Planning CommissionJuly 28, 2020

B-17 (SP-2019-0591C - 924 E. 7th St. Development; District 1) — original pdf

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PLANNING COMMISISON SITE PLAN – COMPATIBILITY VARIANCES ONLY SP-2019-0591C HEARING DATE: July 28, 2020 PLANNING COMMISSION 924 E. 7th St. Development 924 E 7th Street 7th & San Marcos, LLC 2004 Lakeshore Drive Austin, Texas 78746-2907 (512) 328-8363 CASE NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: ADDRESS: APPLICANT: AGENT: LJA Engineering, Inc. (David J. Hildebrandt, P.E.) 7500 Rialto Blvd Building II, Suite 100 Austin, TX 78735 (512) 439-4700 (512) 974-3338 Randall Rouda CASE MANAGER: NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN: Central East Austin NP Area PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: The applicant is proposing to redevelop five vacant narrow lots, zoned TOD-NP (Plaza Saltillo Transit Oriented Development - Neighborhood Plan) into a five story office building with a restaurant and retail space on the ground level and five floors of below grade parking. Total gross floor area (excluding below grade parking) is 104,723 square feet, with a total of 249 vehicle parking spaces (including 12 ADA spaces) and 72 bicycle spaces. The restaurant consists of 4,559 square feet and the ground floor retail would be 3,588 square feet. The site will have a single driveway accessing San Marcos Street, with trash and loading in the alley to the north. Public sidewalk improvements are proposed along 7th Street and along San Marcos and public alley improvements are proposed to the north of the building. One variance from compatibility setback requirements is being requested. DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE: 1) From 25 feet to 20 feet for the north setback. [LDC § 25-2-1063] SUMMARY STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The parcel to the north is separated from the subject site by a 20 foot wide public alley. That parcel is developed with an historic use (the French Legation) and is within the SF-3-H-HD-NP (Family Residence – Historic – Historic District - Neighborhood Plan) Zone. Improvements are proposed to the alley, within the public right of way. At the southern edge of the alley, the project includes new paving to serve a proposed loading zone. While the building wall is placed at 25 feet from the residentially zoned property to the north, in conformance with the compatibility setbacks, the new on-site paving for loading access and trash collection wall require a variance for construction beginning 20 feet south of those parcels. No written objections to the proposed variance have been received. The owner of the parcel to the north has submitted written comments in general support of the project. The Plaza Saltillo TOD Regulating Plan establishes the majority of the land use and building placement 1 of 5B-17 0.64 acres 27,912sq. ft. TOD-NP TOD-NP Waller Creek Comprehensive Watershed Ordinance standards for the subject site. The TOD modifies but does not eliminate the regulations regarding compatibility which are found in Article 10 of the LDC. The use and form – being, five-story construction with vertical and horizontal articulation, built to the back of the sidewalk, with a planting zone adjacent to traffic is consistent with Imagine Austin’s goals of creating complete communities with compact and connected development in a walkable environment, while preserving the character and history of its places, and creating economically mixed and diverse neighborhoods with a range of housing and employment options. Based on these findings and proposed design of the project, staff recommends approval of the