
Parkland Events Task Force (PETF)* DRAFT POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS Page 1 of 14 DRAFT Recommendations Focus Area Main Menu ALL DRAFT ITEMS APPROVED BY CONSENSUS, UNLESS NOTED UNDER LINE ITEMS WITH VOTE. A Applications and permits: B Planning and coordination: C Environment: D Fees: E Limits on events on parkland: F Alternative venues: G Impacts: H Fee waivers and City co-sponsored events: I Foundations and Non-profits: J Items Recommended for Inclusion in the Citywide Special Events Ordinance: K Other/Prior Action Items: Appendix A Green Event Policies *Parkland Events Task Force = PETF Parkland Events Task Force (PETF)* DRAFT POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS Page 2 of 14 A Applications and permits: Main Menu As a principle, the PETF supports and encourages low and no-cost events (in terms of ticket price) in the Austin Park system. 1. Establish criteria for approving permit applications for events. City staff will use the planning evaluation matrix when reviewing potential and reoccurring events. SEE MATRIX 2. Adopt an ordinance to require a majority vote by the Council to override a staff approval or denial of an application for an event on City of Austin parkland. Vote: 9 Yes -1 No -0 Abstain to approve draft language. Vote reconsidering: 7 Yes, 2 No, 1 abstain. B Planning and coordination: Main Menu 1. Establish a standing committee to help plan and coordinate events at the Long Center, Palmer Events Center, Vic Mathias Shores, and Butler Park. The committee should include representatives from adjacent neighborhoods, Long Center, Ballet Austin, Austin Symphony, Parks and Recreation Department, Palmer Events Center, Austin Opera, Daugherty Arts Center, event producers, Austin Parks Foundation, and Austin Center for Events (ACE). SEE FULL RESOLUTION “Direct the City Manager to establish a permanent committee that includes the Long Center, PARD, Palmer Events Center, Ballet Austin, Austin Opera, Austin Symphony, Daugherty Arts Center, adjacent neighborhoods, producers for events at Vic Mathias Shores, and Austin Parks Foundation to establish a permanent committee to coordinate and plan events at Town Lake Metropolitan Park. The committee shall include an equitable balance of members.” 9/20/16 – The prior recommendation is amended to include an equitable balance of Parkland Events Task Force (PETF)* DRAFT POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS Page 3 of 14 members. “Direct the City Manager to establish a permanent committee that includes the Long Center, PARD, Palmer Events Center, Ballet Austin, Austin Opera, Austin Symphony, Daugherty Arts Center, adjacent neighborhoods, producers for events at Vic Mathias Shores, and Austin Parks Foundation to establish a permanent committee to coordinate and plan events at Town Lake Metropolitan Park. The committee shall include an equitable balance of members.” 2. Recommendations from the PETF should inform the special events ordinance to help ensure consistent and unified special events policies. C Environment: Main Menu 1) Encourage events to utilize green event policies. 2) Protect trees, vegetation, and environmentally sensitive areas. Identify additional staff resources needed to consistently implement and enforce the following. a) Permissible ingress and egress access points for each park. b) Site circulation plan (traffic flow, etc.) for each park. c) Clearly defined No-Go areas for driving, staging, and storage for each park. 3) The Parkland Events Task Force recommends the City implement a mandatory certification and training program for event organizers and contractors including tree protection, access and use of park grounds. The program should be evaluated for expansion to include the citywide permit process, permit requirements and conducting event business in the City of Austin. SEE FULL RESOLUTION 4) Develop a parking and traffic solution for parks that would reduce usage of green space parking, such as the Polo Field at Zilker Park. Parkland Events Task Force (PETF)* DRAFT POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS Page 4 of 14 D Fees: Main Menu (NOTE - State laws and City ordinances limit fees to the actual costs to the City. Cities cannot make a “profit” on fees.) 1) Fee Study Recommendation. “In Fiscal Year 2017 conduct a thorough financial and operational fee study to determine whether fees charged for hosting special events in public places are appropriate for covering the cost of city-provided services and short-term and long-term maintenance of the public property and infrastructure used for the event.” SEE FULL RESOLUTION Considerations for the study should include whether or not the City can: a. Base fees on the total area of a park used for an event. b. Charge a premium rate for high-demand parkland. c. Increase user fees for Tier 4 events. d. Recalibrate maintenance and rental fees annually. e. Hold bonds/deposit long enough to identify damage to parkland. f. Direct user fees generated from events on parkland into a special purpose park fund that rolls over to the next parks budget year (without reducing general funds allocations or monetizing the parks). g. Additional items to be answered through analysis of fees: a. Can capital costs for parks be included in fees charged to events? b. Can fees be calibrated to include total City of Austin costs incurred