Planning CommissionJuly 28, 2020

B-03 (C14-2020-0039 - Clovis and Kemp Rezone; District 3) — original pdf

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C14-2020-0039 1 ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2020-0039 – Clovis and Kemp Rezone DISTRICT: 3 ZONING FROM: SF-3-NP TO: SF-6-NP ADDRESS: 6201 Clovis Street and 301 Kemp Street SITE AREA: 1.167 acres PROPERTY OWNER: 3SC Venture LLC (Gary O’Dell) AGENT: Thrower Design (A. Ron Thrower) CASE MANAGER: Kate Clark (512-974-1237, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends townhouse and condominium residence – neighborhood plan (SF-6-NP) combining district zoning. For a summary of the basis of staff’s recommendation, see page 2. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: July 28, 2020 Scheduled for Planning Commission July 14, 2020 Approved a Postponement request by the Applicant to July 28, 2020. [A. Azhar; J. Shieh – 2nd] Vote: 13-0. June 23, 2020 Approved Neighborhood’s request to postpone to July 14, 2020 on the consent agenda. [J. Thompson, R. Schneider – 2nd; P. Seeger was off the dais]. Vote: 12-0. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: July 30, 2020 Scheduled for City Council ORDINANCE NUMBER: ISSUES On May 26, 2020 the Montopolis Neighborhood Planning Contact Team (MNPCT) held their monthly meeting to discuss zoning cases in their area. They were not able to discuss this case at their meeting and have requested to postpone it to the next Planning Commission meeting on July 14th. 1 of 36B-03 C14-2020-0039 2 On June 18, 2020 staff received a letter of opposition from the MNPCT President for this rezoning case. All communication received for this rezoning case can be found in Exhibit C: Correspondence Received. A valid petition of 36.85% has been filed by the adjacent property owners in opposition to this rezoning request. A current map and list of property owners of the petition area and the electronic signatures received to date are included in Exhibit D: Formal Petition. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The subject property consists of two undeveloped lots approximately 1.167 acres in size. They are located at the southeast corner of Kemp Street and Clovis Street. Adjacent to the east and south of the subject property are tracts zoned SF-3-NP containing single-family residential buildings. Directly the north across Clovis Street and west across Kemp street are tracts zoned SF-3-NP and P-NP which are undeveloped. The P-NP zoned property is the northeast section of Roy Guerrero Metropolitan Park. Across Clovis Street to the northeast are tracts zoned SF-3-NP containing a mixture of single-family residential buildings. See attached Exhibit A: Zoning Map and Exhibit B: Aerial Map. BASIS OF RECOMMENDATION: 1. The proposed zoning should be consistent with the purpose statement of the district sought. Zoning changes should promote compatibility with adjacent and nearby uses. The applicant is requesting a base zoning district of SF-6. This district is intended as an area for moderate density single family, duplex, two family, townhouse and condominium use. It is appropriate for areas in which unusually large lots predominate with access to other than minor residential streets, and in selected areas where a transition from single-family to multifamily use is appropriate. The subject property is over an acre in size and located on the periphery of the neighborhood. It is also half a block from the Bastrop Highway Montopolis Ramp and right-of- way of the US Highway 183. The majority of properties adjacent to this highway right-of-way are zoned with a commercial base district. Rezoning this property to SF-6-NP would provide a transition in use between the highway right-of-way to the east and residential zoning to the west and south. 2 of 36B-03 C14-2020-0039 3 EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USES: Site North South East West Zoning Land Uses SF-3-NP Undeveloped SF-3-NP and P-NP Undeveloped and Single-Family Residences SF-3-NP SF-3-NP Single-Family Residences Single-Family Residences SF-3-NP and P-NP Undeveloped and Single-Family Residences NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING AREA: Montopolis Neighborhood Plan (NP Ordinance No. 010927-05) TIA: A traffic impact analysis was not required for this case because the traffic generated by the proposed zoning does not exceed the threshold of 2,000 vehicle trips per day. WATERSHED: Country Club East (suburban) OVERLAYS: Airport Overlay (Controlled Compatible Land Use Area) and Residential Design Standards. SCHOOLS: Allison Elementary, Martin Middle and Eastside Memorial High Schools NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATIONS Austin Independent School District Austin Neighborhoods Council Bike Austin Bonnett Neighborhood Association Carson Ridge Neighborhood Association Crossing Gardenhome Owners Assn. (The) Del Valle Community Coalition Del Valle Independent School District East Austin Conservancy East Riverside/Oltorf Neighborhood Plan El Concilio Mexican-American Neighborhoods Friends of Austin Neighborhoods Homeless Neighborhood Association Montopolis Community Alliance Montopolis Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Montopolis Tributary Trail Association Montopolis-Ponca Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Empowerment Foundation Pleasant Valley Preservation Austin River Bluff Neighborhood Assoc. SELTexas Sierra Club, Austin Regional Group Southeast Austin Neighborhood Alliance Vargas Neighborhood Association 3 of 36B-03 C14-2020-0039 4 AREA CASE HISTORIES: Number Request Commission City Council