Planning CommissionAug. 11, 2020

B-11 (Staff Memo - Revised Recommendation).pdf — original pdf

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Revised staff recommendation for the Springdale Farm environmental variance request, SP-2019-0253C Critical Water SP-2019-0253C . Based M E M O R A N D U M TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Chair Kenny and Members, Austin Planning Commission Kristy Nguyen, Environmental Review Specialist Senior, Development Services Department Christopher Herrington, P.E., Environmental Officer Watershed Protection Department August 7, 2020 The purpose of this memo is to provide an update and revised staff recommendation on the request to vary critical water quality zone protections, City Code 25-8-261 ( Quality Zone Development ), for the Springdale Farms project, case on changes proposed by the applicant, staff now recommends the variance with conditions, having determined that the required findings of fact have been met. The applicant originally sought to allow construction of two fire lane hammerheads and building overhangs in the critical water quality zone. Staff initially recommended denial of the variance, having determined that the required findings of fact per City Code 25-8-41 ( Land Use Commission Variances by the Environmental Commission on June 3, 2020, and they recommended denial of the variance request. The Planning Commission considered this request at the July 14, 2020, meeting, but postponed action and asked staff to meet with the applicant to discuss possible mitigation for the variance request. Staff met with the applicant, and the applicant has subsequently revised their application to remove the southern fire lane hammerhead from the critical water quality zone and proposed additional riparian restoration. The applicant continues to propose one fire lane hammerhead and a building overhang in the critical water quality zone. Staff recognizes that these changes reduce the deviation from the applicable code requirements and provides greater overall environmental benefit without a significant probability of harmful environmental consequences and no loss in water quality. Thus, staff recommends approval of the variance with the following conditions: 1. Removal of the southern hammerhead fire lane from the critical water quality zone. ) had not been met. The variance request was considered 2. Approval by City of Austin Watershed Protection Department staff of a revised and improved riparian restoration plan, generally based on the landscape plan attached to this memo, including but not limited to the following revisions: a. Adding canopy-forming riparian species to the banks; b. Increasing understory small trees and large shrubs (e.g., Rhus spp., acacia, sophora, prunus, frangula, etc); c. Deleting species with high moisture requirements (e.g., lobelia, sabal, d. Relocating proposed planting clusters from the outer edges of the floodplain e. Adding details on invasive Ligustrum removal and replanting and reseeding symphoricarpos); to the banks; of those areas; and f. Installation of large fallen tree trunks, not cut into small pieces, from those that are identified to be cut on-site in the riparian planting areas parallel to the line of flow to increase long-term soil organic matter. If you have any questions, please contact Kristy Nguyen at 512-974-3035 or Attachment or Chris Herrington at 512-773-2442 or 2 7023 7022 5106 7019 7020 7018 7017 UE UE W L WL 7021 UE WL WL T RESTAURANT 2,168 SF BUILDING 7 FFE: 458.00 WL GL 10000 10009 10001 10002 7039 7015 10011 CO CO CO 10010 10006 10007 SSL SSL CO CO CO 10012 10008 10004 10005 7072 TL TL TL Bb Cb Bb Eb Eb 7073 PROP CONDOS UNIT B4(a)-6214 UNIT A1(a)-6114 742 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT B4-6213 UNIT A4-6113 742 SF PROP CONDO UNIT B3-6112 625 SF BUILDING 6 FFE: 455.00 L S S PROP CONDO UNIT A10-6111 492 SF 7026 PROP CONDO UNIT B3-6110 625 SF PROP CONDO UNIT A10-6109 492 SF PROP CONDO UNIT B3-6108 625 SF PROP CONDO UNIT A13(c)-6107 PROP CONDO UNIT A11-6106 491 SF 491 SF S S S S L L Cb G.T. WW WWL CO 8902 (H) 8901 (H) 6009 (H) PROP CONDOS UNIT B7(c)-6201 UNIT A3(c)-6101 625 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT A10-6202 UNIT S1-6102 500 SF L S S PROP CONDOS UNIT B7(b)-6203 UNIT A3(b)-6103 625 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT A16-6204 UNIT S1-6104 500 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT C2-6105 625 SF 5159 (H) 5160 (H) 5308 (H) 5312 WW SSL SSL WW 7075 (H) WL W WL W 6071 (H) WW WWL CO WWL WWL CO WW 7071 Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm 7070 Bm Bm Bm Bm Bb Bm Bb Bb Bb Bb Bb Bb Bb Bb Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm 6104 Bm Bm Bm S S S S L L RB 5161 (H) RB gm gm RB gm gm gm gm YP gm TL TL gm gm TL TL gm gm TL YP gm YP TL TL TL gm gm gm TL TL RB gm gm gm gm gm RB gm TL TL gm TL TL TL TL TL Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bb Bm Bb Bb Bb Bb Bb Bb Bb Bb Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm 6102 Bm Bm 6103 REF. CO G P CO SHEET L3 FM CO PROP CONDOS UNIT A12-2309 UNIT A6-2209 UNIT A7-2109 992 SF WWL WWL WW PROP CONDOS UNIT C1-2108 500 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT A15-2307 UNIT A8-2207 UNIT A9-2107 1,005 SF BUILDING 2 FFE: 452.50 PROP CONDO UNIT C1(a)-2106 500 SF L W W F M PROP CONDO UNIT A16(a)-2201 500 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT B7-2202 UNIT A3-2102 625 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT A16(b)-2203 UNIT S1(b)-2103 500 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT A15-2304 UNIT A8-2204 UNIT A9-2104 1,005 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT A16(a)-2205 UNIT S1(a)-2105 500 SF Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm TL Bm Bm TL Bm TL TL TL Bm Bm TL Bm TL TL Bm TL Bm E U T Bm Bm Dp Bm Dp Dp Dp Bm Bm Dp Dp Dp Dp Bm Bm Dp Dp Dp Dp Bm Dp Bm Dp Dp Dp TL TL TL Bm Dp Bm TL TL TL TL Bm TL TL Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm PROP CONDOS UNIT B9-4203 UNIT A5-4103 902 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT B6-4104 625 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT A15-4302 UNIT A8-4202 UNIT A9-4102 1,005 SF BUILDING 4 FFE: 452.50 PROP CONDOS UNIT A16(b)-4205 UNIT S1(b)-4105 500 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT C2-4106 625 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT A18-4301 UNIT B1-4201 UNIT B2-4101 1,016 SF WWL SSL WL PROP CONDO UNIT B5(a)-5101 631 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT B8-5202 UNIT A2-5102 618 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT A14-5203 UNIT A1-5103 524 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT B8-5204 UNIT A2-5104 618 SF BUILDING 5 FFE: 452.50 PROP CONDOS UNIT A14-5205 UNIT A1-5105 524 SF WW L S S L S S WW WL PROP CONDOS UNIT B7(a)-3208 UNIT SA3(a)-3108 625 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT A17-3207 UNIT S2-3107 625 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT B7-3206 UNIT A3-3106 625 SF PROP CONDO UNIT C2-3105 618 SF BUILDING 3 FFE: 452.50 PROP CONDOS UNIT A17(a)-3201 UNIT S2(a)-3101 625 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT B7-3202 UNIT A3-3102 625 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT A17-3203 UNIT S2-3103 625 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT B7(a)-3204 UNIT A3(a)-3104 625 SF L W GL L S S L W W WW SSL SSL SSL SSL WW SSL SSL WW L W PROP CONDO UNIT B5-1110 631 SF PROP CONDO UNIT B5-1109 631 SF PROP CONDO UNIT A13-1108 504 SF PROP CONDO UNIT B5-1107 631 SF PROP CONDO UNIT B5-1106 631 SF PROP CONDO UNIT A13-1105 504 SF PROP CONDO UNIT B5-1104 631 SF PROP CONDO UNIT B5-1103 631 SF PROP CONDO UNIT B5-1102 631 SF PROP CONDO UNIT A13(a)-1101 491 SF D D WL WL WL WL WL WL 5185 6135 7014 7013 7012 7009 7011 7008 7007 7006 7005 7004 BUILDING 1 FFE: 452.50 WL 7010 L S S PROP OFFICE/RETAIL 5,807.36 SF BUILDING 8 FFE: 455.00 REF. SHEET L2 S S L WW 5173 Vw Cb Cb Cb Cb Cb Cb 5172 5171 Cb 5170 Tc Tc 5169 5168 Tc Tc Tc Tc Tc Tc Cb Cb Cb Cb Cb Cb Cb Cb 6036 6037 IS IS IS IS IS 6038 IS IS IS IS Vw Vw Vw Vw Vw Vw Vw Vw Vw Vw 7032 Vw IS IS IS 5162 (H) 5167 5166 5165 5163 5164 In In In In In In In IS In IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS In IS In In In In In In In F M 6137 Eb Eb Cb TL TL S S TL S S L L Cb W L CO 5302 5339 Bb Bb Bb 5338 WL 5336 5337 FM F M WL SSL WL C O C O C O C O CO CO L W L W L W L W 6008 (H) 6007 6006 (H) 6003 6004 6002 6001 I P V 6005 FDM PROP OFFICE/RETAIL 8,931.93 SF BUILDING 8 FFE: 455.00 DD D D WL L W L W E U E U WW WWL CO I R B F P WW FM CO 7025 CO 7033 FM FM 7028 FM WL FM WL FM 5342 7027 IS IS WL IS 7031 IS IS IS IS IS FM 7030 7029 UE UE T W L 2800 S. IH 35 FRONTAGE RD. SUITE 170 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78704 WWW.ECOLANDDESIGNGROUP.COM I 512-344-9204 i . s g n w a r d e s e h t o t t h g i r y p o c f o s t h g i r l l l a s d o h S E M O H W S P t u o h t i w r u c c o t o n y a m s t n e m u c o d r e h t o o t n i n o i t a r o p r o c n i r o e g a s u , s n o i t a c i f i d o m , n o i t a r e t l a , s n o i t c u d o r p e r y n A . S E M O H W S P f o n o i s s i m r e p n e t t i r w r o i r p e h t S E M O H W S P 5 1 0 2 © C L L S E M O H W S P 9 8 1 5 1 # M R I F E P B T . l m o c e t a t s e a e r w s p w w w . t e e r t S t s 1 S 3 0 0 2 4 0 7 8 7 X T , n i t s u A . 5 0 9 3 6 2 3 2 1 5 . . p . 5 7 1 8 6 6 8 8 8 8 . f . L D AD L RE STE EG I R R B CA EP A NDS E Y T.J A R C O N H I T E S E C T S T A 82 8 5 T E OF E T SA X 08/05/20 E L A D G N R P S I 2 0 7 8 7 X T , N I T S U A , . D R E L A D G N R P S I N A L P N O I T C U R T S N O C E T I S E P A C S D N A L N A L P L A T T I M B U S N O I T C U R T S N O C R O F T O N - W E I V E R R O F D E U S S I . x x x x x x 0 2 . E L T I T N O I S I V E R x 0 . V E R " 0 - ' 0 3 = " 1 : E L A C S B S C J T B : Y B D E K C E H C : Y B N W A R D E U E U E U T 7002 7003 L G L G L G L G 0 30' 60' 90' 120' ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ADEQUACY OF THESE PLANS REMAINS WITH THE ENGINEER WHO PREPARED THEM. IN APPROVING THESE PLANS, THE CITY OF AUSTIN MUST RELY UPON THE ADEQUACY OF THE WORK OF THE DESIGN ENGINEER. L G CAUTION: CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL EXISTING UTILITIES VERTICALLY AND HORIZONTALLY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY THE ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. FOR CITY USE ONLY: L G SITE PLAN APPROVAL SHEET ________________ FILE NUMBER: APPLICATION DATE: APPROVED BY COMMISSION ON ________ UNDER SECTION 142 OF CHAPTER 25-5 OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN CODE. EXPIRATION DATE (25-5-81, LDC) __________CASE MANAGER: PROJECT EXPIRATION DATE (ORD.#970905) DWPZ ________ DDZ ____ __________________________________________________________________________ Director, Development Services Department RELEASED FOR GENERAL COMPLIANCE: _______ ZONING Rev. 1 ________________________Correction 1 _________________________________ Rev. 2 ________________________Correction 2 _________________________________ Rev. 3 ________________________Correction 3 _________________________________ FINAL PLAT MUST BE RECORDED BY THE PROJECT EXPIRATION DATE, IF APPLICABLE. SUBSEQUENT SITE PLANS WHICH DO NOT COMPLY WITH THE CODE CURRENT AT THE TIME OF FILING, AND ALL REQUIRED BUILDING PERMITS AND/OR NOTICE OF CONSTRUCTION (IF A BUILDING IS NOT REQUIRED), MUST ALSO BE APPROVED PRIOR TO THE PROJECT EXPIRATION DATE. S N O I S I V E R T E S X X X X W S P : R E B M U N T C E J O R P E L A D G N R P S I . D R E L A D G N R P S I 2 0 7 8 7 X T , n i t s u A : E M A N T C E J O R P PAGE NUMBER: CASE NUMBER: SP-2019-0253C SP-2019-0253C L1 of L5 7022 5106 UE UE UE 7021 UE 7023 D R A Y T E E R T S WL 7019 7020 7018 7017 E U WL T RESTAURANT 2,168 SF BUILDING 7 FFE: 458.00 U E WL WL GL L W GL EXISTING TREE TO COUNT TOWARDS STREETYARD REQUIREMENTS, TYP. WL G.T. WW WWL W L W CO 8902 (H) S S 8901 (H) S 6009 (H) S D R A Y T E E R T S S 6007 ORNAMENTAL STREETYARD TREE, TYP. S 6008 (H) L W L W L W L W L W L W WW WWL CO WWL I R B F P S S . I N M ' 5 . I N M ' 5 . I N M ' 5 L W L W E U E U E U 6006 (H) DD D D PROP OFFICE/RETAIL 8,931.93 SF BUILDING 8 FFE: 455.00 6003 6004 6002 6001 I P V 6005 FDM GARAGE BELOW 5173 EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN, TYP. EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED, TYP. ALL DISTURBED CWQZ AREA WITHIN LOC TO BE RE-VEGETATED W/COA APPROVED 609S NATIVE SEED MIX, (+/- 70,512 S.F. OF AREA) REF. SHEET L5 & SERIES 600-609S IN CITY OF AUSTIN STANDARD SPECIFICATION MANUAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SEED ALL DISTURBED CWQZ AREA WITHIN LOC TO BE RE-VEGETATED W/ COA APPROVED 609S NATIVE SEED MIX AND SHOWN PLANTING. (+/- 70,512 S.F. OF AREA). REFERENCE SHEET L5 & SERIES 600-609S IN CITY OF AUSTIN STANDARD SPECIFICATION MANUAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SEED GARAGE BELOW 7039 7015 10000 10009 10001 10002 10011 CO CO CO 10012 10008 10004 2800 S. IH 35 FRONTAGE RD. SUITE 170 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78704 WWW.ECOLANDDESIGNGROUP.COM I 512-344-9204 10010 10006 10007 10005 7072 TREE LIST WL WL WL SSL SSL SSL SSL CO CO CO PROP CONDOS UNIT B4(a)-6214 UNIT A1(a)-6114 742 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT B4-6213 UNIT A4-6113 742 SF PROP CONDO UNIT B3-6112 625 SF PROP CONDO UNIT A10-6111 492 SF 7026 PROP CONDO UNIT B3-6110 625 SF PROP CONDO UNIT A10-6109 492 SF PROP CONDO UNIT B3-6108 625 SF PROP CONDO UNIT A13(c)-6107 PROP CONDO UNIT A11-6106 491 SF 491 SF BUILDING 6 FFE: 455.00 7075 (H) WL W PROP CONDOS UNIT B7(c)-6201 UNIT A3(c)-6101 625 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT A10-6202 UNIT S1-6102 500 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT B7(b)-6203 UNIT A3(b)-6103 625 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT A16-6204 UNIT S1-6104 500 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT C2-6105 625 SF 5308 (H) 5159 (H) 5160 (H) 5161 (H) L S S L S S L S S 5312 WL W WW SSL SSL SSL WW S S S S L L Cb S S S S L L RB S S S S L L TL TL TL Bb Cb Bb Eb Eb 7073 EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN, TYP. LOCATION OF REQUIRED 609S ROOTED PLANTS RIPARIAN ENHANCEMENT GARAGE BELOW RB gm gm RB gm gm gm gm YP gm TL gm gm TL TL gm gm TL YP gm YP TL TL TL gm gm gm TL TL RB gm gm gm gm gm RB gm TL TL gm TL TL TL TL TL RIPARIAN ENHANCEMENT AREA TL 3 L T E E H S . F E R E N I L H C T A M S S S S L L 6104 Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bb Bm Bb Bb Bb Bb Bb Bb Bb Bb Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm 6102 Bm Bm 6103 WW WWL WWL CO WWL WWL WWL CO WW WL W 6071 (H) L S S L S S PROP OFFICE/RETAIL 5,807.36 SF BUILDING 8 FFE: 455.00 S S L GARAGE BELOW WW Vw Cb Cb Cb Cb Cb Cb 5172 5171 Cb 5170 Tc Tc 5169 5168 Cb Cb Cb Cb Cb Cb Cb Cb Tc Tc Tc Tc Tc Tc RIPARIAN ENHANCEMENT AREA In In In In In In In IS In IS IS IS IS IS IS 5162 (H) 5163 5164 5167 5166 5165 278-SF OF UNDISTURBED NATURAL AREA H LIN E R E F. S H E E T L 3 Eb Eb Cb F M F M 6137 F M WL SSL WL SSL C O C O C O IS IS IS IS IS In IS In In In In In In In 6036 6037 IS IS IS IS IS 6038 S S TL S S L L M A T C TL Cb S S S S L L W L TL FM 5339 Bb Bb Bb 5338 WL 5337 5336 FM W L FM CO 5302 C O CO CO LOCATION OF REQUIRED 609S ROOTED PLANTS ALL DISTURBED CWQZ AREA WITHIN LOC TO BE RE-VEGETATED W/ COA APPROVED 609S NATIVE SEED MIX AND SHOWN PLANTING. REFERENCE SHEET L5 & SERIES 600-609S IN CITY OF AUSTIN STANDARD SPECIFICATION MANUAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SEED FM CO PROP CONDOS UNIT A12-2309 UNIT A6-2209 UNIT A7-2109 992 SF F M F M PROP CONDO UNIT A16(a)-2201 500 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT B7-2202 UNIT A3-2102 625 SF WW SSL SSL SSL L S S PROP CONDO UNIT B5-1110 631 SF PROP CONDO UNIT B5-1109 631 SF PROP CONDO UNIT A13-1108 504 SF WL WL WL WL PROPOSED UTILITY COMPATIBLE STREETYARD TREE, TYP. W L WL WL WW FM CO 7025 CO FM 7033 FM FM 7028 FM UE UE T W L D R A UE Y T E E R T S 7027 IS IS IS IS Vw Vw Vw Vw Vw Vw Vw Vw Vw Vw Vw IS IS WL 7032 RIPARIAN IS ENHANCEMENT AREA WL IS IS WL IS 7031 IS IS IS IS IS FM FM 7030 7029 WL WL FM FM FM 5342 112 SF OF UNDISTURBED NATURAL AREA ALL DISTURBED CWQZ AREA WITHIN LOC TO BE RE-VEGETATED W/COA APPROVED 609S NATIVE SEED MIX, REF. SHEET L5 & SERIES 600-609S IN CITY OF AUSTIN STANDARD SPECIFICATION MANUAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SEED SHADE TREES SYMBOL COMMON NAME Texas Pistache SIZE AND CONDITION 6' Ht. min., 4" Caliper minimum Redbud, Forest Pansy 2" Caliper minimum DESCRIPTION 609s Facultative Species 609s Upland Species ORNAMENTAL TREES 609S NATIVE REVEGETATION - SEEDING & PLANTING 609S NATIVE REVEGETATION - ROOTED PLANTS NATIVE REVEGETATION - ROOTED PLANTS SYMBOL COMMON NAME SIZE AND CONDITION CALLOUT SYMBOL COMMON NAME SIZE AND CONDITION Required Provided Bb TL Cb American Beautyberry Elbow Bush 1 gal., 48" O.C. 1 gal., 72" O.C. Texas Lantana 1 gal., 48" O.C. Coralberry 1 gal., 36" O.C. Disturbed CWQZ Rooted Plants 3,852 sf / 100 sf = 39 Plants N/A sf 3,852 sf 39 plants 39 plants (5) 5 gal. plants = 20 plants (19) 1 gal. plants = 19 plants S = TREE TO COUNT TOWARDS STREETYARD SHRUBS M = TREE TO COUNT TOWARDS MITIGATION b = TREE TO COUNT TOWARDS BUFFER REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS SYMBOL COMMON NAME SIZE AND CONDITION Bicolor Iris 5 gal., 24" O.C. Dwarf Waxmyrtle 5 gal., 24" O.C. Big Muhly 5 gal., 24" O.C. 609S NATIVE REVEGETATION - ROOTED PLANTS SYMBOL COMMON NAME SIZE AND CONDITION Possumhaw Holly 5 gal. minimum Mexican Redbud 5 gal. minimum 5185 6135 GARAGE BELOW 7014 7013 0 20' 40' 60' 80' ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ADEQUACY OF THESE PLANS REMAINS WITH THE ENGINEER WHO PREPARED THEM. IN APPROVING THESE PLANS, THE CITY OF AUSTIN MUST RELY UPON THE ADEQUACY OF THE WORK OF THE DESIGN ENGINEER. CAUTION: CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL EXISTING UTILITIES VERTICALLY AND HORIZONTALLY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY THE ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. FOR CITY USE ONLY: SITE PLAN APPROVAL SHEET ________________ FILE NUMBER: APPLICATION DATE: APPROVED BY COMMISSION ON ________ UNDER SECTION 142 OF CHAPTER 25-5 OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN CODE. EXPIRATION DATE (25-5-81, LDC) __________CASE MANAGER: PROJECT EXPIRATION DATE (ORD.#970905) DWPZ ________ DDZ ____ __________________________________________________________________________ Director, Development Services Department RELEASED FOR GENERAL COMPLIANCE: _______ ZONING Rev. 1 ________________________Correction 1 _________________________________ Rev. 2 ________________________Correction 2 _________________________________ Rev. 3 ________________________Correction 3 _________________________________ FINAL PLAT MUST BE RECORDED BY THE PROJECT EXPIRATION DATE, IF APPLICABLE. SUBSEQUENT SITE PLANS WHICH DO NOT COMPLY WITH THE CODE CURRENT AT THE TIME OF FILING, AND ALL REQUIRED BUILDING PERMITS AND/OR NOTICE OF CONSTRUCTION (IF A BUILDING IS NOT REQUIRED), MUST ALSO BE APPROVED PRIOR TO THE PROJECT EXPIRATION DATE. S N O I S I V E R T E S X X X X W S P : R E B M U N T C E J O R P E L A D G N R P S I . D R E L A D G N R P S I 2 0 7 8 7 X T , n i t s u A : E M A N T C E J O R P PAGE NUMBER: CASE NUMBER: SP-2019-0253C SP-2019-0253C L2 of L5 i . s g n w a r d e s e h t o t t h g i r y p o c f o s t h g i r l l l a s d o h S E M O H W S P t u o h t i w r u c c o t o n y a m s t n e m u c o d r e h t o o t n i n o i t a r o p r o c n i r o e g a s u , s n o i t a c i f i d o m , n o i t a r e t l a , s n o i t c u d o r p e r y n A . S E M O H W S P f o n o i s s i m r e p n e t t i r w r o i r p e h t S E M O H W S P 5 1 0 2 © C L L S E M O H W S P 9 8 1 5 1 # M R I F E P B T . l m o c e t a t s e a e r w s p w w w . t e e r t S t s 1 S 3 0 0 2 4 0 7 8 7 X T , n i t s u A . 5 0 9 3 6 2 3 2 1 5 . . p . 5 7 1 8 6 6 8 8 8 8 . f . L D AD L RE STE EG I R R B CA EP A NDS E Y T.J A R C O N H I T E S E C T S T A 82 8 5 T E OF E T SA X 08/05/20 E L A D G N R P S I 2 0 7 8 7 X T , N I T S U A , . D R E L A D G N R P S I N A L P N O I T C U R T S N O C E T I S E P A C S D N A L N A L P L A T T I M B U S N O I T C U R T S N O C R O F T O N - W E I V E R R O F D E U S S I . x x x x x x 0 2 . E L T I T N O I S I V E R x 0 . V E R " 0 - ' 0 2 = " 1 : E L A C S B S C J T B : Y B D E K C E H C : Y B N W A R D ALL DISTURBED CWQZ AREA WITHIN LOC TO BE RE-VEGETATED W/ COA APPROVED 609S NATIVE SEED MIX AND SHOWN PLANTING. (+/- 70,512 S.F. OF AREA). REFERENCE SHEET L5 & SERIES 600-609S IN CITY OF AUSTIN STANDARD SPECIFICATION MANUAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SEED 14,818 SF OF UNDISTURBED NATURAL AREA ALL DISTURBED CWQZ AREA WITHIN LOC TO BE RE-VEGETATED W/COA APPROVED 609S NATIVE SEED MIX, (+/- 70,512 S.F. OF AREA) REF. SHEET L5 & SERIES 600-609S IN CITY OF AUSTIN STANDARD SPECIFICATION MANUAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SEED 10002 10009 10011 CO CO CO SSL SSL SSL CO CO CO 10010 10006 10007 PROP CONDO UNIT A10-6109 492 SF PROP CONDO UNIT B3-6108 625 SF PROP CONDO UNIT A13(c)-6107 PROP CONDO UNIT A11-6106 491 SF 491 SF BUILDING 6 FFE: 455.00 S S S S L L Cb S S S S L L 10012 10008 10004 10005 7072 TL TL TL Bb Cb Bb Eb Eb 7073 7071 Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN, TYP. S S S S L L LOCATION OF REQUIRED 609S ROOTED PLANTS RIPARIAN ENHANCEMENT AREA 7070 Bm Bm Bm Bm Bb Bm Bb Bb Bb Bb S S S S L L Bb Bb Bb Bb Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm 6104 Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bb Bm Bb Bb Bb Bb Bb Bb Bb Bb Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm 6102 Bm Bm 6103 Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm TL Bm Bm TL Bm TL TL TL Bm Bm TL Bm TL TL Bm TL Bm S T R E E T Y A R D E U E U T S PROP CONDO UNIT B5(a)-5101 631 SF PROPOSED UTILITY COMPATIBLE STREETYARD TREE, TYP. GARAGE BELOW PROP CONDOS UNIT B8-5202 UNIT A2-5102 618 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT A14-5203 UNIT A1-5103 524 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT B8-5204 UNIT A2-5104 618 SF BUILDING 5 FFE: 452.50 PROP CONDOS UNIT A14-5205 UNIT A1-5105 524 SF S S S S RIPARIAN ENHANCEMENT AREA Bm Bm Dp Bm Dp Dp Dp Bm Bm Dp Dp Dp Dp Bm Bm Dp Dp Dp Dp Bm Dp Bm Dp Dp Dp TL TL TL Bm Dp Bm TL TL TL TL Bm TL TL Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm PROP CONDOS UNIT B9-4203 UNIT A5-4103 902 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT B6-4104 625 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT A15-4302 UNIT A8-4202 UNIT A9-4102 1,005 SF BUILDING 4 FFE: 452.50 PROP CONDOS UNIT A16(b)-4205 UNIT S1(b)-4105 500 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT C2-4106 625 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT A18-4301 UNIT B1-4201 UNIT B2-4101 1,016 SF L W W WW L S S L S S L S S L S S G P CO CO GARAGE BELOW WWL WWL WWL WWL WW SSL WL SSL WL WW WL FM CO PROP CONDOS UNIT A12-2309 UNIT A6-2209 UNIT A7-2109 992 SF F M PROP CONDOS UNIT C1-2108 500 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT A15-2307 UNIT A8-2207 UNIT A9-2107 1,005 SF BUILDING 2 FFE: 452.50 PROP CONDO UNIT C1(a)-2106 500 SF F M PROP CONDO UNIT A16(a)-2201 500 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT B7-2202 UNIT A3-2102 625 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT A16(b)-2203 UNIT S1(b)-2103 500 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT A15-2304 UNIT A8-2204 UNIT A9-2104 1,005 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT A16(a)-2205 UNIT S1(a)-2105 500 SF L W W L W W L W W PROP CONDOS UNIT B7(a)-3208 UNIT SA3(a)-3108 L S S 625 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT A17-3207 UNIT S2-3107 625 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT B7-3206 UNIT A3-3106 625 SF PROP CONDO UNIT C2-3105 618 SF BUILDING 3 FFE: 452.50 L S S PROP CONDOS UNIT A17(a)-3201 UNIT S2(a)-3101 625 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT B7-3202 UNIT A3-3102 625 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT A17-3203 UNIT S2-3103 625 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT B7(a)-3204 UNIT A3(a)-3104 625 SF GARAGE BELOW GL WW SSL SSL SSL SSL SSL SSL WW SSL SSL SSL L S S PROP CONDO UNIT B5-1110 631 SF PROP CONDO UNIT B5-1109 631 SF PROP CONDO UNIT A13-1108 504 SF PROP CONDO UNIT B5-1107 631 SF PROP CONDO UNIT B5-1106 631 SF PROP CONDO UNIT A13-1105 504 SF PROP CONDO UNIT B5-1104 631 SF PROP CONDO UNIT B5-1103 631 SF PROP CONDO UNIT B5-1102 631 SF PROP CONDO UNIT A13(a)-1101 491 SF WL WL WL WL WL WL WL WL WL WL WL EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED, TYP. L G E U E U E U GL E U T 7002 7003 WL S T R E E T Y A R D L W S E U L W L W L W S T R E E T WW Y A R D D D S T R E E T Y A R D BUILDING 1 FFE: 452.50 7010 7009 7011 C O CO CO LOCATION OF REQUIRED 609S ROOTED PLANTS 5185 6135 7014 7013 7012 GARAGE BELOW 7008 7007 7006 7005 7004 L G L G L G L G PROP CONDOS UNIT A16-6204 UNIT S1-6104 500 SF PROP CONDOS UNIT C2-6105 625 SF 5159 (H) 5160 (H) 5161 (H) SSL WW WW gm RB 2 L T E E H YP S gm gm RB gm gm gm RB gm gm gm TL TL TL gm TL TL TL TL GARAGE BELOW gm . TL TL F YP E R E N I L H C T A M YP gm gm gm gm TL RB gm TL TL gm TL TL RB gm gm gm gm gm TL TL TL RIPARIAN ENHANCEMENT AREA 5162 (H) 5163 5164 5167 5166 5165 278-SF OF UNDISTURBED NATURAL AREA In In In In In In In H LIN E R E F. S H E E T L 2 Eb IS In IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS In M A T C S S S S L L Eb Cb TL TL TL Cb S S S S L L W L FM 5339 Bb Bb Bb 5338 WL 5337 5336 FM W L FM CO 5302 F M F M 6137 F M WL SSL WL SSL C O C O C O ALL DISTURBED CWQZ AREA WITHIN LOC TO BE RE-VEGETATED W/ COA APPROVED 609S NATIVE SEED MIX AND SHOWN PLANTING. REFERENCE SHEET L5 & SERIES 600-609S IN CITY OF AUSTIN STANDARD SPECIFICATION MANUAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SEED SHADE TREES SYMBOL COMMON NAME Texas Pistache SIZE AND CONDITION 6' Ht. min., 4" Caliper minimum Redbud, Forest Pansy 2" Caliper minimum DESCRIPTION 609s Facultative Species 609s Upland Species ORNAMENTAL TREES 609S NATIVE REVEGETATION - SEEDING & PLANTING 609S NATIVE REVEGETATION - ROOTED PLANTS NATIVE REVEGETATION - ROOTED PLANTS SYMBOL COMMON NAME SIZE AND CONDITION CALLOUT SYMBOL COMMON NAME SIZE AND CONDITION Required Provided Bb TL Cb American Beautyberry Elbow Bush 1 gal., 48" O.C. 1 gal., 72" O.C. Texas Lantana 1 gal., 48" O.C. Coralberry 1 gal., 36" O.C. Disturbed CWQZ Rooted Plants 