Green Event Draft Recommendations — original pdf

Page 1 of 5 Parkland Events Task Force Green Event Recommendations Context: (Parenthetical notes are City Ordinances) Austin events provide great value to the community events and we want to ensure that their implementation align with community values and policies. There are more than 100 ways to green events, in categories ranging from Materials Management and Waste Prevention, Air Quality, Transportation Management, Landscape care and more Austin has an adopted Zero Waste Strategic Plan (20090115-050) Austin has an adopted goal of Net-Zero GHG emissions community-wide by 2050, or sooner if feasible (20140410-024) Austin has a range of relevant adopted policies addressing single use bags (20120301-078), glass, smoking (20111215-019), bicycle parking (20121108-055), and water bottles (20080522-024). New Recommendations, Draft Special Event Ordinance Regulations, And Existing Regulations/Policies: (Please note the color coding for the following section) The City should create a Parkland Events (and eventually a broader Special Events) planning manual that outlines the requirements in ALL the different categories and comprehensively integrates the green requirements. The manual could also include links to educational resources about strategies for complying with the guidelines/agreements. Items………..(Origin) 1. All events must adhere to park rules. 2. A waste management plan is required for all special events and must be based on the number of attendees at a special event and include proof of waste management services that will be provided. A waste plan must be approved by ACE that includes the proposed locations of all the landfill Origin Source Key Where Applicable dSEO – draft Special Events Ordinance PARD – PARD requirements Page 2 of 5 trash and diversion containers. It also includes any clean-up crew education and compliance. (dSEo) 3. A waste reduction and diversion plan is required for Tier 2 and Tier 3 special events, must be approved by ACE/ARR (dSEo), and should include: a. Triple bins with clear signage indicating what should be recycled, composted and landfilled. b. Best practice - monitors/volunteers educating people what goes where 4. All cardboard should be broken down and put in designated recycling location 5. After a special event, an event organizer shall provide proof of waste management services that were provided at the special event (dSEo) 6. Utilize/promote paperless ticketing option (if relevant). (new) 7. By ordinance, there is no smoking at any park properties unless a City Council authorized designated smoking area is created for events with 1000 or more people, per the adopted rules. (PARD Code) 8. When in a burn ban, fires, smoking and use of solid fuel is prohibited by law at any time, at any park. No exceptions. (PARD Code) 9. Single-use carryout bags, as defined in section 15-6-121 (Definitions) may not be provided or distributed during a special event. 10. Expanded polystyrene (Styrofoam) may not be provided or distributed during a special event held at a city facility, streets, sidewalks, or other city right-of-way. (dSEo) (already exists in PARD regulations) 11. Events should not use items that are difficult to recycle such as individually packaged handout items “swag”. Encourage capturing contact for future digital communication rather than branded handout items. (PARD) Page 3 of 5 12. Items for distribution must have stickers, cellophane or plastic, or other packaging removed before being presented to the guest. (PARD) 13. Promotional stickers should be “presented” to the guest from master/bulk role. Individual stickers at events should have the backing removed prior to presentation. (PARD) 14. Glass containers may not be provided or distributed during a special event held at a city facility, streets, sidewalks, or other city right-of-way. (dSEo) (already exists in PARD code) 15. A trip reduction or Transportation Demand Management plan is required for Tier 2 and Tier 3 special events and must be approved by ACE/ATD (dSEo). 16. Provide sufficient off-site parking or shuttle service, or both, when required to minimize any substantial adverse impacts on general parking and traffic circulation in the vicinity of the event. 17. Tier 4 special events shall provide ACE the following(dSEo): a. waste reduction and diversion plan that includes recycling and organics composting b. emissions reduction plan c. A transportation demand management plan and facilities for bicycle parking. d. any other information required in rules adopted pursuant to Chapter 1-2 (Adoption of Rules) 18. Provide suitable protection around stormwater inlets to prevent debris from entering the storm water system. (dSEo) 19. For water-based events and shoreline-based events, implement prevention of litter and water pollution, and provide for clean-up post event. (new) Page 4 of 5 20. No application of pesticides, herbicides, or other related or similar chemical to be applied to any city property directly or indirectly without the written consent and approval of the City, and as required, other regulatory agencies. (PARD) 21. Protect trees and critical root zones. (PARD) 22. Ground mats should be picked up at the end of each day to allow the turf/grounds underneath and reset the following day. (PARD) 23. Parking/Driving on Park grounds is restricted ONLY to vehicles with a City Parks permit. Organizers will direct you to the closest paved loading unloading area. Please plan ahead by bringing items such as garden-type flatbed wagons. There is NO authorization to directly drive on park land without a permit. (PARD - Code) 24. Vendors should clean their general locations/sites regularly in addition to health codes. All landfill trash must be removed and fully cleaned, including a full area grounds check each day. 25. Food & Beverage Service a. Events are discouraged from using items that are difficult to recycle or compost (such as utensils and straws), and are encouraged to select bulk products as alternatives to the following: Individually packaged condiments; picnic packs of plastic-wrapped fork, knife, napkin and pepper/salt; drink/juice boxes and pouches. (PARD) b. Consider serving foods that do not require plates or utensils. If necessary, biodegradable service ware is strongly preferred. c. Promote cup refills and non-single-use bottles. d. Make water dispensers available with compostable cups and organics collection bin adjacent. (new) e. Encourage inclusion of vegetarian and vegan options, and where possible source using local, seasonal, sustainably-raised food. (new) f. Have a food donation strategy lined up prior to event. (new) 26. Encourage electric over diesel or gas generators. For Example…Check out the Austin Energy 1000 watt solar trailer. (new) Page 5 of 5 27. No idling unless necessitated by medical, public safety or food preservation needs. (new) Note: With some staff support, perhaps a ½ FTE at the Austin Center for Events, a green event certification or event-based equivalent of the Green Business Leaders program could also be implemented. Doing a certain number of green actions could earn recognition, certification, perhaps even special treatment for zero waste or high achieving green events. Ie. Zero Waste event certification available for hauling manifestos that demonstrate achievement of 90% diversion rate. Traffic hero event = 50+% non-single occupancy vehicles. Combination of***verify meaning If the task force wishes to forward this idea it could The task force requests council action that would do require stakeholder input and shape the details of such a recognition/rewards program.