C14-2020-0044 SF-3-NP to SF-6-NP In review In review C14-2020-0030 SF-3-NP to SF-6-NP In review In review Saxon Acres Residential Zoning 200 Montopolis Rezoning 508 Kemp Street C14H-2017-0055 NPA-2016-005.04 500 Montopolis 600 Kemp Street Rezoning RELATED CASES: C14-2020-0038 SF-3-NP to SF-6-NP Approved SF-6-NP In review SF-3-NP to GR-MU- H-NP and GR-MU- NP HLC: to grant GR- MU-H-CO-NP and GR-MU-CO-NP Granted an indefinite postponement request by staff on 6/20/19. C14-2013-0107 SF-3-NP to SF-6-NP Denied request PC: to grant SF-3-H- NP Denied request (3/20/14) (Valid petition) C14-01-0060: Montopolis Neighborhood Plan rezoning (Ordinance No. 010927-28). This property’s base district zoning was rezoned from CS to SF-3-NP during this process. EXISTING STREET CHARACTERISTICS: Street ROW Pavement Classification Sidewalks Clovis St 53’ 26’ Level 1 Kemp St 28’ Level 1 50’ – 60’ Bike Route Capital Metro (within ¼ mile) None None Yes Yes None None 4 of 36B-03 C14-2020-0039 5 OTHER STAFF COMMENTS: Comprehensive Planning This zoning case is located on the southeast corner of Kemp Street and Clovis Street and is situated on two vacant parcels that are approximately 1.167 acres in size and is located in the Montopolis Neighborhood Planning area. The subject property for this rezoning case is not located near or along an Activity Corridor or Center. Surrounding land uses include the Roy Guerrero Metropolitan Park to the north and west, and single family housing to the south and east. The proposed use is a 14-condo unit project. Connectivity There are no public sidewalks on Kemp Street. The only public sidewalk is located in front of the residences along Clovis Street. A CapMetro Transit Stop is located approximately 700 feet from the subject property. The Roy Guerrero Metropolitan Park is located immediately across the street, along with two bike trails. While there is park close by, the mobility and connectivity options are fair and lacks neighborhood serving goods and services in the area. Montopolis Neighborhood Plan The Montopolis Future Land Use Map classifies this portion of Montopolis Drive as Single Family. For all plans adopted prior to January 2002 (the Montopolis Plan was adopted in 2001), Zone SF-6 is permitted in the “Single Family” land use designation. The following goal, objections and actions are taken from the Montopolis Plan. • Goal 2: Create Homes for all Stages of Life within Montopolis. (pg. 14) o Objective 4: Enhance and protect existing single family housing.  Action 12: Preserve the existing Single Family uses and zoning in the older, established areas of Montopolis.  Action 13: Preserve residential zoning in the interior of East Montopolis to allow for new homes to be built.  Action 14: Preserve Single Family zoning in the interior of South Montopolis. o Objective 5: Create multiple housing types of varied intensities. Based on the policies above, this proposed townhouse/condo project supports the Montopolis Neighborhood Plan because it provides new housing and housing choice of a varied intensity. Imagine Austin The following policies are relevant to this case: • HN P1. Distribute a variety of housing types throughout the City to expand the choices able to meet the financial and lifestyle needs of Austin’s diverse population. 5 of 36B-03 C14-2020-0039 6 • HN P10. Create complete neighborhoods across Austin that have a mix of housing types and land uses, affordable housing and transportation options, and access to schools, retail, employment, community services, and parks and recreation options. The Austin Strategic Housing Blueprint, which is an amendment to Imagine Austin, includes goals for affordable housing in every City Council district. While this applicant has not identified this as an affordable housing project, it will provide additional missing middle housing. Based on Imagine Austin and Montopolis Neighborhood Plan polices that supports a variety of housing types and new housing, this project supports the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan. 6 of 36B-03 C14-2020-0039 7 7 of 36B-03 C14-2020-0039 8 Environmental The site is not located over the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. The site is in the Country Club East Watershed of the Colorado River Basin, which is classified as a Suburban Watershed by Chapter 25-8 of the City's Land Development Code. Under current watershed regulations, development or redevelopment on this site will be subject to the following impervious cover limits: Development Classification % of Gross Site Area % of Gross Site Area with Transfers Single-Family (minimum lot size 5750 sq. ft.) 50% Other Single-Family or Duplex 55% Multifamily Commercial 60% 80% 60% 60% 70% 90% According to floodplain maps there is no floodplain within the project location. Standard landscaping and tree protection will be required in accordance with LDC 25-2 and 25-8 for all development and/or redevelopment. At this time, site specific information is unavailable regarding vegetation, areas of steep slope, or other environmental features such as bluffs, springs, canyon rimrock, caves, sinkholes, and wetlands. Under current watershed regulations, development or redevelopment requires water quality control with increased capture volume and control of the 2-year storm on site. At this time, no information has been provided as to whether this property has any preexisting approvals that preempt current water quality or Code requirements. Site Plan Site plans will be required for any new development other than single-family or duplex residential. Subchapter E Any new development is subject to Subchapter E Design Standards and Mixed Use. Additional comments will be made when the site plan is submitted. This site is located on two Urban Roadways, corner lot standards. 