3,852 sf / 100 sf = 39 Plants N/A sf 3,852 sf 39 plants 39 plants (5) 5 gal. plants = 20 plants (19) 1 gal. plants = 19 plants S = TREE TO COUNT TOWARDS STREETYARD SHRUBS M = TREE TO COUNT TOWARDS MITIGATION b = TREE TO COUNT TOWARDS BUFFER REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS SYMBOL COMMON NAME SIZE AND CONDITION Bicolor Iris 5 gal., 24" O.C. Dwarf Waxmyrtle 5 gal., 24" O.C. Big Muhly 5 gal., 24" O.C. 609S NATIVE REVEGETATION - ROOTED PLANTS SYMBOL COMMON NAME SIZE AND CONDITION Possumhaw Holly 5 gal. minimum Mexican Redbud 5 gal. minimum 2800 S. IH 35 FRONTAGE RD. SUITE 170 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78704 WWW.ECOLANDDESIGNGROUP.COM I 512-344-9204 TREE LIST i . s g n w a r d e s e h t o t t h g i r y p o c f o s t h g i r l l l a s d o h S E M O H W S P t u o h t i w r u c c o t o n y a m s t n e m u c o d r e h t o o t n i n o i t a r o p r o c n i r o e g a s u , s n o i t a c i f i d o m , n o i t a r e t l a , s n o i t c u d o r p e r y n A . S E M O H W S P f o n o i s s i m r e p n e t t i r w r o i r p e h t S E M O H W S P 5 1 0 2 © C L L S E M O H W S P 9 8 1 5 1 # M R I F E P B T . l m o c e t a t s e a e r w s p w w w . t e e r t S t s 1 S 3 0 0 2 4 0 7 8 7 X T , n i t s u A . 5 0 9 3 6 2 3 2 1 5 . . p . 5 7 1 8 6 6 8 8 8 8 . f . L D AD L RE STE EG I R R B CA EP A NDS E Y T.J A R C O N H I T E S E C T S T A 82 8 5 T E OF E T SA X 08/05/20 E L A D G N R P S I 2 0 7 8 7 X T , N I T S U A , . D R E L A D G N R P S I N A L P N O I T C U R T S N O C E T I S E P A C S D N A L N A L P L A T T I M B U S N O I T C U R T S N O C R O F T O N - W E I V E R R O F D E U S S I . x x x x x x 0 2 . E L T I T N O I S I V E R x 0 . V E R " 0 - ' 0 2 = " 1 : E L A C S B S C J T B : Y B D E K C E H C : Y B N W A R D 0 20' 40' 60' 80' ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ADEQUACY OF THESE PLANS REMAINS WITH THE ENGINEER WHO PREPARED THEM. IN APPROVING THESE PLANS, THE CITY OF AUSTIN MUST RELY UPON THE ADEQUACY OF THE WORK OF THE DESIGN ENGINEER. CAUTION: CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL EXISTING UTILITIES VERTICALLY AND HORIZONTALLY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY THE ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. FOR CITY USE ONLY: SITE PLAN APPROVAL SHEET ________________ FILE NUMBER: APPLICATION DATE: APPROVED BY COMMISSION ON ________ UNDER SECTION 142 OF CHAPTER 25-5 OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN CODE. EXPIRATION DATE (25-5-81, LDC) __________CASE MANAGER: PROJECT EXPIRATION DATE (ORD.#970905) DWPZ ________ DDZ ____ __________________________________________________________________________ Director, Development Services Department RELEASED FOR GENERAL COMPLIANCE: _______ ZONING Rev. 1 ________________________Correction 1 _________________________________ Rev. 2 ________________________Correction 2 _________________________________ Rev. 3 ________________________Correction 3 _________________________________ FINAL PLAT MUST BE RECORDED BY THE PROJECT EXPIRATION DATE, IF APPLICABLE. SUBSEQUENT SITE PLANS WHICH DO NOT COMPLY WITH THE CODE CURRENT AT THE TIME OF FILING, AND ALL REQUIRED BUILDING PERMITS AND/OR NOTICE OF CONSTRUCTION (IF A BUILDING IS NOT REQUIRED), MUST ALSO BE APPROVED PRIOR TO THE PROJECT EXPIRATION DATE. S N O I S I V E R T E S X X X X W S P : R E B M U N T C E J O R P E L A D G N R P S I . D R E L A D G N R P S I 2 0 7 8 7 X T , n i t s u A : E M A N T C E J O R P PAGE NUMBER: CASE NUMBER: SP-2019-0253C SP-2019-0253C L3 of L5 TREE LIST LANDSCAPE CALCULATIONS STREET YARD (Springdale) Required Provided Total Site Area N/A Total Street Yard Area N/A Street-yard / Landscape ( 20%) 2,890 sf sf (43% ) TREES (street yard) 211,300 sf sf 14,450 6,194 Required Provided 12 12 Existing Tree Credit: (4) trees 6"< = 8 street trees Proposed Tree Credit: (4) street trees STREET YARD (Mansell) Required Provided Total Site Area N/A 6,325 Total Street Yard Area N/A 2,910 Street-yard / Landscape ( 20%) 1,265 sf sf (46% ) TREES (street yard) 211,300 sf sf Required Provided 6 6 Existing Tree Credit: (0) trees 6"< = 0 street trees Required Provided BUFFERING Small preferred tree: 0 x 3 = 0 pts Lg. preferred shrub: 10 x 6 = 60 pts 30 pts. 60 pts. REPLACEMENT TREES Total caliper inches to be replaced: Total caliper inches replaced: Existing caliper inches preserved under 8" to count towards mitigation- 0 Trees totaling 0" Split Credit Canopy Trees: 8 x 2.5" = 20" Split Credit Ornamental Trees: 2 x .5" = 1" 250.75" X 200 = $50,150 POTENTIAL PAYMENT TO TREE CARE PLAN: POTENTIAL PAYMENT TO 'PLANTING FOR THE FUTURE FUND': 184" X 200 = $36,800 455.75" 21" 250.75" 184" ISLANDS, MEDIANS, OR PENINSULAS Required Provided Street Yard Area -0 spots x 7.5 s.f. = 0 s.f. Non-Street Yard Area -0 spots x 5 s.f. = 0 s.f. N/A sf 0 sf 0 sf 0 sf Required Landscape Area: 4,202 + 0 = 4,202 S.F. 50% of Required Landscape Area: 4,202 S.F. / 2 = 2,101 S.F. Required Provided Landscape Areas Receiving Storm Water Run-off: Natural Areas: Undisturbed Existing Trees: sf 0 0 0 sf 0 sf 0 14,818 sf sf sf TOTAL: 2,101 sf 14,818 sf Notes: Reference Plan for Areas Calculated on this Chart URBAN FORESTRY SUMMARY Total Appendix F Trees inches Surveyed Total Appendix F Tree Inches Removed: PRIVATE Total Appendix F Tree Inches Removed: ROW Total Non-Appendix F Tree Inches Removed: PRIVATE Total Non-Appendix F Tree Inches Removed: ROW Total Invasive Tree Inches Removed: PRIVATE Total Invasive Tree Inches Removed: ROW Total Mitigation Inches Planted on Site Total Dead Inches Removed Total Non-Mitigation Inches Planted on Site 1,443" 326.5" 295" 0" 40" 19" 63.5" 21" 30" 15" LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. It is the responsibility of the landscape contractor to confirm all materials quantities from the plans. All quantities shown on the schedule are for contractor's convenience only. 2. No substitutions on size or spacing of plants on this plan can be made without the approval of Landscape Architect or owner. 3. The contractor is responsible for verifying all existing utilities on site. Any damage to existing or proposed utilities is to be repaired according to local standards and at the landscape contractor's expense. Coordinate all construction with the appropriate utility companies. 4. All planting beds to receive dark hardwood mulch. Mulch to be installed at 3” unless otherwise indicated. 5. Dimensions used for height, spread and truck specification on the plant material list are a general guide for the minimal size of plant. 6. All disturbed areas are to be re-vegetated with Tifway 419 per drawings and specifications. 7. No excavation or planting pit shall be left open overnight. 8. Positive drainage is to be provided around all building foundations. 9. The landscape contractor shall obtain any necessary permits, licensees, etc. and shall give notices and comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, codes, rules and regulations during the course of the project. 10. All plant material to be nursery grown and to comply with the American standard for nursery stock for size and quality. 11. The landscape architect / client reserves the right to refuse any plant material or any defective workmanship. Contractor to keep all plant material tags for inspection. minimum caliper height and spread of the side branches as shown on the plant list. Trunk shall be undamaged and shape shall be typical of the species. 13. The landscape contractor shall be responsible for the staking and layout of all planting on this project. 14. Should the landscape contractor encounter unsatisfactory surface or subsurface drainage conditions, soil depth, hard pan, stems, utility lines, or other conditions that may compromise the health and vigor of the plants, they must advise the landscape architect in writing the conditions prior to installing plants. Otherwise the landscape contractor warrants that the planting areas are suitable for proper growth and development of the plants to be installed. 15. Existing trees are to be protected and barricaded if necessary for the proposed landscape improvements. The landscape contractor assumes full responsibility for any tree damage caused directly by his scope of work. 2800 S. IH 35 FRONTAGE RD. SUITE 170 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78704 WWW.ECOLANDDESIGNGROUP.COM I 512-344-9204 APPENDIX O - LANDSCAPE / IRRIGATION NOTES SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT - IRRIGATION NOTES Automatic irrigation systems shall comply with TCEQ Chapter 344, as well as the following requirements: 1. These requirements shall be noted on the Site Development Permit and shall be implemented as part of the landscape inspection: a. the system must provide a moisture level adequate to sustain growth of the plant materials; b. the system does not include spray irrigation on areas less than ten (10) feet wide (such as medians, buffer strips, and parking lot islands); c. circuit remote control valves have adjustable flow controls; d. serviceable in-head check valves area adjacent to paved areas where elevation differences may cause low head drainage; e. a master valve installed on the discharge side of the backflow preventer; f. above-ground irrigation emission devices are set back at least six (6) inches from impervious surfaces; g. an automatic rain shut-off device shuts off the irrigation system automatically after more than a one-half inch (½") rainfall; and h. newly planted trees shall have permanent irrigation consisting of drip or bubblers. 2. The irrigation installer shall develop and provide an as-built design plan to the City at the time the final irrigation inspection is performed; a. unless fiscal security is provided to the City for the installation of the system, it must be operational at the time of the final landscape inspection. 3. The irrigation installer shall also provide exhibits to be permanently installed inside or attached to the irrigation controller, including: a. a laminated copy of the water budget containing zone numbers, precipitation rate, and gallons per minute; and a zone map with the isolation valve location. 4. The irrigation installer shall provide a report to the City on a form provided by Austin Water certifying compliance with Subsection 1. When the final plumbing inspection is performed by the City. SUBCHAPTER C:INNOVATIVE WATER MANAGEMENT 12. All plant material shall have a well formed head with i . s g n w a r d e s e h t o t t h g i r y p o c f o s t h g i r l l l a s d o h S E M O H W S P t u o h t i w r u c c o t o n y a m s t n e m u c o d r e h t o o t n i n o i t a r o p r o c n i r o e g a s u , s n o i t a c i f i d o m , n o i t a r e t l a , s n o i t c u d o r p e r y n A . S E M O H W S P f o n o i s s i m r e p n e t t i r w r o i r p e h t S E M O H W S P 5 1 0 2 © C L L S E M O H W S P 9 8 1 5 1 # M R I F E P B T . l m o c e t a t s e a e r w s p w w w . t e e r t S t s 1 S 3 0 0 2 4 0 7 8 7 X T , n i t s u A . 5 0 9 3 6 2 3 2 1 5 . . p . 5 7 1 8 6 6 8 8 8 8 . f . L D AD L RE STE EG I R R B CA EP A NDS E Y T.J A R C O N H I T E S E C T S T A 82 8 5 T E OF E T SA X 08/05/20 E L A D G N R P S I 2 0 7 8 7 X T , N I T S U A , . D R E L A D G N R P S I S L I A T E D & S E T O N E P A C S D N A L N A L P L A T T I M B U S N O I T C U R T S N O C R O F T O N - W E I V E R R O F D E U S S I . x x x x x x 0 2 . E L T I T N O I S I V E R x 0 . V E R TREE REPLACEMENT CALCULATIONS R.O.W. TREE REPLACEMENT CALCULATIONS Not on App. F 8-18.9" On App. F 19" + Not on App. F 19" + Heritage Tree 24" + Tree Number To Be Removed On App. F 8-18.9" Not on App. F 8-18.9" On App. F 19" + Not on App. F 19" + Tree Number To Be Removed On App. F 8-18.9" 161.5" REF. TREE LIST Totals INCHES TO BE REPLACED 161.5" 50% 80.75" 0" 25% N/A 107" 107" 100% 107" 0" 50% N/A 28" 28" 300% 84" REF. TREE LISTS Totals INCHES TO BE REPLACED 256" 256" 50% 128" 12" 12" 25% 3" 39" 39" 100% 39" TOTAL CALIPER INCHES TO BE REPLACED TOTAL CALIPER INCHES REPLACED ON SITE EXISTING CALIPER INCHES PRESERVED UNDER 8" (0 TREES) TOTAL CALIPER INCHES TO BE PAID INTO TREE CARE PLAN -250.75" X $200 = $50,150 TO BE PAID INTO TREE CARE PLAN 271.75" 21" 0" 250.75" TOTAL CALIPER INCHES TO BE REPLACED TOTAL CALIPER INCHES REPLACED IN ROW TOTAL CALIPER INCHES TO BE PAID INTO THE 'URBAN FOREST REPLENISHMENT FUND -184" X $200 = $36,800 ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ADEQUACY OF THESE PLANS REMAINS WITH THE ENGINEER WHO PREPARED THEM. IN APPROVING THESE PLANS, THE CITY OF AUSTIN MUST RELY UPON THE ADEQUACY OF THE WORK OF THE DESIGN ENGINEER. CAUTION: CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL EXISTING UTILITIES VERTICALLY AND HORIZONTALLY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY THE ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. 28" 28" 50% 14" 184" 0" 184" FOR CITY USE ONLY: SITE PLAN APPROVAL SHEET ________________ FILE NUMBER: APPLICATION DATE: APPROVED BY COMMISSION ON ________ UNDER SECTION 142 OF CHAPTER 25-5 OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN CODE. EXPIRATION DATE (25-5-81, LDC) __________CASE MANAGER: PROJECT EXPIRATION DATE (ORD.#970905) DWPZ ________ DDZ ____ __________________________________________________________________________ Director, Development Services Department RELEASED FOR GENERAL COMPLIANCE: _______ ZONING Rev. 1 ________________________Correction 1 _________________________________ Rev. 2 ________________________Correction 2 _________________________________ Rev. 3 ________________________Correction 3 _________________________________ FINAL PLAT MUST BE RECORDED BY THE PROJECT EXPIRATION DATE, IF APPLICABLE. SUBSEQUENT SITE PLANS WHICH DO NOT COMPLY WITH THE CODE CURRENT AT THE TIME OF FILING, AND ALL REQUIRED BUILDING PERMITS AND/OR NOTICE OF CONSTRUCTION (IF A BUILDING IS NOT REQUIRED), MUST ALSO BE APPROVED PRIOR TO THE PROJECT EXPIRATION DATE. CASE NUMBER: SP-2019-0253C SP-2019-0253C E L A D G N R P S I . D R E L A D G N R P S I 2 0 7 8 7 X T , n i t s u A : E M A N T C E J O R P PAGE NUMBER: N W O H S S A : E L A C S B S C J T B : Y B D E K C E H C : Y B N W A R D L4 of L5 S N O I S I V E R T E S X X X X W S P : R E B M U N T C E J O R P SHADE TREES SYMBOL QUANTITY COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME 8 Texas Pistache Pistacia texana SIZE AND CONDITION 6' Ht. min., 4" Caliper minimum ORNAMENTAL TREES SYMBOL QUANTITY COMMON NAME 2 Redbud, Forest Pansy SHRUBS SCIENTIFIC NAME Cercis canadensis ' Forest pansy ' SIZE AND CONDITION 2" Caliper minimum SYMBOL QUANTITY COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME SIZE AND CONDITION 10 Dwarf Waxmyrtle Bicolor Iris Big Muhly Dietes bicolor Myrica cerifera var. pumila Muhlenbergia lindheimeri 5 gal., 24" O.C. 5 gal., 24" O.C. 5 gal., 24" O.C. RIPARIAN ENHANCEMENT PLANT SCHEDULE QUANTITY SYMBOL COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME SIZE AND CONDTION YP Yaupon Holly Ilex vomitoria 1" caliper minimum RB Texas Redbud 1" caliper minimum Inland seaoats Indian Grass Turks Cap Coralberry American Beautyberry Gulf Muhly IS In Tc Cb Vw Bb gm Dp TL Cercis canadensis var. texensis Hasmanthium latifolium Sorghastrum nutans Malvaviscus drummondii Symphoricarpos orbiculatus Elymus virginicus Callicarpa americana Muhlenbergia capillaris Lantana urticoides Muhlenbergia lindheimeri Dwarf Palmetto Sabal minor 1 gallon minimum Texas Lantana 1 gallon minimum Bm Big Muhly 1 gallon minimum 1 gallon minimum 1 gallon minimum 1 gallon minimum 1 gallon minimum 1 gallon minimum 1 gallon minimum Virginia wildrye 1 gallon minimum 3 5 33 16 8 15 12 18 22 17 35 73 SYMBOL QUANTITY COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME SIZE AND CONDITION 9. The landscape contractor shall obtain any necessary permits, 609S NATIVE REVEGETATION - SEEDING & PLANTING QUANTITY CALLOUT DESCRIPTION 609s Facultative Species: Indian Blanket (10 lbs / acre) Sunflower (5 lbs / acre). Provide 6" of additional topsoil in this area. Hydromulch with tackifier additive agent. Seed mix available from Temp-irrigation all areas until established. 609s Upland Species: Buffalograss (21 lbs / acre) Blue Gramma (10 bs / acre) Sideoats Gama (7 lbs / acre) and Canada Wild Rye (10 lbs / acre). Provide 6" of additional topsoil in this area. Hydromulch with tackifier additive agent. Seed mix available from Temp-irrigation all areas until established. 609S NATIVE REVEGETATION - ROOTED PLANTS Possumhaw Holly Ilex decidua Mexican Redbud Cercis canadensis var. mexicana 5 gal. minimum 5 gal. minimum 609S NATIVE REVEGETATION - ROOTED PLANTS SYMBOL QUANTITY SCIENTIFIC NAME SIZE AND CONDITION COMMON NAME American Beautyberry Callicarpa americana 1 gal., 48" O.C. Elbow Bush Forestiera pubescens 1 gal., 72" O.C. Texas Lantana Lantana urticoides 1 gal., 48" O.C. Coralberry Symphoricarpos orbiculatus 1 gal., 36" O.C. 3 2 5 4 6 4 57 lbs 17 lbs Bb TL Cb NATIVE REVEGETATION - ROOTED PLANTS Required Provided Disturbed CWQZ Rooted Plants 3,852 sf / 100 sf = 39 Plants (5) 5 gal. plants = 20 plants (19) 1 gal. plants = 19 plants N/A sf 3,852 sf 39 plants 39 plants LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. It is the responsibility of the landscape contractor to confirm all materials quantities from the plans. All quantities shown on the schedule are for contractor's convenience only. 2. No substitutions on size or spacing of plants on this plan can be made without the approval of Landscape Architect or owner. 3. The contractor is responsible for verifying all existing utilities on site. Any damage to existing or proposed utilities is to be repaired according to local standards and at the landscape contractor's expense. Coordinate all construction with the appropriate utility companies. 4. All planting beds to receive dark hardwood mulch. Mulch to be installed at 3” unless otherwise indicated. 5. Dimensions used for height, spread and truck specification on the plant material list are a general guide for the minimal size of plant. 6. All disturbed areas are to be re-vegetated with Tifway 419 per drawings and specifications. 7. No excavation or planting pit shall be left open overnight. 8. Positive drainage is to be provided around all building foundations. licensees, etc. and shall give notices and comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, codes, rules and regulations during the course of the project. 10. All plant material to be nursery grown and to comply with the American standard for nursery stock for size and quality. 11. The landscape architect / client reserves the right to refuse any plant material or any defective workmanship. Contractor to keep all plant material tags for inspection. 12. All plant material shall have a well formed head with minimum caliper height and spread of the side branches as shown on the plant list. Trunk shall be undamaged and shape shall be typical of the species. 13. The landscape contractor shall be responsible for the staking and layout of all planting on this project. 14. Should the landscape contractor encounter unsatisfactory surface or subsurface drainage conditions, soil depth, hard pan, stems, utility lines, or other conditions that may compromise the health and vigor of the plants, they must advise the landscape architect in writing the conditions prior to installing plants. Otherwise the landscape contractor warrants that the planting areas are suitable for proper growth and development of the plants to be installed. 