Parks and Recreation BoardMay 20, 2024

06-1: PARD Director's Update, May 2024 — original pdf

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PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD DIRECTOR’S UPDATE DATE: May 2024 COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT EVENTS: Austin Tennis Center: The Austin Parks and Recreation Department partnered with the Capital Area Tennis Association to resurface ten tennis courts at the Austin Tennis Center. The United States Tennis Association (USTA) awarded a $39,500 grant to the Capital Area Tennis Association (CATA), and USTA Texas added an additional $10,000, totaling $49,500 to assist with covering the costs of the improvement. The feedback from the community has been positive as everyone appreciates the improved playing surface. District 1 Austin Tennis Center new surface court The Oakwood Cemetery Chapel Community Engagement: The Oakwood Cemetery Chapel hosted community engagement meetings with the Tejano Genealogy Society of Austin and a Hispanic descendant's group to get feedback on past Tejano programs and events and to plan summer and fall programs and events. Fifteen community members attended this event. District 1 All-Abilities Playground at Onion Creek Metropolitan Park: An online survey will remain open until May 31st to receive feedback on playground options and themes for the All-Abilities Playground. This will complete the second phase of community engagement for the project, which also included a virtual community meeting held on May 2nd and several small group discussions throughout the month. The final round of community engagement to share a single playground concept is expected to be completed by late summer, with the third virtual meeting scheduled for June 20th. The Department 1 teamed with Austin Parks Foundation and their consultant team, TBG Partners and Cultural Strategies, to design and develop the playground at Onion Creek Metropolitan Park in alignment with the 2015 Vision Plan. A schematic design phase led by Austin Parks Foundation will begin as funding becomes available. District 2 Bolm District Park Vision Plan Community Engagement Round #2 Virtual Meeting: The Department will be hosting the second community meeting via Zoom on Tuesday, February 13 at 6 p.m. Project team members will present design concepts around themes developed through feedback and responses to the first community survey. This will also mark the launch of the second community survey. Additional project information, including a link to register for the meeting and dates for community pop-ups, can be found at the project’s website. District 3 Project Webpage Bolm District Park Pan American Neighborhood Park: On September 1, 2022, the Austin City Council passed a resolution in alignment with recommendations from the Parks and Recreation Board to place a plaque honoring Tony Castillo's 60+ years of service at Pan American Neighborhood Park. The plaque was installed at the end of April 2024 by the Parks Grounds team. A ceremony was set for May 4th, but due to forecasted storms, the Unveiling Ceremony was cancelled with a pending makeup date for later in May. District 3 Ceremony unveiling invitation for the Tony Castillo plaque reveal at Pan Am neighborhood park 2 Old Bakery & Emporium Mural Project: The Historic Landmark Commission approved the mural project at the Old Bakery & Emporium to start in early June. The final process was a presentation by the artist Ruben Esquivel to the Department Review Committee on May 14th. Thirty community members attended this event. District 9 Muralist Ruben Esquivel at the Old Bakery & Emporium PLANNING UPDATES: Project Connect Update: The Department continues to coordinate with Austin Transit Partnership and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department on the environmental process for Phase 1 of the Austin Light Rail Implementation Plan. The Youth Hostel Boathouse Feasibility Study will hold several introductory project meetings with small groups on May 22. Groups include Black Women Who, East Riverside/Oltorf Combined (EROC) Neighborhood Plan Contact Team, and the Austin Neighborhood Council. The architectural and environmental services consultant proposals are still in review. Districts 3 and 9 South Central Waterfront Combining District and Density Bonus Program: On May 30th, the Planning Department, in coordination with the Department, will hold a public hearing for the approval of the South Central Waterfront (SCW) Combining District and Density Bonus Program, previously known as the SCW Regulating Plan. The program is intended to implement the SCW Vision Framework Plan, approved in 2016. This bonus program will be an Opt-In / Opt-Out program in which applicants, within a set