Planning CommissionJuly 28, 2020

B-05 (C14-2017-0010.SH - Nuckols Crossing Road - SMART Housing; District 2) — original pdf

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ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2017-0010.SH – Nuckols Crossing Road P.C. DATE: July 25, 2017 Rezoning – SMART Housing November 14, 2017 December 12, 2017 January 9, 2018 January 23, 2018 February 27, 2018 March 13, 2018 March 27, 2018 April 10, 2018 May 22, 2018 June 12, 2018 July 24, 2018 August 28, 2018 October 9, 2018 November 13, 2018 December 11, 2018 May 28, 2019 June 25, 2019 July 23, 2019 September 10, 2019 February 25, 2020 April 14, 2020 May 26, 2020 July 14, 2020 July 28, 2020 ADDRESS: 4400 Nuckols Crossing Road DISTRICT AREA: 2 OWNERS: Angelos Angelou and John Sasaridis APPLICANT: McDowell Housing Partners AGENT: Thrower Design (Ariana Brendle) (Ron Thrower) ZONING FROM: SF-2-NP TO: MF-4-NP, as amended AREA: 9.978 acres NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING AREA: Southeast Combined (Franklin Park) B-051 of 88 C14-2017-0010.SH Page 2 SUMMARY STAFF RECOMMENDATION (Revised on June 29, 2020): The Staff recommendation is to grant multifamily residence – low density – neighborhood plan (MF-2-NP) combining district zoning. The Restrictive Covenant includes all recommendations listed in the Neighborhood Traffic Analysis memo, dated July 21, 2020, as provided in Attachment A. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: July 25, 2017: APPROVED AN INDEFINITE POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY THE APPLICANT [J. SHIEH, P. SEEGER – 2ND] (12-0) N. ZARAGOZA – ABSENT November 14, 2017: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY THE STAFF TO DECEMBER 12, 2017 [J. SHIEH, P. SEEGER – 2ND] (12-0) A. DE HOYOS HART – ABSENT December 12, 2017: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY THE STAFF TO JANUARY 9, 2018 [J. SHIEH, T. WHITE – 2ND] (13-0) January 9, 2018: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY STAFF TO JANUARY 23, 2018 [P. SEEGER; A. DE HOYOS HART – 2ND] (11-0) F. KAZI – NOT PRESENT FOR PASSAGE OF THE CONSENT AGENDA; T. NUCKOLS – ABSENT January 23, 2018: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY THE STAFF TO FEBRUARY 27, 2018 [P. SEEGER; G. ANDERSON – 2ND] (10-0) A. DE HOYOS HART, J. SCHISSLER – NOT PRESENT FOR PASSAGE OF THE CONSENT AGENDA; K. MCGRAW – ABSENT February 27, 2018: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY THE STAFF TO MARCH 13, 2018 [J. SCHISSLER; J. SHIEH – 2ND] (12-0) J. THOMPSON – ABSENT March 13, 2018: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY THE STAFF TO MARCH 27, 2018 [T. WHITE; P. SEEGER – 2ND] (8-0) A. DE HOYOS HART, T. NUCKOLS, J. SHIEH, T. SHAW, J. THOMPSON – ABSENT March 27, 2018: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT TO APRIL 10, 2018 [G. ANDERSON; J. THOMPSON – 2ND] (12-0) P. SEEGER – ABSENT B-052 of 88 C14-2017-0010.SH Page 3 April 10, 2018: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT TO MAY 22, 2018; PUBLIC HEARING REMAINS OPEN [G. ANDERSON; J. SCHISSLER – 2ND] (7-4) CHAIR OLIVER AND COMMISSIONERS MCGRAW, SEEGER AND SHAW VOTED NAY; A. DE HOYOS HART – LEFT EARLY; T. WHITE – ABSENT May 22, 2018: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT TO JUNE 12, 2018, BY CONSENT June 12, 2018: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY STAFF TO JULY 24, 2018 [P. SEEGER; J. SCHISSLER – 2ND] (13-0) [J. SCHISSLER; J. SHIEH – 2ND] (12-0) C. KENNY – ABSENT July 24, 2018: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY STAFF TO AUGUST 28, 2018 [D. ANDERSON; A. DE HOYOS HART – 2ND] (8-0) J. SHIEH, F. KAZI, J. THOMPSON, T. WHITE – ABSENT; ONE VACANCY ON THE COMMISSION August 28, 2018: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY STAFF TO OCTOBER 9, 2018 [J. SCHISSLER, C. KENNY – 2ND] (12-0) 1 VACANCY ON THE COMMISSION October 9, 2018: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY STAFF TO NOVEMBER 13, 2018 [P. SEEGER; K. MCGRAW – 2ND] (10-0) J. SHIEH, T. WITTE – ABSENT; 1 VACANCY ON THE COMMISSION November 13, 2018: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY THE STAFF TO DECEMBER 11, 2018 [P. SEEGER, R. SCHNEIDER – 2ND] (12-0) A. DE HOYOS HART – ABSENT December 11, 2018: APPROVED AN INDEFINITE POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY THE STAFF [K. MCGRAW; F. KAZI – 2ND] (11-0) Y. FLORES, C. KENNY – ABSENT May 28, 2019: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY THE STAFF TO JUNE 25, 2019 [J. SHIEH; P. HOWARD – 2ND] (12-0) K. MCGRAW – ABSENT June 25, 2019: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY THE STAFF TO JULY 23, 2019 [P. HOWARD; C. KENNY – 2ND] (11-0) P. SEEGER; J. SHIEH – ABSENT July 23, 2019: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY STAFF TO AUGUST 27, 2019 [P. SEEGER; A. AZHAR – 2ND] (10-0) R. SCHNEIDER, T. SHAW, J. THOMPSON – ABSENT B-053 of 88 C14-2017-0010.SH Page 4 September 10, 2019: APPROVED AN INDEFINITE POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY STAFF [J. THOMPSON; J. SHIEH – 2ND] (10-0) T. SHAW – NOT PRESENT FOR PASSAGE OF THE CONSENT AGENDA; R. SCHNEIDER, P. SEEGER – ABSENT February 25, 2020: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY STAFF TO APRIL 14, 2020 [R. SCHNEIDER; C. KENNY – 2ND] (12-0) J. SHIEH – ABSENT April 14, 2020: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY STAFF TO MAY 26, 2020 [R. SCHNEIDER; C. KENNY – 2ND] (12-0) C. LLANES PULIDO – ABSENT May 26, 2020: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY STAFF TO JULY 14, 2020 [C. HEMPEL; R. SCHNEIDER – 2ND] (12-0) C. LLANES PULIDO – NOT PRESENT FOR PASSAGE OF THE CONSENT AGENDA July 14, 2020: APPROVED A POSTPONEMENT REQUEST BY THE NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING CONTACT TEAM TO JULY 28, 2020 [P. SEEGER; R. SCHNEIDER – 2ND] (12-1) Y. FLORES – NAY July 28, 2020: ISSUES: The Applicant wishes to discuss the Staff recommendation. The Kensington Park Homeowners Association is opposed to the proposed rezoning. Please refer to attached correspondence located at the back of this packet. Amendments to the Rezoning Application On February 10, 2020, the application was amended for a second time to change the rezoning request from MF-3-CO-NP to MF-4-NP and increase the rezoning area from 9.978 acres to 16.721 acres. This amendment added a 6.615 acre SF-2-CO-NP zoned tract to the north under a different ownership. An amended Notice of Filing was mailed out for the revised area. On May 19, 2020, the Applicant removed the north 6.615 acre tract from the rezoning area, returning it to 9.978 acres. This rezoning case has been approved to participate in the City’s S.M.A.R.T. (Safe, Mixed- Income, Accessible, Reasonably-priced, Transit-Oriented) Housing expedited review program. Please refer to Attachment B. Staff Meetings with the Applicant, Contact Team and Neighborhood Representatives On July 20, 2020, PAZ hosted a virtual meeting with ATD staff and members of the Contact Team to answer questions about the attached Neighborhood Traffic Analysis. The Contact Team invited the Applicant to a special called meeting on July 22, 2020 to answer any additional questions about the rezoning and NPA cases. B-054 of 88 C14-2017-0010.SH Page 5 On July 8, 2020, PAZ Staff hosted a virtual meeting with the Applicant, Agent, members of the Contact Team, neighborhood representatives, and the Austin Transportation Department. The purpose of the meeting was to relay the basis for changing Staff’s recommendation of denial that was presented to Planning Commission on April 10, 2018. Staff was previously unable to recommend the Applicant’s request for MF-3-CO-NP based on traffic safety concerns, and recommended maintaining the existing SF-2-NP zoning. On June 6, 2018, the property owners, Applicant, neighborhood representatives and Staff from the Austin Transportation Department and the Planning and Zoning Department attended a meeting to discuss vehicular access to the site. The need for a follow-up meeting was discussed and planned to occur after the Applicant pursued safer access option to Nuckols Crossing Road through consultation with a traffic engineer and Staff reviewed the engineer’s work. This work took approximately two years to complete. Staff has also looked into the possibility of taking access from this tract through the adjacent multi-family development to the west that has frontage on St. Elmo Road and Pleasant Valley Road. Driveway access to the tract addressed as 4400 Nuckols Crossing could occur to South Pleasant Valley Rd via the adjacent tracts (owned by Smith County Affordable Housing Ltd as well as Pleasant Valley Courtyards Housing LP). Since the driveway would serve the proposed multifamily development, it would require rezoning from SF-2-NP and RR-CO-NP to MF-2-NP and a related NPA application to change the FLUM to multifamily. Extending a driveway to South Pleasant Valley Road would likely encounter development constraints due to a number of documented environmental features, as shown in the Environmental Resource Inventory Map provided in Attachment B. On February 13, 2017, the Southeast Combined Neighborhood Plan Contact Team met with the Agent at the Southeast Community Branch Library to discuss this rezoning case. One year later, on February 12, 2018, the Contact Team met with the Applicant with City zoning and Development Services Department transportation staff in attendance. The Contact Team, the Dove Springs Proud association and the Los Arboles Homeowners Association have provided correspondence in opposition to the rezoning and related Neighborhood Plan Amendment requests. Please refer to the correspondence attached at the back of this report. DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: The subject undeveloped tract is located