15. Existing trees are to be protected and barricaded if necessary for the proposed landscape improvements. The landscape contractor assumes full responsibility for any tree damage caused directly by his scope of work. 2800 S. IH 35 FRONTAGE RD. SUITE 170 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78704 WWW.ECOLANDDESIGNGROUP.COM I 512-344-9204 APPENDIX O - LANDSCAPE / IRRIGATION NOTES SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT - IRRIGATION NOTES Automatic irrigation systems shall comply with TCEQ Chapter 344, as well as the following requirements: 1. These requirements shall be noted on the Site Development Permit and shall be implemented as part of the landscape inspection: a. the system must provide a moisture level adequate to sustain growth of the plant materials; b. the system does not include spray irrigation on areas less than ten (10) feet wide (such as medians, buffer strips, and parking lot islands); c. circuit remote control valves have adjustable flow controls; d. serviceable in-head check valves area adjacent to paved areas where elevation differences may cause low head drainage; e. a master valve installed on the discharge side of the backflow preventer; f. above-ground irrigation emission devices are set back at least six (6) inches from impervious surfaces; g. an automatic rain shut-off device shuts off the irrigation system automatically after more than a one-half inch (½") rainfall; and h. newly planted trees shall have permanent irrigation consisting of drip or bubblers. 2. The irrigation installer shall develop and provide an as-built design plan to the City at the time the final irrigation inspection is performed; a. unless fiscal security is provided to the City for the installation of the system, it must be operational at the time of the final landscape inspection. 3. The irrigation installer shall also provide exhibits to be permanently installed inside or attached to the irrigation controller, including: a. a laminated copy of the water budget containing zone numbers, precipitation rate, and gallons per minute; and a zone map with the isolation valve location. 4. The irrigation installer shall provide a report to the City on a form provided by Austin Water certifying compliance with Subsection 1. When the final plumbing inspection is performed by the City. DO NOT PRUNE LEADER REMOVE DEAD OR BROKEN BRANCHES REMOVE SUCKERS REMOVE NURSERY APPLIED TREE WRAP TAPE OR STRING FROM TREE TRUNK AND CROWN. REMOVE ANY TAGS OR LABLES. IDENTIFY TRUNK FLARE AND SET ROOT BALL LEVEL TO GRADE OR SLIGHTLY ABOVE GRADE (1/2") ORGANIC MULCH MIN. 3" DEEP LEAVING 6" DIAMETER CIRCLE OF BARE SOIL AROUND TRUNK OF TREE REMOVE NURSERY MATERIAL SURROUNDING ROOTBALL METEL "T" POST BURIED MIN. 1' INTO UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE, SEE NOTES CENTER ROOTBALL IN PLANTING HOLE. LEAVE BOTTOM OF PLANTING HOLE FIRM. DO NOT AMEND SOIL UNLESS PLANTING IN POOR OR SEVERELY DISTURBED SOIL OR BUILDING RUBBLE. USE WATER TO SETTLE SOIL AND REMOVE AIR POCKETS AND FIRMLY SET TREE. GENTLY TAMP IF NEEDED PRUNE GIRDLING ROOTS RAISED FOR WATER DETENTION I T H G E H E L O H S L A U Q E L L A B T O O R T H G E H I BREAK UP (SCARIFY) SIDES OF PLANTING HOLE 3" WATER RETENTION BASIN TOP OF ROOT BALL TO BE FLUSH WITH FINISHED GRADE REMOVE CONTAINER/BURLAP FROM SHRUB AND LOOSEN SOIL PRIOR TO PLANTING WIDTH OF PIT TO BE TWICE THAT OF THE CONTAINER OR BALL DEPTH TO BE 4" BELOW CONTAINER OR BALL PLANTING MIX HOLE 3X DIA. OF ROOTBALL NOTES: 1. NON-BINDING STRAPS AND RUBBER HOSES TO BE USED WITH "T" POST. 2. USE THREE (3) "T" POST FOR TREES GREATER THAN 3" CAL., TWO (2) POST FOR TREES LESS THAN 3" CAL. 3. REMOVE POST AFTER 1-YEAR. A TREE PLANTING DETAIL SECTION SCALE: N.T.S. SCALE: N.T.S. SCALE: N.T.S. B SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL SECTION C TREE PROTECTION DETAIL SECTION FINISH WITH 3" DEEP MULCH FINISHED GRADE PLANTING MIX AS SPECIFIED UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE PLAN VIEW 20'' DIAMETER TREE X X X 20'-0" X X X X X X ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ADEQUACY OF THESE PLANS REMAINS WITH THE ENGINEER WHO PREPARED THEM. IN APPROVING THESE PLANS, THE CITY OF AUSTIN MUST RELY UPON THE ADEQUACY OF THE WORK OF THE DESIGN ENGINEER. CAUTION: CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL EXISTING UTILITIES VERTICALLY AND HORIZONTALLY PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR TO NOTIFY THE ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. TREE PROTECTION FENCE X X X DRIPLINE CRITICAL ROOT ZONE FOR CITY USE ONLY: 6'-0'' 10'-0'' MAX. DRIPLINE ( VARIES ) FENCE LOCATION ( LIMITS OF CRITICAL ROOT ZONE ) RADIUS = 1 FT. PER INCH OF TRUNK DIA. MINIMUM 8' RADIUS SITE PLAN APPROVAL SHEET ________________ FILE NUMBER: APPLICATION DATE: APPROVED BY COMMISSION ON ________ UNDER SECTION 142 OF CHAPTER 25-5 OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN CODE. EXPIRATION DATE (25-5-81, LDC) __________CASE MANAGER: PROJECT EXPIRATION DATE (ORD.#970905) DWPZ ________ DDZ ____ __________________________________________________________________________ Director, Development Services Department RELEASED FOR GENERAL COMPLIANCE: _______ ZONING Rev. 1 ________________________Correction 1 _________________________________ Rev. 2 ________________________Correction 2 _________________________________ Rev. 3 ________________________Correction 3 _________________________________ FINAL PLAT MUST BE RECORDED BY THE PROJECT EXPIRATION DATE, IF APPLICABLE. SUBSEQUENT SITE PLANS WHICH DO NOT COMPLY WITH THE CODE CURRENT AT THE TIME OF FILING, AND ALL REQUIRED BUILDING PERMITS AND/OR NOTICE OF CONSTRUCTION (IF A BUILDING IS NOT REQUIRED), MUST ALSO BE APPROVED PRIOR TO THE PROJECT EXPIRATION DATE. CASE NUMBER: SP-2019-0253C SP-2019-0253C E L A D G N R P S I . D R E L A D G N R P S I 2 0 7 8 7 X T , n i t s u A : E M A N T C E J O R P PAGE NUMBER: N W O H S S A : E L A C S B S C J T B : Y B D E K C E H C : Y B N W A R D L5 of L5 i . s g n w a r d e s e h t o t t h g i r y p o c f o s t h g i r l l l a s d o h S E M O H W S P t u o h t i w r u c c o t o n y a m s t n e m u c o d r e h t o o t n i n o i t a r o p r o c n i r o e g a s u , s n o i t a c i f i d o m , n o i t a r e t l a , s n o i t c u d o r p e r y n A . S E M O H W S P f o n o i s s i m r e p n e t t i r w r o i r p e h t S E M O H W S P 5 1 0 2 © C L L S E M O H W S P 9 8 1 5 1 # M R I F E P B T . l m o c e t a t s e a e r w s p w w w . t e e r t S t s 1 S 3 0 0 2 4 0 7 8 7 X T , n i t s u A . 5 0 9 3 6 2 3 2 1 5 . . p . 5 7 1 8 6 6 8 8 8 8 . f . L D AD L RE STE EG I R R B CA EP A NDS E Y T.J A R C O N H I T E S E C T S T A 82 8 5 T E OF E T SA X 08/05/20 E L A D G N R P S I 2 0 7 8 7 X T , N I T S U A , . D R E L A D G N R P S I S L I A T E D & S E T O N E P A C S D N A L N A L P L A T T I M B U S N O I T C U R T S N O C R O F T O N - W E I V E R R O F D E U S S I . x x x x x x 0 2 . E L T I T N O I S I V E R x 0 . V E R S N O I S I V E R T E S X X X X W S P : R E B M U N T C E J O R P