structure, contribute community benefits such as parkland and park amenities in exchange for increased entitlements. The Parks and Recreation Board was briefed on the program on March 27th, the Planning Commission approved it with amendments on April 9th and the public hearing was set at the May 2nd Council Meeting (Item 98). District 9 3 DEVELOPMENT UPDATES: Aquatic Facilities at Montopolis Neighborhood Park and Beverly S. Sheffield Northwest District Park: Bidding opened for both aquatic facility projects on May 17th. The guaranteed maximum price will be compiled and shared with the Department in June. On May 30th, the Financial Services Department will request Council to authorize additional funding in the amount of $11,460,000 for the Montopolis Neighborhood Park and Beverly S. Sheffield Northwest District Park Aquatic Facilities Construction Manager-At-Risk contract with FlintCo, LLC, for a revised contractual Construction Cost Limitation for a total amount not to exceed $24,000,000. Both pool facilities are open for the 2024 swim season, with construction anticipated to begin in late September 2024. Districts 3 and 7 Site Plan for the Montopolis Neighborhood Park Aquatic Facility 4 Site Plan for the Beverly S. Sheffield Northwest District Park Aquatic Facility Bull Creek District Park Restroom Renovation: The restroom renovation reached substantial completion in May and is expected to be open to the public by the end of the month. The improvements focused on facility repairs, plumbing system replacement, roof replacement, utility improvements, and ADA access. Awarded contractor Jamail & Smith Construction began work on the improvements in July 2023.  District 10 New restroom at Bull Creek District Park 5 MAINTENANCE UPDATES: Gus Garcia Recreation Center Bathroom Remodel: Gus Garcia Recreation Center received approval for a bathroom remodel project that will address major issues affecting the toilets at Gus Garcia Recreation Center. The cost of the project is totaled at $83,953.73 and will be taken out of Gus Garcia Recreation Center’s FDU Budget. The project start date is to be determined. District 4 Hancock Recreation Center Annual Maintenance Week: Hancock Recreation Center was closed May 20 – 25 for an annual maintenance week. Among other notable maintenance projects, Hancock striped and recoated all wood floors. After School Programs continued to meet outside. District 9 South Austin Recreation Center: The South Austin Recreation Center is in the process of installing building cameras through a third-party instillation company, Johnson Controls. These cameras will be strategically placed in all programable areas as well as on the building’s corners to enhance safety for both community members and facility attendees. District 3 and 5 Barton Springs Pool Bathhouse Rehabilitation Project: The Bathhouse Rehabilitation Project is underway. Ticket sales were moved to the café, signage designating the change was provided and staff are being set up in designated temporary areas. An emergency phone is scheduled for installation and an altered emergency action plan is being developed and will be tested in the near future. Staff closed the bathhouse during the month of May. While the bathhouse remains closed, temporary showers, changing rooms, and bathrooms have been installed. District 5 & 8 Barton Springs Pool/Parking Lot Maintenance: Several pool lights have been replaced with LED’s. Yearly site safety inspection was completed, and the report deemed successful in its safety benchmarks. Irrigation was repaired on the south side of the facility. “Flowbird” parking meters programming was updated, and management is working to fill out the form needed for the update. District 5 & 8 PROGRAM UPDATES: District 1 Teens in Leadership Training: Teens in Leadership Training (TILT) saw 36 students graduate from the program on May 10th at the Dorris Miller Auditorium. TILT is a leadership and job readiness program for students 15-18 years of age. It provides participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to be successful employees with the Austin Parks and Recreation Department. During the Spring semester students met weekly to receive training and instruction from Parks and Recreation Department staff and ended the program by completing a “Growth project”. They presented these projects in front of their peers and families at graduation. Students will go on to be employed by the Austin Parks and Recreation Department during the 2024 summer season at various locations. District 1 6 TILT graduates displaying their Certificates of Achievement A TILT graduate proudly displays her Certificate of Achievement with family Conley-Guerrero Senior Activity Center Cinco De Mayo: Conley- Guerrero hosted a Cinco de