Planning CommissionAug. 11, 2020

B-06 (Letter of Support).pdf — original pdf

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From: Mike McHone Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2020 2:24 PM To: 'Leah Bojo' Subject: PC agenda 8/11/20 Items 5; NPR 2020-0019.01 and Item 6; C14-2020-0026: 1103 W 24th Thanks for sending me the ordinance. UAP joins with our neighboring NAs and CANPAC in support of the applicant’s request for GR-MU-V-NP. UAP would suggest that that the affordability for renters to be reduced to 60% of annual median family income as set forth in LDC VMU 4.3.3. F. 2. b, (Affordability Requirements for Rental Units). Regards, Mike