Approved Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes

PARKLAND EVENTS TASK FORCE September 13, 2016, 6 pm – 8 pm Zilker Botanical Garden Meeting Room 2220 Barton Springs Rd, Austin, TX 78746 TASK FORCE MEMBERS PRESENTDavid King, District 5 Ingrid Weigand, District 9 James Russell, Open Space, Environment, and Sustainability Committee Carol Lee, District 10 Jeff Smith, Open Space, Environment, and Sustainability Committee Pam Thompson, Environmental Board Rick Cofer, Parks and Recreation Board Buddy Quaid, Austin Music Commission Bobby Garza, Open Space, Environment, and Sustainability Committee TASK FORCE MEMBERS ABSENT Colin Wallis, Mayor Adler Stacy Farrugia, District 6 Kannou Curette, District 1 Patrick Brewer, District 7 Michael Joyce, District 8 Debbie Stanley, District 4 Alykhan Mohamed, District 2 MINUTES A. CALL TO ORDER‐ Meeting called to order by James Russell @ 6:10 pm. B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1) Motion to Approve Minutes from August 29, 2016 meeting by Jeff Smith Seconded by Pam Thompson. Motion passed with 5 members voting AYE 0 voted No 4 Abstained. C. PUBLIC HEARING 1) Public hearing on the Parkland Events Task Force Draft Final Recommendations. Gail Rothe‐Resident of the Zilker neighborhood expressed some concerns over a recent event held on the South Side of Barton Springs Pool. Jennifer Houlihan‐ Executive Director Austin Music People‐ Expressed concerns about the underrepresentation of the music industry in the decision making process. Catlin Whitington‐SXSW‐ Expressed concerns over the PETF’s recommendations on the limitations of fireworks for events held at Auditorium Shores. D. NEW BUSINESS: BRIEFING, DISCUSSION, AND POSSIBLE ACTION – No New Business Discussed. E. OLD BUSINESS: BRIEFING, DISCUSSION, AND POSSIBLE ACTION 1) Review list of draft policy recommendations and creation of a list of items potentially requiring final discussion or adjustment. Task Force reviewed list of recommendations and pulled a few for further discussion on 9/20/16: Item B 1 Draft Recommendations Focus Area Menu Item E 2 Draft Recommendations Focus Area Menu Bouldin neighborhood and Long Center to find realistic consensus before next meeting. Rick Cofer to draft language on preventing events from offering politicians and dignitaries free tickets. F. NEW BUSINESS: FUTURE ITEMS FROM TASK FORCE MEMBERS OR CITY STAFF: No New Business Discussed. G. ADJOURNMENT – Meeting Adjourned @ 7:05 pm.