Planning CommissionJan. 14, 2020

Item B-13 (East Cesar Chavez Neighborhood Plan Contact Team).pdf — original pdf

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On Jan 14, 2020, at 9:46 AM, Kristen Heaney <> wrote: January 13, 2020 Andrew Rivera City of Austin Dear Mr. Rivera, Planning and Zoning Department Via E-mail: RE: 1705 Haskell Street Austin, TX 78702 - La Casa Rendon I’m writing on behalf of the East Cesar Chavez Neighborhood Plan Contact team to share our support for the historical designation request for the single family residence at 1705 Haskell Street, also known as La Casa Rendon. As you know, Edward Rendon, the long-time resident and owner was a civic activist and stone mason who did the stonework on the home. An uncounted number of neighborhood meetings took place at the house addressing the needs, concerns, and interests of East Austin residents. Edward Rendon Park on Lake Ladybird is named after him. And this is just a brief recollection that scratches the surface of a life lived in service of the East Austin community. It is critically important that the history of our neighborhood, it’s stories and it’s people are preserved and shared especially at a time when development is rapidly changing the face of East Austin. We hope that you join us in support of Historic Designation for La Casa Rendon. Sincerely, Susan Benz Chair East Cesar Chavez Neighborhood Planning Team CC: Hon. Mayor and Council of the City of Austin via e-mail ECCNPT via e-mail Planning and Zoning Department via e-mail Bertha Rendon Delgado via e-mail January 13, 2020 Andrew Rivera City of Austin Planning and Zoning Department Via E-mail: RE: 1705 Haskell Street Austin, TX 78702 - La Casa Rendon Dear Mr. Rivera, I’m writing on behalf of the East Cesar Chavez Neighborhood Plan Contact team to share our support for the historical designation request for the single family residence at 1705 Haskell Street, also known as La Casa Rendon. As you know, Edward Rendon, the long-time resident and owner was a civic activist and stone mason who did the stonework on the home. An uncounted number of neighborhood meetings took place at the house addressing the needs, concerns, and interests of East Austin residents. Edward Rendon Park on Lake Ladybird is named after him. And this is just a brief recollection that scratches the surface of a life lived in service of the East Austin community. It is critically important that the history of our neighborhood, it’s stories and it’s people are preserved and shared especially at a time when development is rapidly changing the face of East Austin. We hope that you join us in support of Historic Designation for La Casa Rendon. Sincerely, Susan Benz Susan Benz Chair East Cesar Chavez Neighborhood Planning Team CC: Hon. Mayor and Council of the City of Austin via e-mail ECCNPT via e-mail Planning and Zoning Department via e-mail