8 of 36B-03 C14-2020-0039 9 Compatibility Standards Any development which occurs in an SF-6 or less restrictive zoning district which is located 540-feet or less from property in an SF-5 or more restrictive zoning district will be subject to compatibility development regulations. The site is subject to compatibility standards along the all property lines. • No structure may be built within 25 feet of the trigger SF property lines. • No structure in excess of two stories or 30 feet in height may be constructed within 50 feet of the property line. feet of the property line. • No structure in excess of three stories or 40 feet in height may be constructed within 100 • No parking or driveways are allowed within 25 feet of the property line. • A fence, berm, or dense vegetation must be provided to screen adjoining properties from views of parking, mechanical equipment, storage, and refuse collection. • for a structure more than 100 feet but not more than 300 feet from property zoned SF-5 or more restrictive, 40 feet plus one foot for each 10 feet of distance in excess of 100 feet from the property zoned SF-5 or more restrictive. • An intensive recreational use, including a swimming pool, tennis court, ball court, or playground, may not be constructed 50 feet or less from adjoining SF-3 property. Additional design regulations will be enforced at the time a site plan is submitted. A traffic impact analysis was not required for this case because the traffic generated by the proposed zoning does not exceed the threshold of 2,000 vehicle trips per day. [LDC 25-6-113] Transportation Austin Water Utility The landowner intends to serve the site with City of Austin water and wastewater utilities. The landowner, at own expense, will be responsible for providing any water and wastewater utility improvements, offsite main extensions, utility relocations and or abandonments required by the land use. The water and wastewater utility plan must be reviewed and approved by Austin Water for compliance with City criteria and suitability for operation and maintenance. Depending on the development plans submitted, water and or wastewater service extension requests may be required. All water and wastewater construction must be inspected by the City of Austin. 9 of 36B-03 C14-2020-0039 10 The landowner must pay the City inspection fee with the utility construction. The landowner must pay the tap and impact fee once the landowner makes an application for a City of Austin water and wastewater utility tap permit. INDEX OF EXHIBITS TO FOLLOW Exhibit A: Zoning Map Exhibit B: Aerial Map Exhibit C: Correspondence Received Exhibit D: Formal Petition 10 of 36B-03 LI-CO-NP 6 L E V A N L O D E O P R LI P-NP A I R P O R T B L V D I B S D V L B N E T S E U L B D E B A S T R O P H W Y S B O B T LIS P S O P P O O M R T A T N R S O A M B O T P O A S B R 6 M O T 4 T N O B N 5 L I S O R M A P P GR-CO SF-3 11 10 9 H E R R E R A ST 10 11 9 B A S T R O P H W Y N B H E R G O T Z L N 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 5 2 1 7 6 4 3 MH SF-3 B A S T R O P H W Y S V R D S B SF-3 RR CS N LN O X A S GR-NP D S R A G R A V SF-3-NP CS-NP 1 CS-CO-NP CS-MU-CO-NP 1 G CS E GROVE DR L20 6 5 B A 6 10 3 1 2 4 3 2 CLOVIS ST 1 9 D B A 8 7 6 TRACT A C 4 3 5 492' P-NP C14-2020-0039 5 4 SF-3-NP 5 4 3 2 2 3 1 1 1 T P S M E K 2 4 3 3 2 1 1 2 SF-3-NP 5 6 D E L M 2 3 GR-NP 8 9 O N T 4 5 6 E R D 8 7 1 7 6 SF-3-NP 5 6 9 7 8 1 C R U M L E 2 3 4 Y L N 8 7 T T S 5 O B T E N N 7 6 GR-NP 4 10 9 9 8 T O 7 6 5 4 R R E 3 2 S S T 1 SF-3-NP GR-CO-NP 4 AT W 5 14 13 5 5 P O N C A S 14 T R S E G G E 5 3 4 2 1 2 3 4 5 7 ± 1'' = 400' 1 2 SF-3-NP 6 5 4 3 13 12 11 O O D S T 10 9 15 16 17 8 7 19 12 SF-3-NP 20 21 11 10 9 T 8 7 6 5 1 P L U C T S 22 1 2 3 4 10 1 2 11 6 9 8 7 ALK W 15 5 E 4 3 R LN 21 25 23 26 28 29 30 27 14 16 17 18 22 A LN 39 43 SF-3-NP 31 38 36 12 47 46 44 VE R 48 SUBJECT TRACT ZONING BOUNDARY ! ! ! ! ! ! PENDING CASE CREEK BUFFER LO-NP R LIS D E L M I R GR-NP A N D O S T SF-3-NP CS-NP O P O T N O M 1 2 3 4 1 M O N 1 S A 5 2 N T 6 7 3 4 O D R 5 6 SF-3-NP 1 2 TH RASHER LN 7 6 5 1 4 3 1 L Y 2 SF-3-NP N C 3 H L 4 2 5 N 6 7 1 1 2 2 1 LR-NP CLOVIS AND KEMP REZONING ZONING CASE#: LOCATION: SUBJECT AREA: GRID: MANAGER: C14-2020-0039 6201 Clovis St and 301 Kemp St 1.167 ACRES L20 KATE CLARK This map has been produced by the Communications Technology Management Dept. on behalf of the Planning Development Review Dept. for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. 11 of 36B-03 LI-CO-NP 6 L E V A N L O D E O P R LI P-NP A I R P O R T B L V D I B S D V L B N E T S E U L B D E B A S T R O P H W Y S B O B T LIS P S O P P O O M R T A T N R S O A M B O T P O A S B R 6 M O T 4 T N O B N 5 L I S O R M A P P GR-CO SF-3 11 10 9 H E R R E R A ST 10 11 9 B A S T R O P H W Y N B H E R G O T Z L N 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 5 2 1 7 6 4 3 MH SF-3 B A S T R O P H W Y S V R D S B SF-3 RR CS N LN O X A S GR-NP D S R A G R A V SF-3-NP CS-NP 1 CS-CO-NP Copyright nearmap 2015 CS-MU-CO-NP 1 G CS E GROVE DR L20 6 5 B A 6 10 3 1 2 4 3 2 CLOVIS ST 1 9 D B A 8 7 6 TRACT A C 4 3 5 492' P-NP C14-2020-0039 5 4 SF-3-NP 5 4 3 2 2 3 1 1 1 T P S M E K 2 4 3 3 2 1 1 2 SF-3-NP 5 6 D E L M 2 3 GR-NP 8 9 O N T 4 5 6 E R D 8 7 1 7 6 SF-3-NP 5 6 9 7 8 1 C R U M L E 2 3 4 Y L N 8 7 T T S 5 O B T E N N 7 6 GR-NP 4 10 9 9 8 T O 7 6 5 4 R R E 3 2 S S T 1 SF-3-NP GR-CO-NP 4 AT W 5 14 13 5 5 P O N C A S 14 T R S E G G E 5 3 4 2 1 2 3 4 5 7 ± 1'' = 400' 1 2 SF-3-NP 6 5 4 3 13 12 11 O O D S T 10 9 15 16 17 8 7 19 12 SF-3-NP 20 21 11 10 9 T 8 7 6 5 1 P L U C T S 22 1 2 3 4 10 1 2 11 6 9 8 7 ALK W 15 5 E 4 3 R LN 21 25 23 26 28 29 30 27 14 16 17 18 22 A LN 39 43 SF-3-NP 31 38 36 12 47 46 44 VE R 48 SUBJECT TRACT ZONING BOUNDARY ! ! ! ! ! ! PENDING CASE CREEK BUFFER LO-NP R LIS D E L M I R GR-NP A N D O S T SF-3-NP CS-NP O P O T N O M 1 2 3 4 1 M O N 1 S A 5 2 N T 6 7 3 4 O D R 5 6 SF-3-NP 1 2 TH RASHER LN 7 6 5 1 4 3 1 L Y 2 SF-3-NP N C 3 H L 4 2 5 N 6 7 1 1 2 2 1 LR-NP CLOVIS AND KEMP REZONING ZONING CASE#: LOCATION: SUBJECT AREA: GRID: MANAGER: C14-2020-0039 6201 Clovis St and 301 Kemp St 1.167 ACRES L20 KATE CLARK This map has been produced by the Communications Technology Management Dept. on behalf of the Planning Development Review Dept. for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. 