Parks and Recreation BoardJan. 27, 2025

06-1: PARD Director's Update, January 2025 — original pdf

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DIRECTOR’S UPDATE Jesús Aguirre, Director January 2025 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD Ensure Parkland Offers Relief from Urban Life Natural Resources Updates Parkland Development Updates Parkland Development Updates: Mile Zero Trailhead in Zilker Park: Construction has begun in Zilker Park on the Mile Zero Trailhead of Violet Crown Trail and the Barton Creek Greenbelt. The City of Austin and the Hill Country Conservancy have partnered to develop the Violet Crown Trail system. Through a Parkland Improvement Agreement, HCC has led the design, permitting, and construction of this trailhead. Funding is being provided through Hill Country Conservancy, Austin Parks Foundation, and City of Austin Parkland Dedication funds. Construction is anticipated to last through the end of 2025. District 8 R e n d e r i n g o f p r o p o s e d m e a d o w p a v i l i o n a t t h e Z i l k e r M i l e Z e r o T r a i l h e a d . C r e d i t H i l l C o u n t r y C o n s e r v a n c y , A u s t i n P a r k s F o u n d a t i o n , T B G P a r t n e r s R A G R A P H T E X T A U S T I N P A R K S A N D R E C R E A T I O N D E P A R T M E N T Agave Neighborhood Park: The installation of a 54ft x 50ft shade structure over the play area at Agave Neighborhood Park will begin on February 10 and is planned to be complete in early March. The play area will be closed to the public during this time, but the pavilions, drinking fountain and park areas will remain open and accessible to the public throughout. | District 1 Metz Playground: The installation of a new playground at Metz Neighborhood Park will begin January 27 and is anticipated to be complete by the end of May 2025. The installation includes both a new playscape and nature play features. The play area, walkway, water fountain and picnic tables will have restricted access during construction, but the remainder of the park (splash pad, bike polo court, basketball court) will remain accessible. | District 3 Waterloo Greenway, The Confluence: A celebratory event will take place on January 27 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. to commemorate the new Butler Trail bridge across Waller Creek officially opening to the public. The new bridge will be named the Hartman Bridge. The event will include a coffee cart with free drinks for trail users and attendees, a media photo op, and Waterloo Greenway giveaways. The remainder of the Confluence project is expected to complete construction in 2026 when a formal ribbon-cutting ceremony will occur. | District 9 Natural Resources Updates: Onion Creek Metropolitan Park - Prescribed Burn at Onion Creek Metro Complex: The Austin Fire Department (AFD) will review PARD’s submitted update and provide a prescribed burn permit that PARD will then organize and implement in collaboration with Travis County and AFD at the Onion Creek Metro Complex. This is a continuation of previous prescribed fire operations to improve ecosystem health and follows the direction of the Land Management Plan. | District 2 A U S T I N P A R K S A N D R E C R E A T I O N D E P A R T M E N T Elisabet Ney Museum Restoration and Site Improvements: The project is kicking off with the general contractor planning to mobilize on site in early February 2025. The museum has been closed to the public to prepare for the construction. The capital improvement project includes restoration of original exterior wood doors and windows, upgrades and replacement of the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system, replacement of the exhibit and general lighting systems, and repairs to the roof, masonry, plumbing, and interior finishes. Exterior work includes replacing the pedestrian bridge across Waller Creek and installation of accessible pathways, to better connect the museum’s grounds. The sitework also includes approximately 20,000 square feet of Waller Creek bank stabilization. Funding for this restoration project is provided through 2012 Bond, the Parkland Dedication Fund, the Historic Preservation Fund, Partners in Preservation through the National Trust, and contributions from the Friends of the Elisabet Ney Museum. The museum anticipates reopening in the summer of 2026. | District 9 R E N D E R I N G O F N E W P E D E S T R I A N B R I D G E A T T H E E L I S A B E T N E Y M U S E U M , C R E D I T T H E L A W R E N C E G R O U P A U S T I N P A R K S A N D R E C R E A T I O N D E P A R T M E N T Expand and Improve Park Access for All Planning and Development Updates Special Ceremonies (groundbreakings, ribbon cuttings, etc.) Planning and Development Updates: Dittmar Recreation Center: ADA sidewalks have been remodeled for ADA access to playgrounds, main building, and sidewalk to gymnasium. Future project is resurfacing and leveling parking lot. | District 2 and 5 South Austin Recreation Center: In January, all