on Nuckols Crossing Road, a neighborhood collector, and has single family residence-standard lot – neighborhood plan (SF-2-NP) zoning. The St. Elmo tributary of Williamson Creek, classified as an intermediate waterway, runs along and in close proximity to the north property line. City maps show there are at least three wetlands and one spring/seep on the north and west portions of the property. An Environmental Resource Inventory undertaken by the Applicant in January 2018 indicates four additional wetlands and one additional spring/seep on the property, bringing the total to 9 critical environmental features (CEFs). The wetlands and springs are located on the western portion of the property. B-055 of 88 C14-2017-0010.SH Page 6 There are single family residences on large lots to the north (SF-2-CO-NP with the –CO requiring a ½ acre minimum lot size), an undeveloped 9.86 acre tract and the Los Arboles single family residential community across Nuckols Crossing Road to the east (SF-2-NP), an undeveloped lot and the Woodway Village apartments to the south (SF-2-NP; MF-2-CO-NP with the –CO for a maximum of 160 units / 12.27 units per acre), and undeveloped land to the west (SF-2-NP; RR-CO-NP; LO-CO-NP). Please refer to Exhibits A (Zoning Map), A- 1 (Aerial View) and A-2 (Environmental Resource Inventory Map dated January 2018). The Applicant proposes to rezone the property to the multi-family residence-moderate-high density-neighborhood plan (MF-4-NP) district and develop it with up to 180 apartment units. The proposed density is approximately 18.03 units per acre. Under the MF-4-NP base district, the maximum floor-to-area ratio is 0.75 to 1 and the maximum height is 60 feet. An initial look at the zoning map indicates the tract would seem well-suited as a transition between the apartments to the south and the single family residences on large lots to the north. As outlined in Attachment A, the Neighborhood Traffic Analysis memo identifies that the existing traffic volumes on Nuckols Crossing Road exceed the desirable thresholds established by the Land Development Code (based on pavement width). The Applicant has worked with Austin Transportation Department (ATD) engineering staff to identify a driveway location that satisfies minimum site distance requirements and is acceptable for vehicle safety and operations. In addition, ATD also requires dedicated right-turn and left- turn lanes into the site and the Applicant has secured preliminary approval for a conceptual design of the turn lanes. Finally, ATD recommends exploring additional improvements at the time of subdivision construction or site plan: reconstruction of Nuckols Crossing to urban standards with curb and gutter, bicycle facilities and sidewalks. Staff recognizes the challenges in developing the site given the environmental and transportation-related constraints, and with the updated Neighborhood Traffic Analysis, offers an alternate recommendation of multifamily residence-low density-neighborhood plan (MF-2-NP) which has a maximum density of 23 units per acre. The Staff recommendation is based on the zoning patterns in the area, including adjacent SF-2 base district properties to the north and across Nuckols Crossing Road to the east, and the MF-2-CO-NP zoned property with apartments to the south. As information, the environmental features generally located on north and west sides of the site will require a 200-foot wide buffer from the centerline (hence a full buffer of 400 feet, with the remaining portion to be achieved on adjacent property) of this intermediate waterway [LDC 25-8-261 – Critical Water Quality Zone Development]. In the buffer area, development is limited to fences and open space, under certain conditions. There will be additional buffer zones (generally 150 feet) from the wetlands and spring which will further limit development of this 9.9 acre property. B-056 of 88 C14-2017-0010.SH Page 7 EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USES: ZONING Site North South MF-2-CO-NP; SF-2-NP East SF-2-NP SF-2-CO-NP SF-2-NP West SF-2-NP; RR-CO-NP; SF-6- CO-NP; LO-CO-NP LAND USES Undeveloped Single family residences on large lots Apartments; Undeveloped Undeveloped; Single family residences in the Los Arboles community Undeveloped; Condominiums; Stormwater pond SCENIC ROADWAY: No NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC ANALYSIS: Is required – Please refer to Attachment A WATERSHED: Williamson Creek – Suburban CAPITOL VIEW CORRIDOR: No NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATIONS: 96 – Southeast Corner Alliance of Neighborhoods (SCAN) 176 – Kensington Park Homeowners Association 511 – Austin Neighborhoods Council 627 – Onion Creek Homeowners Association 742 – Austin Independent School District 774 – Del Valle Independent School District 753 – Paisano Mobile Home Park Neighborhood Association 1071 – Los Arboles Homeowner’s Association 1228 – Sierra Club, Austin Regional Group 1316 – Southeast Combined Neighborhood Plan Contact Team 1340 – Austin Heritage Tree Foundation 1408 – Go!Austin / Vamos!Austin – Dove Springs 1438 – Dove Springs Neighborhood Association 1528 – Bike Austin 1550 – Homeless Neighborhood Association SCHOOLS: Rodriguez Elementary School Mendez Middle School Travis High School CASE HISTORIES: 1441 – Dove Springs Proud 1530 – Friends of Austin Neighborhoods 1578 – South Park Neighbors 1258 – Del Valle Community Coalition 1363 – SEL Texas NUMBER C14-03-0176.SH – Pleasant Valley Courtyards (SMART Housing) – 4503 – 4511 E St. Elmo Rd REQUEST MF-3-CO to MF-3-CO, to amend uses allowed on Tract One COMMISSION To Grant MF-3-CO to allow multi-family residence units on Tract One, development of the property may not exceed 7 residential units, the CITY COUNCIL Apvd as Commission recommended (02-05-2004). B-057 of 88 C14-2017-0010.SH Page 8 NUMBER REQUEST COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL units shall be contained in a single building not to exceed 2 stories/40’ in height. To Grant the add’l CO for a setback that prohibits development for 50’ in both directions from the centerline of an open waterway. Exceptions include utility crossings, hike & bike trails, driveway crossings and roadway crossings To Grant MF-3-CO-NP w/CO for max. 163 units and 2,000 trips/day, and requiring setbacks from creek centerlines. C14-03-0026, C14- 03-0027; C14-03- 0121; C14-03- 0122; & C14-03- 0123 – All cases were addressed on E St. Elmo Rd Add a CO to establish a development setback for unclassified waterways RR-NP; LO- NP; CS-NP to MF-3-CO-NP C14-02-0155.SH – Pleasant Valley Courtyards (SMART Housing) – 4503-4511 E St. Elmo Rd. C14-01-0041 – Woodway Village Apartments – 4500- 4510 Nuckols Crossing Rd SF-2 to MF-3- CO on 16.592 acres C14-01-0032(SH) – Kingfisher Creek Townhomes – 4601 E St Elmo Rd C14-86-025(RCA) – 4503, 4511, 4601 E St. Elmo Rd – Pleasant Valley Courtyards RR; LO to SF- 6 Request to terminate Item 1 of the Restrictive Covenant so that residential access may be To Grant MF-2-CO on 13.226 acres w/CO for SF-6 density (remainder to be left as SF-2); and conds for r-o-w on Maufrais and Nuckols Crossing Rd To Deny To forward the request without a recommendation Apvd as Commission recommended (6-05-2003; 7-17-2003; 10-02-2003). Apvd RR-NP and MF- 3-CO-NP. The CO establishes a max of 163 units (10.038 u.p.a.); 2,000 trips, 50’ creek setback; prohibits community rec (private) use on Tracts 1 & 2, and prohibits residential units on Tract One (10-31-2002). Apvd MF-2-CO as Commission recommended (9-27-2001; corrective ord. 01-30-2003). Denied (5-10-2001). Apvd vehicular access for a residential or civic use to E St Elmo Rd from Tract Two only to occur from specific location; access to St. Elmo shall be entrance B-058 of 88 C14-2017-0010.SH Page 9 NUMBER REQUEST COMMISSION taken from both E St Elmo and S Pleasant Valley Rd CITY COUNCIL only after Pleasant Valley Rd is open to the public; prohibits access from Tract Two to St. Elmo if it is used for commercial or industrial use (01-09-2003). RELATED CASES: The subject property is located within the boundaries of the Southeast Combined (Franklin Park) Neighborhood Planning Area and the –NP combining district was appended to the SF- 2 zoning at that time (C14-02-0128.01 – Ordinance No. 021010-12a). There is a corresponding neighborhood plan amendment case to change the land use designation on the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) from Single Family land use to Multifamily land use (NPA- 2016-0014.01). The rezoning application originally contained 27.413 acres and included SF-2-NP zoned land to the south and west. Approximately 17 acres of this total is subject to a 2001 private Restrictive Covenant (filed as a Zoning Modification Agreement) that involved multiple parties and outlined that it be zoned SF-2. On September 27, 2017, the NPA and rezoning applications were first amended to remove the 17 acres identified above which reduced the total to current 9.978 acres. Traffic counts for Nuckols Crossing Road were submitted to the City on October 25, 2017 and updated between February 25 – February 27, 2020. The property is unplatted and there are no related subdivision or site plan cases in process. EXISTING STREET CHARACTERISTICS: Name Classification Pavement ROW Sidewalks Bike Route Nuckols Crossing Road 70 feet 25 feet No Yes Local Collector (7,155 vpd north of Viewpoint Dr; 5.326 vpd south of Viewpoint Dr) According to the Austin 2014 Bicycle Plan approved by Austin City Council in November, 2014, a bike lane is recommended for Nuckols Crossing Road. Capital Metro (within ¼ mile) No B-059 of 88 C14-2017-0010.SH Page 10 CITY COUNCIL DATE: December 14, 2017 ACTION: Approved a Postponement request by Staff to February 1, 2018 (11- 0). Approved a Postponement