02-2: Letters of Support for Nature Programs Unit — original pdf

February 26, 2024 Dear Jessica Gilzow, We are wri�ng to express our hear�elt apprecia�on and recogni�on for your excep�onal contribu�ons to the Aus�n Nature & Science Center. Your dedica�on, crea�vity, and �reless efforts have significantly enhanced the quality of our center and enriched the educa�onal experiences we offer to our community. Your innova�ve ideas and steadfast commitment to improving the Aus�n Nature & Science Center have not gone unno�ced. Your vision has brought about remarkable changes that have transformed the center into a vibrant hub for learning and explora�on. From revamping the facility to introducing cap�va�ng educa�onal programming, your ini�a�ves have truly elevated our community. We are par�cularly impressed by your ingenuity in developing crea�ve educa�onal programs that engage and inspire visitors of all ages and backgrounds. Your ability to combine scien�fic knowledge with interac�ve experiences has made learning both enjoyable and enriching for our guests. Through your efforts, you have fostered a deeper apprecia�on for nature, science, culture, and the environment among our visitors, leaving a las�ng impact on their lives. Furthermore, your collabora�ve spirit and willingness to go above and beyond have been instrumental in fostering a posi�ve and inclusive community where bridges are being built. Thank you for your outstanding contribu�ons and for making a profound difference in the lives of those we serve. Warm regards, Pedro A. Villalobos Chair, Parks and Recrea�on Board Kathryn Flowers Vice-Chair, Parks and Recrea�on Board