Planning CommissionApril 14, 2020

B-15 (F# 10071-1812 Encroachment of Street Right of Way 725 East 6th Street) — original pdf

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M E M O R A N D U M TO: FROM: Andrew Rivera, Planning Commission Coordinator Planning and Zoning Department Mashell Smith Land Management Section Office of Real Estate Services DATE: March 17, 2020 SUBJECT: F# 10071-1812 – Surface encroachment of a portion of East 6th Street near IH-35 southbound frontage for columns and lighted arch. Attached is the Master Comment Report for the case reviewers and other information pertinent to the referenced right of way encroachment. The area being requested for encroachment will be used for columns and arch with electric services and lighting. All affected departments and private utility franchise holders have reviewed this request and recommend approval. The applicant has requested that this item be submitted for placement on the March 24, 2020, Planning Commission Agenda for their consideration. Staff contact: Mashell Smith (512-974-7079), or Applicant: Nhat Ho Property Owner: Parking Lot Sixth LC Applicant/property owner will be present at the meeting to answer any questions regarding the project, if needed. Mashell Smith, Supervisor Land Management Division OFFICE OF REAL ESTATE SERVICES (Attachments follow) 1 of 29B-151 of 29 CITY OF AUSTIN - ENCROACHMENT MASTER COMMENT REPORT As of: March 17, 2020 PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-215140 LM PROJECT NAME: F# 10071-1812 725 East 6th Street; 6TH STREET ARCH LOCATION: 725 E 6TH ST, AUSTIN, TX 78701 Reviewer Phone Attempt Date Approved Date Comments: Approved per David Williams 1-23-19 512-870-4760 Lucy Cabading 512-974-7185 02/13/2019 02/13/2019 Review Dept. LM AT&T (SWBT) Approved LM ATD Review Rejected Comments: The proposed structure may conflict with TxDOT's future plans for IH35 and the frontage road. Ravi Dhamrat 512-974-1217 02/13/2019 3/17/20 73002_f_lm_master_report Page 1 2 of 29B-152 of 29 As of: March 17, 2020 PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-215140 LM PROJECT NAME: F# 10071-1812 725 East 6th Street; 6TH STREET ARCH LOCATION: 725 E 6TH ST, AUSTIN, TX 78701 Review Dept. Reviewer Phone Attempt Date Approved Date Approved With Conditions Ravi Dhamrat 512-974-1217 09/05/2019 09/05/2019 Comments: ATD's review of this application is only related to the transportation aspects of this encroachment agreement. ATD's approval is conditional upon City Council approval. LM Austin Resource Recovery Review Approved With Conditions Austin Resource Recovery Review 01/07/2019 01/07/2019 Comments: ARR services trash cans at the NW and SW corners of E 6th St and IH35. As long as the encroachment does not block these cans from being accessible, ARR approves of this encroachment. 3/17/20 73002_f_lm_master_report Page 2 3 of 29B-153 of 29 As of: March 17, 2020 PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-215140 LM PROJECT NAME: F# 10071-1812 725 East 6th Street; 6TH STREET ARCH LOCATION: 725 E 6TH ST, AUSTIN, TX 78701 Review Dept. Reviewer Phone Attempt Date Approved Date LM AW Infrastructure Management Comments: See comments provided. Approved Angela Baez 512-972-0221 01/15/2019 01/15/2019 LM Capital Metro Approved Comments: Capital Metro has no objection to this encroachment application as it will not affect current or future transit operations. Roberto Gonzalez 512-974-7185 01/18/2019 01/18/2019 3/17/20 73002_f_lm_master_report Page 3 4 of 29B-154 of 29 As of: March 17, 2020 PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-215140 LM PROJECT NAME: F# 10071-1812 725 East 6th Street; 6TH STREET ARCH LOCATION: 725 E 6TH ST, AUSTIN, TX 78701 Review Dept. Reviewer Phone Attempt Date Approved Date LM Drainage Engineering Review Approved Comments: None Drainage Engineering Review 12/31/2018 12/31/2018 3/17/20 73002_f_lm_master_report Page 4 5 of 29B-155 of 29 As of: March 17, 2020 PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-215140 LM PROJECT NAME: F# 10071-1812 725 East 6th Street; 6TH STREET ARCH LOCATION: 725 E 6TH ST, AUSTIN, TX 78701 Review Dept. Reviewer Phone Attempt Date Approved Date LM DSD - Planning Review Rejected Comments: Emeka Onuoha 512-974-6404 01/16/2019 BPBD1. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: Please have the Registered Design Professionals in Responsible Charge of this project complete and return the Statement of Special Inspections Checklist. Please submit an additional loose-leaf copy that is not directly stapled to the plans. The form can be downloaded at: o SI WAIVER: Based on the scope of work, Special Inspections would typically be required. Please have the Design Professionals in Responsible charge fill out the form, either listing all the required inspections, or checking off the box on page one for Waving special inspections o SIGNATURE: The special inspections form was only signed by the engineer. Please have the architect sign and date the form to confirm all architectural items have been addressed. BPBD2. ENGINEER SEAL REQUIRED: Please affix engineers seal on your drawings including structural drawings. Approved Emeka Onuoha 512-974-6404 02/24/2020 02/24/2020 Comments: Structural Plans and Special Inspections have been added to attachments 2/24/20 JA 3/17/20 73002_f_lm_master_report Page 5 6 of 29B-156 of 29 As of: March 17, 2020 PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-215140 LM PROJECT NAME: F# 10071-1812 725 East 6th Street; 6TH STREET ARCH LOCATION: 725 E 6TH ST, AUSTIN, TX 78701 Reviewer Phone Attempt Date Approved Date Approved With Conditions Eben Kellogg 512-322-6050 01/28/2019 01/28/2019 Comments: Approved with requirements attached in memo, Review Dept. LM Electric Review LM EMS Review Approved Comments: EMS will support staff recommendation on this request. Milissa Warren (512)972-7234 01/03/2019 01/03/2019 3/17/20 73002_f_lm_master_report Page 6 7 of 29B-157 of 29 As of: March 17, 2020 PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-215140 LM PROJECT NAME: F# 10071-1812 725 East 6th Street; 6TH STREET ARCH LOCATION: 725 E 6TH ST, AUSTIN, TX 78701 Review Dept. Reviewer Phone Attempt Date Approved Date Sonny Pelayo 512-974-0194 01/18/2019 01/18/2019 LM Fire For Site Plan Review Approved Comments: None LM GAATN Review Approved Comments: None Carlos DeMatos (512) 974-6513 07/02/2019 07/02/2019 3/17/20 73002_f_lm_master_report Page 7 8 of 29B-158 of 29 As of: March 17, 2020 PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-215140 LM PROJECT NAME: F# 10071-1812 725 East 6th Street; 6TH STREET ARCH LOCATION: 725 E 6TH ST, AUSTIN, TX 78701 Reviewer Phone Attempt Date Approved Date Google Fiber does not have any facilities in the requested Encroachment area. Fredrick Ritter 1-23-19 559-307-1320 Fredric Ritter 512-974-7185 02/13/2019 02/13/2019 Review Dept. LM Google Fiber Texas Approved Comments: LM Grande Communications Approved Comments: None Daniel Pina 512-974-7185 01/18/2019 01/18/2019 3/17/20 73002_f_lm_master_report Page 8 9 of 29B-159 of 29 As of: March 17, 2020 PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-215140 LM