Approved Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes

PARKLAND EVENTS TASK FORCE September 20, 2016, 4 pm – 7 pm Lion’s Municipal Golf Course 2901 Enfield Road, Austin, Texas 78730 TASK FORCE MEMBERS PRESENTColin Wallis, Mayor Adler David King, District 5 Patrick Brewer, District 7 Ingrid Weigand, District 9 Carol Lee, District 10 James Russell, Open Space, Environment, and Sustainability Committee Jeff Smith, Open Space, Environment, and Sustainability Committee Pam Thompson, Environmental Board Rick Cofer, Parks and Recreation Board Buddy Quaid, Austin Music Commission Bobby Garza, Open Space, Environment, and Sustainability Committee TASK FORCE MEMBERS ABSENT Kannou Curette, District 1 Stacy Farrugia, District 6 Michael Joyce, District 8 Debbie Stanley, District 4 Alykhan Mohamed, District 2 MINUTES A. CALL TO ORDER‐ Meeting called to order by David King @ 4:02 pm. B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion to Approve Minutes from August 13, 2016 meeting by James Russell Seconded by Ingrid Weigand. Motion passed with 11 members voting AYE 0 voted No. C. CITIZEN COMMUNICATION‐ No Citizen Communication D. NEW BUSINESS: BRIEFING, DISCUSSION, AND POSSIBLE ACTION 1) Task Force subcommittee organization, structure and appointments. No New Subcommittees Appointed. 2) Final report draft executive summary. Provided to task force members for input. E. OLD BUSINESS: BRIEFING, DISCUSSION, AND POSSIBLE ACTION 1) Draft policy recommendations. Task Force Reviewed Policy Recommendations and made revisions of Items and voted on amendments: a) Applications and permits item A2 passed 9‐1 b) Planning and Coordination item B1‐ passed, 10‐0 c) Planning and coordination item B2 passed 9‐1, d) Deleted item C1a under Environment , e) Refined language on item C3 under Environment , f) Item D2 added to Fees section , g) Impacts item G13 a. 7 Yes 2 No 1 Abstained passed. h) Fee Waivers and City Co‐Sponsored Events item H3 , Recommend evaluation of policies concerning the provision of complimentary, no cost or low cost tickets, badges or passes to events on city parkland to elected officials, their staff, and City of Austin Boards and Commission members. 6 Yes 5 No passed. 2) Draft Green Event policies. Accepted Green Event policies rolled into Draft Policy Recommendations. 3) Impacts and impact reduction measures, policies, or practices of special events regarding impact mitigation on surrounding neighborhoods, areas and businesses. NO ACTION TAKEN 4) Special event policies related to event day or use, limits, process, scheduling, and coordination. NO ACTION TAKEN 5) Status of task force member requests from previous meetings and upcoming meeting schedule. NO ACTION TAKEN F. NEW BUSINESS: FUTURE ITEMS FROM TASK FORCE MEMBERS OR CITY STAFF: No New Business Discussed. G. ADJOURNMENT – Meeting Adjourned @ 7:30 pm.