12 of 36B-03 Clark, Kate From: Sent: To: Subject: Susana Almanza Wednesday, June 10, 2020 9:59 AM Clark, Kate MNPCT Postponement Request *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Hello Kate Clarek:  The Montopolis Neighborhood Plan Contact Team is requesting a postponement for the following  Cases.  These case will be reviewed at our next scheduled MNPCT meeting scheduled for June 29th, 2020 at 6 pm at the  Southeast Health and Wellness Center.   1. 6328 El Mirando Street from SF‐3 to SF‐6    Applicant Ron Thrower 2. 200 Montopolis Dr. from SF‐3 to SF‐6           Applicant Ron Thrower  3. 1013 Montopolis Dr. from SF‐3 to SF‐6         Applicant Ron Thrower  4. 6201 Clovis & 301 Kemp St.  from SF‐3 to SF‐6  Applicant Ron Thrower I had a series of email discussions with Ron Thrower's representative, Victoria Hasse.  She did not want to come to  Montopolis due to COVID‐19.  On May 18th, I requested that she email the materials of the zoning cases so that the  MNPCT could review them and have a discussion at the May 26th scheduled meeting.and then send questions.  I didn't  receive the materials until the day of the meeting on May 26th at 4:13 pm.    I was in meetings in the afternoon that day, and didn't see her email to late a night. Sending the materials a couple of  hours before our meeting is not acceptable.  Sincerely,  Susana Almanza, President MNPCT  PODER   P.O. Box 6237  Austin, TX 78762‐6237  www.poder‐  CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links  or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to   1 13 of 36B-03 June 18, 2020 To: Kare Clark, Planning Commissioners & Austin City Council Members Susana Almanza, President MNPCT From: Montopolis Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Re: Opposition to upzoning for the following properties: 1013 & 1017 Montopolis/C-14-2020-0029; 200 Montopolis/C-14-2020-0030; 6201 Clovis & 301 Kemp St/C-14-2020-0039; 200 Montopolis/C-14-2020-0030; 316 Saxon Lane and 6328 El Mirando Street/C-14-2020-0044. The Montopolis Neighborhood Plan Contact Team met on May 26th, 2020 at the Southeast Health and Wellness Center. No representative from Ron Thrower, of the Thrower Design Group appeared at the meeting, who are the representatives for all the above zoning cases. They refused to attend the Contact meeting because they were not comfortable coming to the Montopolis community. The meeting was being held at one of the most sanitized locations, Southeast Health and Wellness Center and the room was huge enough to have social distance. They sent backup material on the day of meeting at 4:13pm. The Montopolis Neighborhood Plan Contact Team opposes the zoning change for all the above listed properties! The Montopolis Neighborhood Plan was completed under City of Austin’s Neighborhood Planning Program and was adopted as part of the Austin Tomorrow Comprehensive Plan on September 27th, 2001. The property at 508 Kemp was approved as SF-3-NP. We ask that the Austin City Council respect the adopted Montopolis Neighborhood Plan. After emerging successful against the forces of rapacious development at the Montopolis Negro School in 2018, the Montopolis community is once again being besieged by profit-seeking real estate developers with little to no regard for the community’s fragile natural and cultural environment, or it iconic history. Montopolis, also known as “Poverty Island,” has a per capita income of $16,226, a Median Family Income of $31,875, and a poverty rate of 33% according to 2018 American Community Survey data. Accordingly, we guard our existing SF-3 owned property jealously, as we are a community of families. The Austin Human Rights Commission has declared gentrification to be a human rights violation. We call upon the Planning Commission and Austin City Council to reject this gentrifying up zoning in the name of racial justice and reconciliation. Montopolis has too much history and culture to be sliced up by the forces of unscrupulous real estate development in this fashion. The highest and best use of our land is protection, not speculation. 14 of 36B-03 15 of 36B-03 Eric Dillaman  On Mon, Jun 15, 2020 at 11:46 AM Clark, Kate <> wrote:  Good Afternoon Mr. Dillaman,  Below is a list of cases that are within the Montopolis Neighborhood Area that are planned to be heard next Tuesday,  June 23rd at Planning Commission and their status. I have also included a PDF of the maps for each case for your  reference. If you would like to oppose the rezoning of any of these cases, please send me an email (can be one email,  doesn’t have to be separate ones) stating the case number and your opposition. My case backup is due tomorrow and I  would like to include it in my backup.    C14‐2020‐0029   (Montopolis Acres Rezoning) o Applicant Request: SF‐3‐NP to SF‐6‐NP; o Staff Recommendation: To recommend the rezoning request; o Montopolis Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Recommendation: Pending, requested a postponement of this case to July 14th; and o City Council Meeting: Planned to be scheduled for July 30th.  C14‐2020‐0030   (200 Montopolis Rezoning) o Applicant Request: SF‐3‐NP to SF‐6‐NP; o Staff Recommendation: To recommend the rezoning request; o Montopolis Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Recommendation: Pending, requested a postponement of this case to July 14th; and o City Council Meeting: Planned to be scheduled for July 30th.  C14‐2020‐0038 (508 Kemp Street) o Applicant Request: SF‐3‐NP to SF‐6‐NP; o Staff Recommendation: To recommend denial of the rezoning request; o Montopolis Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Recommendation: Pending; and o City Council Meeting: Planned to be scheduled for July 30th.  C14‐2020‐0039 (Clovis and Kemp Rezone) o Applicant Request: SF‐3‐NP to SF‐6‐NP; o Staff Recommendation: To recommend the rezoning request; o Montopolis Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Recommendation: Pending, requested a postponement of this case to July 14th; o City Council Meeting: Planned to be scheduled for July 30th.  C14‐2020‐0044   (Saxon Acres Residential Zoning) o Applicant Request: SF‐3‐NP to SF‐6‐NP; o Staff Recommendation: To recommend the rezoning request; o Montopolis Neighborhood Plan Contact Team Recommendation: Pending, requested a postponement of this case to July 14th; and o City Council Meeting: Planned to be scheduled for July 30th. I verified with staff that you cannot sign up to speak on an item for next week’s Commission meeting until the agenda is  posted. This should be sometime on Friday morning, usually around 10:00 AM. You must register to speak by noon on  Monday, June 22nd. I will send you information on how to sign up on Friday after the agenda is posted.   2 16 of 36B-03 As for the statistics you requested, we do not track how often Council approves a rezoning case when there is a valid  petition, nor do we track how often Planning Commission recommends something different than Staff. We do track the  approval of Council cases to the number of cases Staff recommends. This fiscal year (started October 1, 2019) Council  has approved 92.6% of the cases that Staff has recommended. For the last fiscal year, the percentage of Council  approved cases to Staff recommended cases was 88.89%.  I have also attached some information on Zoning Petitions. If you wish to start one I suggest contacting Susana Almanza  ( ) prior to doing so. She requested this same information from me last week. These petitions  can sometimes take time and effort to coordinate, I wouldn’t want you to duplicate the effort if she has already started  one.   I understand that this is a lot of information. If you would like to have another call later this week if you have any  questions after reading through it, please let me know.   Kate Clark, AICP, LEED AP  Senior Planner   City of Austin | Planning and Zoning Department  Mailing Address: P.O.Box 1088, Austin, Texas 78767  Physical Address: 505 Barton Springs Rd, 5th floor, Austin, Texas 78704  Tel: 512-974-1237  Email:  3 17 of 36B-03 Clark, Kate From: Sent: To: Subject: Bezner, Janet R Thursday, June 18, 2020 1:45 PM Clark, Kate Rezoning Concern *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Dear Ms. Clark,  I am writing to provide input for the Planning Commission meeting next week about the following properties,  which are adjacent and near a property I own at 204 Montopolis:  B-15 (C14-2020-0030 - 200 Montopolis Rezoning, District 3) B-16 (C14-2020-0029 - Montopolis Acres Rezoning, District 3) B-17 (C14-2020-0039 - Clovis and Kemp Rezone, District 3) B-18 (C14-2020-0044 - Saxon Acres Residential Zoning, District 3) B-19 (C14-2020-0038 - 508 Kemp Street, District 3) As you are probably aware, a developer has applied to rezone these lots to an SF‐6 designation, which we  oppose.  The lots are currently zoned SF‐3, which we believe is appropriate to preserve single family housing in  the neighborhood.  We are concerned if the lots are rezoned it will lead to increased traffic, increased  property taxes, and greater density and crowding, further stressing our natural resources.   Thank you,  Janet Bezner and Nancy Lesch  204A Montopolis  Austin, TX 78741  571‐234‐2841  CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links  or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to   1 18 of 36B-03 Jonathan Davidson 6218 Clovis Street Austin, TX 78741 512-699-5656 June 19, 2020 To Kate Clark Planning and Zoning Department and all members of Austin City Council Kate, I am writing in opposition to the rezoning cases in the Montopolis Neighborhood. In particular I would like to clarify some characteristics of the area directly affected by Case #s C14-2020-0030 (200 Montopolis Dr; 6206 Clovis St) and C14‐2020‐0039 (Kemp and Clovis). I would also like to respond to your staff ’s Basis of Recommendations. First, I wanted to draw some attention to some amendments to the adopted Montopolis Neighborhood Plan. Ordinance No.010927-28 took effect on 8 October 2001. This ordinance rezoned all of the lots in the Montopolis Drive/Clovis Street/Kemp Street connections from CS to SF-3-NP. The intention of this rezoning was to preserve the character of Montopolis as a residential neighborhood, and to limit the environmental impact on the adjacent Parkland and Watershed. This was less than 20 years ago. Also, Ordinance No.20101209-056 took effect on 20 December 2010. This ordinance