by events? h. Obtain legal opinion on what mechanisms could be taken to charge rental fees at market rate instead of user fees. 2) Determine if park conservancies and foundations can charge fees that exceed the cost of service for events on parkland. Parkland Events Task Force (PETF)* DRAFT POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS Page 5 of 14 E Limits on events on parkland: Main Menu 1. Adopt changes to current limits on events at Zilker Park, Vic Mathias Shores, and Fiesta Gardens. a. Recommendations for All Noted Sites Event producers, neighborhoods and the City will work together to mitigate parking, traffic, noise, trash, and environmental impacts. Adopt an ordinance requiring a majority vote by the City Council to recommend increases to these limits. SUMMARY RECOMMENDATIONS SEE FULL DRAFT WORK PAPER Park Proposed Event Day Limits (current status) Zilker Park Proposed 24 event day limit via attrition/ incentives (Currently 29 event days) Auditorium Shores Proposed 17 event day limit via attrition/ incentives Retain overall 25 event-day limit (Currently 20 event days out of 25) Fiesta Gardens/ Festival Beach Proposed 17 event day limit via attrition/ incentives (Currently 19 event days) 2. NOTE - (Task force may revisit this item) Recommend policy to include outdoor events on Long Center property in limits on events at Vic Mathias Shores. SEE FULL RESOLUTION 3. Create incentives for the relocation of events at Zilker Park, Vic Mathias Shores, and Fiesta Gardens that do not require the entire space to other venues to help minimize the impact and closure of streets. 4. Fireworks and impact to trail usage. a. Establish consistent criteria for display of fireworks in parks. b. Fireworks at Auditorium Shores are limited to the 4th of July and New Year’s Eve, and at most 1 special event day per year to commemorate anniversary or landmark dates of an existing event. Parkland Events Task Force (PETF)* DRAFT POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS Page 6 of 14 F Alternative venues: Main Menu 1. Identify parkland in East Austin for potential events. SEE FULL RESOLUTION “In the Request for Proposals for creating a new Master Plan for Walter E. Long Metropolitan Park, include in the scope of work for the Master Plan evaluation of using Walter E. Long Metropolitan Park as an alternative event venue for hosting large special events; and Include funds in the Fiscal Year 2017 budget for studying the feasibility, requirements, and estimated costs for developing the existing publicly-owned land at Bolm Road and the Johnny Trevino Metropolitan Park as alternative event venues that can accommodate large special events in addition to providing new public park space for the growing Austin population; and In Fiscal Year 2017 conduct a thorough financial and operational fee study to determine whether fees charged for hosting special events in public places are appropriate for covering the cost of city-provided services and short-term and long-term maintenance of the public property and infrastructure used for the event.” 2. Establish criteria for designating a park as a special event venue. From the Alternative Spaces Subcommittee, the following criteria should be utilized when designating a park as a special event venue: a. Size and capacity b. Development timeline c. Development status d. Bond funding e. Accessibility f. Bikeable/walkable g. Distance to residential h. Rating for hotel access i. Existing infrastructure j. Traffic concern 3. Recommend full funding for master planning Johnny Trevino Jr. Metropolitan Park within the FY 17 concept menu. Parkland Events Task Force (PETF)* DRAFT POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS Page 7 of 14 G Impacts: Main Menu As a principle, the PETF supports establishment of higher standards, and provision of required resources towards fees, impact mitigation and limits for heavily used parkland. 1. Establish impact zone and special event zone to facilitate planning and management of events on parkland. 2. The task force recommends immediate implementation of a Special Events Permit Parking (SEPP) Program for neighborhoods that are in or adjacent to the special event impact zone with specific priority focus on the Zilker, Bouldin and Festival Beach area neighborhoods. The program shall be established with focus on increased fines for parking, changes to City procedure and practice to encourage effective towing or booting authorization and ticketing by non-sworn personnel. City staff shall pilot the program no later than the Fall of 2016. SEE FULL RESOLUTION 3. Increase fines for parking and traffic violations in the impact zone. SEE FULL RESOLUTION 4. Strictly enforce towing in the impact zone. Increase Austin Police Department’s towing capacity during events. This will help reduce response times for towing and allow police officers to spend more time on enforcement. 5. Increase fines for unpermitted vendors located in the special event zone. 6. Increase staffing for the traffic management center during events to monitor traffic flow and signals in the impact zone for Tier 3 and 4 events that impact major roads during rush hour or peak traffic times. 