Parks and Recreation BoardFeb. 24, 2025

07-1: 2026 Bond Process Overview Presentation — original pdf

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Austin Parks and Recreation Department Bond Program Overview February 24, 2025 Rachel Morris, Capital Improvement Program Manager Alyssa Tharrett, Project Management Supervisor, Architectural Division Parks and Recreation: At a Glance MISSION: To inspire Austin to learn, play, protect, and connect by creating diverse programs and experiences in sustainable natural spaces and public places. 20,041 acres of green space 355 parks 269 miles of trails 190 playgrounds 12 nature play spaces 13 off-leash areas 6 golf courses 34 pools; 11 splash pads 2 Parks and Recreation: At a Glance B o n d O v e r s i g h t C o m m i s s i o n | p g . 4 MISSION: To inspire Austin to learn, play, protect, and connect by creating diverse programs and experiences in sustainable natural spaces and public places. 7 disc golf courses 65 multi-purpose courts 15 pickleball courts 25 soccer fields 87 tennis courts 48 basketball courts 48 volleyball courts 73 baseball/ softball fields 3 Parks and Recreation: At a Glance B o n d O v e r s i g h t C o m m i s s i o n | p g . 4 MISSION: To inspire Austin to learn, play, protect, and connect by creating diverse programs and experiences in sustainable natural spaces and public places. 6 cultural centers 3 museums 14 performing arts venues 25 recreation & senior centers 115 restrooms 5 cemeteries 107 historic buildings 11 maintenance buildings 12 office buildings And more! 4 Agenda • 2018 Bond Recap • 2026 Bond Schedule • Technical Scoring Criteria Framework • Anticipated Bond Programs PARD 2018 Bond Progress Proposition B ESB-MACC Dougherty Arts Center Carver Museum, Cultural, and Genealogy Center $66,500,000 $27,000,000 $25,000,000 $7,500,000 Asian American Resource Center $7,000,000 Proposition C Parkland Acquisition Aquatics Parkland Improvements Building Renovations Infrastructure $149,000,000 $45,000,000 $40,000,000 $25,000,000 $21,500,000 $17,500,000 2026 Bond Program Development Schedule We Are Here Bond Program Guiding Principles Standards for all Departments Anticipated PARD 2026 Bond Programs Parkland Acquisition* Acquisition of land, including publicly owned land, to dedicate as parkland. Aquatic Facilities ** Major renovation or replacements of existing city pool facilities. Cultural Centers*** Major renovations, improvements, and replacements of cultural and arts centers. Recreation & Senior Centers* Renovation, rehabilitation, or additions of existing recreation and senior centers and associated assets, including ADA and safety improvements. * Utilizes an existing technical criteria Building Renovations & Replacements** Renovation, additions, or replacements of existing maintenance facilities and other PARD facilities, including ADA and safety improvements. Parkland Improvements*** Development of existing City parks, including greenbelts, neighborhood parks, district parks, metro parks, and downtown squares. *** Utilizes supplemental technical criteria Infrastructure** Improvements for playscapes, trails, parking lots, roadways, athletic fields, and cemeteries. ** Utilizes a mixture of existing & supplemental technical PARD Existing Technical Scoring Criteria Sources Source Technical Criteria Security Lighting Parkland Dedication Acquisition Prioritization Improving Amenities, Leveraging and Partnering, Safety, Equity Equity, Age Demographics, Health Factors, Service Areas, Population Density Aquatic Vision Plan (2018) Demographics, Site Condition, Location, Accessibility, Infrastructure, Environment, Regulatory, Operations Recreation and Senior Center Gap Analysis Shade Structures Social Equity, Building Condition, Facility Usage, Sustainability, Maintenance Costs Social Equity, Distance from developed parks, Health Factors, Urban Heat Island PARD Supplemental Technical Criteria & Scoring For programs not already prioritized in existing studies Percentage Technical Criteria Description​ 30% Social Equity​ 25% Proactive Reinvestment​ 20% Sustainability & Resilience​ 10% ​Strategic Direction 100% Total 15​% Leveraging Funds and Partnership Opportunities​ ​Population served, Income of service area, People of color served, children served ​Site/Building condition, Safety, Maintenance Costs, Reinvestment, Facility Usage, accessibility ​Green infrastructure, resilience networks, sustainable design, energy efficiency, water usage Ability to utilize matching funds from alternative sources such as grants, donations, partners, historic preservation fund, other city departments, etc ​Project aligns with existing city plans, PARD Long Range Plan, PARD vision plans, etc. Social Equity – 30% Technical Criteria Maximum Points Location with higher percentage Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC). Location with higher crude prevalence of negative health outcomes such as asthma, obesity, physical inactivity, and diabetes. Location with higher percentage of population ages 18 or below. Project or location serves historical cultural significance for a marginalized community. Location within area with high forecasted population growth. Location with population below 40% median household income. 6 6 5 5 4 4 Proactive Reinvestment – 25% Technical Criteria Maximum Points Preventative maintenance project extends the useful life of an existing asset. Upgrading existing facilities or providing new facility to address a network or system service gap (includes full replacement of critical condition buildings needing demolition). Project responds to legal / regulatory mandates, including significant safety concerns. Project improves function of existing asset through accessibility, adaptable use, inclusion, or social determinants of public safety or health domains at existing facilities. 7 6 6 6 Sustainability & Resiliency – 20% Technical Criteria Maximum Points Project serves as an adaptive space as part of a resilient network. Investment reduces current and/or future financial burdens through sustainability, efficiency, reduced maintenance. Project is compatible for the land because it incorporates green infrastructure contribute to urban resilience by managing stormwater, reducing flooding, wildfires and extreme weather events. Project improves metric for percentage of residents who have access to new or developed parks and open spaces (live within one-quarter mile in urban core and within half-mile outside of urban core). Project and/or facility / location included in 2018 bond. Projects recently improved would have to meet more recent building and energy codes, including the green building policy. Location identified as high heat island effect. 4 4 3 3 3 3 Leveraging Funds & Partnerships – 15% Technical Criteria Maximum Points Project has existing funding and prior design development but remains incomplete due to funding. Project will generate revenue for the city. Project supports other city department initiatives and funding. Project aligns with grant, rebate, or donation opportunities. PARD partnership project with existing vision or expansion plan and committed funding opportunities. 5 3 3 2 2 Strategic Direction – 10% Technical Criteria Maximum Points Facility has not received significant funding in the past 10 years. Project has existing participatory involvement from the community. Project aligns with PARD’s Long Range Plan or another existing approved PARD Vision / Expansion Plan. Trust in Public Land Healthy Park Score. 4 2 2 2 Thank You Rachel Morris | Alyssa Tharrett |