PROJECT NAME: F# 10071-1812 725 East 6th Street; 6TH STREET ARCH LOCATION: 725 E 6TH ST, AUSTIN, TX 78701 Review Dept. Reviewer Phone Attempt Date Approved Date LM PARD / Planning & Design Review Approved Comments: None Kelsey Veazey 01/14/2019 01/14/2019 LM PAZ Long Range Planning Review Approved Comments: The encroachment is not in opposition to the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan and the case should go to the PC since it is within the boundaries of the Council-adopted Downtown Austin Plan. Mark Walters 512-974-7695 03/01/2019 03/01/2019 3/17/20 73002_f_lm_master_report Page 9 10 of 29B-1510 of 29 As of: March 17, 2020 PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-215140 LM PROJECT NAME: F# 10071-1812 725 East 6th Street; 6TH STREET ARCH LOCATION: 725 E 6TH ST, AUSTIN, TX 78701 Review Dept. Reviewer Phone Attempt Date Approved Date LM PWD Safe Route to Schools Review Approved Aleksiina Chapman (512) 974-77978 01/18/2019 01/18/2019 Comments: No comments from Safe Routes To School. LM PWD Sidewalks & Special Projects Review Comments: SSPD has no objections or comments. Approved Eric Dusza 512-974-6504 01/18/2019 01/18/2019 3/17/20 73002_f_lm_master_report Page 10 11 of 29B-1511 of 29 As of: March 17, 2020 PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-215140 LM PROJECT NAME: F# 10071-1812 725 East 6th Street; 6TH STREET ARCH LOCATION: 725 E 6TH ST, AUSTIN, TX 78701 Review Dept. Reviewer Phone Attempt Date Approved Date LM PWD Urban Trails Review Comments: No comments from Urban Trails. Approved Aleksiina Chapman (512) 974-77978 01/18/2019 01/18/2019 LM PWD-OCE Review Rejected David Boswell 512-974-7071 01/17/2019 Comments: Provide structural drawings that are signed and sealed by a Texas licensed (structural) engineer. Approved David Boswell 512-974-7071 01/22/2020 01/22/2020 Comments: Comments addressed. See email dated 01/22/20. 3/17/20 73002_f_lm_master_report Page 11 12 of 29B-1512 of 29 As of: March 17, 2020 PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-215140 LM PROJECT NAME: F# 10071-1812 725 East 6th Street; 6TH STREET ARCH LOCATION: 725 E 6TH ST, AUSTIN, TX 78701 Review Dept. LM Texas Gas Services Approved Comments: Approved - No conflicts expected Aaron Diaz 1-22-19 512-465-1132 Reviewer Phone Attempt Date Approved Date Aaron Diaz 512-974-7185 02/13/2019 02/13/2019 LM Time Warner Cable / Charter Approved Timothy White 512-974-7185 01/03/2019 01/03/2019 Comments: Spectrum approves. If any further assistance is needed please contact Timothy White 512-808-9830 3/17/20 73002_f_lm_master_report Page 12 13 of 29B-1513 of 29 As of: March 17, 2020 PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-215140 LM PROJECT NAME: F# 10071-1812 725 East 6th Street; 6TH STREET ARCH LOCATION: 725 E 6TH ST, AUSTIN, TX 78701 Review Dept. Reviewer Phone Attempt Date Approved Date LM Transportation Planning Rejected Chris Yanez 512-974-9455 01/07/2019 Comments: Need additional information from the applicant. Chris Yanez 512-974-9455 09/10/2019 09/10/2019 Approved Comments: None LM Urban Design Review Approved With Conditions Benjamin Campbell 06/14/2019 06/14/2019 Comments: Approved with Conditions: The applicant should install 2 replacement cedar elms along E. 6th Street between Congress Avenue and IH 35 to replace the current trees/tree wells. 