Parks and Recreation BoardMay 20, 2024

03-2: Watershed Protection Memo on Reed Park — original pdf

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M E M O R A N D U M Parks and Recreation Board Members Janae Spence, P.E., Assistant Director Watershed Protection Department May 20, 2024 To: From: Date: Subject: Proposed Reed Park Water Quality Control The Watershed Protection Department would like to express our commitment to continuing to work with the Reed Park community to produce the best possible final design for a water quality control in Reed Park. Taylor Slough, the creek that runs through the park, has some of the worst water quality in Austin due to high nutrients and E. coli bacteria. It is one of four creeks in Austin classified as impaired by the Texas Commission of Environmental Quality. Poor water quality can contribute to problems downstream like toxic algae that can make spaces unsafe for swimming and other recreation. Swimming in water with high E. coli can also lead to sickness (such as vomiting and diarrhea). This project, in conjunction with other strategies, is meant to reduce pollution in the creek by cleaning stormwater runoff and offsetting the impact of continued urbanization on our streams. In addition to improving water quality, the project intends to maintain recreational use, replace an old wastewater line that runs through the park, stabilize stream erosion, and improve wildlife habitat. We are aware of community concerns with the last proposed concept. The project completed Preliminary Engineering Phase but will not move into design until the latest community input has been incorporated. Since our last meeting with Friends of Reed Park, we have been working on alternatives to address concerns. We are also developing an updated engagement plan to include additional community education and communication about the goals of the project and its final components, as well as a collaborative process for further integrating the community’s priorities into our project plans. We hope to have this updated engagement plan by the end of this month. Community engagement activities for this project to date have included the following: • Informational mailer with invitation to public meeting (mailed to a little over 1000 residents) • Hosted a public meeting on May 11, 2023 Page 1 of 2 • Hosted a walking tour of the proposed project area in the Reed Park • Held meetings with Friends of Reed Park on the following dates o 5/1/23 o 3/28/24 • Conducted a community survey between May and June 2023 (151 respondents) We understand concerns with a similar project we completed in Battle Bend Park. This park has experienced excessive wet conditions due to groundwater from a seep that formed in a portion of the informal play area. We have completed a design to manage this, and maintenance crews have begun work to implement. Rains have caused delay as the area is too wet to operate heavy machinery, so we ask for patience with current aesthetics to complete the modification. We will continue adaptively managing this water quality control and informal play area until they function as intended. We are committed to deliver a solution that functions for both water quality and recreation at Battle Bend Park, as we have accomplished successfully in Pease Park, Zilker Park, and Big Stacy Park. For Reed Park, we are committed to deliver a solution that will create park amenities while improving poor water quality in the area resulting in good health and recreational outcomes for all citizens of Austin. We look forward to furthering the conversation and finding a solution with our community partners. Janae Spence, P.E. Assistant Director- Watershed Protection Page 2 of 2