Planning CommissionJune 23, 2020

B-24 (CANPAC) — original pdf

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Central Austin Neighborhood Plan Advisory Committee (CANPAC) Case: C14-2019-0108, 2404 Rio Grande CANPAC unanimously supports the UAP (University Area Partners) recommendation against the zoning change proposed in this case. This zoning change would increase entitlements to the property without the neighborhood benefit of onsite affordable housing and a building following the neighborhood plan design guidelines. The applicant has not presented a project proposal, or a reason for the zoning change. CANPAC recommends the property be redeveloped under the UNO (University Neighborhood Overlay) which will allow the owner increased entitlements while providing the neighborhood benefit of onsite affordable housing and modern design guidelines. CANPAC is the city designated contact team for the West University Neighborhood Planning Area, which is where this property is located. UAP is a member organization of CANPAC. Adam Stephens and Bart Whatley, co-chairs CANPAC June 23, 2020