Parks and Recreation BoardApril 22, 2024

Approved Minutes — original pdf

Approved Minutes
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PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING MINUTES APRIL 22, 2024 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTES APRIL 22, 2024 The PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD convened in a REGULAR meeting on April 22, 2024 at 301 W. 2nd Street in Austin, Texas Chair Villalobos called the PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD Meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. Board Members in Attendance: Pedro Villalobos, Kathryn Flowers, Jennifer Franklin, Nicole Merritt, Holly Reed. Board Members in Attendance Remotely: Stephanie Bazan, Shelby Orme, Kim Taylor (left meeting at 6:27 p.m.). Board Members Absent: Lane Becker. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL Joe Riddell - Waterloo Greenway and Waterloo Conservancy Laura Esparza - Austin Arts Alliance and Daugherty Arts Center Ted Eubanks - Frederick Law Olmstead Parks and Divisive vs. Unifying actions Lucky Lemieux - Daugherty Arts Center Construction Diana Prechter - Withdrawal of Ted Eubanks Parks and Recreation Board Nomination Wolf Sittler - Norwood House Chris Flores - Barton Springs Pool Issues Gail Rothe - Withdrawal of Ted Eubanks Parks and Recreation Board Nomination Tanya Payne - Withdrawal of Ted Eubanks Parks and Recreation Board Nomination Teri Adams - Role of the Parks and Recreation Board Robin Rather - Withdrawal of Ted Eubanks Parks and Recreation Board Nomination Andrea Hill - PARD Management Patrick Moore - Building a Tower in Bolm District Park APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Board special called meetings of March 27, 2024. The motion to approve the minutes of the Parks and Recreation Board special called meeting of March 27, 2024 with amendments to remove the words “Barton Springs Conservancy’s Role” from Item 7 Paragraph 1, and to show Board Member Stephanie Bazan as having been in attendance remotely was approved on Chair Villalobos’ motion, Board Member Merritt’s second on a 7-0 vote with two vacancies. Board Members Becker and Taylor absent. 1 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING MINUTES APRIL 22, 2024 DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEMS 2. Presentation, discussion and approve letters of support for PARD Human Resources Team for their successful recruiting and hiring practices, use of new technology, administration of summer bonuses, and nationally recognized safety training program. Daniel Paciocco, Human Resources Manager, Parks and Recreation Department gave a presentation and answered questions on delays in lifeguard hiring and the need for more HR staff. The motion to approve letters of support for PARD Human Resources Team for their successful recruiting and hiring practices, use of new technology, administration of summer bonuses, and nationally recognized safety training program was approved on Chair Villalobos’s motion, Board Member Flowers’ second on a 7-0 vote with two vacancies. Board Members Becker and Taylor absent. STAFF BRIEFINGS 3. Staff briefing on the draft Equity-Based Preservation Plan. Cara Bertron, Program Manager II, Planning Department gave a briefing and answered clarifying questions on information sessions at recreation centers and senior centers, and barriers to removing historical designation of City-owned property. No action was taken on this item. 4. Staff briefing on Parks and Recreation Department community engagement events, planning updates, development updates, maintenance updates, program updates and administrative updates. Kimberly McNeeley, Parks and Recreation Department Director gave a briefing on an all- abilities park at Onion Creek Park, the South Central Waterfront Vision Plan and the Wishbone Bridge groundbreaking. Board Member Reed thanked the Parks and Recreation Department for bringing the Zilker Park parking shuttle back for the 2024 summer season. No action was taken on this item. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Reed – Approve a recommendation to Austin City Council to provide an explanation for the withdrawn nomination of Ted Eubanks to the District 6 seat on the Parks and Recreation Board. Reed – Requested Watershed Protection or PARD staff provide a presentation or briefing on the Reed Park Water Quality Improvement Project. Chair Villalobos adjourned the meeting at 7:42 p.m. without objection. These minutes were approved at the May 20, 2024 Parks and Recreation Board meeting on Chair Villalobos’ motion, Vice Chair Flowers’ second on a 6-0 vote with two vacancies. Board Members Franklin, Merritt and Taylor absent. 2