states intent to: “Expand oppurtunities for the enjoyment of Park, Trails, and Open Space.” Also to “provide open space in Montopolis.” “Increase availability of Parkland.” “Aquire additional land to be managed by the Parks Department.” This was less than 10 years ago. These two ordinaces highlight the continued focus to maintain a lack of density in this immediate area, due to proximity to vulnerable environmental concerns as well as economic ones. “Openness” is essential to the physical and metaphorical character of Montopolis. In your Case Manager Comments for C14-2020-0030 (200 Montopolis Dr; 6206 Clovis St), you have described the zoning of the surrounding lots. The lot to the north is indeed zoned CS. There is, however, a conditional residential overlay on this lot. The owners of this lot, Dale and Natalie Glover, are currently in contact with the City of Austin to build a single family residence on this lot. Further, the lot zoned CS has no frontage on a City of Austin street, and instead has a nebulous access agreement through the lot to the east, currently owned by the State of Texas. There have been numerous proposals to convert 19 of 36B-03 all of these lots north of the Grove Drive Bike Path into a natural extension of the Roy Guerrero Park. It remains to be seen if the CS lot is buildable at all. You also state that the “tracts to the west are zoned SF-3-NP and are undeveloped.” This overstates the conditions: the “tracts” you mentioned are, in fact, legally platted SF-3-NP lots. There are only three undeveloped lots west of the area requesting rezoning. Their addresses are 6202, 6204, and 6206 Clovis Street. This brings up the fact that zoning case #C14-2020-0030 (200 Montopolis Dr; 6206 Clovis St) has incorrectly listed the address on Clovis they hope to rezone. 200 Montopolis is adjacent to the flag lot that is 6208 Clovis Street. 6208 was sold to 9 Banded Holdings by Seth Harp. He has a written agreement of a ‘shared driveway’ between 6206 and 6208. This would eliminate the possibility of establishing a ‘private road’ as proposed by the developer to access 200 Montopolis Drive via 6208 Clovis Street. 6206 Clovis Street is owned by Isaiah Harp, Seth’s brother, who has applied for a building permit (Permit/Case # 2019-166492PR) for a single family residence with ADU. 6204 Clovis is owned by Isaiah’s mother Cynthia, who intends to build a SFR with no ADU. Cynthia also owns 6202 Clovis. This lot may prove to be unbuildable as their is a 100’ Critical Environmental Feature Setback as visible on the Travis County GIS ‘Easements and Setbacks’ layer. This radius setback also stresses the sensitive nature of the zoning case number C14‐2020‐0039 (Kemp and Clovis) as it reaches through the streets to affect these properties as well. 6217 Clovis Street, adjacent to the east of the Kemp and Clovis case, has also applied for a building permit: a single family residence on a SF-3-NP lot. The Staff ’s Basis of Recommendation for these cases states that “It is appropriate for areas in which unusually large lots predominate with access to other than minor residential streets, and in selected areas where a transition from single-family to multifamily use is appropriate.” Clovis Street is one block long. With no traffic signals and one stop sign. The definition of a “minor residential street.” 200 Montopolis Drive is on a dogleg extension of Montopolis Drive that dead ends at a pedestrian trail and a pedestrian bridge, also the definition of a “minor residential street.” Additionally, this dogleg extension of Montopolis Drive has no traffic signal, only a stop sign. The stop sign is at the corner of Montopolis Drive and Montopolis Drive! This highlights the fact that the Montopolis Drive Dogleg, as I will call it, should be considered a completely seperate street than the Montopolis Drive that has traffic lights and bus routes. Worth mentioning as well is that no left turn is permitted north onto Montopolis Drive from the Montopolis Drive Dogleg, rerouting commuter traffic from the proposed development through a network of “minor residential streets:” Clovis, Kemp, Walker, Vera, and Ponca. This commuter traffic (could be more than 100 cars per day) will pose significant risk to pedestrians and wildlife (there is a city-installed deer crossing sign on Kemp) alike. The Staff ’s Basis of Recommendations also states that it considers the 200 Montopolis lots to be a transition in use between the SF-3-NP lots to the south and the commercial property to the north. As I stated before, the owners of 6218-20 Grove Drive (the land zoned CS) are proposing a single family residence on this lot. Because the street this lot 20 of 36B-03 used to be on has long ago been converted to pedestrian use only, the CS zoning is antiquated. I would argue that the only appropriate zoning for this lot is P-NP. The fact is that this transition should be from SF-3-NP to a less dense zoning if anything. It is essential for these SF-3-NP lots to remain as such for all of the reasons stated. Developers are a fact of life in Austin. We ask that they simply abide by the existing zoning in the area. Agents for these developers have spread rumors in the area that if you will oppose them they will reoprt you to code enforcement andcompel residents to “bring their property up to code.” This type of intimidation is racist and classist. Victoria Haase of Thrower Design, the land planner employed on these Montopolis cases, send me a letter. It told me how great the zoning would be for me. No metion of how great it would be for them and their bottom line. She concluded by telling me that the case will