7. Establish a temporary flagger team to augment police resources at key intersections during events to provide additional information and assistance to drivers and pedestrians. Incorporation of non-sworn personnel where possible. Parkland Events Task Force (PETF)* DRAFT POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS Page 8 of 14 8. Amend City codes to establish pedicab traffic flow enhancement zones during events. The traffic flow enhancement zone would designate approved and prohibited routes for pedicabs to help facilitate and enhance traffic flow. 9. Accommodate general park users that are displaced by events. Install signs to redirect them to nearby parks. 10. Encourage a sound impact plan for all special events with amplified music. 11. Encourage stakeholder meetings with affected neighborhoods to help plan and prepare for medium and large events. 12. Work with event producers to ensure a streamlined setup and teardown process for events. 13. Sound Ordinance revisions: a. Amend City sound ordinances to require “C” weighting measurement in all sound limit regulations. VOTE: 7 Yes, 2 No, 1 Abstain. b. Provide continued funding for a sufficient number of sound meters that have A, and C weighting capabilities. c. Amend Parks code to change sound curfew extension requests from the current 10 pm to 2 am to 10 pm to 11 pm. H Fee waivers and City co-sponsored events: Main Menu 1. Establish a policy that the Council may not waive damage deposits for events on parkland. 2. Policies to waive fees and expenses for events cosponsored by the Council should be based on specific criteria adopted by resolution of the City Council. Parkland Events Task Force (PETF)* DRAFT POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS Page 9 of 14 3. Recommend evaluation of policies concerning the provision of complimentary, no-cost or low-cost tickets, badges or passes to events on city parkland to elected city officials, their staff, and City of Austin Boards and Commission members. Vote: 6 Yes, 5 No. I Items Recommended for Inclusion in the Citywide Special Events Ordinance: Main Menu 1. Require each large event to conduct pre-event planning meetings with stakeholders that will be impacted by the event. 2. Require events to follow “green events” policies recommended by the PETF. SEE GREEN EVENT POLICIES 3. Rental and permit fees for street closures should be scaled to the street classification (neighborhood street, corridor street, major road, etc.). 4. Rental and permit fees for right-of-way (ROW) closures should be scaled to the size of the ROW and length of closure. 5. Fees for street and right-of-way closures should be set so that closures with larger impacts on traffic and public access pay higher fees. K Other/Prior Action Items: Main Menu 08-09-16 recommendation - funding parks to national standard levels 08-09-16 - recommendation - economic study of park and city event Parkland Events Task Force (PETF)* DRAFT POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS Page 10 of 14 Appendix A: Parkland Events Task Force Green Event Recommendations Main Menu Context: (Parenthetical notes are City Ordinances) Austin events provide great value to the community events and we want to ensure that their implementation align with community values and policies. There are more than 100 ways to green events, in categories ranging from Materials Management and Waste Prevention, Air Quality, Transportation Management, Landscape care and more Austin has an adopted Zero Waste Strategic Plan (20090115-050) Austin has an adopted goal of Net-Zero GHG emissions community-wide by 2050, or sooner if feasible (20140410-024) Austin has a range of relevant adopted policies addressing single use bags (20120301-078), glass, smoking (20111215-019), bicycle parking (20121108-055), and water bottles (20080522-024). New Recommendations, Draft Special Event Ordinance Regulations, And Existing Regulations/Policies: (Please note the indicated color coding for the following section) The City should create a comprehensive planning manual that outlines the requirements for a green event, including educational resources about strategies for complying with the guidelines/agreements. Items………..(Origin) 1. All events must adhere to park rules. 2. An environmental awareness message will be developed by COA staff, special event staff and, if requested, interested stakeholders to encourage special event attendees to take action to reduce their impact while at the festival by reducing, reusing or recycling items that often go into the waste stream and/or a message related to improving air quality by changing their commute to the special event. Where possible the environmental awareness message can be Origin Source Key Where Applicable dSEO – draft Special Events Ordinance PARD – PARD requirements Parkland Events Task Force (PETF)* DRAFT POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS Page 11 of 14 shared with the attendees multiple times each day. Some form of incentivizing these actions while at the festival should be utilized. (new – added 09/20/2016) 3. A waste management plan is required for all special events and must be based on the number of attendees at a special event and include proof of waste management services that will be provided. A waste plan must be approved by ACE that includes the proposed locations of all the landfill trash and diversion containers. It also includes any clean-up crew education and compliance. (dSEo) 4. A waste reduction and diversion plan is required for Tier 2 and Tier 3 special events, must be approved by ACE/ARR (dSEo), and should include: a. Triple bins with clear signage indicating what should be recycled, composted and landfilled. b. Best practice - monitors/volunteers educating people what goes where 5. All cardboard should be broken down and put in designated recycling location 6. After a special event, an event organizer shall provide proof of waste management services that were provided at the special event (dSEo) 7. Utilize/promote paperless ticketing option (if relevant). (new) 8. By ordinance, there is no smoking at any park properties unless a City Council authorized designated smoking area is created for events with 1000 or more people, per the adopted rules. (PARD Code) 9. When in a burn ban, fires, smoking and use of solid fuel is prohibited by law at any time, at any park. No exceptions. (PARD Code) 10. Single-use carryout bags, as defined in section 15-6-121 (Definitions) may not be provided or distributed during a special event. Parkland Events Task Force (PETF)* DRAFT POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS Page 12 of 14 11. Expanded polystyrene (Styrofoam) may not be provided or distributed during a special event held at a city facility, streets, sidewalks, or other city right-of-way. (dSEo) (already exists in PARD regulations) 12. Events should not use items that are difficult to recycle such as individually packaged handout items “swag”. Encourage capturing contact for future digital communication rather than branded handout items. (PARD) 13. Items for distribution must have stickers, cellophane or plastic, or other packaging removed before being presented to the guest. (PARD) 14. Promotional stickers should be “presented” to the guest from master/bulk role. Individual stickers at events should have the backing removed prior to presentation. (PARD) 15. Glass containers may not be provided or distributed during a special event held at a city facility, streets, sidewalks, or other city right-of-way. (dSEo) (already exists in PARD code) 16. A trip reduction or Transportation Demand Management plan is required for Tier 2 and Tier 3 special events and must be approved by ACE/ATD (dSEo). 17. Provide sufficient off-site parking or shuttle service, or both, when required to minimize any substantial adverse impacts on general parking and traffic circulation in the vicinity of the event. 18. Tier 4 special events shall provide ACE the following(dSEo): a. waste reduction and diversion plan that includes recycling and organics composting b. emissions reduction plan c. A transportation demand management plan and facilities for bicycle parking. d. any other information required in rules adopted pursuant to Chapter 1-2 (Adoption of Rules) Parkland Events Task Force (PETF)* DRAFT POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS Page 13 of 14 19. Provide suitable protection around storm water inlets to prevent debris from entering the storm water system. (dSEo) 20. For water-based events and shoreline-based events, implement prevention of litter and water pollution, and provide for clean-up post event. (new) 21. No application of pesticides, herbicides, or other related or similar chemical to be applied to any city property directly or indirectly without the written consent and approval of the City, and as required, other regulatory agencies. (PARD) 22. Protect trees and critical root zones. (PARD) 23. Ground mats should be picked up at the end of each day to allow the turf/grounds underneath and reset the following day. (PARD) 24. Parking/Driving on Park grounds is restricted ONLY to vehicles with a City Parks permit. Organizers will direct you to the closest paved loading unloading area. Please plan ahead by bringing items such as garden-type flatbed wagons. There is NO authorization to directly drive on park land without a permit. (PARD - Code) 25. Vendors should clean their general locations/sites regularly in addition to health codes. All landfill trash must be removed and fully cleaned, including a full area grounds check each day. 26. Food & Beverage Service a. Events are discouraged from using items that are difficult to recycle or compost (such as utensils and straws), and are encouraged to select bulk products as alternatives to the following: Individually packaged condiments; picnic packs of plastic-wrapped fork, knife, napkin and pepper/salt; drink/juice boxes and pouches. (PARD) b. Consider serving foods that do not require plates or utensils. If necessary, biodegradable service ware is strongly preferred. c. Promote cup refills and non-single-use bottles. Parkland Events Task Force (PETF)* DRAFT POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS Page 14 of 14 d. Make water dispensers available with compostable cups and organics collection bin adjacent. (new) e. Encourage inclusion of vegetarian and vegan options, and where possible source using local, seasonal, sustainably-raised food. (new) f. Have a food donation strategy lined up prior to event. (new) 27. Encourage electric over diesel or gas generators. For Example…Check out the Austin Energy 1000 watt solar trailer. (new) 28. No idling unless necessitated by medical, public safety or food preservation needs. (new) 29. Provide new staff support for a green event certification program or event-based equivalent of the Green Business Leaders program that includes incentives. (new, added 09-20-16)