Planning CommissionAug. 25, 2020

B-3 (Citizen Comments).pdf — original pdf

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From: Jordan Smith [ Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2020 3:07 PM To: Meredith, Maureen <> Subject: NPA-2019-0003.01 Ms. Meredith, I hope this finds you safe and well. Please find attached my comments regarding the above referenced request by David Chapel Missionary Baptist Church to amend the Chestnut Neighborhood plan. Also, I would like to clarify, just in case, that the areas on the map that are highlighted in yellow are the ones that I and other neighbors have repeatedly talked with David Chapel representatives about keeping as SF, or whatever version of SF might allow greater density of SF on those lots. The asterisk on the SE parking lot property makes it look as though it is just the bottom portion of that parcel that I and others would like to see kept as SF, but in fact it is the whole of that SE parking lot area — in other words, the entirety of the shaded block. And please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions you may have about what I have submitted — or if you need any clarification of the above! Thank you! Best, Jordan