Mayo event on May 3rd. The center had over 120 participants attend the amazing celebration. Participants enjoyed performances by Conley Guerrero’s own Ballet Folklorico team as well as performances by Mari Cruz Ballet Folklorico team. District 1 Youth dancing ballet folklorico Varsity Generation dancing ballet folklorico 7 Delores Duffie Recreation Center: On May 2nd, Delores Duffie Recreation center hosted their “Cinco De Mayo kickoff to Summer Camp Party” in the Doris Miller auditorium. The event was open to after-school programs and summer camp participants and included bounce houses, obstacles courses and game challenges. Seventy community members participated. District 1 Participants take turns hitting a pinata and making their own maracas during the Cinco De Mayo kickoff to summer camp party at Doris Miller gymnasium Givens Recreation Center: On May 13th, the Givens recreation center’s church basketball league came to a close. The program held each Monday night from 6 - 9 p.m., included 6 adult church teams that competed over the past 6 weeks. The final week included a championship game for the top two teams, after which a trophy was awarded to the winning team. District 1 Participants from the Givens Monday night Church league playing during a game 8 Turner-Roberts Recreation Center: On May 10th from 6 - 8 p.m., the Turner-Roberts Recreation Center hosted their annual Mother Son Dance. The event included food, fun and music provided by a DJ, and was open to all families. Registration for the event was free. District 1 Turner-Roberts Recreation Center: The Turner-Roberts recreation center recently completed their adult women's volleyball league. Amongst the four teams registered in the league, the final two teams advanced to the championship that was held Wednesday, May 8th. The winning teams received championship shirts provided by the recreation center. District 1 The Asian American Resource Center: The Asian American Resource Center hosted its 11th annual CelebrASIA event, which brought together cultural groups, nonprofits, performers, and vendors across the city for a special celebration in honor of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. The event featured performances from local groups such as the Heavenly Dragon Lion Dance Association, Austin Uri Karak Dance Group, Saloni Dance Group, and many more, as well as food from Bake n Bite ATX, Lotus Creamery, Sharetea, Tsaocaa Austin, and Mama Kong Cambodian. Attendees enjoyed free activities, including cultural experience rooms presented by Austin Hong Kongers, Indonesian Diaspora Network of Greater Austin, Natayla School of Dance, and Austin Japanese Minyo Group, as well as art activities provided by WIP. The Asian American Resource Center’s first group of teen mentors and mentees also joined in to showcase their capstone project. An estimated 1,500 community members attended the event. District 1 CelebrASIA Event Flyer 9 The George Washington Carver Museum and Cultural Center: The George Washington Carver Museum and Cultural Center was proud to invite the community to the opening reception of the Small Black Museum Residency Project Vol. 3 from 6 - 8 p.m. on May 16th. The museum was thrilled to present a group show featuring new bodies of work by resident artists Corey Sherrard Jr., Nitashia Johnson, and Taylor Barnes. Exploring themes of existentialism, spirituality, and earthly connections, the multimedia exhibit gave attendees the opportunity to engage in dynamic and thoughtful conversation around the work, meet the exhibiting artists, and connect with the Carver staff. The Small Black Museum Residency Project group show will be on view at the Carver Museum through October 5th. An estimated 300 community members attended this event. District 1 Small Black Museum Residency Project Vol. 3 Graphic 10 District 2 George Morales Dove Springs Recreation Center: The George Morales Dove Springs Recreation Center hosted its second annual Cinco De Mayo event on May 3rd from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. This event featured culturally relevant games, prizes and food. 200 people attended this event. District 2 Youth take their best swing hoping to bust open the candy filled piñata The Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center: The Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center collaborated with Austin Independent School District and Academia Cuauhtli to host “Education with Heart: A Community Celebration” on May 4th. Keynote speeches were given by District 2 Councilmember Vanessa Fuentes, Superintendent Matias Segura, UT Austin Dean of College of Education Charles Martinez, AISD Trustee Ofelia Zapata, and UT professors Angela Valenzuela and Emilio Zamora. Performances included Travis and Akins