3/17/20 73002_f_lm_master_report Page 13 14 of 29B-1514 of 29 As of: March 17, 2020 PROJECT NUMBER: 2018-215140 LM PROJECT NAME: F# 10071-1812 725 East 6th Street; 6TH STREET ARCH LOCATION: 725 E 6TH ST, AUSTIN, TX 78701 Review Dept. Reviewer Phone Attempt Date Approved Date LM Watershed Engineering Review Approved With Conditions Marie Lancaster (512)974-1347 01/16/2019 01/16/2019 Comments: WPD approves this encroachment with the following conditions: - There needs to be 2-ft of separation between improvements and drainage infrastructure. - Please note, even with the required separation WPD will require TV inspection of the storm drain before and after construction. Mobility Bond Review Approved Gregory Pepper 512-974-7282 01/03/2019 01/03/2019 Comments: No review required. Not within a 2016 mobility Bond Corridor. 3/17/20 73002_f_lm_master_report Page 14 15 of 29B-1515 of 29 MEMORANDUM Case No.: 10071-1812 Date: December 28, 2018 SUBJECT: ENCROACHMENT OF STREET RIGHT OF WAY DSD (Drainage Engineering) DSD (Transportation Planning) PAZ (Long Range Planning) PAZ (Urban Design) PAZ (Zoning Review) PWD – Office of City Eng’r PWD – Sidewalk & Special Proj PWD – Urban Trails PWD – Safe Route to School Texas Gas Time Warner WPD (Engineering) Building Review ATD - Mobility Bond AT&T ( ) Laura Authur Austin Energy – Electric Review ( ) Sangeeta Jain ( ) Mark Walters Austin Resource Recovery ( ) Humberto Rey ATD Review ( ) Wendy Rhoades AWU – Infrastructure Mgmt. ( ) David Boswell Capital Metro ( ) Eric Dusza Code Enforcement CTM – GAATN ( ) Aleksiina Chapman ( ) Amir Emamian EMS ( ) Aaron Diaz Fire ( ) Timothy White Google ( ) Annabell Ulary Grande Communication ( ) Ron Menard ( ) Gregory Pepper ( ) Lucy Cabading ( ) Eben Kellogg ( ) Mike Turner ( ) Rob Spillar ( ) Angela Baez ( ) Roberto Gonzalez ( ) Bruna Quinonez ( ) Carlo DeMatos ( ) Milissa Warren ( ) Sonny Pelayo ( ) Fredrick Ritter ( ) Daniel Pina ( ) Robynne Heymans PARD A request has been received for surface encroachment of a portion of East 6th Street. The encroachment is a proposed surface, (759 square feet) columns and arch with electric services and lighting. The total area of the encroachment is approximately 759 square feet located at 725 East 6th Street, Austin, Texas. Please review this request and return your comments to Andy Halm (974-7185), email address: or Fax: 974-7088. Physical address: Office of Real Estate Services, 505 Barton Springs Road, Suite 1350. Due Date: January 18, 2019. APPROVAL: _____ YES Comments: ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan - - - (CITY OF AUSTIN REVIEWERS ONLY): Please also review the Vacation request based on the Priority Programs and policy directives set forth in the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan (page 186). Comments: ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Reviewed by: __________________________ Date: _________________________________ Telephone: ______________ _____ Yes, Subj. to Reqm't ____ No 16 of 29B-1516 of 29 17 of 29B-1517 of 29 18 of 29B-1518 of 29 19 of 29B-1519 of 29 20 of 29B-1520 of 29 21 of 29B-1521 of 29 22 of 29B-1522 of 29 23 of 29B-1523 of 29 24 of 29B-1524 of 29 25 of 29B-1525 of 29 T E E R T S E BIN A S Proposed Right-Of-Way Surface Encroachment 759 Square Feet (0.0174 Acre) E 6TH ST B D S R V 5 S N IH 3 Proposed Right-Of-Way Surface Encroachment Located at 725 East 6th Street ± 0 This product is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property boundaries. This product has been produced by the Office of Real Estate Services for the sole purpose of geographic reference. No warranty is made by the City of Austin regarding specific accuracy or completeness. Produced by MMcDonald, 2/12/2020 50 100 Feet 26 of 29B-1526 of 29 27 of 29B-1527 of 29 28 of 29B-1528 of 29 29 of 29B-1529 of 29