request by Staff to March 8, 2018 (11-0). Approved a Postponement request by Staff to April 12, 2018 (11-0). Approved a Postponement request by Staff to May 24, 2018 (6-0, Mayor Adler, Mayor Pro Tem Tovo, and Council Members Garza and Troxclair were off the dais). Approved a Postponement request by Staff to June 28, 2018 (10-0, Council Member Troxclair – off the dais). Approved a Postponement request by Staff to August 23, 2018 (11-0). Approved a Postponement request by Staff to October 18, 2018 (11-0). Approved a Postponement request by Staff to December 13, 2018 (10-0, Council Member Pool was off the dais). request by Staff (9-0, Mayor Adler, Council Member Renteria were off the dais). Approved a Postponement request by Staff to August 8, 2019 (11-0). Approved a Postponement request by Staff to October 3, 2019 (11-0). Approved an Indefinite Postponement request by Staff (10-0, Council Member Harper-Madison was off the dais). February 1, 2018 March 8, 2018 April 12, 2018 May 24, 2018 June 28, 2018 August 23, 2018 October 18, 2018 June 20, 2019 August 8, 2019 October 3, 2019 December 13, 2018 Approved an Indefinite Postponement B-0510 of 88 C14-2017-0010.SH Page 11 March 26, 2020 Approved a Postponement request by Staff to May 21, 2020 (11-0). May 21, 2020 June 11, 2020 Approved a Postponement request by Staff to June 11, 2020 (11-0). Approved a Postponement request by Staff to July 30, 2020 (11-0). July 30, 2020 2nd 3rd PHONE: 512-974-7719 ORDINANCE READINGS: 1st ORDINANCE NUMBER: CASE MANAGER: Wendy Rhoades e-mail: B-0511 of 88 U N D E V 84-317 95-0405C LI-NP CHURCH LI-NP ( LI-CO-NP D Y R E L L A T V N A S A E L S P A M LE ERICAN GIO N P O ST 84-072 C14-03-0026 TOWING CO SF-2-CO-NP LI-CO-NP S. E S H W 03-0026 03-0026 03-0121 C14-03-0121 RR-CO-NP ! ! ! ! ! C14-2015-0142 LO-MU-NP ! ! ! ! CS-1-NP ! E S ! T EL M O R D 84-248 R.C. C14-03-0176.SH 03-0176.SH APARTMENTS 03-0122 C14-03-0122 RR-CO-NP ( SF-2-NP ( ( ( ( ( ( SF-2-NP N D L R A ( G W G E R G W H S E 84-317 RR-NP C O N D O MINIU M S SF-6-CO-NP 03-0027 84-421 C14-03-0027 ( ( ( C A RTE R LN SF-2-NP ( ( ( N N L O T F A ( 03-0123 86-025R.C. LO-CO-NP 01-0032(SH) RR-CO-NP SP-01-0460C.SH 03-0027 ( ( 84-174 ( ( LI-NP LI-CO-NP C14-03-0030 W I N N E B A G O L N LI-CO-NP C14-03-0029 98-0023 03-0029 86-025(RCA) MF-3-CO-NP 02-0155.SH C14-02-0155.SH 86-025R.C. SP-03-0121C.SH C14-03-0123 C14-86-025 01-0144 03-0123 C14-03-0124 MF-3-NP MF-2-NP NPA-2008-0014.03 C14-01-0144 01-0144 UNDEV SF-2-NP G CIN N E F R O T C A R T N O C E G A R O T S ( S S E C C A TLY N E D N E S A O M L R C E P ( ( SF-3-NP ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( SF-3-NP ( ( ( R E D SID Y A B ( ( ( SF-3-NP ( ( ( BUTTON BEND RD ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( SF-3-NP ( ( ( ( AY E D R A C ( ( SF-3-NP ( ( ( ( N R L E T W E P ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( SF-3-NP ( ( ( ( ( ( ( C E D A R P-NP FRANKLIN PARK G R O V E D R ( ( ( SF-3-NP ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( SF-3-NP ( ( ( ( ( ( D V D BL ( ( ( N E B R E P P O C ( ( ( ( ( ( ± SUBJECT TRACT ! ! ! ! ! ! PENDING CASE ZONING BOUNDARY ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 03-0123 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! SF-2-CO-NP 84-0174 ! ! ! ! ! ( ( ! ! ! ! ( ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! UNDEV ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! None ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! M.H. E G A R O T L\S RIA E AT M E G A R A G ( H C R U H C 9-0039C 8 P S 85-096 M A U F R ( AIS LN M.H. W A R E H O U SES ( ( ( E Q CLE UIP M A NIN G ENT ( SF-2-NP MF-2-CO-NP C14-01-0041 SP-02-0393C.SH 01-0041 ( L O K C U N V E D N U D G R SIN S O R S C 87-093 UNDEV SF-2-NP D N S B S E R P Y C ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 4-P LEX ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! R D Y E S R A E H H T R O N SF-2-CO-NP UNDEV SF-2-NP V I E W P O I N T D R 8 7 - 0 9 3 UNDEV 8 7 - 0 9 3 SF-2-NP A P P L E O R C H A R D L N UNDEV SF-2-NP SF-2-NP LURLYNE CT SF-2-NP I R C A R Y L 88-0041 85-172 ( P R O F E S ( SIO N AL O FFIC E. ( CAR WASH MF-2-NP X LE 4-P ( ( 4-PLEX ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( SF-2-NP ( ( ( ( ( ( ( D K R A T O S E R C ( ( ( SF-2-NP ( ( ( ( Exhibit A MF-2-NP ZONING ( ( FE N C ( ( E R O W ( SF-2-NP ( ( ( T D S O O W N O T T O C ( ( S O U T H H EA R SEY D R ZONING CASE#: C14-2017-0010.SH This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. 1 " = 400 ' This product has been produced by CTM for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. Created: 5/21/2020 B-0512 of 88 LI-NP 1 1 LI-CO-NP SF-2-NP 1 13 14 LI-CO-NP 1 LI-NP 1 N D L D O T 1 2 3 LI-CO-NP 4 T N D A Y R S A E E L L RR-CO-NP L S P A V E ST EL SF-2-CO-NP A LI-CO-NP 2 LI-NP 3 M O R D LO-MU-NP CS-1-NP 4 RR-NP 3 4 5 SF-2-NP J17 3-A 2-A 1-A RTE R LN SF-2-NP 9-A A C 10 G N G D L E R R G A W E ST ELM 9-D 9-B 9-C O R D 6 7-A 7-B N N L O T F A 8-B 8-A SF-2-CO-NP RR-CO-NP SF-6-CO-NP MF-3-CO-NP 1 1 LO-CO-NP RR-CO-NP LI-NP 11 LI-NP 10 8 7 6 9 LI-NP 14 13A 10 11 2 3 W I N LI-CO-NP N E B A G 12A O L N D N R E AV C LI-CO-NP K17 K16 RR-CO-NP MF-3-NP MF-2-NP 2 1 SF-3-NP 4 5 3 9 6 4 3 2 1 7 8 11 10 BUTTON BEND RD E SID R Y D A B SF-3-NP 8 SF-3-NP 1 10 15 16 9 11 12 13 10 1 28 27 1 14 15 J16 18 17 16 D V L D B N E B R E P P O C 12 11 10 9 14 13 23 24 25 29 27 30 26 28 17 21 18 19 20 5 6 7 8 20 23 21 3 25 24 4 5 SF-3-NP N R L E T W E P 6 7 P-NP 8 9 SF-3-NP 12 11 14 9 10 11 12 13 19 18 16 15 14 5 6 7 8 4 2 3 32 31 30 29 5 6 11 C E D A R 15 20 19 16 17 18 8 7 6 5 4 3 SF-3-NP 28 27 26 25 7 8 10 24 12 22 23 14 G R D R O V E SF-3-NP 6 16 8 7 E L R L B P T TA O T 2 1 5 6 7 8 9 12 5 4 13 14 15 2 3 21 16 17 1 13 12 14 15 16 5 3 4 10 17 2 1 6 5 4 1 2 3 SF-2-NP C14-2017-0010.SH 2 D G R SIN S O R S C L O K C U N SF-2-CO-NP SF-2-NP MF-2-CO-NP 1 1 4 3 3 2 1 21 20 19 18 1 2 3 14 4 22 5 6 7 D N S B S E R P Y C 10 9 8 7 6 5 33 8 9 3 2 4 34 35 12 11 29 30 31 32 17 18 15 SF-2-NP 23 25 13 4 24 26 27 28 N O R T H H E A R S E Y D R 23 24 25 21 20 18 22 5 6 9 10 19 36 38 H E A S O R U T S E H 17 16 15 3 4 5 6 17 SF-2-NP 12 13 14 11 12 10 1 2 1 1 9 8 2 7 6 5 3 4 8 7 6 5 10 9 13 11 D K R 13 A 14 T O 1217 15 11 18 S E R C 10 9 19 8 7 21 22 6 5 24 4 SF-2-NP 14 16 7 8 R D D 9 17 18 L FIE G R E B 8 7 6 5 20 21 4 2 3 Y D 43 R 39 9 10 41 11 13 12 11 10 D O O W 7 N T O S T T 4 O 3 C 1 2 49 44 1 2 1 FE 8 2 N C 9 10 3 4 E R 11 12 6 45 46 5 47 44 40 41 27 28 34 33 5 6 14 D S G R L O SIN K C U S N O R C 93 M E S A P D R 1 2 4 18 3 4 5 O I N W G R D 6 8 2 3 1 4 5 7 8 V I E W P O I N T D R 5 4 1 35 3436 32 33 31 3 2 29 30 28 27 20 21 6 25 26 9 23 10 11 21 22 20 12 14 19 APPLE ORCHARD LN 12 13 24 14 10 55 56 5 4 60 3 17 2 1 61 62 59 57 58 15 16 54 53 17 18 19 20 21 22 51 50 49 24 25 26 48 47 29 46 52 4 6 1 3 13 SF-2-NP 9 10 12 A CIR R LY 45 44 43 30 31 41 40 39 34 33 32 31 30 28 27 26 25 23 32 SF-2-NP O W 8 9 10 35 11 12 SF-2-NP 34 4 Copyright nearmap 2015 3 18 19 20 2 9 31 21 H C A E P D E R V O R G 10 2 M A U F R AIS LN 1 19 SF-2-NP 1 N U MF-1-NP C K O 1 11 2 3 12 13 14 L S C T ± 1'' = 500' NUCKOLS CROSSING ROAD REZONING - SMART HOUSING SUBJECT TRACT ZONING BOUNDARY ! ! ! ! ! ! PENDING CASE CREEK BUFFER ZONING CASE#: LOCATION: SUBJECT AREA: GRID: MANAGER: C14-2017-0010.SH 4400 NUCKOLS CROSSING RD. 9.978 Acres J16 Wendy Rhoades Exhibit A - 1 This map has been produced by the Communications Technology Management Dept. on behalf of the Planning Development Review Dept. for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. B-0513 of 88 B-0514 of 88 MEMORAN DUM To: CC: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Wendy Rhoades, Case Manager Victoria Haase; Dan Hennessey, P.E.; Curtis Beaty, P.E.; Amber Mitchell Justin Good, P.E. July 21, 2020 Neighborhood Traffic Analysis for 4400 Nuckols Crossing Zoning Case # C14-2017-0010.SH The Transportation Development Services (TDS) division has performed a Neighborhood Traffic Analysis (NTA) for the above referenced case and offers the following comments. The 9.97-acre tract is located in south Austin at 4400 Nuckols Crossing Road (see below). The site is currently zoned SF-2-CO-NP and the zoning request is for MF-4-NP. Attachment A Page 1 of 3 B-0515 of 88 Roadways The tract proposes access to Nuckols Crossing Road (named East St Elmo Road to the north), which is classified as a collector and currently has 70 feet of right-of-way with 28 feet of pavement. Nuckols Crossing Road has two travel lanes and is lacking curb and gutter, bicycle facilities, and sidewalks. The average 24-hour count traffic volume was 8,978 vehicles per day just east of the Todd Lane/St Elmo Road intersection and 5,951 vehicles per day just north of the Nuckols Crossing Road/Stassney Lane intersection. Traffic counts were collected from February 25, 2020 to February 27, 2020. Trip Generation and Traffic Analysis This zoning case assumes 180 mid-rise multifamily dwelling units (ITE Code 221). Based on the Institute of Transportation Engineer’s Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition, the proposed development will generate 979 vehicle trips per day. See Table 1 for a detailed breakdown of the trip generation. Land Use Residential (Mid-Rise Multifamily Housing) TOTAL Table 1 – Trip Generation Size 180 DU Unadjusted Trip Generation 979 979 Table 2 provides the expected distribution of the site trips to the north and south. Table 2 – Trip Distribution Intersection Traffic Distribution by Percent Todd Lane/East St Elmo Road Nuckols Crossing Road/East Stassney Lane 60% 40% Table 3 represents a breakdown of traffic on Nuckols Crossing Road: existing traffic, proposed site traffic, total traffic after development, and percentage increase in traffic. Intersection Todd Lane/East St Elmo Road Nuckols Crossing Road/East Stassney Lane Table 