student Mariachis, Perez Elementary dance team, traditional Aztec blessings and dances, and singers Erika Santana and John Michael. An estimated 300 community members attended this event. District 2 Education with Heart in the Mendez Middle School auditorium 11 District 3 Rodolfo "Rudy" Mendez Recreation Center: Rodolfo "Rudy" Mendez Recreation Center recently hosted their Loteria Fiesta on May 2nd from 6 – 8 p.m. in Metz Neighborhood Park. Over two hundred and fifty participants attended the event. Families enjoyed live music in the park, and other festivities including table games for the kids, visiting with vendors, and snacking on Frito pies. Once the live music ended, eleven games of Loteria were played. Winners received a variety of family summer fun baskets and gift cards. Special thank you to Juan in a Million and Suvida Healthcare. District 3 The Bronze Band plays live music while the Loteria Fiesta attendees enjoy bingo, prizes, and snow cones Therapeutic Recreation Adaptive Field Day: The second annual Adaptive Field Day was held on April 26th at Parque Zaragoza Recreation Center. Over 250 Individuals of all ages and abilities attended the event and participated in games including giant spoon races, archery tag, and silent disco. District 3 Participants playing Cornhole and Spoon Races District 4 Brownie Neighborhood Park Phase I Ribbon Cutting Ceremony: The Brownie Neighborhood Park Phase I Ribbon Cutting Ceremony takes place on Friday, May 24 at 10 a.m. at 10000 Brownie Dr. This is an outdoor park event, so please dress comfortably. Learn more about Brownie Neighborhood Park at District 4 Virginia L. Brown Recreation Center’s After School Program: Virginia L. Brown Recreation Center After School Participants and their siblings received free bicycles and helmets on April 27th thanks to the Lil 12 Homies Bike Project and the Yellow Bike Project! Participants and their families enjoyed popcorn and snow cones while 50 kids picked their bikes and rode them on the blacktop. District 4 Program Supervisor Denise Cavanaugh presented with a certificate of recognition for Virginia L. Brown Recreation Center (Left), Lil Homies and Yellow Bike Project partners (Center), and After School participant enjoying his new bike (Right) District 5 South Austin Senior Activity Center Free Estate Planning Workshop: South Austin Senior Activity Center partnered with Age of Central Texas and Clayton and Ramirez Law Firm to offer a free Estate Planning Seminar on Saturday, April 27th. Twenty participants received legal advice from 10 lawyers who donated their time to the event. Those that participated described it as a “lifesaver” and were all very happy to have taken part. District 5 District 7 Northwest Recreation Center, Art In Cahoots: Northwest Recreation Center hosted the Art in Cahoots program on May 10th. This program, facilitated by staff from the Dougherty Arts Center, included sensory, multi-disciplinary, process-based arts activities for children and caregivers to experience together. A total of 12 children are currently registered for the program. District 7 District 8 Zilker Botanical Garden: The Garden hosted one of eight Free Days on Sunday, April 28th. District 8 Zilker Botanical Garden: The Zilker Botanical Garden Conservancy hosted the return of the annual Woodland Faerie Trail opening May 18th. The exhibit will remain open until July 13th. Opening day was held on May 18th from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. where guests are invited to wear faerie costumes, enjoy arts and crafts, scavenger hunts, and an exhibit of 75 faerie homes built by community members. Programming at the Garden is offered by the Conservancy as part of a public-private-partnership with the Austin Parks and Recreation Department. District 8 District 9 Totally Cool, Totally Art: Totally Cool, Totally Art hosted the annual end of year art showcase at the Dougherty Arts Center on May 8th. Over 140 teenagers and their families across 8 different recreation 13 centers came out to celebrate. Participants worked with a variety of art mediums including painting, digital art, film making, sculpture, and fashion design. The gallery hosted 650 pieces of art, highlighting the students' accomplishments throughout the year. The evening ended with an awards reception where standout students were recognized. District 9 TCTA Instructors prepare for the arrival of students before the end of year showcase A view of the gallery at the Dougherty Arts Center showcasing student artwork The Dougherty Arts Center: The Dougherty Arts Center’s Works In Progress (WIP) Teen Interns held a mural unveiling and ribbon cutting ceremony on May 4th at 11 a.m. to celebrate the completion of a new 14 mural for the Dougherty Arts Center’s side garden. WIP Interns developed the mural design, guided by feedback gathered from Dougherty Arts Center staff, created the project timeline, submitted the project proposal, spent weeks painting the mural, and completed the project on April 27th. The mural titled “Art from the Start” is meant to represent the Dougherty Arts Center community and how the Dougherty Arts Center can continue to uplift people through the arts. The ceremony began with a brief discussion by WIP interns on what went into the process, followed by a ribbon cutting mural reveal in the Dougherty Arts Center’s side garden. The Dougherty Arts Centers WIP internship is an immersive program that prepares teens living in the Austin metropolitan area for careers in the arts. Fifteen community members attended this event. District 9 Works In Progress Interns Cutting Mural Ribbon Works In Progress Interns Standing Beside Their Mural 15 Brush Square Museum: The 47th Annual O. Henry Museum Pun-Off World Championships took place on May 11th at Brush Square Park, behind the O. Henry Museum. As one of Austin’s oldest “weird” events, the Pun-Off is an internationally renowned spoken word competition focused on the art of the pun. For 47 years, punsters have gathered for a battle of wit and wordplay in honor of famous wordsmith and short story writer O. Henry. During the recent renovation of Brush Square Park, a new permanent stage was constructed, and this year's contestants were the first to compete on this “New Stage of Word Domination.” The Pun-Off featured two separate live contests: Punniest of Show and Punslingers. In addition to the competitions, the event included live music by Kathleen Turner Overdrive, food trucks, a silent auction, and souvenir t-shirts and buttons. An estimated 850 community members attended this event. District 9 2023 O. Henry Museum Pun-Off World Championships Winners Elisabet Ney Museum Naturalists at the Ney Series: The Mushroom walk with the Central Texas Mycological Society was held on May 4th where guests joined Chris Garza for a short ecology and herb tour of the grounds of the Elisabet Ney Museum. During the tour the group of 40 learned how fungi is entangled in all aspects of soil and plants. This event was free to the public. Recycled mushroom blocks were given to all participants. Forty community members attended this event. District 9 Mushroom Ecology Walk Graphic 16 Hancock Recreation Center’s Spring Soccer: Hancock Recreation Center competed against Gus Garcia Recreation Center and Northwest Recreation Center at the close of the Spring soccer season. Forty-nine Hancock kids participated in weekday practices at Hancock Recreation Center over the course of the season. District 9 Hancock’s 10U team with Coach Dennis and Coach Kevin after their final game of the season! Multiple Districts Nature Preserves Volunteer Events: The Land Management Program organized volunteer events at Stephenson Nature Preserve and Red Bluff Nature Preserves to create communities of local volunteers who will be willing to lead land management projects within those preserves. From April 26-29, Land Management staff led bio-blitzes at both preserves during the recent iNaturalist City Nature Global Challenge alongside these volunteer groups. District 1, 3, 5 Dittmar Recreation Center: On May 3rd, Dittmar Recreation Center Celebrated Cinco De Mayo with 300+ community members. Food and drinks were provided. The event had piñatas to add a traditional touch. The celebration also provided an opportunity for the community to connect with vendors from various parts of Austin. The festivities ended with a captivating performance by Ballet Mexikayotl Folklorico, adding cultural richness to the celebration. District 2 and 5 Ballet Folklorico Mexikayotl preforming during the event 17 South Austin Recreation Center: The South Austin Recreation Center offered a Youth Pickleball Program. Designed for beginners, the program was led by skilled instructors, allowing kids to learn the basics while enjoying playful matches. OOST Youth Pickleball Clinic started on May 3rd, the program lasted 4 weeks with practice every Friday from 4 - 5 p.m. 7 Participants registered. District 3 and 5 Participants dink and dunk in the kitchen during the Pickleball Clinic Zilker Shuttle Program: The Zilker Shuttle returns for a third summer, starting May 25th and running through September 2nd. The shuttle will run from 12:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. every Saturday and Sunday, in addition to Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, and Labor Day. As in previous years, the free shuttle service will run from the One Texas Center parking garage to Zilker Park. The program will increase from two to three shuttle vehicles, utilizing a new route and piloting an additional pick-up / drop-off location within the park. Districts 5 and 8 Map showing Zilker Shuttle routes and pick-up locations 18 ADMINISTRATIVE UPDATES: Gus Garcia Recreation Center Community Service Award: Neomi Delgado was awarded the Community Service Award on May 4th, at Austin City Hall by the Commission on Aging. Neomi Delgado is an active leader and is an important figure for the Varsity Generation program at Gus Garcia Recreation Center. The award recognizes Neomi for going above and beyond for older adults in the Austin Community. Neomi Delgado will continue to make Gus Garcia Recreation Center better for the community of Austin. District 4 Neomi Delgado poses with her Community Service Award Lamar Senior Activity Center: The center completed the hiring process for the vacant Recreation Program Specialist position. Marissa Velasquez was selected and will start Monday, May 20th. District 9 Lifeguard Recruitment, Hiring & Training: The Aquatic Division continues with training and lifeguard recruiting efforts on all fronts. As of April 30th, Austin Parks and Recreation has 470 lifeguards ready to work, compared to 333 by the end of April 2023. Additionally, the Austin Parks and Recreation Department is processing 934 current lifeguard applications and the process to hire 3 recreation program instructors has commenced. All Districts The City of Austin launches 2024-2025 budget survey tool As the City of Austin gears up for the fiscal year 2025 budget, residents are invited to participate in shaping the future of their community. Recognizing the importance of accessibility and inclusivity, the City is pleased to announce the launch of its interactive Budget Survey Tool, available in multiple languages. The Budget Survey Tool enables residents to directly engage in the budget allocation process by selecting their top three priority initiatives from a comprehensive list of options. This tool aims to provide survey participants with a meaningful opportunity to engage with the City and ensure that the budget reflects the community’s diverse needs and preferences. 19 "Our residents are at the heart of everything we do, and their input is invaluable in shaping the priorities of our city," said Austin City Manager T.C. Broadnax. “We encourage all residents to take advantage of this opportunity to share their perspectives and help shape the future of Austin." The survey encompasses a wide range of issues, from infrastructure improvements to housing, public safety, and beyond. The insights gathered from the survey will be used to inform City staff as they work to develop a proposed balanced budget that reflects the needs and priorities of the community. "The City of Austin is committed to transparency and accountability in its budgeting process," said Chief Financial Officer, Ed Van Eenoo. "By engaging residents through this survey, we can ensure that our budget reflects the values and priorities of the people we serve." The Budget Survey Tool will be available throughout the month of May in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, and Chinese Simplified. To participate and for more information on the budget development process, please visit Zilker Train: Over the past two weeks, the Austin Parks Foundation has been testing the train with people and discovered that modifications are needed on the train cars. This is part of the Foundation’s approach to testing in stages. They first tested without people, and then with people, to see how the train would operate with weight, people shifting within the train cars, etc. As a result of their findings, one of the train cars will be shipped back to the manufacturer in Lufkin to determine the next steps. The Foundation anticipates having more information within the next week or two. As a reminder, construction updates and pictures of progress can be found at construction-updates/. Human Resources (HR): The PARD HR Employment team continues to maintain a vacancy rate of (9%), which is well below the City vacancy rate of 12.6%! To date, 120 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) and 300+ Temporary positions have been hired/filled since October 1, 2023, or the beginning of the fiscal year. We recently attended the City of Austin “Get Hired” Career Fair held on April 11, 2024. 20 The PARD Organizational Development and Training (OD) team has welcomed aboard around 30 new FTE employees through the department New Employee Orientation. Additionally, PARD OD is getting ready to go live with a Leadership 101 training plan within the PARD LMS Dashboard. This training plan consists of LinkedIn Learning training and resources in conflict resolution, leadership and management skills, and relational culture key concepts. 21