requested compatibility variance. The site plan complies with all other compatibility standards. The proposed Floor Area Ratio exceeds the maximum standard set by the TOD for the site. The Applicant is pursuing a Density Bonus which would permit the proposed FAR if approved. PROJECT INFORMATION TOTAL SITE AREA EXISTING ZONING PROPOSED ZONING WATERSHED WATERSHED ORDINANCE TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Not required CAPITOL VIEW CORRIDOR PROPOSED ACCESS FLOOR-AREA RATIO BUILDING COVERAGE IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE PARKING *A 20% parking reduction is permitted in the urban core and Subchapter E permits parking reductions. COMPATIBILITY The subject site is bordered by single-family residential zoning, to the north. The proposed loading zone paving will be typical of urban development. No vertical improvements are proposed within the 25 foot setback. The property is not being used for residential purposes, and an existing wall on the south side of the French Legation Property will limit visibility of the proposed paved loading zone. The property to the east is in a residential use, however, it does not trigger compatibility within the Plaza Saltillo TOD. The site complies with all other compatibility standard requirements. EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USES Site North South East West Vacant French Legation East 7th then Commercial and vacant Single-family residential San Marcos Street then Commercial None San Marcos Road Allowed/Required Existing TOD-NP SF-3-H-HD-NP TOD-NP TOD-NP TOD-NP 3.76:1 90.12% 94.56% 249 2.0:1 95% 95% 213 N/A N/A N/A N/A LAND USES ZONING Proposed 2 of 5B-17 Classification Core Transit Corridor Urban ABUTTING STREETS Street East 7th Street Right-of-Way Width 80 feet Pavement Width 37 feet 25 feet 60 Feet San Marcos NEIGHBORHOOD ORGNIZATIONS: Austin Independent School District Austin Lost and Found Pets Austin Neighborhoods Council Bike Austin Del Valle Community Coalition East Austin Conservancy El Concilio Mexican-American Neighborhoods Friends of Austin Neighborhoods Greater East Austin Neighborhood Association Guadalupe Association for an Improved Neighborhood Guadalupe Neighborhood Development Corporation Homeless Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Empowerment Foundation Neighbors United for Progress Organization of Central East Austin Neighborhoods Plaza Saltillo TOD Staff Liaison Preservation Austin SELTexas Sierra Club Austin Regional Group Waterloo Greenway 3 of 5B-17 ' 0 .8 7 2 1 " E 4 '3 8 0 ° 5 2 N P N - D O T SHOWERS (LEVEL 1) INSTALL GATE W/ KNOX BOX AND "FIRE SERVICE ACCESS ONLY" SIGN MAIL ROOM (LEVEL 1) K C A B T E S Y IT IL IB T A P M O ' C 5 2 LOT 5 RETAIL/OFFICE (LEVEL 1) INSTALL GATE W/ KNOX BOX AND "FIRE SERVICE ACCESS ONLY" SIGN K C A B T E S Y IT IL IB T A P M O ' C 0 5 UP 7.2' ' .6 4 1 ' .8 0 1 46.46' 17.9' SF-3-H-NP FRENCH LEGATION EXISTING WALL EX FH #499792 EX WWMH #210528 WW 6" UNK WWL B928 EX POWER POLE RELOCATION TO BE COORDINATED WITH ELECTRIC PROVIDER EX POWER POLE RELOCATION TO BE COORDINATED WITH ELECTRIC PROVIDER 46.46' 46.36' 2" CS GAS S 66°05'24" E TRANS PAD SWITCH GEAR JANITOR (LEVEL 1) 25' COMPATIBILITY SETBACK LOADING ZONE (LEVEL 2) 20' ALLEY 45.26' ' .0 2 1 2" CS GAS 46.08' S 64°47'00" E 22.74' 2 . 5 ' 0.4' BIKE SPACES (LEVEL 1) 90.0' 50' COMPATIBILITY SETBACK 0 10 20 LEGEND : N BASEMENT OUTLINE BUILDING OVERHANG ACCESSIBLE ROUTE SIDEWALK BIKE RACK BENCH LIGHT POLE TREE AND GRATE STAIRS ELEVATORS STAIRS EGRESS INSTALL SCREENING FENCE / RAIL ON TOP OF WALL REF: ARCH PLANS MIXED USE BUILDING 5-STORY 3-LEVEL BASEMENT GARAGE PARKING GARAGE ENTRANCE 2 0 . 3 ' 1 0 0 . 0 ' FDC FIRE (LEVEL 1) 4.1' TYPE II DRIVEWAY COLUMNS LOC LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION LOC/SF LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION /SILT FENCE 516 SAVED TREE BASEMENT BELOW HALF CRITICAL ROOT ZONE T N E M P O L E V E D T E E R T S H T . 7 E 4 2 9 2 0 7 8 7 X , T IN T S U , A T S H T 7 E 4 2 9 N A L P E IT S S N IO IS V E R E T A D Y B N IO T IP R C S E D . O N : E T A D LOT 4 LOT 3 LOBBY / MAIN ENTRANCE (LEVEL 1) LOT 2 RESTAURANT (LEVEL 1) LOT 1 3 9 . 3 ' ' .3 7 4 FLOOR ABOVE EXISTING BUILDING 59.3' SIDEWALK ESMT 29.4' 32.0' 39.6' 15.2' ' .7 6 SIDEWALK ESMT 33.3' ' .9 8 GREASE TRAP BY OTHERS 46.36' N 66°17'30" W 17.55' 27.71' 46.08' N 64°42'00" W 45.69' CURB RAMP W/ DETECTABLE PAVERS CoA DTLS 432S-5B, 432S-3F 4" CI WL 7' MIN. CLEAR ZONE 8' MIN. STREET TREE / FURNITURE ZONE CO K WWL B928 WW 6" UNK WWL B928 (TO BE ABANDONED) EX VALVE #155578 6" DI WL 2" PE GAS E 7 TH ST 4 1 5 (80' ROW) A530-1001SP1.SHT Default 5/19/2020 11:39:41 AM NOTE: 1. ALL EXTERIOR LIGHTING WILL BE FULL CUT-OFF AND FULLY SHIELDED IN COMPLIANCE WITH PLAZA SALTILLO REGULATING PLAN SECTION 4.6.2 AND WILL BE REVIEWED DURING BUILDING PLAN REVIEW. ANY CHANGE OR SUBSTITUTION OF LAMP/LIGHT FIXTURES SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE DIRECTOR FOR APPROVAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 4.6.2.E. : Y B D E N IG S E D : Y B D E K C E H C : Y B N W A R D : E M A N G IN W A R D Figure 4-16: 2. SCREENING FOR SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND LOADING AREAS SHALL BE THE SAME AS, OR OF EQUAL QUALITY TO, PRINCIPAL BUILDING MATERIALS. 3. THIS SITE IS COMPOSED OF FIVE (5) LOTS/TRACTS. IT HAS BEEN APPROVED AS ONE COHESIVE DEVELOPMENT. IF PORTIONS OF THE LOTS/TRACTS ARE SOLD, APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION AND SITE PLAN APPROVAL MAY BE REQUIRED. UDA DOC #_______________ LOCATIONS ONLY. THE CONTRACTOR R LOCATION OF EXISTING UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD UTILITIES ARE APPROXIMATE SHALL DETERMINE THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK AND SHALL BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES WHICH MIGHT OCCUR. R 1 5 . 0 ' Know what'sbelow. Call before you dig. SITE PLAN RELEASE FILE NUMBER: SP-2019-0591C EXPIRATION DATE: CASE MANAGER: RANDY ROUDA APPLICATION DATE: Dec. 20, 2019 APPROVED ADMINISTRATIVELY ON: APPROVED BY PLANNING COMMISSION ON: APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON: under Section of Chapter of the Austin City Code. 25-5 112 EX VALVE #499810 EX VALVE #499813 Rev. No. 1 Rev. No. 2 Rev. No. 3 6 8 3 -1 -F N R F 0 0 7 .4 9 3 .4 2 1 5 e n o h P . c n , I g in r e e in g n E A J L rd a v le u o B lto ia R 0 0 5 7 0 0 1 ite u II, S g in ild u B 5 3 7 8 7 s a x e , T tin s u A Director for Development Services Department DATE OF RELEASE: Zoning: TOD-NP Correction No.1 Correction No.2 RELEASE OF THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A VERIFICATION OF ALL DATA. INFORMATION AND CALCULATIONS SUPPLIED BY THE APPLICANT. THE ENGINEER OF RECORD IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE COMPLETENESS, ACCURACY AND ADEQUACY OF HIS/HER SUBMITTAL, WHETHER OF NOT THE APPLICATION IS REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE BY CITY ENGINEERS. JOB NUMBER: A530-1001 SHEET NO. SP1 8 OF 34 SHEETS SP-2019-0591C 3.0' WIDE CONCRETE FLUME W/ ELEVATED SIDEWALK ,SEE DETAIL ON SHEET WQ1 2" PE GAS ' 0 . 0 1 R S A N M A R C O S S T ( 6 0 ' R O W ) 1 0 . 0 ' 5 ' M IN . T R E E / F 5 ' M IN . C L E A R Z O N E R U R N IT U R E Z O N E R ' . 0 0 1 2 " C S G 2 0 .0 A ' S 1 2 " D I W L 2 0 0 6 - 0 7 9 0 2 2 . 0 ' 8.3' 2 2 . 0 ' S 1 5 ° 0 0 '0 0 " W 1 3 0 .2 8 ' 2.4' 2 0 . 4 ' 4 of 5B-17 5 of 5B-17