3 – Traffic Summary Proposed New Site Traffic to Existing Traffic (vpd) Roadway 8,978 5,951 587 392 Overall Traffic Percentage Increase in Traffic 9,565 6.5% 6,343 6.6% According to Section 25-6-116 of the Land Development Code, streets which have pavement width less than 30 feet are considered to be operating at an undesirable traffic level if the average daily traffic volume for such roadway exceeds 1,200 vehicles per day. Nuckols Crossing Road is currently operating at an undesirable level and will continue to do so with the addition of site traffic. Page 2 of 3 B-0516 of 88 Recommendations/Conclusions 1. Access to this stretch of Nuckols Crossing Road presents a challenge as there is both a vertical and horizonal sight distance issue: the road has an uphill/vertical climb as one drives south toward the site and there is a sharp horizontal curve north of the proposed site where E St Elmo Road turns into Nuckols Crossing Road. Because of these challenges, ATD required a thorough review of the proposed driveway that had the applicant provide calculations for appropriate stopping and decision sight distances, and then verification of those calculations with field observations and measurements. Through this coordination with the applicant, ATD was able to confirm that the proposed driveway location exceeds minimum sight distance requirements and is sufficient for vehicles entering and exiting the site. Should the driveway location change, further review will be required to ensure that it still meets sight distance and other safety requirements. 2. Although the driveway location satisfies minimum sight distance requirements, the addition of another driveway in this area introduces speed differentials that could cause unsafe conditions. To ensure the safety of both existing drivers on Nuckols Crossing Road and new motorists entering the proposed development, ATD will require dedicated right-turn and left-turn lanes into the site. The applicant has coordinated with ATD regarding the conceptual design of these turn lanes and has received preliminary approval; final design and approval shall be deferred to site plan with ongoing coordination with ATD. 3. To improve vehicular safety near this development and encourage pedestrian connectivity in the area, it is recommended that the following improvements be explored at the time of subdivision construction or site plan: reconstruction of Nuckols Crossing Road to urban standards with curb and gutter, construction of all ages and abilities bicycle facilities, and construction of sidewalks. Additional mitigations or improvements may be required. 4. The City Council may deny an application if the neighborhood traffic analysis demonstrates that the traffic generated by the project combined with existing traffic exceeds the desirable operating level established on a residential local or collector street in the neighborhood traffic analysis study area. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me at 974-1449. Justin Good, P.E. Transportation Development Engineer – Lead: South Austin Transportation Department Page 3 of 3 B-0517 of 88 City of Austin P.O. Box 1088, Austin, TX 78767 Neighborhood Housing and Community Development Department June 29, 2020 (Revision to letter dated February 4, 2020) S.M.A.R.T. Housing Certification McDowell Housing Partners – City Heights – (Project ID 655) TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: McDowell Housing Partners (development contact: Ariana Brendle: (o) 786-257-2793; is planning to develop the City Heights, a 179- unit multi-family development at approximately 4400 Nuckols Crossing Road, Austin TX 78744. The project is subject to a minimum 5-year affordability period after issuance of certificate of occupancy, unless project funding requirements are longer. This revision changes the total unit count from 152– 200 to 179 units and the unit mix to the updated numbers below. The applicant has submitted evidence of contacting the Southeast Combined Neighborhood Plan Contact Team advising them of their project. The applicant has indicated they will address any legitimate concerns of the neighborhood residents. This project is located more than one-half mile walking distance from a local public transit route and has received a Transit Oriented Waiver since the applicant/developer is applying for Low Income Housing Tax Credits. (See Attachment 1) Neighborhood Housing and Community Development (NHCD) certifies the proposed project meets the S.M.A.R.T. Housing standards at the pre-submittal stage. Since 100% of the units will serve households at or below 80% MFI, the development will be eligible for 100% waiver of fees listed in Land Development Code, Chapter 25-1-704, as amended or other fees waived under a separate ordinance. The unit mix is as follows: 6% of the units (10 units) will serve households at or below 30% Median Family Income (MFI); 61% of the units (110 units) will serve households at or below 50% MFI; 33% of the units (59 units) will serve households at or below 80% MFI. The expected fee waivers include, but are not limited to, the following fees: AWU Capital Recovery Fees Building Permit Concrete Permit Electrical Permit Mechanical Permit Plumbing Permit Site Plan Review Misc. Site Plan Fee Construction Inspection Subdivision Plan Review Misc. Subdivision Fee Zoning Verification Land Status Determination Building Plan Review Parkland Dedication (by separate ordinance) Neighborhood Plan Amendment Fee Attachment B B-0518 of 88 Prior to issuance of building permits and starting construction, the developer must: ♦ Obtain a signed Conditional Approval from the Austin Energy Green Building Program stating that the plans and specifications for the proposed development meet the criteria for a Green Building Rating. (Contact Austin Energy Green Building: 512-482-5300 or ♦ Submit plans demonstrating compliance with the required accessibility or visitability standards. Before a Certificate of Occupancy will be granted, the development must: ♦ Pass a final inspection and obtain a signed Final Approval from the Green Building Program. (Separate from any other inspections required by the City of Austin or Austin Energy). ♦ Pass a final inspection to certify that the required accessibility or visitability standards have been met. ♦ An administrative hold will be placed on the building permit, until the following items have been completed: 1) the number of affordable units have been finalized and evidenced through a sealed letter from project architect and/or engineer, 2) a Restrictive Covenant stating the affordability requirements and terms has been filed for record at the Travis County Clerk Office. The applicant must demonstrate compliance with S.M.A.R.T. Housing standards after the after the certificate of occupancy has been issued or repay the City of Austin, in full, the fees waived for this S.M.A.R.T. Housing certification. Please contact me by phone 512.974.2108 or by email at if you need additional information. Sincerely, Alex Radtke, Senior Planner Neighborhood Housing and Community Development Cc: Kristin Martinez, AE Ellis Morgan, NHCD Jonathan Orenstein, AWU Mashell Smith, ORS B-0519 of 88 C14-2017-0010.SH Page 12 SUMMARY STAFF RECOMMENDATION (Revised on June 29, 2020): The Staff recommendation is to grant multifamily residence – low density – neighborhood plan (MF-2-NP) combining district zoning. The Restrictive Covenant includes all recommendations listed in the Neighborhood Traffic Analysis memo, dated July 21, 2020, as provided in Attachment A. BASIS FOR LAND USE RECOMMENDATION (ZONING PRINCIPLES) 1. The proposed zoning should be consistent with the purpose statement of the district sought. Applicant request (as amended): The MF-4, Multifamily Residence (Moderate-High Density) district is intended for multifamily developments with a maximum density of 36 to 54 units per acre, depending on unit size. This district is appropriate for moderate-high density housing in centrally located areas near supporting transportation and commercial facilities, in areas adjoining downtown Austin and major institutional or employment centers, and in other selected areas where moderate-high density multifamily use is desirable. The neighborhood plan (NP) district denotes a tract located within the boundaries of an adopted Neighborhood Plan. Staff recommendation: The MF-2, Multifamily Residence (Low Density) district is intended for multifamily developments with a maximum density of up to 23 units per acre, dependent on unit size. This district is appropriate for multifamily residential areas near single family neighborhoods, and in selected areas where low density multifamily use is desirable. The neighborhood plan (NP) district denotes a tract located within the boundaries of an adopted Neighborhood Plan. 2. Zoning changes should promote compatibility with adjacent and nearby uses. 3. Zoning should allow for reasonable use of the property. An initial look at the zoning map indicates the tract would seem well-suited as a transition between the apartments to the south and the single family residences on large lots to the north. As outlined in Attachment A, the Neighborhood Traffic Analysis memo identifies that the existing traffic volumes on Nuckols Crossing Road exceed the desirable thresholds established by the Land Development Code (based on pavement width). The Applicant has worked with Austin Transportation Department (ATD) engineering staff to identify a driveway location that satisfies minimum site distance requirements and is acceptable for vehicle safety and operations. In addition, ATD also requires dedicated right-turn and left-turn lanes into the site and the Applicant has secured preliminary approval for a conceptual design of the turn