Parks and Recreation BoardMay 20, 2024

03-1: Draft Recommendation on Reed Park Water Quality Improvement Project — original pdf

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PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD RECOMMENDATION YYYYMMDD-XXX May 20, 2024 Seconded By: Reed Park Water Quality Improvement Project Date: Subject: Motioned By: Whereas the land for Reed Neighborhood Park was donated to the City of Austin in 1954 by Roberta Reed Crenshaw, an Austin Parks icon; Whereas Reed Park is the only child friendly and publicly accessible park within 1/2 mile walking distance of approximately 4000 residents;1 Whereas Reed Park is one of only three neighborhood parks with an open play field in an area with over 11,000 residents, including many young children2 Whereas the Watershed Protection Dept.’s current plans are to treat stormwater runoff from 127 acres of upstream land by turning Reed Park’s ball field into a biofiltration pond and reducing its size to 1/3 of its current area;3 Whereas the Watershed Protection Dept.’s current plans will require a permanent change in use of public parkland through Chapter 26 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code4 Whereas a similar storm water treatment pond at Austin’s Battle Bend Park has resulted in loss of public parkland and ball field play area; Whereas as the majority of respondents to a public engagement survey were opposed to Watershed Protection Dept.’s current plan for Reed Park5 Whereas over 750 people have signed a petition in opposition to Watershed Protection Dept.’s current proposed plan for Reed Park; 6 Whereas Watershed Protection Dept. Staff have indicated they are willing to seek alternative plans to accomplish the needed water treatment for the Taylor Slough Watershed; 1 2 3 4 20CHAPTER,PUBLIC%20PARKS%20AND%20RECREATIONAL%20LANDS&text=(2)%20the%20program%2 0or%20project,from%20the%20use%20or%20taking. 5 6 1 of 2 Therefore, the City of Austin Parks and Recreation Board recommends: (1) Austin City Council direct the Watershed Protection Department and Parks and Recreation Dept. to seek alternative solutions to the current proposed plan for the Reed Park Water Quality Improvement Project that do not require Chapter 26 change of use for this public parkland and; (2) Austin City Council direct WPD and PARD to work with citizens and stakeholders to find a solution that does not alter or diminish the current area or use of the Reed Park open ball field. Vote For: Against: Abstain: Absent: Attest: [Staff or board member can sign] 2 of 2