aust in Climat e Equit y Plan Oct ober 2020 1 of 22 Summary ● We’ve been updating the Community Climate Plan o Public Comment Period Closed o Council by Oct 29 or Nov 12 ● What we’re looking for from you: ○ Comments ○ Areas of Interest ○ Pledge of Support 2 of 22 2015 Communit y Climat e Plan Adopt ed by Council in June 2015 Electricity & Natural Gas Transportation & Land Use Materials & Waste Management 135 qualitative actions directed at departments 2017 Travis County Carbon Footprint 12.5 million metric tons carbon dioxide-equivalent Industrial Processes 3 of 22 How w as t his plan updat e creat ed? • • • • • • • • 24 City Staff 120 Community Members (NGO, Govt., Business) 12 Ambassadors 4 Equity Trainings 5 Community Workshops (over 250 attendees) 14 Steering Committee Meetings 60+ Advisory Group Meetings 50+ Interviews by Ambassadors 4 of 22 St eering Commit t ee Members Co-Chairs Mayuri Raja, AZAAD, Google Shane Johnson, Sierra Club Katie Coyne, Asakura Robinson Susana Almanza, PODER Joep Meijer, Citizen Jim Walker, Univ. of Texas Rocio Villalobos, Equity Office Drew Nelson, Mitchell Foundation Rodrigo Leal, Guidehouse Rene Renteria, Citizen Kaiba White, Public Citizen Lauren Peressini, Sunrise Movement Shawanda Stewart, Huston-Tillotson Univ. Kenneth Thompson, Solar Austin Ben Leibowicz, Univ. of Texas Suzanne Russo, Pecan Street Inc. Pooja Sethi, Sethi Law Darien Clary, AISD Alberta Phillips, Joint Sustainability Committee, ECHO AG Representatives: Nakia Winfield, Brandi Clark Burton, Karen Magid, Kurt Stogdill, and Nick Kincaid 5 of 22 A Hist ory of Inequit ies t hat Remains Today • • • • • The Austin 1928 Master Plan divided the city along racial lines, forcibly displacing Black residents into specific, undesirable areas. The Tank Farm fuel storage facility, Eastside Landfill, and the Holly Power Plant exposed people of color to toxic pollution in East Austin neighborhoods. Gentrification is taking place in parts of the city where low-income people and people of color have been forced to live, the African-American share of the Austin population declined from 12% in 1990 to 7.7% in 2010. As of 2015, 52% of white Austin residents were homeowners, only 27% of African-American and 32% of Hispanic/Latinx residents owned homes. Cases of COVID-19, hospitalization and mortality rates are disproportionately affecting Latinx and Black communities 6 of 22 W e are Changing t he Eart h’s Climat e could be Warming over 2 catastrophic to ℃ life on earth 7 of 22 Climat e Project ions for Aust in • Low-income communities and communities of color are disproportionately affected by climate hazards • Experience climate shocks on top of existing economic stressors • Have less resources to bounce back from event • Suffer long-term impacts to mental and physical health 8 of 22 Our Commit ment t o Climat e Equit y Climat e Change Eliminat e t he use of fossil fuels for energy & t ransport at ion Healt h Affordabilit y Accessibilit y Energy efficiency Renewable energy Less dependence on cars Electric vehicles • • • • • More trees & natural spaces • Healthier consumer choices Cult ural Preservat ion Communit y Capacit y Just Transit ion Account abilit y Racial Equit y Eliminat e disparit ies t hat can be predict ed by race • • • • • • Safety for all at all times No disproportionate economic outcomes Fair access to services for all Inclusive participation in our city Positive health outcomes for all Embrace culture & difference If we’re not proactively addressing equity, we’re perpetuating injustice. 9 of 22 Net -zero by 2050 → Net -zero by 2040 Net-zero GHG means the Austin community will reduce direct emissions as much as possible and then employ carbon offsets or carbon dioxide removal to cancel out any remaining emissions (up to 10% of baseline). 10 of 22 A Plan Among Plans 5 Plan Sect ions: • Sustainable Buildings • Transportation Electrification • Transportation & Land Use • Natural Systems • Consumption Water Forward Plan Austin Energy Generation Plan CapMetro - Project Connect Our Parks, Our Future Long Range Plan Zero Waste Master Plan Aust in Climat e Equit y Plan Austin Strategic Mobility Plan & Smart Mobility Roadmap 11 of 22 Equit y Process for Advisory Groups What is t he hist ory, and where are t he inequit ies? What does t he dat a t ell us? Does t he goal include a climat e and equit y component ? Develop st rat egies wit h equit y and hist orical cont ext in mind. Review and revise as needed 5b Does t he st rat egy meet our shared values? How can we ensure account abilit y and communicat e result s? 