lanes. Finally, ATD recommends exploring additional improvements at the time of subdivision construction or site plan: reconstruction of Nuckols Crossing to urban standards with curb and gutter, bicycle facilities and sidewalks. B-0520 of 88 C14-2017-0010.SH Page 13 Staff recognizes the challenges in developing the site given the environmental and transportation-related constraints, and with the updated Neighborhood Traffic Analysis, offers an alternate recommendation of multifamily residence-low density-neighborhood plan (MF-2-NP) which has a maximum density of 23 units per acre. The Staff recommendation is based on the zoning patterns in the area, including adjacent SF-2 base district properties to the north and across Nuckols Crossing Road to the east, and the MF-2-CO-NP zoned property with apartments to the south. EXISTING CONDITIONS Site Characteristics The subject rezoning area is undeveloped and is heavily treed. Slopes on the site range from 582 to 618 feet above sea level and it drains in a south-to-north direction towards Williamson Creek. Vegetation within the subject site consist of native and invasive woodland species with a thick understory, including American elm, cedar elm, hackberry, and Ashe juniper. Impervious Cover The maximum impervious cover allowed by the MF-4 and MF-2 zoning districts is 60%, which is based on the more restrictive watershed regulations. Drainage The developer is required to submit a pre- and post-development drainage analysis at the subdivision and site plan stage of the development process. The City’s Land Development Code and Drainage Criteria Manual require that the Applicant demonstrate through engineering analysis that the proposed development will have no identifiable adverse impact on surrounding properties. Environmental The site is not located over the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. The site is in the Williamson Creek Watershed of the Colorado River Basin, which is classified as a Suburban Watershed by Chapter 25-8 of the City's Land Development Code. The site is in the Desired Development Zone. Under current watershed regulations, development on this site will be subject to the following impervious cover limits: Development Classification % of Gross Site Area % of Gross Site Area Single-Family (minimum lot size 5750 sq. ft.) Other Single-Family or Duplex Multifamily 50% 55% 60% with Transfers 60% 60% 70% B-0521 of 88 C14-2017-0010.SH Commercial 80% Page 14 90% According to floodplain maps there is a floodplain within or adjacent to the project location. Standard landscaping and tree protection will be required in accordance with LDC 25-2 and 25-8 for all development. Numerous trees will likely be impacted with a proposed development associated with this rezoning case. Please be aware that an approved rezoning status does not eliminate a proposed development’s requirements to meet the intent of the tree ordinances. If further explanation or specificity is needed, please contact the City Arborist at 512-974-1876. According to GIS, there are several wetland critical environmental features on the property. The site will be subject to protection of these features per 25-8-281. According to GIS, there is a critical water quality zone on the property. Only certain types of development are allowed within these areas per 25-8-281 and 25-8-262. Under current watershed regulations, development requires water quality control with increased capture volume and control of the 2 year storm on site. At this time, no information has been provided as to whether this property has any preexisting approvals that preempt current water quality or Code requirements. According to GIS it appears that slopes over 15% exist on the property and will be subject to 25-8-301 [Construction of a Roadway or Driveway] and 25-8-302 [Construction of a Building or Parking Area]. Site Plan Site plans will be required for any new development other than single-family or duplex residential. Any development which occurs in an SF-6 or less restrictive zoning district which is located 540 feet or less from property in an SF-5 or more restrictive zoning district will be subject to compatibility development regulations. Any new development is subject to Subchapter E. Design Standards and Mixed Use. Additional comments will be made when the site plan is submitted. Compatibility Standards The site is subject to compatibility standards. Along the north and east property lines, the following standards apply: • No structure may be built within 25 feet of the property line. • No structure in excess of two stories or 30 feet in height may be constructed within 50 feet of the property line. B-0522 of 88 C14-2017-0010.SH Page 15 • No structure in excess of three stories or 40 feet in height may be constructed within 100 feet of the property line. • No parking or driveways are allowed within 25 feet of the property line. • A landscape area at least 25 feet wide is required along the property line. In addition, a fence, berm, or dense vegetation must be provided to screen adjoining properties from views of parking, mechanical equipment, storage, and refuse collection. • For a structure more than 100 feet but not more than 300 feet from property zoned SF-5 or more restrictive, height limitation is 40 feet plus one foot for each 10 feet of distance in excess of 100 feet from the property line. • An intensive recreational use, including a swimming pool, tennis court, ball court, or playground, may not be constructed 50 feet or less from adjoining SF-3 property. • A landscape area at least 25 feet in width is required along the property line if the tract is zoned LR, GO, GR, L, CS, CS-1, or CH. Additional design regulations will be enforced at the time a site plan is submitted. Transportation A Neighborhood Traffic Analysis is required for this project. The NTA requires three (3) consecutive 24-hour tube counts, preferably on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, during a non-holiday week when school is in session. A traffic impact analysis was not required for this case because the traffic generated by the proposed zoning does not exceed the threshold of 2,000 vehicle trips per day [LDC, 25-6- 113]. FYI: If the requested zoning is granted, it is recommended that gates be prohibited on all driveways to this site in order to allow for connectivity between the proposed property and the existing neighborhood. This will be considered at the site plan stage. FYI: If the requested zoning is granted, it is recommended to provide sidewalks along both sides of the private drives, streets, and internal circulation routes connecting to the public right-of-way to improve walkability and connectivity. The sidewalk dimensions shall comply with the Transportation Criteria Manual and shall be constructed in accordance with the latest ADA standards. This will be considered at the site plan stage. FYI: If the requested zoning is granted, it is recommended that all sidewalks, private drives, streets, and internal circulation routes be provided within public access easements. This will provide vehicular and pedestrian access and connectivity to this site from the surrounding neighborhood. This will be considered at the site plan stage. FYI: If the requested zoning is granted, it is recommended that the property be limited to one driveway access on Nuckols Crossing Road. This will be considered at the site plan stage. B-0523 of 88 C14-2017-0010.SH Page 16 Water / Wastewater FYI: The landowner intends to serve the site with City of Austin water and wastewater utilities. The landowner, at own expense, will be responsible for providing any water and wastewater utility improvements, offsite main extensions, water or wastewater easements, utility relocations and or abandonments required by the proposed land use. Depending on the development plans submitted, water and or wastewater service extension requests may be required. Water and wastewater utility plans must be reviewed and approved by Austin Water for compliance with City criteria and suitability for operation and maintenance. All water and wastewater construction must be inspected by the City of Austin. The landowner must pay the City inspection fee with the utility construction. The landowner must pay the tap and impact fees once the landowner makes an application for Austin Water utility tap permits. B-0524 of 88 B-0525 of 88 B-0526 of 88 B-0527 of 88 B-0528 of 88 City Heights Proposed Senior Development Neighborhood Plan Amendment & Rezoning December 9, 2019 B-0529 of 88 Topics for Discussion (cid:1) Who are we? (cid:1) What are we proposing, and why? (cid:1) What are the steps that need to be taken? (cid:1) How will the community be affected? (cid:1) OPEN LINES OF COMMUNICATION B-0530 of 88 McDowell Housing Partners (cid:1) McDowell Housing Partners (MHP) is the affordable/workforce housing development arm of McDowell Properties (MP), a national multifamily housing investment company based in Plano, TX; (cid:1) MP has owned and operated 144 apartment communities with 2,500 units in Austin and approximately 17,000 in the State of Texas. (cid:1) MHP specializes in affordable and workforce housing for families and seniors; (cid:1) MHP’s mission is to provide high quality housing at a price that seniors living on fixed incomes and working families can afford. B-0531 of 88 Proposed Development (cid:1) Austin may have a reputation as a youthful place, but it’s also getting older rapidly. The senior population has surged 91.7% since 2000, placing it third on the Forbes list of U.S. Cities Going Gray The Fastest; (cid:1) Gap in Market - Unfortunately, there is not enough supply available to accommodate the rapid growth in senior housing demand. Most of the new developments are built towards a