SARC lights were retrofitted with new LED lighting which will help cost savings with utilities and changing bulbs. With the LED lights being brighter, it has made the restrooms easier to see and help with other dark spots in rooms. | District 3 and 5 A U S T I N P A R K S A N D R E C R E A T I O N D E P A R T M E N T Activate and Enhance Urban Public Spaces Museums and Cultural Programs and Exhibits Historic Tourism Updates Museums and Cultural Programs and Exhibits Artist Access Program 2026 Season Opens: The City of Austin begins accepting applications for the Artist Access Program 2026 season on Monday, January 27, 2025, at 10 a.m. The deadline to apply is March 15 at 11:59 p.m. The Artist Access Program (AAP) provides free or low-cost rehearsal and production spaces to both emerging and established performance artists living in the Austin area. | All Districts A U S T I N P A R K S A N D R E C R E A T I O N D E P A R T M E N T Align Programs with Community Interest Community Engagement Events Programs and Events Program Updates Holiday Tree Recycling at Zilker Metro Park: The Department partnered with Austin Resource Recovery for the 38th year of Holiday Tree Recycling. All Austin residents were invited to drop trees and wreaths free of tinsel and decorations at Zilker Metro Park on December 28, January 4, and January 5. Department Forestry staff, Park Rangers, and the Sustainability & Resilience Program Manager worked with over 50 volunteers to collect an estimated 2,000 trees. Trees were mulched by Austin Resource Recovery and offered free to the public on-site on January 8. An additional 20 trees were also reused by the Austin Nature and Science Center’s Nature’s Way Preschool for winter decorations for the classroom. | All Districts A U S T I N P A R K S A N D R E C R E A T I O N D E P A R T M E N T City staff prepares trees for hauling at the Holiday Tree Recycling event at Zilker Metro Park Interlocal Agreement between the City and AISD: This Interlocal Agreement (ILA) continues the framework for cooperation between the City and Austin Independent School District (AISD) for the implementation of cultural arts and literacy programs taking place on Saturday mornings, the “Saturday Academy”, and on weekdays, the “Summer Camp”, to support the advancement of literacy in English and Spanish for AISD children, youth, and their parents. The programs are in conjunction with Academia Cuauhtli, an Austin-based grassroots organization whose work focuses upon on culture and language revitalization for students. The City of Austin provides administrative staff and in-kind support. The initial term for this agreement is from the date of execution (12/20/2024) for a one-year term with five additional 12-month renewal options. The agreement will be renewed automatically on the anniversary date for five successive 12-month terms subject to Austin City Council appropriation. The ILA was presented and approved by the Contracts and Concessions Committee on 09/20/2024; the Parks Board on 09/23/2024; and City Council on 10/24/2024. | All Districts Ann and Roy Butler Hike-and-Bike Trail: Department partner The Trail Conservancy (TTC) started 2025 with the first volunteer day on January 4. In 2024, TTC hosted 3,442 volunteers in 79 public volunteer events, equating to 7,177 work hours. These volunteers helped plant 5,010 new plants and trees, spread 390 cubic yards of mulch, and remove 17,897 pounds of trash. | Districts 3, 5, 8, 9, 10 Givens Recreation Center: Monday, December 23rd from 6pm to 8pm Givens Recreation Center hosted its deaf social night. The event represented the sites first attempt at offering an adaptive social event specifically for individuals with hearing impairments. The event included refreshments, games, cookie decorations and door prizes. Over twenty-two participants were in attendance. | District 1 Participants playing games and activities during Givens Deaf social Night. A U S T I N P A R K S A N D R E C R E A T I O N D E P A R T M E N T Conley-Guerrero Senior Activity Center – Fireman’s Luncheon: Conley Guerrero had the honor of hosting their 20th Anniversary Fireman’s Luncheon, which brought together over 550 participants and volunteers on Wednesday, December 11 from 9:00 a.m.-12 p.m. This incredible community event was filled with holiday spirit and was a true celebration of another year to be thankful for. Once again, the Fire Department’s own Tim Lafuente delivered amazing food and a fantastic spread of prizes, including custom firefighter hats, gift cards worth up to $50, and even flat-screen TVs. A heartfelt thank you goes out to all who participated and volunteered to make the event a memorable success! | District 1 Summer Camp Registration for Nature Programs: General registration for Summer Camp 2025 program at the Austin Nature & Science Center and the Camacho Activity Center begins Saturday, February 22 at 12:00pm. Early registration for participants who revied program financial aid begins Saturday, February 1 at 10:00am through Saturday, February 6 at 6:00pm. More information can be found by visiting the PARD Summer Camp Program website. | District 8 Nature’s Way Preschool at ANSC Registration: General registration for the 2025-2026 academic school year begins Monday, January 27 at 10:00am. More information can be found by visiting the Nature’s Way Preschool website. | District 8 Park Ranger Program Contacts: PARD Park Ranger daily operations included 1,167 contacts regarding Law, safety, service, and education; and 228 contacts for dogs off leash in parks or in a nature preserve, bringing the fiscal year contact total to 4,557. | All Districts A U S T I N P A R K S A N D R E C R E A T I O N D E P A R T M E N T Turner-Roberts Recreation Center: On Saturday, December 7, Turner-Roberts Recreation Center hosted the Colony Park Neighborhood Association holiday drive thru event from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. The event was held in the community parking lot, 600 toys were distributed to 293 cars in attendance. Each car received a $20 HEB gift card, as well as Target gift cards in the amount of $10 to ninety-four teenagers ages 13–17, and $5 Five and Below gift cards to one hundred-forty-five toddlers ages 0 to 2. Capital Area Food Bank provided turkeys and sides and Springdale HEB donated 67 trays of holiday cookies. Additional supporting agencies included Austin Public Library, Equidad, Capital Metro, Central Texas Food Bank, and the City of Austin’s Financial Services Division. | District 1 Community members and supporting agencies provide toys, gift cards and food during the Colony Park Neighborhood Association's drive thru Christmas event. Dittmar Recreation Center: Dittmar is currently offering Zumba classes as part of its Varsity Generation program. These classes are led by Angelina Carbullido and Joe Rivera, known for their engaging and exciting activities for seniors. Zumba has consistently grown in popularity, with current participation ranging from 12 to 15 participants and steadily increasing each week. | District 2 and 5 A U S T I N P A R K S A N D R E C R E A T I O N D E P A R T M E N T Varsity Generation Zumba 2025 George Morales Dove Springs Recreation Center: On Tuesday, December 17, Dove Springs Varsity Generation program had their holiday breakfast celebration. They enjoyed a large spread of traditional favorites for breakfast, music, games, and laughs. One of the participants brought roses for their friends to spread the holiday cheer! | District 2 Participants enjoying the breakfast spread. Dove Springs Varsity Generation participants. Oswaldo A.B. Cantu/Pan American Recreation Center Recreation Center: During Pan Am’s winter break camp, the site offered an art project that children of various ages could complete. Participants were taught an old sign painters technique called the hinge system. A very old technique where you use carbon paper to trace the original drawing onto the surface you are going to paint. First scaling your original drawing to fit the size needed and then taping it onto the surface across the top, creating the hinge. Then carbon paper is inserted between the original drawing and the canvas and the student traces over the drawing with a blue ink pen. Each student was then provided high resolution images of the photo of their choice to paint on a scaled 8x10 hard board canvas. | District 3 Participants at Oswaldo A.B. Cantu/Pan American Recreation Center Recreation Center: celebrate their drawings using the hinge system. A U S T I N P A R K S A N D R E C R E A T I O N D E P A R T M E N T Rodolfo "Rudy" Mendez Recreation Center: Thursday, December 19 Rodolfo "Rudy" Mendez Recreation Center hosted its annual Night Before Christmas event. This year’s event included table games and free door prizes, along with a special visit from Santa and Mrs. Claus. Each child in attendance reached a holiday gift along with hot chocolate and cookies available to the 450 plus event attendees. Supporting sponsors for gift donations included Italics Builders Incorporated. | District 3 Community celebrate Mendez Recreation centers annual night before Christmas event with games, prizes, and photos. South Austin Recreation Center: On Friday, December 13 from 5:30 – 8:30 p.m., SARC hosted the annual Gingerbread Workshop. 