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 of 22 Equit y-focused Engagement Communit y Climat e Ambassadors 13 of 22 Draft Goals & St rat egies 14 of 22 Summary 18 Goals - What needs to be accomplished by 2030 to keep us on track 75 St rat egies - What should be implemented in the next 5 years to make progress Centered on Equity Throughout ● Prioritize incentives and target communications towards low-income communities and communities of color ● Specific focus on anti-displacement ● Focus on a just transition (training and jobs) for new industries and technology ● Prioritize health and other benefits for the Eastern Crescent ● Center communities of color in ongoing learning and studies 15 of 22 Cross-cut t ing St rat egies St rat egy 1: Green Jobs and Ent repreneurship Create Green Jobs and Entrepreneurship opportunities that advance the goals of this plan, create economic opportunity and build agency and decision-making power in low- income communities and communities of color. St rat egy 2: Regional Collaborat ion Create a Texas Climate Collaborative linking elected officials and City staff who are working to implement recently adopted climate plans in San Antonio, Houston, Dallas and Austin. Bring in neighboring cities in the Central Texas region as well as the five- county governments. St rat egy 3: Carbon Offset s and Carbon Dioxide Removal Getting to zero fossil fuel usage, addressing our historical emissions, and eventually removing CO2 from the atmosphere are essential but will be very challenging, so we’ve laid the ground-work for establishing definition, priorities and future research opportunities. 16 of 22 Sust ainable Buildings Ensure benefits flow to low income communities and communities of color Enhance understanding of energy consumption Decarbonize buildings Ensure equitable workforce development for emerging technologies GOAL 1: By 2030, decarbonize buildings and reduce energy burden by achieving net -zero carbon for all new buildings and 25% of exist ing buildings. • • • • GOAL 2: By 2030, reduce communit y-wide greenhouse gas emissions from refrigerant leakage by 25%. • Capture and destroy old refrigerants • • Create incentives for leak detection and repair • Awareness and training for HVAC service providers • Reduce the volume of refrigerants Improve building codes to encourage cleaner refrigerants GOAL 3: By 2030, reduce t he embodied carbon foot print of building mat erials used in local const ruct ion by 40% from a 2020 baseline. • • • • Lead by example through design and construction standards Incentivize lower-carbon materials Educate stakeholders on materials best practices Stimulate decarbonization with local producers GOAL 4: By 2030, equit ably achieve a communit y-wide wat er demand of 152,000 acre-feet per year. • • • Engage residents in technological transitions and conservation programs Evaluate program participation criteria Reduce emissions at the water-energy nexus 17 of 22 Goal 1: By 2030, 80% of new non-resident ial development is locat ed wit hin t he cit y’s growt h cent ers and corridors Transport at ion and Land Use Plan for Complete Communities • • Work with employers on location and amenities • • Create mobility hubs Phase out free parking Offer Immediate Affordable Housing Assistance Fund Affordable Housing Enhance community engagement for affordable housing • • • • • • • • • Expand and Improve Public Transportation Promote Free Transportation Options Transit Stations and Stops Prioritize Bicycle Network Bicycle Education and Training Sidewalks, Urban Trails and Crossings Goal 2: By 2030, 70% of new housing unit s are locat ed wit hin t he cit y’s growt h cent ers and corridors while preserving 10,000 deeply affordable housing unit s and producing 1,000 deeply affordable unit s. Goal 3: By 2030, Public Transit will make up 5% (up from .3% in 2018) of dist ance t raveled for all t rips in Aust in. Goal 4: By 2030, people-powered t ransport at ion (bicycle, walking, wheelchairs, st rollers, et c.) will make up 4% of dist ance t raveled for all t rips in Aust in. 18 of 22 Goal 1: By 2030, 40% of t ot al vehicle miles t raveled in t he Cit y of Aust in are elect rified and