04-6: UPDATED Braker Lane Extension Draft MOU — original pdf

M E M O R A N D U M O F U N D E R S T A N D I N G M.O.U. # 24-002 2/15/2024 Chapter 26 Administrative Fee = $4,000 Richard Mendoza, P.E. Director, Transportation and Public Works Department Kimberly McNeeley, M.Ed., CPRP Director, Parks and Recreation Department TO: FROM: SUBJECT: East Braker Lane Extension DATE: Transportation and Public Works Department (TPW) is requesting a Chapter 26 application for the change of use of an existing 7,818 sq. ft exclusive Park Recreational Easement to allow for the construction of the East Braker Lane Extension in accordance with the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan as depicted on Attachment A (Location Map). As part of the mitigation and to restore connectivity, the TPW shall designate safe bicycle and pedestrian crossing across E. Braker Lane to connect the adjacent neighborhoods to Walter E. Long Metropolitan Park. This connection shall be reflected in the Urban Trails GIS layer for reference, within a month upon approval of this Chapter 26 case by City Council. TPW is subject to the Chapter 26 Administrative Fee below. Transportation and Public Works Point of Contact: Bryan Golden Parks and Recreation Point of Contact: Gregory Montes Phone Number: 512-974-9458 Parks & Recreation Board: Council Approval: ___________________________________________________________ Kimberly McNeeley, M.Ed., CPRP Director, Parks and Recreation Department CONCURRENCE ____________________________________________________________ Richard Mendoza, P.E. Director, Transportation and Public Works Department Phone Number: 512-974-9183 Date Date Attachments A: (Location Map) 1 of 2