185 community members attended the event where gingerbread kits and hot chocolate were handed out as well as fun Christmas crafts. The event was intended to be an outdoor event but due to rainy weather, a pivot to the gym took place continuing the success of this great event. | District 3 Gingerbread Workshop Gus Garcia Recreation Center Breakfast with Whoville Event: On Saturday, December 21, Gus Garcia Recreation Center hosted its annual Breakfast with Whoville event. The event was open to the public and included various free activities for families to enjoy. Families were able to enjoy a free breakfast of pancakes with eggs and sausage. Families were also able to participate in a free toy drive, various arts and crafts activities, and took pictures with the Grinch. There were approximately 1,300 people in attendance. The community expressed positive comments, expressed through various internal surveys of the event. | District 4 A U S T I N P A R K S A N D R E C R E A T I O N D E P A R T M E N T Gus Garcia Recreation Center - Run Club: The Gus Garcia Recreation Center completed the Winter session of their Run Club program for youth ages 5-12 years. The Winter session provided youth participants with a 3-week program where participants met two times per week to do various running activities both in the walking trail located in the Gus Garcia District Park and inside the gymnasium. On the final day of Run Club, participants played in various running activities in an indoor glow-in-the-dark environment inside the gymnasium. Participants expressed overall positive comments as verbally expressed by youth participants and their parents. | District 4 Participants posing for a picture during the final day of Run Club. Virginia L. Brown Recreation Center’s Winter Basketball: Virginia L. Brown Recreation Center’s Youth Winter Basketball program is a youth co-ed sports program where participants ages 5 to 12 can learn skills, practice teamwork, and have fun while being physically active. Virginia L. Brown Recreation Center has a total of 28 participants registered for the program. | District 4. VLB TCTA participants parents (left) supporting VLB 6U team (right). A U S T I N P A R K S A N D R E C R E A T I O N D E P A R T M E N T Northwest Recreation Center - Storytime with Santa: Northwest Recreation Center hosted Storytime with Santa at 10:30am on December 13 for children ages 1-5. Around 50 children participated in the event where they played games, completed crafts, ate cookies, and listened to a story from Santa. | District 7 Children listening to Santa read a story at Northwest Rec Center. Hancock Rec Center’s Holly Jolly Jamboree and Toy Drive: Hancock hosted its annual Holly Jolly Jamboree and Toy Drive on December 13! Families visited the center for holiday crafts, games, and snacks while donating toys to Travis County Sheriff’s Brown Santa. A total of 232 people visited the center for the event. | District 9 Holly Jolly staff and participants during the event! Lamar Senior Activity Center – Holiday Luncheon: Over 80 Lamar Senior Activity Center participants enjoyed the annual holiday Luncheon. Seniors participated in raffles, dancing, singing and a large meal. Lamar Senior Center Advisory Board sponsors this large event for LSAC seniors to help celebrate all the different holidays. | District 9 Participants enjoying a holiday luncheon A U S T I N P A R K S A N D R E C R E A T I O N D E P A R T M E N T Athletics Department: The Winter 1-Pitch Softball league is off to a great start! The league started December 2 with 77 total registered teams, an increase of 27 teams over last year. Games are scheduled Monday-Friday with PARD Maintenance working hard preparing fields at the Krieg Athletic Complex. Field preparations include dragging the infield dirt, installing temporary fences in the outfield, and lining fields with chalk. The Softball Community enjoys this Winter tradition of a 1-Pitch League which plays quick, with only one pitch the batter moves on by either hitting the ball, striking out or walking. | District 3 PARD Athletic Maintenance Prepping Softball Fields McBeth Recreation Center: McBeth Recreation Center’s Annual Sports Award Banquet will be held Thursday, January 23 at Doris Miller Auditorium. This event celebrates the accomplishments of athletes, unified partners, coaches, and volunteers who have participated in the 2024 season. McBeth Recreation Center offers nine sports programs that participate in Special Olympics competitions at a local, regional, state, and national level. Participants and parents will reminisce on the events of the 2024 sports season through photos and receive awards for athlete, coach dedication and good sportsmanship. | District 8 McBeth Recreation Center Adaptive Sports Athletes A U S T I N P A R K S A N D R E C R E A T I O N D E P A R T M E N T Optimize and Improve Efficiency of Operations Operations and Maintenance Updates Administrative Updates Administrative Updates Camacho Activity Center: After a burglary incident at Camacho Activity Center on August 18, 2024, that resulted in the theft of 16 bikes used for programming, the center received a 60-bike donation from community donors including The Leadout Foundation, Mellow Johnny’s Bikeshop, the HEB Foundation, Guardian Bikes, Specialized Bikes, The Trail Foundation, Celis Thursday Walnut Creek Meetup Group, partners, and partners. | District 1 TPARD Security Cameras Project: A bid submitted by PARD Park Rangers for a five-year contract for security cameras in parks has been approved by Central Purchasing. This will go before City Council before it is approved. | All Districts A U S T I N P A R K S A N D R E C R E A T I O N D E P A R T M E N T