elect ric vehicle ownership is diverse cult urally, geographically and economically. This t ranslat es t o approximat ely 460,000 elect ric vehicles on t he road. Transport at ion Elect rificat ion • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Conduct an EV Community Needs Assessment Create Equitable Incentives for Buying and Leasing EVs Reduce Tolls for EV’s in the Eastern Crescent Launch an e-Bike + Electric Car Sharing Program Electrify Public Sector Fleet Vehicles Electrify Private Sector Fleet Vehicles Create a Network of Low-cost, Accessible Charging Stations Incentivize Internet-Connected Smart Charging Adopt New Energy and Building Codes Expand Outreach to Underserved Groups Create a Regional Coalition to Support EV’s Pilot and Adopt New Technology Prioritize a Just Transition Expand the EV-related Business Ecosystem Goal 2: By 2030, Aust in has compelling and equit ably-dist ribut ed charging infrast ruct ure t hat is a mix of level 1, 2, and DC fast charging t o accommodat e 40% of t ot al vehicle miles t raveled in t he cit y. This t ranslat es t o 226 megawat t s of elect rical load and could mean over 37,000 charging port s. Goal 3: The Aust in-Round Rock-San Marcos MSA will be a global leader in t ransport at ion elect rificat ion by adopt ing policies and t echnologies t hat maximize t he economic and healt h benefit s for all while evolving wit h and defining t he growt h of t his emerging indust ry. 19 of 22 Food and Product Consumpt ion Support institutional food purchasing Promote and fund community-driven food retail programs Incentivize pro-health, pro-climate food choices Conduct a food waste root cause analysis Goal 1: By 2030, ensure 100% of Aust init es, wit h a focus on t he food insecure, can access a pro-climat e, pro-healt h food syst em t hat is communit y-driven, priorit izes regenerat ive agricult ure, support s diet ary and healt h agency, prefers plant - based over animal-based foods and minimizes food wast e. • • • • Goal 2: By 2030, reduce greenhouse gas emissions from inst it ut ional, commercial, and government purchasing by at least 50%. • • • • Measure institutional lifecycle emissions Strengthen the City’s sustainable purchasing program Strengthen non-City institutional purchasing programs Expand the City’s Circular Economy Program Goal 3: Aggressively pursue wast e reduct ion, organics compost ing and recycling t o achieve a new overall zero wast e goal pending adopt ion of a new Aust in Resource Recovery Zero W ast e Plan. The new communit y-wide per capit a disposal rat e goal will be added as an amendment t o t he Climat e Equit y Plan by June 2021. • • • • • Promote Reuse Create Eco-Hubs Create a workforce development program for the circular economy Offer incentives for products that have lower negative environmental and social impact Retool the bulk pick-up collection program 20 of 22 Nat ural Syst ems Goal 1: By 2030, Legally prot ect an addit ional 20,000 acres of carbon pools on nat ural lands and manage all new and exist ing nat ural areas (70,000 acres t ot al) wit h a focus resilience. Protect Natural Lands Manage Natural Lands for Resilience Increase Community Access and Positive Perception of Public Land Protect Water Sources Goal 2: By 2030, Prot ect 500,000 acres of farmland in t he 5-count y region t hrough legal prot ect ions and/ or regenerat ive agricult ure programs. • • • • • • • • • • • • Protect of Working Lands Reform Agricultural Tax Appraisals Support Farmers through Financial Assistance Provide Farmers with Resources Expand Composting • • • • • • Workforce Development for Farmers Protect Canopy Cover on City Lands Tree Protections and Landscape Regulations Community Tree Planting Promote Tree Health and Resilience on Private Properties Prioritize Carbon Neutrality for Public Lands Reclaiming Public Space Community Stewardship Carbon Farming Goal 3: Achieve 50% cit ywide t ree canopy cover by 2050, wit h a focus on increasing canopy cover in areas where coverage is lower t han average. Goal 4: By 2030, Include all Cit y-owned lands under a management plan t hat result in neut ral or negat ive carbon emissions and maximize communit y co-benefit s. 21 of 22 Thank you! Cont act : Office of Sust ainabilit y Zach Baumer zach.baumer@aust int Celine Rendon celine.rendon@aust int More informat ion: ● aust int climat eplan ● SpeakUp Aust in! 22 of 22