Recommendation Number: 20160927-E4 — original pdf

PARKLAND EVENTS TASK FORCE RECOMMENDATION Recommendation Number: 20160927-E4: Final Report review and approval. The task force adopts the definitions regarding park use and access. Working Definitions Open – full accessibility – normal day in the park without event uses Closed – no accessibility - ticketed participation only Partially Open (greater than 50% available without a ticket and unfenced) Minimally Open (more than 50% closed, only available to ticketed patrons) In Use – no fences, no barriers, significant portion of the park reserved/impacted by the event. Includes increased pedestrian and vehicular activity Definitions should apply to all parks. Date of Approval: _____September 27, 2016______ Record of the vote: Unanimous approval 13-0 vote. Attest: City Staff Liaison to Task Force