family demographic, and the older population goes on forgotten. Moreover, the tendency is that the gap between supply and demand will continue to grow at a rapid pace, making it even harder for the older population to access reasonably priced housing. (cid:1) Goal – To provide a safe, sustainable and affordable community for Austin Seniors to call home. A community that will provide social, health, wellness, and educational services and programs to improve resident's integration within communities that provide meets their specific needs & in quality of life. B-0532 of 88 Proposed Development * Access location approved by ATD after survey, sight line, and speed analyses for ATD. Location will likely require associated safety improvements (right-turn bay, left-turn lane, etc.) for site plan approval. B-0533 of 88 Development Program and Rents (cid:1) 163 units on 16.7 Acres (low density - 10 units/acre) (cid:1) 91 one-bedroom/one-bathroom units (cid:1) 72 two-bedroom/two-bathroom units (cid:1) Single 4-story elevator building with surface parking (cid:1) Restricted to active and frail individuals and couples ages 55 + (cid:1) Income/Rent Restrictions: Mix of incomes at and under 80% of the Area Median Income (set annually by HUD) (cid:1) 2019 Incomes - $53,040 Single , $ 60,560 Couple (cid:1) 2019 Rents: (cid:1) 1 Beds – $532 to $1,420 (cid:1) 2 Beds – $639 to $1,704 B-0534 of 88 Development Program and Rents (cid:1) Amenities: resort-style swimming pool, bocce courts, fitness center, multi-purpose clubroom, media center with computer lab, walking paths and Fit Trails. B-0535 of 88 To Make it Happen! (cid:1) 16.70 Acres - Never Developed (cid:1) Zoning: SF-2-NP / SF-2-CO-NP (cid:1) To: MF-4-NP (cid:1) Goal - Protect Native Environmental Features (cid:1) Site location provides (natural) buffers from single-family neighbors B-0536 of 88 Future Land Use (cid:1) From: Single- Family (cid:1) To: Multifamily (Senior) B-0537 of 88 Multifamily – High Density (MF-4) (cid:1) City of Austin Land Development Code, § 25-2-65 – (cid:1) The MF-4 zoning district is the designation for multifamily and group residential use with a maximum density of up to 54 units per acre, depending on unit size. An MF-4 district designation may be applied to a use in a multifamily residential area located near supporting transportation and commercial facilities in a centrally located area or in an area for which high density multifamily use is desired. B-0538 of 88 Process (cid:1) Submit amended application to City of Austin (cid:1) Notice of filing mailed (cid:1) Staff Review & Recommendation (cid:1) Scheduling of public hearings (cid:1) Notice of public hearing dates mailed (cid:1) Public hearing with Planning Commission (cid:1) Public hearing with City Council B-0539 of 88 How will the community be affected? (cid:1) Creation of Workforce Housing: The average rent is increasing faster in Austin than in any other major metropolitan city in Texas. This activity is pushing workers out of housing they could afford in areas that are convenient for them and forcing many into long commutes from unfamiliar neighborhoods. By creating new workforce housing, MHP will help reduce the shortage in supply, and allow residents to remain in their neighborhood; (cid:1) Community Revitalization: When a developer creates new housing, it produces direct job opportunities during construction and over the long- term from indirect and induced spending, stimulating the local and regional economies. Upon completion, these projects help stabilize distressed neighborhoods, drive local retail spending, and support permanent jobs to service local residents and operate and maintain the housing developments; (cid:1) Home Value: Many times, the creation of new housing on land that has long been vacant will have a direct and positive impact on current properties in the same neighborhood. The tendency is that as newer and more expensive construction moves in, the existing homes’ values will increase. B-0540 of 88 Good Neighbors – Open Lines of Communication (cid:1) We understand that changes can be scary, and that some of you are concerned about how this development will affect your day-to- day routines. But, we kindly ask you to look at this from a different perspective. Within newly built four walls, there will be a proud Senior citizen living with the dignity that they deserve. It could be your parents, perhaps your grandparents. Or it could be someone that is not related to you, but that will forever be grateful for your support; (cid:1) We CARE about our tenants, the same way we care about our neighborhood; everyone’s feedback; (cid:1) We encourage open lines of communication, and we appreciate (cid:1) Please do contact us if you have questions, concerns, clarifications, or if you would like an update on the project. B-0541 of 88 Questions? (cid:1) If you have any additional question after today’s presentation, please do not hesitate to contact Ariana Brendle at Thank You! B-0542 of 88 Victoria From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Ana – Victoria Friday, February 07, 2020 1:54 PM ANA AGUIRRE Nuckols Crossing 20200206142404023.pdf; 20200206142321031.pdf I made the official application amendment to the City yesterday. The documents attached were submitted to Wendy and Maureen. The City of Austin will send out a new notice of filing soon. Just a few days later, they will also send a notice of public hearing as we are upon the end of the indefinite postponement period. While the cases will appear on the PC agenda for February 25th and the CC agenda for March 16th - PLEASE NOTE that the official public hearing for these cases will not occur on these dates. Staff will be requesting a PP at both PC and CC in order to allow Staff time to consider the new proposal and also more time for additional meetings with the Neighborhood and ATD staff. Because it has been some time and because of the amount of acreage added with the amendment, Maureen is going to hold another City hosted meeting. She will reach out to the NPCT about scheduling that. It may be a good idea to combine meetings if at all possible so that we are not exhausting everyone’s schedules. Please let me know if you have any questions. Enjoy your weekend! Victoria Haase Thrower Design 510 South Congress Avenue, Suite 207 Mail: P.O. Box 41957 Austin, Texas 78704 512-998-5900 Cell 512-476-4456 Office 1 B-0543 of 88 Friday, February 14, 2020 4:30 PM; Victoria Update on 4500 Nuckols Crossing 12-9-19 4500 Nuckols Crossing 12-9-19 page 1.jpg; 4500 Nuckols Crossing 12-9-19 page 2.jpg; 4500 Nuckols Crossing 12-9-19 page 3.jpg; 4500 Nuckols Crossing 12-9-19 page 4.jpg; image.pdf Victoria From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Wendy --- Following up on our conversation earlier today, I am forwarding the promises given by Victoria Haase of Thrower Design to the SCNPCT community at their 09 December 2019 meeting. This information was sent me via the following email from Laurel Francel. Laurel attached their presentation in the 4 JPG files attached to her email. I have combined these into a single PDF file and attached it - a bit easier for you to work with rather than 4 separate files. In that meeting, the developers specifically promised this would be retirement housing, in that it would be: In my view, such a restriction would be essential to gain any neighborhood or SCNPCT support. To that end, I feel that their application should, at a minimum, reflect a request for a Retirement Housing CO or other such restriction. In addition, the neighborhood community may well wish to attach a Private Restrictive Covenant to the lands involved which would permanently restrict development to the nature and type promised to the SCNPCT at the December 2019 presentation, as well as preserving the environmentally sensitive remainder of the tracts as a wilderness buffer area, not to be developed or improved. 1 B-0544 of 88 Although this is only my personal position, I am forwarding a copy of this to Victoria so that Thrower Design and the developers are aware of my concerns in this situation. I would expect formal neighborhood and SCNPCT positions to be formulated in the near future. Sincerely, Lee Sloan -----Original Message----- From: Laurel Francel To: Lee Sloan ; Anna Searles ; Tony M. D. Hall ; Sebastian Miles Cc: Laurel Francel Sent: Sat, Dec 14, 2019 11:26 am Subject: Update on 4500 Nuckols Crossing 12-9-19 At the SCNPCT meeting last Monday we had a presentation by the newest developer, McDowell Housing Partners, and our old friend from Thrower Design, Victoria Haase. They're asking for MF-4 - High Density Multifamily zoning. The project they are proposing will be a 163 unit, 4 story, 55+ active senior community with affordable housing. 