20240226-003: Butler Trail Code Amendment — original pdf

PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD RECOMMENDATION 20240226-3 February 26, 2024 Butler Trail Code Amendment Date: Subject: Motioned By: Kathryn Flowers Recommendation The Parks and Recreation Board recommends to Austin City Council to approve an ordinance to amend Title 25 related to the environmental protections at the Ann and Roy Butler Hike and Bike Trail, including an amended §25-8-261(B)(3)(g) to read “located not less than 50 feet from the shoreline of Lady Bird Lake as defined in Section 25-8-92, unless restoration is provided at a minimum ratio of 2:1, with the option that the applicant and the Director collaborate for a minimum 1:1 restoration, where necessary, as determined by a functional assessment of floodplain health”. Vote Seconded By: Lisa Hugman The motion to recommend to Austin City Council to approve an ordinance to amend Title 25 related to the environmental protections at the Ann and Roy Butler Hike and Bike Trail, including an amended §25-8-261(B)(3)(g) to read “located not less than 50 feet from the shoreline of Lady Bird Lake as defined in Section 25-8-92, unless restoration is provided at a minimum ratio of 2:1, with the option that the applicant and the Director collaborate for a minimum 1:1 restoration, where necessary, as determined by a functional assessment of floodplain health” was approved on Vice Chair Flowers motion, Board Member Hugman’s second on a 6-3 vote. Those voting aye were: Chair Villalobos, Vice Chair Flowers, Board Members Bazan, Becker, Franklin and Merritt. Those voting nay were: Board Members Hugman, Reed and Taylor. Board Members Hayes and Orme absent. Pedro Villalobos, Kathryn Flowers, Stephanie Bazan, Lane Becker, Jennifer Franklin and Nicole Merritt. Julie Hayes and Shelby Orme. Lisa Hugman, Holly Reed and Kim Taylor. Against: Abstain: None. Absent: Attest: Tim Dombeck, Board and Council Liaison, Parks and Recreation Department. For: