Agenda — original pdf

City of Austin Planning Department 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive, Austin, TX 78752 P.O. Box 1088, Austin, TX 78767 -1088 (512) 974-2000 ♦ h ttp s:/ / w w w.a u st in tex a s .g ov / d epa r tm e n t/ plan n in g - de part men t MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Claire Hempel, Chair & Planning Commission Members Maureen Meredith, Senior Planner, Long-Range Planning Division Cynthia Hadri, Senior Planner, Current Planning Division Planning Department DATE: December 11, 2024 RE: NPA-2023-0027.01 and C14-2024-0051_Rawson Saunders/Tarrytown Christian Church Improvement 2614, 2614 ½ Exposition Blvd, 2702 McCullough St, 2611 and 2615 ½ Hillview Road Central West Austin Combined Neighborhood Planning Area (WANG) The Applicant requests an indefinite postponement of the above-referenced cases. See attached letter from Victoria Haase, Thrower Design, LLP. The postponement request was made in a timely manner and meets the Planning Commission’s policy. Attachments: Letter from Victoria Haase, Thrower Design, LLP Plan Amendment Map Zoning Map The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and will provide reasonable modifications and equal access to communications upon request. 02 and 03 NPA-2024-0027.01 and C14-2024-0051 Rawson Saunders - Tarrytown Christian Church Improvements; District 101 of 4 The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and will provide reasonable modifications and equal access to communications upon request. 02 and 03 NPA-2024-0027.01 and C14-2024-0051 Rawson Saunders - Tarrytown Christian Church Improvements; District 102 of 4 The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and will provide reasonable modifications and equal access to communications upon request. 02 and 03 NPA-2024-0027.01 and C14-2024-0051 Rawson Saunders - Tarrytown Christian Church Improvements; District 103 of 4 The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and will provide reasonable modifications and equal access to communications upon request. 02 and 03 NPA-2024-0027.01 and C14-2024-0051 Rawson Saunders - Tarrytown Christian Church Improvements; District 104 of 4
Leah M. Bojo 512-807-2918 Ms. Lauren Middleton-Pratt Planning Department City of Austin 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive Austin, TX 78752 Dear Ms. Middleton-Pratt: December 4, 2024 Via Electronic Delivery Re: C14-2024-0111 and NPA-2024-0008.01 - Postponement request for the zoning and neighborhood plan amendment applications associated with the property located at 2600 E Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard, Austin, Texas (the “Property”). As representatives of the owner of the Property, we respectfully request a postponement of zoning case no. C14-2024-0111 and Neighborhood Plan Amendment (NPA) case no. NPA-2024- 0008.01 on the December 17, 2024 Planning Commission agenda to the February 11, 2025 Planning Commission agenda. Please let me know if you have any questions or if we can provide any additional information. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. Sincerely, Leah M. Bojo cc: Jonathan Tomko, Planning Department (via electronic delivery) Maureen Meredith, Planning Department (via electronic delivery) Joi Harden, Planning Department (via electronic delivery) 2705 Bee Cave Road, Suite 100 | Austin, Texas 78746 | 512-807-2900 | 04 and 05 NPA-2024-0008.01 and C14-2024 0111 2600 E Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard; District 11 of 1
ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2024-0128 (Tannehill) DISTRICT: 1 ADDRESS: 4108 Tannehill Lane ZONING FROM: SF-3-NP TO: MF-3-NP SITE AREA: approximately 1.398 acres (approximately 60,896 square feet) PROPERTY OWNER: Coma Rey, Inc. AGENT: Keepers Land Planning (Ricca Keepers) CASE MANAGER: Jonathan Tomko (512) 974-1057, STAFF RECOMMEDATION: Staff recommends granting multifamily residence – medium density – neighborhood plan the basis of Staff’s (MF-3-NP) combining district zoning. For a summary of recommendation, please see the basis of recommendation section below. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: December 17, 2024: Case is scheduled to be heard by Planning Commission. CITY COUNCIL ACTION: TBD ORDINANCE NUMBER: N/A ISSUES: N/A CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The property in question is currently undeveloped land. The approximately 1.398-acre parcel is a deep lot with a small amount of frontage along Tannehill Lane, an ASMP level 2 roadway. The subject tract is just north of where Samuel Huston Avenue intersects with Tannehill Lane and approximately 1,500 feet from where Webberville Road intersects with Tannehill Lane to the north. Ed Bluestein Boulevard (183 Toll Road) is approximately 2,000 feet to the east of the subject tract. To the north is additional undeveloped land. To the east across Tannehill Lane is the Greater Mount Zion Church. To the south are six single-family homes and two duplexes and to the west are three relatively new duplexes. The Mueller Imagine Austin Activity Center is approximately 1 mile northwest of the subject tract and the Colony Park Station Imagine Austin Activity Center is approximately 2 miles northeast of the subject tract. The Capital Metro #5 Woodrow/East 12th St. Bus offers bus stops in both directions on Tannehill Lane within walking distance of the subject tract. There are sidewalks on both sides of Tannehill Lane. BASIS OF RECOMMENDATION: Zoning should allow for reasonable use of the property. 06 C14-2024-0128 - Tannehill; District 11 of 14 C14-2024-0128 2 The subject tract is currently undeveloped. It is situated across from a large parking lot that serves the Greater Mount Zion Church. There are sidewalks and a bus stop, and the site is across the street from a substantial amount of more intense zoning that fronts Ed Bluestein Boulevard (183 Toll Road). This rezoning would allow for a reasonable use of the property and this rezoning does not require an NPA or a Future Land Use Map change as the property is already identified as Mixed Residential. Zoning should …
ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE: C14-2024-0140– 1916 Fort View Rezone DISTRICT: 5 TO: CS-1 ADDRESS: 1916 Fort View Road ZONING FROM: CS SITE AREA: 0.033 acres PROPERTY OWNER: Walima, LLC (Abdul Patel) AGENT: Land Answers, INC (Tamara Mitchell) CASE MANAGER: Marcelle Boudreaux (512-974-8094, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Staff recommendation is to grant commercial – liquor sales – conditional overlay (CS-1-CO) district zoning. The Conditional Overlay would prohibit these uses permitted in CS-1 base zoning: Adult-Oriented Business and Adult Lounge use. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION / RECOMMENDATION: December 17, 2024: CITY COUNCIL: ORDINANCE NUMBER: ISSUES: None at this time. CASE MANAGER COMMENTS: The subject rezoning area is approximately 1,452 square feet (or .033 acres) and is developed with a single-story commercial space that is currently vacant. The rezoning area is situated at the northeast corner of Fort View Road and Menchaca Road, approximately 350 feet north of Ben White Boulevard. The site is located within the Lamar & Ben White Activity Center, as identified on the Growth Concept Map in the Image Austin Comprehensive Plan. Development around the immediate intersection of Fort View Road and Menchaca Road is 07 C14-2024-0140 - 1916 Fort View Rezone; District 51 of 11 C14-2024-0140 Page 2 generally characterized by diverse commercial uses highlighting access to Ben White Boulevard, including restaurants, limited restaurants many with drive-through use, automotive repair services, and personal improvement services uses (CS; CS-1; GR-MU; LR-MU-CO; GR; LO; LO-MU). Extending north and south along Menchaca Road and east along Fort View Road are more office and commercial uses with some townhomes and multifamily residential (LO; LO-CO; LR-CO; CS; GR). Extending further west along Fort View Road, the commercial zoning transitions to single family residences (SF-3). Please refer to Exhibits A (Zoning Map), A-1 (Aerial View). The Applicant proposes to rezone the property to commercial – liquor sales (CS-1) district for a 1,452-square-foot liquor store at an existing single-story commercial space that is currently vacant. A cocktail lounge is also a permitted use under the CS-1 zoning district, however requires a Conditional Use Permit to be reviewed by the Planning Commission prior to establishing use. BASIS OF RECOMMENDATION: The proposed zoning should be consistent with the purpose statement of the district sought. The Commercial – Liquor Sales (CS-1) is intended predominately for commercial and industrial activities of a service nature which typically have operating characteristics or traffic service requirements generally incompatible with residential environments, and …
PLANNING COMMISSION SITE PLAN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REVIEW SHEET CASE NUMBER: SP-2022-0255C.F2(R1) PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: Dec 17, 2024 PROJECT NAME: River Park South Block D PROPOSED USE: Cocktail lounge ADDRESS OF APPLICATION: 4800 E Riverside Dr COUNCIL DISTRICT: 3 AREA: 63,705 gross square feet APPLICANT: AGENT: Alexandra Boone, P.E. GarzaEMC, LLC Austin, TX Michael Whellan Armbrust & Brown, PLLC Austin, TX CASE MANAGER: Christine Barton-Holmes, CNUa, LEED AP Telephone: 974-2788 EXISTING ZONING: The site is within the Corridor Mixed Use subdistrict of the East Riverside Regulating Plan. This site is part of a larger overall project with frontages on East Riverside, Wickersham Ln, and Crossing Place. This site fronts onto East Riverside, which is a Core Transit Corridor. The entire site has an approved site plan, SP-2022-0255C.F1 and F2, which is proposed to be modified with this application. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: The overall project is proposed to be a mix of uses, predominantly multifamily/mixed use. River Park South Block D has been proposed to be developed as an indoor entertainment venue with a cocktail lounge. Indoor entertainment is a permitted use in the subdistrict; the cocktail lounge requires approval of a Conditional Use Permit. The revision as designed complies with all requirements of the East Riverside Regulating Plan. SUMMARY STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit to construct the indoor entertainment venue with cocktail lounge uses. PREVIOUS PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: NA AREA STUDY: Pleasant Valley Neighborhood Planning Area WATERSHED: Country Club West (Suburban watershed) APPLICABLE WATERSHED ORDINANCE: Current/ Comprehensive watershed ordinance CAPITOL VIEW: NA 08 SP-2022--255C.F2(R1) - River Park South Block D; District 31 of 16 IC:54% PROPOSED FAR: 1:01 PROPOSED BLDG. CVRG: 38% (site PROPOSED T.I.A.: Not Required PROJECT INFORMATION 2.31 acre site; part of 15.28-acre site overall EXIST. ZONING: ERC-CMU ALLOWED F.A.R.: 1.65:1 MAX. BLDG. COVERAGE: 80% MAX. IMPERVIOUS CVRG.: 90% REQUIRED PARKING: 0 VEHICLES/0 BIKES PROVIDED PKNG: 339 VEHICLES/31 BIKES SUMMARY COMMENTS ON SITE PLAN: Land Use: The applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of a 63,705 square foot cocktail lounge as part of an indoor entertainment facility. A cocktail lounge is a conditional use in the Corridor Mixed Use subdistrict of the East Riverside Corridor Regulating Plan. The site plan will comply with all requirements of the Land Development Code prior to its release. Environmental: The site is in the Country Club West Suburban watershed. There are no …
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09 2024-128390 LM - 1114 West 5th Street; District 91 of 13 09 2024-128390 LM - 1114 West 5th Street; District 92 of 13 09 2024-128390 LM - 1114 West 5th Street; District 93 of 13 09 2024-128390 LM - 1114 West 5th Street; District 94 of 13 09 2024-128390 LM - 1114 West 5th Street; District 95 of 13 09 2024-128390 LM - 1114 West 5th Street; District 96 of 13 09 2024-128390 LM - 1114 West 5th Street; District 97 of 13 09 2024-128390 LM - 1114 West 5th Street; District 98 of 13 09 2024-128390 LM - 1114 West 5th Street; District 99 of 13 09 2024-128390 LM - 1114 West 5th Street; District 910 of 13 09 2024-128390 LM - 1114 West 5th Street; District 911 of 13 09 2024-128390 LM - 1114 West 5th Street; District 912 of 13 09 2024-128390 LM - 1114 West 5th Street; District 913 of 13
TO: Planning Commission M E M O R A N D U M FROM: Christopher Bueckert, Real Estate Services Agent, Land Development Engineering, Transportation and Public Works Department DATE: December 10, 2024 SUBJECT: F# 2024-128390 LM (1114 West 5th Street) Street & Alley Right-of-Way Vacation approximately 4,516 square foot portion of land abutting 1114 West 5th Street & 1134 Sayers Street Attached is the Application Packet and Master Comment Report pertaining to the street and alley right-of-way vacation application for an approximately 4,516 square foot portion of land, being the paved/developed right-of-way abutting 1114 West 5th Street & 1134 Sayers Street, as shown on a map of survey made for G. Flury of Lot #1 & part of Lots #2 - 3 & 4 Block #10, Out Lot #11 Division Z, City of Austin, a Map of Survey recorded in Volume 3, Page 171 of the Plat Records of Travis County; being a portion of Sayers Street, a 40’ Right-of-way, the south 20’ being dedicated and shown as a 20’ Alley in Block 10, Sayers Subdivision, a subdivision recorded in Volume 1, Page 29 of the Plat Records of Travis County. The proposed vacation tract will be added to the abutting parcels. The abutting properties are owned by Anchor Equities Ltd, a Texas limited partnership. Per the transmittal letter dated September 21, 2024, received by the City of Austin, the applicant states, “How do you plan to develop the area to be vacated? Response: It is unknown at this time how the right of way vacation area would be developed.” All affected departments and private utility franchise stakeholders have reviewed the application and recommend approval, subject to the reviewers’ conditions shown on the attached Master Comment Report. Per City Code §14-11-71 – Notice to Interested Property Owners Public notice will be sent to owners within 300’ of the area to be vacated. The director of the Public Works Department may approve the application after the 10 th day that the notice is issued; and an affected property owner may submit comments regarding the proposed vacation. Public Notice was sent to appropriate parties on December 5, 2024. No objections have been received by staff as of the date of this memorandum. The applicant has requested that this item be submitted for placement on the proposed January 7, 2025, Urban Transportation Commission. Staff contact: Christopher Bueckert, Real Estate Services Agent, Transportation and …
09 2024-128390 LM - 1114 West 5th Street; District 91 of 31 09 2024-128390 LM - 1114 West 5th Street; District 92 of 31 09 2024-128390 LM - 1114 West 5th Street; District 93 of 31 Right of Way Vacation Transmittal Letter | Phone: 311 (or 512-974-2000 outside Austin) Forsubmittal and feeinformation, see Provideareasonforthevaca�onbyansweringthefollowingques�ons:1.PropertyType:Residen�alCommercial2.Howwasheareaobevacaeddedicaed?PlaSeparaeInstrument3.DidheCiypurchaseheareaobevacaed?(i.e.,bySreeDeed)YesNo4.Arebohheareaobevacaedandyourproperyinhesame“subdivision”?(Theymusbohbeinhesamesubdivisionobeeligible.)YesNo5.Isheareaobevacaeda:Func�onalrigh-of-wayOnlydedicaedonpaper6.Arehereanyu�liylineswihinheareaobevacaed?YesNoIfyes,whaareyourplansforheu�li�es?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Applicansshouldbeadvisedhaeasemenswillbereainedoproecexis�ngu�li�es,evenifu�liyreloca�onisproposed.Alsobeadvisedhanosrucuresmaybebuilon,overorunderheeasemenswihoualicenseagreemen,insurance,andannualfee.7.Howdoyouplanodevelopheareaobevacaed?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8.Hasasieplanbeensubmittedonyourprojec?YesNo9.IsyourprojecaUnifiedDevelopmen?YesNo10.IsyourprojecaS.M.A.R.T.HousingProjec?YesNo11.Whendoyouan�cipaesar�ngconsruc�onofhedevelopmen?________________________12.Whaishecurrenzoningonheadjacenproper�es?_________________________________13.Whaishecurrensausofheadjacenproper�es?__________________________________14.Whaypeofparkingfacili�escurrenlyexis?________________________________________15.Willyourparkingrequiremensincreasewihheexpansion?YesNo16.Howwillheincreasebehandled?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Utilities will stay in place. Property owner acknoweasments will be retained as partof Deed without WarrantyIt is unknown at this time how theright of way vacation area would be developedUnknownCS MU CO NP and CS MU V CO Small retail storesPaved parking lotN/A09 2024-128390 LM - 1114 West 5th Street; District 94 of 31 Right of Way Vacation Transmittal Letter | Phone: 311 (or 512-974-2000 outside Austin) Forsubmittal and feeinformation, see 17.Haveanyagreemensoreasemensbeenexecuedwihadjacenlandowner(s)orindraform?YesNoIfyes,pleaseprovideuswihacopy.18.DoesheareaobevacaedliewihinheAus�nDownownPlan(DAP)?YesNoIfyes,doesimeeDAPcrieria?YesNo19.DoesheareaobevacaedliewihinUTboundaries:EasofLamarBoulevard,wesofIH35,norhofMar�nLuherKingBoulevard,andsouhof45hSree?YesNo20.Doesheproposedvaca�onsupporhePrioriyProgramsandpolicydirec�vesseforhinheImagineAus�nComprehensivePlan?YesNoIfyes,how__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________If you have questions; please email Land Management Department: Continue to grow Austin's economy by investing in our workforce,education systems, entrepreneurs, and local businesses09 2024-128390 LM - 1114 West 5th Street; District 95 of 31 Right of Way Vacation Transmittal Letter | Phone: 311 (or 512-974-2000 outside Austin) Forsubmittal and feeinformation, see Provideareasonforthevaca�onbyansweringthefollowingques�ons:1.PropertyType:Residen�alCommercial2.Howwasheareaobevacaeddedicaed?PlaSeparaeInstrument3.DidheCiypurchaseheareaobevacaed?(i.e.,bySreeDeed)YesNo4.Arebohheareaobevacaedandyourproperyinhesame“subdivision”?(Theymusbohbeinhesamesubdivisionobeeligible.)YesNo5.Isheareaobevacaeda:Func�onalrigh-of-wayOnlydedicaedonpaper6.Arehereanyu�liylineswihinheareaobevacaed?YesNoIfyes,whaareyourplansforheu�li�es?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Applicansshouldbeadvisedhaeasemenswillbereainedoproecexis�ngu�li�es,evenifu�liyreloca�onisproposed.Alsobeadvisedhanosrucuresmaybebuilon,overorunderheeasemenswihoualicenseagreemen,insurance,andannualfee.7.Howdoyouplanodevelopheareaobevacaed?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8.Hasasieplanbeensubmittedonyourprojec?YesNo9.IsyourprojecaUnifiedDevelopmen?YesNo10.IsyourprojecaS.M.A.R.T.HousingProjec?YesNo11.Whendoyouan�cipaesar�ngconsruc�onofhedevelopmen?________________________12.Whaishecurrenzoningonheadjacenproper�es?_________________________________13.Whaishecurrensausofheadjacenproper�es?__________________________________14.Whaypeofparkingfacili�escurrenlyexis?________________________________________15.Willyourparkingrequiremensincreasewihheexpansion?YesNo16.Howwillheincreasebehandled?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Utilities will stay in place. Property owner acknoweasments will be retained as partof Deed without WarrantyIt is unknown at this time how theright of way vacation area would be developedUnknownCS MU CO NP and CS MU V CO Small retail storesPaved parking lotN/A09 2024-128390 LM - 1114 West 5th Street; District 96 of 31 Right of Way Vacation Transmittal Letter | Phone: 311 (or 512-974-2000 outside Austin) Forsubmittal and feeinformation, see 17.Haveanyagreemensoreasemensbeenexecuedwihadjacenlandowner(s)orindraform?YesNoIfyes,pleaseprovideuswihacopy.18.DoesheareaobevacaedliewihinheAus�nDownownPlan(DAP)?YesNoIfyes,doesimeeDAPcrieria?YesNo19.DoesheareaobevacaedliewihinUTboundaries:EasofLamarBoulevard,wesofIH35,norhofMar�nLuherKingBoulevard,andsouhof45hSree?YesNo20.Doesheproposedvaca�onsupporhePrioriyProgramsandpolicydirec�vesseforhinheImagineAus�nComprehensivePlan?YesNoIfyes,how__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________If you have questions; please email Land Management Department: Continue to grow Austin's economy by investing in our workforce,education systems, entrepreneurs, and local businesses09 2024-128390 LM - 1114 West 5th Street; District 97 of 31 PropertyProfileROWvacationrequestSayersSt.LegendPropertyAddressesJurisdictionFULLPURPOSEJurisdictionsFillJurisdictionFULLPURPOSENotesBetween1134SayersSt.and1114W.5th0150300ftThisproductisforinformationalpurposesandmaynothavebeenpreparedfororbesuitableforlegal,engineering,orsurveyingpurposes.Itdoesnotrepresentanon-the-groundsurvey.ThisproducthasbeenproducedbytheCityofAustinforthesolepurposeofgeographicreference.NowarrantyismadebytheCityofAustinregardingspecificaccuracyorcompleteness.9/21/202409 2024-128390 LM - 1114 West 5th Street; District 98 of 31 P:\01924\Metes&Bounds&Certifications\01924_NORTH.docxPage1of19/26/24TBPLSFirm#10174300POBox90876Austin,TX78709512.537.2384www.4wardls.comEXHIBIT“______”(Right-Of-WayVacation)LegalDescriptionBEINGADESCRIPTIONOFATRACTOFLANDCONTAINING0.0517ACRE(2,253SQUAREFEET),BEINGAPORTIONOFSAYERSSTREET,A40’RIGHT-OF-WAYANDSHOWNASAPORTIONOFACALLED40’STREETINMAPOFSURVEYMADEFORG.FLURYOFLOT#1&PARTOFLOTS#2-3&4BLOCK#10,OUTLOT#11DIVISIONZ,CITYOFAUSTIN,AMAPOFSURVEYRECORDEDINVOLUME3,PAGE171OFTHEPLATRECORDSOFTRAVISCOUNTY,TEXAS(P.R.T.C.T.),SAID0.0517ACREBEINGMOREPARTICULARLYDESCRIBEDBYMETESANDBOUNDSASFOLLOWS:BEGINNING,ata1/2-inchironpipefoundintheeastlineofLot18,Block1,LauraP.Duval’sSubdivisionoftheeasthalfofLotNo.1,Division“Z”oftheOutlotsAdjoiningtheCityofAustin,asubdivisionofTravisCounty,TexasrecordedinVolume1,Page23(P.R.T.C.T.),forthesouthwestcornerofacalled0.303acretractdescribedas“Tract1”alsobeingthesouthwest120feetx100feetofLot4,Block10,Raymond’sPlateau,asubdivisionofTraviscounty,Texas,recordedinVolume1,Page30,(P.R.T.C.T.)conveyedtoAnchorEquities,LTD.InDocumentNo.2013206747oftheOfficialPublicrecordsofTravisCounty,Texas(O.P.R.T.C.T.),beingthenorthwestterminusofsaidSayersstreetandPOINTOFBEGINNINGhereof,fromwhicha1/2-inchironpipefoundinthewestlineofsaidAnchorEquities“Tract1”,forthenortheastcornerofsaidLot18bears,N21°50’59”E,adistanceof51.85feet;THENCE,withthenorthright-of-waylineofsaidSayersStreetandthesouthlineofsaidAnchorEquities“Tract1”,S67°45'43"E,adistanceof112.03feettoacalculatedpointforthenortheastcornerhereof,fromwhicha1/2-inchironrodfoundforthesoutheastcornerofsaidAnchorEquities“Tract1”andananglepointinthewestlineofLot1,ElmSquareAddition,asubdivisionofTravisCounty,Texas,recordedinVolume85,Page74C(P.R.T.C.T.)bears,S67°45'43"E,adistanceof7.30feet;THENCE,leavingthecommonlineofsaidSayersstreetandsaidAnchorEquities“Tract1”,overandacrosssaidSayersstreetthefollowingtwo(2)coursesanddistances:1)S22°16'54"W,adistanceof20.07feettoacalculatedpointforthesoutheastcornerhereof,2)N67°43'45"W,adistanceof112.90feettoacalculatedpointintheeastlineofLot19,ofsaidBlock1,LauraP.Duval’sSubdivisionandthewestright-of-waylineofsaidSayersstreetforthesouthwestcornerhereof,THENCE,inpartwiththeeastlinesofsaidLot18andsaidLot19,Block1,LauraP.Duval’sSubdivision,andthewestright-of-waylineofsaidSayersstreetN24°45'13"E,adistanceof20.02feettothePOINTOFBEGINNINGandcontaining0.0517Acre(2,253SquareFeet)ofland,moreorless.Notes:AllbearingsarebasedontheTexasStatePlaneCoordinateSystem,GridNorth,CentralZone(4203);alldistanceswereadjustedtosurfaceusingacombinedscalefactorof1.000060558237.Seeattachedsketch(referencedrawing:01924_NORTH.dwg.)_______________________________JasonWard,RPLS#58114WardLandSurveying,LLC12/09/2409 2024-128390 LM - 1114 West 5th Street; District 99 of 31 SAYERSSTREET(40'R.O.W.)W5THSTREET(R.O.W.VARIES)POBox90876,AustinTexas78709INFO@4WARDLS.COM(512)537-2384TBPELSFIRM#10174300ALimitedLiabilityCompany0.0517ACRER.O.W.VACATIONCityofAustinTravisCounty,Texas09 2024-128390 LM - 1114 West 5th Street; District 910 of 31 0.0517ACRER.O.W.VACATIONEASEMENTTravisCounty,TexasPOBox90876,AustinTexas78709INFO@4WARDLS.COM(512)537-2384TBPELSFIRM#10174300ALimitedLiabilityCompany09 2024-128390 LM - 1114 West 5th Street; District 911 of 31 P:\01924\Metes&Bounds&Certifications\01924_SOUTH.docxPage1of2TBPLSFirm#10174300POBox90876Austin,TX78709512.537.2384www.4wardls.comEXHIBIT“______”(Right-Of-WayVacation)LegalDescriptionBEINGADESCRIPTIONOFATRACTOFLANDCONTAINING0.0520ACRE(2,263SQUAREFEET),BEINGAPORTIONOFSAYERSSTREET,A40’RIGHT-OF-WAY,THESOUTH20’BEINGDEDICATEDANDSHOWNASA20’ALLEYINBLOCK10,SAYERSSUBDIVISION,ASUBDIVISIONRECORDEDINVOLUME1,PAGE29OFTHEPLATRECORDSOFTRAVISCOUNTY,TEXAS(P.R.T.C.T.),SAID0.0520ACREBEINGMOREPARTICULARLYDESCRIBEDBYMETESANDBOUNDSASFOLLOWS:COMMENCING,ata1/2-inchironpipefoundinthenorthright-of-waylineofW.5thstreet(right-of-wayvaries),forthesoutheastcornerofacalled0.174acretractdescribedas“Tract2”alsobeingthenorth66.7feetofLots8and9,Block1,SayersSubdivision,asubdivisionofTravisCounty,Texas,recordedinVolume1Page29(P.R.T.C.T.)andconveyedtoAnchorEquities,LTD.InDocumentNo.2013206747,oftheOfficialPublicRecordsofTravisCounty,Texas(O.P.R.T.C.T.),forthesouthwestcornerofacalled3,333.5squarefeettractoflandtobededicatedasSayersstreet,conveyedtotheCityofAustininVolume8271,Page812,oftheDeedRecordsofTravisCounty,Texas(D.R.T.C.T),fromwhicha1/2-inchironrodfoundforananglepointinthenorthlineofsaidW.5thstreet,alsobeingintheeastlineofLot20,Block1,LauraP.Duval’sSubdivisionoftheeasthalfofLotNo.1,Division“Z”oftheOutlotsAdjoiningtheCityofAustin,asubdivisionofTravisCounty,TexasrecordedinVolume1,Page23(P.R.T.C.T.)andbeingthesouthwestcornerofsaidAnchorEquities“Tract2”bears,N67°52’12”W,adistanceof113.94feet;THENCE,withthecommonlineofsaidAnchorEquities“Tract2”andsaidCityofAustintract,N22°14'01"E,adistanceof66.56feettoacalculatedpointforthecommonnorthcornerofsaidAnchorEquities“Tract2”andsaidCityofAustintract,forananglepointinthesouthright-of-waylineofsaidSayersstreet,forthePOINTOFBEGINNINGhereof,THENCE,withthecommonlineofsaidSayersstreetandsaidAnchorEquities“Tract2”,N67°41'49"W,adistanceof113.79feettoa1/2-inchironrodfoundintheeastlineofLot19,ofsaidBlock1,LauraP.Duval’ssubdivision,forthesouthwestterminusofsaidSayersstreetandforthenorthwestcornerofsaidAnchorEquities“Tract2”forthesouthwestcornerhereof,THENCE,withthecommonlineofsaidLot19,andsaidSayersstreet,N24°45'13"E,adistanceof19.95feettoacalculatedpointforthenorthwestcornerhereof,fromwhicha1/2-inchironpipefoundintheeastlineofLot18,ofsaidBlock1,LauraP.Duval’sSubdivision,forthesouthwestcornerofacalled0.303acretractdescribedas“Tract1”alsobeingthesouthwest120feetx100feetofLot4,Block10,Raymond’sPlateau,asubdivisionofTraviscounty,Texas,recordedinVolume1,Page30,(P.R.T.C.T.)conveyedtoAnchorEquities,LTD.InDocumentNo.2013206747(O.P.R.T.C.T.),beingthenorthwestterminusofsaidSayersstreetbears,N24°45'13"E,adistanceof20.02feet,THENCE,leavingtheeastlineofsaidLot19,overandacrosssaidSayersstreetthefollowingtwo(2)coursesanddistances:09 2024-128390 LM - 1114 West 5th Street; District 912 of 31 P:\01924\Metes&Bounds&Certifications\01924_SOUTH.docxPage2of29/26/241)S67°43'45"E,adistanceof112.90feettoacalculatedpointforthenortheastcornerhereof,2)S22°11'23"W,adistanceof20.00feettothePOINTOFBEGINNINGandcontaining0.0520Acre(2,263SquareFeet)ofland,moreorless.Notes:AllbearingsarebasedontheTexasStatePlaneCoordinateSystem,GridNorth,CentralZone(4203);alldistanceswereadjustedtosurfaceusingacombinedscalefactorof1.000060558237.Seeattachedsketch(referencedrawing:01924_SOUTH.dwg.)_______________________________JasonWard,RPLS#58114WardLandSurveying,LLC12/09/2409 2024-128390 LM - 1114 West 5th Street; District 913 of 31 W5THSTREET(R.O.W.VARIES)SAYERSSTREET(40'R.O.W.)POBox90876,AustinTexas78709INFO@4WARDLS.COM(512)537-2384TBPELSFIRM#10174300ALimitedLiabilityCompany0.0520ACRER.O.W.VACATIONCityofAustinTravisCounty,Texas09 2024-128390 LM - 1114 West 5th Street; District 914 of 31 POBox90876,AustinTexas78709INFO@4WARDLS.COM(512)537-2384TBPELSFIRM#10174300ALimitedLiabilityCompany0.0520ACRER.O.W.VACATIONCityofAustinTravisCounty,Texas09 2024-128390 LM - 1114 West 5th Street; District 915 of 31 09 2024-128390 LM - 1114 West 5th Street; District 916 of 31 …
PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2024 The Planning Commission convened in a regular meeting on Tuesday, December 10, 2024, at Austin City Hall, Council Chambers, Room 1001, 301 W. Second Street, in Austin, Texas. Chair Hempel called the Planning Commission meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance: Claire Hempel Awais Azhar Casey Haney Adam Haynes Ryan Johnson Alberta Phillips Felicity Maxwell Danielle Skidmore Alice Woods Board Members/Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Greg Anderson Nadia Barrera-Ramirez Grayson Cox Patrick Howard PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Carol Pennington – Regarding Hays Commons APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the Planning Commission regular meeting on November 12, 2024, and November 19, 2024. 1 The public hearing was closed on Vice Chair Azhar’s motion, Commissioner Wood’s second on a 11-0 vote. Commissioners Anderson was off the dais. Commissioner Haney was absent. The minutes from the meeting of November 12, 2024, were approved on the consent agenda on Vice Chair Azhar’s motion, Commissioner Woods’ second, on a 11-0 vote. Commissioners Anderson and Haney were off the dais. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. Plan Amendment: NPA-2024-0015.01 - Gunter Street Rezoning; District 1 Location: 1143 3/4, 1145, 1145 1/2 Gunter Street, 3605 Abbate Circle, and 1144 Wayneroy Drive, Boggy Creek Watershed; East MLK (MLK) Combined Neighborhood Planning Area Owner/Applicant: RCG Gunter LLC and REAL Holdings LLC Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Husch Blackwell LLP (Nikelle Meade) Single Family to Multifamily Residential land use Staff Recommends Multifamily Residential Maureen Meredith, 512-974-2695, Planning Department The public hearing was closed on Vice Chair Azhar’s motion, Commissioner Maxwell’s second, on an 11-0 vote. Commissioners Anderson and Cox were off the dais. The motion to approve Staff’s recommendation of Multifamily Residential for NPA- 2024-0015.01 - Gunter Street Rezoning, located at 1143 3/4, 1145, 1145 1/2 Gunter Street, 3605 Abbate Circle, and 1144 Wayneroy Drive, was approved on Commissioner Phillips’ motion, Vice Chair Azhar’s second, on a 12-0 vote. Commissioner Cox was off the dais. 3. Rezoning: Location: C14-2024-0109 - Gunter Street Rezoning; District 1 1143 3/4, 1145, 1145 1/2 Gunter Street, 3605 Abbate Circle, and 1144 Wayneroy Drive, Boggy Creek Watershed; East MLK (MLK) Combined Neighborhood Planning Area Owner/Applicant: RCG Gunter LLC and REAL Holdings LLC Agent: Request: Staff Rec.: Staff: Husch Blackwell LLP (Nikelle Meade) SF-3-NP to MF-3-NP and SF-6-NP Staff recommends MF-3-CO-NP and SF-6-NP Jonathan Tomko, 512-974-1057, Planning Department The public hearing was closed on …
December 4, 2024 Via Electronic Delivery Leah M. Bojo 512-807-2918 Ms. Lauren Middleton-Pratt Planning Department City of Austin 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive Austin, TX 78752 Dear Ms. Middleton-Pratt: Re: C14-2024-0111 and NPA-2024-0008.01 - Postponement request for the zoning and neighborhood plan amendment applications associated with the property located at 2600 E Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard, Austin, Texas (the “Property”). As representatives of the owner of the Property, we respectfully request a postponement of zoning case no. C14-2024-0111 and Neighborhood Plan Amendment (NPA) case no. NPA-2024- 0008.01 on the December 17, 2024 Planning Commission agenda to the February 11, 2025 Planning Commission agenda. Please let me know if you have any questions or if we can provide any additional information. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. Sincerely, Leah M. Bojo cc: Jonathan Tomko, Planning Department (via electronic delivery) Maureen Meredith, Planning Department (via electronic delivery) Joi Harden, Planning Department (via electronic delivery) 2705 Bee Cave Road, Suite 100 | Austin, Texas 78746 | 512-807-2900 |
Case Number C14-2024-0128 Public Hearing 12.17.24 5pm Planning Commission Outlook From Beth Santori Date Mon 12/16/2024 10:49 AM To Tomko, Jonathan You don't often get email from . Learn why this is important External Email - Exercise Caution Hi Jonathan, I hope this email finds you well and you had a nice weekend. I am wri ng because I am a resident of the Truman Heights neighborhood and there is a public hearing tomorrow about a site tomorrow. The case number is C14-2024-0128. My address is 5500 Samuel Huston Ave, Aus n, Texas, 78721 and this site is very close to my lot. There have been numerous other lots in the area that are being developed for housing but no commercial zoning or park/green space development. I am concerned about the development of this area and lack of green space planned. Addi onally, the development of this area is lacking commercial property for businesses. There is a lot of noise from 183 already and I am concerned about this lot that has been green with wildlife now being developed. Are there any plans to help with trees that would be removed from this lot, the noise issues from the highway as well as commercial plans for this area? Thank you for your considera on and looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you, Beth Santori (R)RT, CT, VI, MR ARRT (808)227-8753 CAUTION: This is an EXTERNAL email. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious or phishing email, please report it using the "Report Message" button in Outlook. For any additional questions or concerns, contact CSIRT at " ". 06 C14-2024-0128 - Tannehill; District 1 1 of 1
**************************************************************************** MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission Members FROM: Christopher Bueckert, Land Development Engineering Transportation and Public Works Department DATE: December 12, 2024 RE: 2024-128390 LM (1114 W 5th Street). Postponement Request **************************************************************************** The case above has been scheduled for the December 17, 2024, Planning Commission hearing. Staff would like to request a postponement of the above-mentioned case to January 28, 2025 to continue the review of this case. The postponement request was made in a timely manner and meets the Planning Commission policy. 09 2024-128390 LM - 1114 West 5th Street; District 9 1 of 1
Tyler Grooms | Principal | Manifold Real Estate CAUTION: This is an EXTERNAL email. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious or phishing email, please report it using the "Report Message" button in Outlook. For any additional questions or concerns, contact CSIRT at "". 2
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