2 B-0545 of 88 Victoria From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Maureen Meredith, Maureen <> Monday, March 16, 2020 10:42 AM ANA AGUIRRE Victoria; Rhoades, Wendy RE: March 23 Mtg - NPA-2016-0014.01.SH_4400/4316 Nuckols Crossing Hi, Ana: I will need to send out notices today cancelling the March 23rd meeting not only for the reasons you state below, but also because would have been held in the Southeast Branch Library. The City has closed all libraries between March 16- March 29th. My supervisors say I should indefinitely postpone the NPA community meeting until the current situation is resolved. Thanks for reaching out and I’ll keep you posted if anything changes. From: ANA AGUIRRE Sent: Sunday, March 15, 2020 2:47 PM To: Meredith, Maureen <>; Ana Aguirre Cc: Victoria ; Rhoades, Wendy <> Subject: Re: March 23 Mtg - NPA-2016-0014.01.SH_4400/4316 Nuckols Crossing Good Afternoon Maureen, We (SCNPCT) have shared the meeting date for this event and are anticipating a greater than average neighborhood attendance and participation. This will put a lot of people in a small meeting space; therefore, negating the social distancing that is highly recommended by Public Health. In light of the COVID-19 public health concerns, what guidance and suggestions are being considered for this meeting? I urge we all act socially responsibly in light of the current circumstances. Please advise, thank you. Ana Ana Aguirre Immediate Past Chair SCNPCT Sent from my iPhone On Feb 19, 2020, at 11:27 AM, Meredith, Maureen <> wrote: Hi, The room has been confirmed by the Southeast Branch Library for Monday, March 23, 2020. Room 1 from 7:15 -8:30 pm. I will mail the community meeting notices early March. Thanks. Maureen 1 B-0546 of 88 From: Victoria Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2020 8:02 AM To: Meredith, Maureen <>; ANA AGUIRRE Cc: Rhoades, Wendy <> Subject: RE: March 17 Mtg? - NPA-2016-0014.01.SH_4400/4316 Nuckols Crossing Thank you much Maureen for doing so much coordination on this. I appreciate you! Have y’all coordinated with ATD on this date? Victoria Haase Thrower Design 510 South Congress Avenue, Suite 207 Mail: P.O. Box 41957 Austin, Texas 78704 512-998-5900 Cell 512-476-4456 Office <image002.jpg> From: Meredith, Maureen <> Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2020 5:58 PM To: ANA AGUIRRE ; Victoria Cc: Rhoades, Wendy <> Subject: RE: March 17 Mtg? - NPA-2016-0014.01.SH_4400/4316 Nuckols Crossing I canceled the March 17 room request and requested March 23rd room 1 from 7:15 pm – 8:30 pm b/c Tori said he preferred March 23. I’ll let you all know if/when the room reservation is confirmed. Thanks. Maureen From: ANA AGUIRRE Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2020 5:56 PM To: Victoria Cc: Meredith, Maureen <>; Rhoades, Wendy <> Subject: Re: March 17 Mtg? - NPA-2016-0014.01.SH_4400/4316 Nuckols Crossing Yikes! Just now saw that ZAP is not meeting on the 17th because of Spring Break. That date will work for me. So sorry for the confusion! Ana Ana Aguirre Immediate Past Chair 2 B-0547 of 88 SCNPCT Sent from my iPhone On Feb 18, 2020, at 5:43 PM, Victoria wrote: I personally would prefer Monday, March 23rd. Victoria Haase Thrower Design 510 South Congress Avenue, Suite 207 Mail: P.O. Box 41957 Austin, Texas 78704 512-998-5900 Cell 512-476-4456 Office <image001.jpg> From: Meredith, Maureen <> Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2020 5:42 PM To: Victoria ; ANA AGUIRRE Cc: Rhoades, Wendy <> Subject: RE: March 17 Mtg? - NPA-2016-0014.01.SH_4400/4316 Nuckols Crossing Do you want me to try another date? Room 1 is available on Monday, March 23 from 7 – 8:30 p.m. Do you want me to cancel the March 17 and try for March 23? Maureen From: Victoria Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2020 5:31 PM To: ANA AGUIRRE ; Meredith, Maureen <> Cc: Rhoades, Wendy <> Subject: RE: March 17 Mtg? - NPA-2016-0014.01.SH_4400/4316 Nuckols Crossing This date will work for us and it shouldn’t conflict with ZAP as there isn’t a meeting scheduled for March 17th. It is spring break week though. Victoria Haase Thrower Design 3 B-0548 of 88 510 South Congress Avenue, Suite 207 Mail: P.O. Box 41957 Austin, Texas 78704 512-998-5900 Cell 512-476-4456 Office <image003.jpg> From: ANA AGUIRRE Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2020 5:07 PM To: Meredith, Maureen <> Cc: Victoria ; Rhoades, Wendy <> Subject: Re: March 17 Mtg? - NPA-2016-0014.01.SH_4400/4316 Nuckols Crossing Just FYI, I will have to miss the meeting. I also serve on the ZAP Commission, which conflicts with this date. I will make sure the SCNPCT membership is advised of this meeting. Thank you for all you do! Ana Hello Maureen, Ana Aguirre Immediate Past Chair SCNPCT Sent from my iPhone On Feb 18, 2020, at 3:56 PM, Meredith, Maureen <> wrote: Tori and Ana: I requested a room reservation at the SE Branch Library on Tuesday, March 17 from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Please pencil this in on your calendar until I hear if the reservation has been confirmed. Thanks. Maureen From: Victoria Sent: Friday, February 14, 2020 9:04 AM To: Meredith, Maureen <>; ANA AGUIRRE < Cc: Rhoades, Wendy <> Subject: RE: New Cmty Mtg: NPA-2016-0014.01_4400/4316 Nuckols Crossing 4 B-0549 of 88 I don’t see that any other conflicts to evenings in March at this time. I personally would prefer Monday or Tuesday evenings. At this time, we do not have any cases on any of the PC agendas for March. Victoria Haase Thrower Design 510 South Congress Avenue, Suite 207 Mail: P.O. Box 41957 Austin, Texas 78704 512-998-5900 Cell 512-476-4456 Office <image001.jpg> From: Meredith, Maureen <> Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2020 4:00 PM To: Victoria <>; ANA AGUIRRE Cc: Rhoades, Wendy <> Subject: RE: New Cmty Mtg: NPA-2016-0014.01_4400/4316 Nuckols Crossing Ron and Tori: Let me know if there are other dates in March that don’t work for you. Maureen From: Victoria Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2020 12:39 PM To: ANA AGUIRRE ; Meredith, Maureen <> Cc: ; Ron Thrower ; Rhoades, Wendy <> Subject: RE: New Cmty Mtg: NPA-2016-0014.01_4400/4316 Nuckols Crossing *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Everyone – I am so sorry to throw a wrench in the plan but we have a BOA case that same night so this date will not work for us. 5 B-0550 of 88 Are there other possible dates to look at? Victoria Haase Thrower Design 510 South Congress Avenue, Suite 207 Mail: P.O. Box 41957 Austin, Texas 78704 512-998-5900 Cell 512-476-4456 Office <image003.jpg> From: ANA AGUIRRE Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2020 8:29 AM To: Meredith, Maureen <> Cc: ; Victoria ; Ron Thrower Subject: Re: New Cmty Mtg: NPA-2016-0014.01_4400/4316 Nuckols Crossing Good Morning Maureen, Thank you for contacting us. Yes, I do believe we can do this. How much time would be needed? I have already committed to another presenter time to speak. I will also know closer to the meeting date if there will be other case(s) we may need to consider during our meeting. We should be able to work this out. Thank you for all you do! Ana Ana Aguirre Immediate Past Chair SCNPCT Sent from my iPhone On Feb 12, 2020, at 5:56 PM, Meredith, Maureen <> wrote: Hi, Ana and Sara: As you may know, this case, NPA-2016-0014.01, is moving forward again. The applicant has added another Tract of land (~6 acs, see attached map) to the 6 B-0551 of 88 application which, after talking to my supervisor, has warranted another community meeting. Victoria mentioned that your NPCT has a meeting on Monday, March 9th from 7:00 – 8:30 pm at the Southeast Library. I was wondering if I could work with you on having my NPA community meeting as part of your NPCT meeting on that night to consolidate meetings. Would this be something you would consider? Thanks. Maureen Maureen Meredith, Senior Planner City of Austin, Planning and Zoning Dept. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1088 (78767) Physical Address: 505 Barton Springs Rd, 5th Floor Austin, Texas 78704 Phone: (512) 974-2695 <New_NPA-2016-0014.01_FLUM_BW.PDF> CAUTION:This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to 7 B-0552 of 88 Victoria From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Victoria Wednesday, March 25, 2020 11:54 AM Laurel Francel; Delia Garza; Katherine Nicely; Jason Lucio; Frances Acuña; Maureen Meredith; ANA AGUIRRE Vice President Laurel Francel RE: URGENT: City Council 3-26-2020 Agenda Items 76 and 77 Postponement Requests All – in light of circumstances, we agree that time needs to be given. McDowell Partners is agreeable to postponements/schedule as follows: NHood/NPCT Meeting – May 11, 2020 PC Public Hearing – May 12, 2020 CC Public Hearing – May 21, 2020 Thank you, Victoria Haase Thrower Design 510 South Congress Avenue, Suite 207 Mail: P.O. Box 41957 Austin, Texas 78704 512-998-5900 Cell 512-476-4456 Office From: Laurel Francel <> Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2020 11:38 AM To: Delia Garza <>; Katherine Nicely <>; Jason Lucio ; Frances Acuña ; Victoria ; Maureen Meredith <>; ANA AGUIRRE Cc: Vice President Laurel Francel Subject: Re: URGENT: City Council 3-26-2020 Agenda Items 76 and 77 Postponement Requests 1 B-0553 of 88 As the nearest neighborhood to this property, Los Arboles requests a Community Meeting prior to any decision on the rezoning. Please adjust the COA schedule to allow this. Thank you, Laurel Francel Los Arboles HOA VP/Secretary 5609 Apple Orchard Ln Austin, TX 78744 On Wednesday, March 25, 2020, 09:45:09 AM CDT, ANA AGUIRRE wrote: Dear Honorable Mayor Pro Tem Garza, We are noting that Items 76 and 77 are on your agenda for consideration as requests for postponement. During our last SCNPCT Meeting on March 9, 2020, we announced a scheduled Community Meeting for March 23, 2020. Because of the COVID-19 virus and recent developments, the community meeting was canceled and staff have advised a new notice will be issued once a meeting is rescheduled. We want to bring to your attention that the attached postponement request posted as backup materials to tomorrow’s City Council Meeting Agenda, reflects that the Planning Commission will hear this case on April 14, 2020. This is one day after the Shelter-in-Place Order expires. The proposed time frames are of major concern as they will not allow for a Community Meeting prior to the April 14th Planning Commissioner Meeting. We will need more time. Please allow for staff to make the appropriate schedule for this meeting to ensure the community, staff, and representatives for the applicant do not have their safety and health compromised. Please note, I did not call an emergency SCNPCT meeting prior to sending this email in light of the current COVID-19 situation, plus just being aware of the agenda items. I am including key city staff, the applicant’s representative and key SCNPCT members in this email and hope they agree to this request for everyone’s concern. Your consideration will be greatly appreciated! I will text Ms. Nicely to ensure you have received this email. I am sure your email box must be inundated with emails at this time. Respectfully submitted, Ana Aguirre Immediate Past Chair SCNPCT Sent from my iPhone 2 B-0554 of 88 Victoria From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Ana and Laurel – Victoria Tuesday, May 26, 2020 10:45 AM ANA AGUIRRE; Laurel Francel Rhoades, Wendy; Meredith, Maureen; Ron Thrower Nuckols Crossing - REzoning and NPA 17-0508_amended zoning request.pdf Please be sure to disseminate this information to others in the community. We have amended the rezoning and NPA applications to remove the 6 acre attract right at the 90 degree turn/corner of Nuckols crossing. The project and request remains for only the 10 acre tract that is owned by Mr. Angelous and Mr. Sasaridis. I have attached a map that confirms the acres that the NPA and Rezoning is sought for. The cases are on the PC agenda this evening but will be postponed by Staff to July 14t as it was expected that one more meeting would be conducted with the Neighborhood. We truly hope to move forward with public hearing on July 14th and so we are working with the City Staff to get the meeting set. Due to concerns for public health and welfare, this will have to be a virtual meeting. I will be in touch soon with meeting dates/particulars. If you have any suggestions for meeting dates and times, please let us know so that we can do our best to plan accordingly. Please reach out by email or my cell phone with any questions or concerns during this time. I hope everyone is well. Kind regards, Victoria Haase Thrower Design 510 South Congress Avenue, Suite 207 Mail: P.O. Box 41957 Austin, Texas 78704 512-998-5900 Cell 512-476-4456 Office 1 B-0555 of 88 B-0556 of 88 B-0557 of 88 B-0558 of 88 B-0559 of 88 B-0560 of 88 B-0561 of 88 B-0562 of 88 B-0563 of 88 B-0564 of 88 B-0565 of 88 B-0566 of 88 B-0567 of 88 B-0568 of 88 B-0569 of 88 B-0570 of 88 B-0571 of 88 B-0572 of 88 B-0573 of 88 07July 2020 RE: Plan Amendments File Number: NPA-2016-0014.01.SH Zoning Case Number: C14-2017-0010.SH Members of the City of Austin Planning Commission: The Kensington Park Neighborhood Association opposes the proposed amendment to the SE Combined Neighborhood Plan from SF-2-NP to MF-4-NP, as well as the accompanying requested zoning change. This is an attempt by the owner to nullify all the hard work of citizens as well as city staff in devising the SE Combined Plan. In that effort, the special environmental character of this little piece of Austin was recognized and zoning was subsequently limited to low density development and minimum traffic to provide protection of the fragile ecosystem of springs and creeks in the immediate area. In line with the SE Combined Neighborhood Plan objectives and protections, we raise two specific concerns: 1. The change to higher density MF-4-NP zoning will adversely affect sensitive environmental features and add to the already tangled traffic of our SE Austin area. The portion of E. St. Elmo between Nuckols Crossing and Todd Lane cannot be widened without lasting detrimental effects on the springs and wetlands along that roadway. City has long recognized the special character of this section of E. St. Elmo, dating back to the City of Austin authorized “ST. ELMO ROAD AREA STUDY” of July, 1984. Increased traffic from this project would therefore likely flow down Nuckols Crossing to Pleasant Valley Road, a major arterial. Such traffic would have a profound and undesirable effect on the los Arboles neighborhood and adjacent residential areas, which already suffer significant traffic congestion problems. 2. Planning Commission members need to be aware that there already some 6 major SH and affordable housing units with a 1 ½ mile radius of this proposed development. Namely: Woodway Square Rosemont at Williamson Creek Kingfisher Woodway Village Eastern Oaks Villas of Cordoba B-0574 of 88 These developments contribute significantly to the traffic congestion problem of our area. We do not need more. Members of the City of Austin Planning Commission: Neighborhood Plans should not be changed without good and compelling reasons. We see no such compelling reasons for a change in the Plan or zoning for this tract ----- Other than to improve its marketability. Kensington Park consequently stands in opposition to any such changes. Respectfully, M. L. Sloan President Kensington Park Homeowners Association M. L. SloanB-0575 of 88 July 10, 2020 RE: C14-2017-0010 - 4500 Nuckols Crossing Road Rezoning NPA-2016-0014.01 Plan Amendment - 4500 Nuckols Crossing Road Rezoning To Planning Commissioners and City Council Members, Based on information received at the 07/08/2020 meeting with City Staff, Applicant, Austin Transportation Department, SE Combined Neighborhood Plan Contact Team and concerned neighbors, the Los Arboles Homeowners' Association OPPOSES the proposed development at 4500 Nuckols Crossing. Some of the considerations for opposition are listed below. 1. The proposed driveway to 4500 Nuckols Crossing will be only 150 ft from Viewpoint Dr on the east side of Nuckols Crossing and an entrance to Woodway Village Apartments on the west side of Nuckols Crossing. The accepted distance between driveways should be 500 ft. 2. The proposed solution to the driveway problem of adding turn lanes with vertical delineators in the middle of Nuckols Crossing will cause a major hazard, in our opinion. Nuckols Crossing/E St Elmo is used as a thoroughfare for many commuters in SE Austin to and from downtown. Traffic that is driving from the blind curve at E St Elmo onto Nuckols Crossing must go up a hill which will make it difficult to see the vertical delineators in the middle of the street. And the traffic driving north from Stassney and Teri Rd on Nuckols Crossing will need to go around the vertical delineators onto a widened area of the right of way before swerving back onto the main road, a short distance from the blind curve where the road turns into E St Elmo. 3. Traffic on Nuckols Crossing is already 10 times the amount that this road is designed to ideally handle. Traffic counts taken in February 2020 indicate that existing vehicle trips is at 14,929. According to Section 25-6-116 of the Land Development Code, streets which have pavement width less than 30 feet are considered to be operating at an undesirable traffic level if the average daily traffic volume for such roadway exceeds 1,200 vehicles per day. Nuckols Crossing Road is currently operating at an undesirable level and will continue to do so with the addition of site traffic. These statistics, and the opinion that Nuckols Crossing is currently at an undesirable level, are taken directly from the Zoning Review Change Sheet provided by City Staff. The proposed development will add another 979 vehicle trips, an increase of over 13%. 4. The City has no plan to improve Nuckols Crossing/E St Elmo. It is a narrow 2 lane road in very poor condition with no curbs, gutters, sidewalks or bike lanes, or even enough right of way to add them. There is a very sharp curve with no sight lines where Nuckols Crossing becomes E St Elmo, just a short distance from the proposed driveway for this development. Vegetation and low water bridges contribute to the narrow lanes. The developer's proposal to add improvements would only cover the small area in front of the development and would not improve the quality of this road. There is no safe way for pedestrians or bikes to reach the bus stop at Pleasant Valley and Todd Ln. B-0576 of 88 5. The developers have applied for S.M.A.R.T. housing credits stating that this will make the development a needed addition to the neighborhood. There are already 6 existing affordable housing complexes in a one and a half mile radius and more in the near East Riverside/Oltorf area. Of course affordable housing is desirable, but not at the cost of creating a major traffic crisis for SE Austin. 6. COA recommends SF2 zoning rather than MF4, which the applicant is asking for. Applicant states they need this MF4 in order to build a bigger complex so they can make more profit. The Applicant's desire for profit should not supersede the neighborhood's right to safely travel one of the main roads through it. 7. The proposed 5 story building does not fit into the aesthetics of the neighborhood which is single family (Los Arboles) and townhome apartments (Woodway Village). The 2 apartment complexes on E St Elmo, Kingfisher Creek and Rosemont, are set back from the road so aren't easily visible. This proposed development can't move further away from the road due to environmental constraints. Even with landscaping it will be very visible as you enter SE Austin and the Dove Springs area. 8. Los Arboles is not opposed to development; we want to see it done in coordination with our neighborhood and drivers on Nuckols Crossing. This proposed development does not meet these standards. We ask the Planning Commissioners and City Council Members to review this proposal with the realistic view of what Nuckols Crossing/E St Elmo actually looks like and determine that this development would not be a benefit to the neighborhood but instead create a major traffic hazard and clash with the existing aesthetics. On behalf of the Los Arboles Homeowners’ Association, Laurel Francel Los Arboles HOA Vice President/Secretary 5609 Apple Orchard Lane Austin, TX 78744 B-0577 of 88 B-0578 of 88 B-0579 of 88 B-0580 of 88 B-0581 of 88 B-0582 of 88 B-0583 of 88 B-0584 of 88 B-0585 of 88 B-0586 of 88 B-0587 of 88 B-0588 of 88