go to the Planning Commission for a public hearing on Tuesday, June 24th. We all know that the hearing in question is on Monday, June 23. Yet another dishonest tactic by an industry motivated by greed. Thank you for considering these facts and my opinions as a homesteader in this amazing neighborhood. It is essential for Austin as a city to prevent any more damage to the few multi-ethnic and mixed socio-economic communites left in the City. Jonathan Davidson Michelle Teague (wife) Jack Davidson (son) 21 of 36B-03 Clark, Kate From: Sent: To: Subject: Hedda Elias Friday, June 19, 2020 12:07 PM Clark, Kate Zoning Montopolis Neighborhood *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Dear Planning Commission Members,   In reference to: B‐15, B‐16, B‐17, B‐18, B‐19  Part of being the anti‐racist city that Austin claims to be is to seek out and listen to the voices of the people who live in  the neighborhoods affected by development. Listen to how they are struggling to pay the taxes. Listen to how their  children cannot afford to keep the house they grew up in. Listen to the Montopolis Contact team. Listen to their plan.  Listen to our neighbors who took time out of their days to sign these petitions.   If you are really committed to the ideals of being equitable and anti‐racist, you will ask this community how we want to  develop and not pay it lip service. Because we do have a plan to keep the people in their homes who have lived here for  generations. We do have a plan to help each other repair our houses. We do have a plan to build more affordable  housing.   Help us. Don't help the developers who in their proposal will sell this new housing for $400 a square foot. That is not  something I can afford. That is definitely not something my neighbors, with a median income of $35,000 can afford. We  are surrounded by 3 petitions to build townhomes all on the route my daughter practices riding her bicycle on each day.  On our tiny street with no sidewalks. These developers did not come speak to the Montopolis Contact team.  We are talking about the gentrification that is happening right now. My husband grew up 2 blocks from where we built  our house. Our house is built on land we bought in 2012 for $65,000. Our property taxes are $9000 a year. As 2 teachers,  we have an income more that most of our neighbors, yet it is difficult for us to pay our taxes. This will make it impossible  for us to protest our property values. Impossible to build affordable housing on our street, as we have planned.   Please do your part.  We are counting on you,  Hedda and Noe Elias  304 Kemp Street  CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links  or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to   1 22 of 36B-03 Clark, Kate From: Sent: To: Subject: Hello Kate,  Isaiah Friday, June 19, 2020 2:20 PM Clark, Kate RE: Case Number C14-2020-0039 Thank you for the prompt reply. To clarify: I oppose the re‐zoning.   Clovis and Kemp street have developed over the past 5 years as a close‐knit community of modest residences designed  by boutique architecture firms, with detached secondary dwellings to increase density. The proposed rezoning would  adversely affect property values, increase traffic congestion, and negatively impact the quality of life of this small, but  growing community.  I'm not sure you needed my reasons for opposition, but I thought I'd summarize them in case they were included as part  of my stance. I will also email Andrew Rivera according to your instructions. Thanks again ‐‐  v/r  Isaiah Harp  Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.  ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐  On Friday, June 19, 2020 12:07 PM, Clark, Kate <> wrote:  Dear Isaiah Harp,  Thank you for your email. Attached is the agenda for next week’s Planning Commission meeting, there is  speaker signup information at the beginning of the agenda. Generally, you will need to email the board  liaison at to register to speak with the information below. In order to  sign up to speak, you must do so by noon on Monday, June 22nd. There is other information in provided  PDF about the process.  Please send to the board liaison:  1. Your name; 2. The item number(s) you wish to speak on; 3. Whether you are for/against/neutral on the case; 4. Your physical address; and 5. The telephone number you will be using to call into the meeting with. 1 23 of 36B-03 From your email, I could not tell whether you were taking a stance in favor, opposition or were neutral  on the rezoning. If you are taking a position and would like me to include it in my case backup, please  send me an email telling me your stance.  Thank you,  Kate  Kate Clark, AICP, LEED AP  Senior Planner  City of Austin | Planning and Zoning Department  Mailing Address: P.O.Box 1088, Austin, Texas 78767  Physical Address: 505 Barton Springs Rd, 5th floor, Austin, Texas 78704  Tel: 512-974-1237  Email:  From: Isaiah    Sent: Friday, June 19, 2020 1:54 PM  To: Clark, Kate <>  Subject: Case Number C14‐2020‐0039  *** External Email - Exercise Caution ***  Hello Kate,  I was grateful to receive your notice of public hearing for Case Number C14‐2020‐0039 and I would love  to participate in the meeting if that is possible.  My family actually sold the owner the property that he has requested to rezone. In fact my family still owns 3 lots adjacent to his; I personally own the lot directly next-door to his. So obviously I care deeply about any zoning changes that might dramatically affect our modest family parcel. While I'm stating my reasons for wanting to participate, I should also mention that the flag driveway that extends from Clovis to Mr O'Dell's Clovis St lot is governed by a Joint Use Access Easement (JUAE) filed with the City of Austin and which was an explicit condition of sale. I am the other party bound to this JUAE, since I own the other half of the flag. Thus, in a sense, any re-zoning of Mr O'Dell's property re-zones my own land by proxy. I do hope I can have a small speaking role in the meeting next Tuesday. Thank you for keeping the community involved in such matters, and please let me know what I need to do in order to participate. v/r D. Isaiah Harp 6206 Clovis St. Austin, TX 78741 (512) 585-5985 Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email. CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution  when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email,  please forward this email to  2 24 of 36B-03 25 of 36B-03 26 of 36B-03 27 of 36B-03 28 of 36B-03 29 of 36B-03 r Written comments must be zubmitted to the board or contact person listed on the notice) before the pubric h@in comments should include the board or commissim,s nam€; date of the public hearing, and the Case Number and tre listed on the notice. Case Numb er : Cl4-2020{m30 Contact: Kate Clark, 512-97+1237 Public Hearing: July 14,2020, planning Commissbl Written comments must be submitted to the board or commission (or t contact person listed on the notice) before the public hearing. Your .orn*.rrt, should include the board or commission's name, the schedl date of the public hearing, and the case Number and the contact persc listed on the notice. Case Numb er Cl4-2020{039 Contact: Kate Clark, 512-97+1237 Public zaza, Council Your Name (please print) 'es) affected by this aPPlication Your Name (please print) 6 U//t7 57. ) affected by this opplication il a*l If you use this form to comment, it may be retumed to: City of Austin, Planning&Zorung Department 'you use this form to comment, it may be retumed to: ity of Austin, planning &ZoningDlpartment Kate Clark P. O. Box 1088, Austin,TX7g767 Kate Clark P. O. Box 1088, Austin,T)(78767 Or email to: Kate.Clark@au stintexas. gov r email to: Kate.Cla 30 of 36B-03 B A S T R O P B A S T R O P H W Y S B H W Y S V R D S B R E D G R O V CLOVIS ST R LIS D O P O T N O M T P S M E K O N T O P O LIS D R M C R U M L E Y L N R LIS D O P O T N O M D E L M O N T E R D T O R R E S S T ± BUFFER PROPERTY_OWNER SUBJECT_TRACT PETITION Case#: C14-2020-0039 This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. 1 " = 200 ' This product has been produced by CTM for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. 31 of 36B-03 Case Number: C14-2020-0039 PETITION Total Square Footage of Buffer: Percentage of Square Footage Owned by Petitioners Within Buffer: Date: 6/30/2020 311753.7033 36.85% Calculation: The total square footage is calculated by taking the sum of the area of all TCAD Parcels with valid signatures including one-half of the adjacent right-of-way that fall within 200 feet of the subject tract. Parcels that do not fall within the 200 foot buffer are not used for calculation. When a parcel intersects the edge of the buffer, only the portion of the parcel that falls within the buffer is used. The area of the buffer does not include the subject tract. TCAD ID Address Owner Signature Petition Area Precent 0302170313 6200 GROVE DR 78741 0303170221 6225 CLOVIS ST 78741 0302170316 CLOVIS ST 78741 0303170124 KEMP ST 78741 0303170117 304 KEMP ST 78741 0303170119 308 KEMP ST 78741 0303170227 302 MONTOPOLIS DR 78741 0303170226 212 MONTOPOLIS DR 78741 0302170303 206 MONTOPOLIS DR AUSTIN 78741 0302170321 6202 CLOVIS ST 78741 0302170320 6204 CLOVIS ST 78741 0302170319 208 KEMP ST 78741 0303170208 304 MONTOPOLIS DR 0303170118 306 KEMP ST 78741 0303170210 KEMP ST 78741 0303170123 214 KEMP ST 78741 0303170122 208 KEMP ST 78741 0303170216 311 KEMP ST AUSTIN 78741 0302170318 KEMP ST 78741 0303170222 6229 CLOVIS ST 78741 0303170209 310 MONTOPOLIS DR AUSTIN 78741 0302170317 KEMP ST 78741 CITY OF AUSTIN CLOVISELLIOTT6225 LLC DAVIDSON JONATHAN A & MICHELLE E TEAGUE DURAN CHRISTOPHER DAVID & ELIAS HEDDA ROSE & ESQUIVEL TANYA & ANTHONY ESQUIVEL GONZALEZ JORGE GONZALEZ JORGE GUESS SEAN C & CYBIL L HARP CYNTHIA A & DANIEL I HARP HARP CYNTHIA A & DANIEL I HARP HARP CYNTHIA A & DANIEL I HARP HO IAT KEI JOHNSON DON JOHNSON DON KEATING ELIZABETH J KEATING ELIZABETH J MILES ROY JR NINE BANDED HOLDINGS LLC PATEL BHAVESH & HEMANGINI ROBERTS OLIVER & ELVING SMITH TERRANCE & VICKIE no no yes no yes yes no no yes yes no no no yes yes no no yes no no no yes 25088.55 7984.57 10453.35 10063.30 6048.20 1908.20 13733.11 13776.22 12106.56 13030.44 8737.47 2609.96 18487.07 4449.31 17338.04 13311.10 20854.00 7990.84 2611.40 11739.14 9542.57 8715.18 0.00% 0.00% 3.35% 0.00% 1.94% 0.61% 0.00% 0.00% 3.88% 4.18% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1.43% 5.56% 0.00% 0.00% 2.56% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2.80% 32 of 36B-03 0303170215 312 MONTOPOLIS DR 0303170102 300 KEMP ST 78741 0303170217 307 KEMP ST 78741 0303170220 6217 CLOVIS ST 78741 0303170218 305 KEMP ST AUSTIN 78741 0302170501 0302170502 0302170503 0302170504 0302170505 Total 202 MONTOPOLIS UNIT A 202 MONTOPOLIS DR UNT B 204 MONTOPOLIS DR 204A 204 MONTOPOLIS DR 204B TUNG INVESTMENTS LLC SERIES 1 VILLAREAL JOE R & MARY VILLARREAL JOE & HELEN VILLARREAL JOE & MARY ELLEN VILLARREAL JOE R HALE JENNIFER L & CATHERINE LAUREN SZOT OSSAI UCHENNA BEZNER JANET R & NANCY K LESCH ROSS COLIN P & KATE R BERO no yes no yes no yes 1886.18 11865.75 10526.60 12899.00 12261.33 0.00% 3.81% 0.00% 4.14% 0.00% 8068.47 2.59% 298085.91 36.85% 33 of 36B-03 34 of 36B-03 35 of 36B-03 36 of 36B-03