03-4: Butler Trail Amendment Review Sheet — original pdf

C20-2023-013 ORDINANCE AMENDMENT REVIEW SHEET Amendment: C20-2023-013 Butler Trail Code Amendment Description: Amendments to City Code Title 25-8-261(Critical Water Quality Zone Development) in response to City Council Resolution 20230518-044 to allow the Butler Trail to remain within the setbacks applicable to Lady Bird Lake; and to allow capital improvements made to the Butler Trail to comply with the recommendations from the 2015 Butler Trail Urban Forestry and Natural Area Management Guidelines, maintenance standards of care listed in the Butler Trail POMA, and the recommendations provided in the Butler Trail Safety and Mobility Study. Proposed Language: Consider an ordinance to amend Title 25 related to environmental protections at the Ann and Roy Butler Hike and Bike Trail. Summary of proposed code amendment In 2017, provisions were added to the Land Development Code section 25-8-261 (Critical Water Quality Zone Development) restricting development within the 50 ft setback of Lady Bird Lake including the construction of trails, including the existing Butler Trail, approximately 85% of which is currently located within the 50 ft setback of Lady Bird Lake. This restriction makes it more difficult to enhance, reconstruct and build the Butler Trail in its current alignment. In response to the Council Resolution 20230518-044, staff requests an amendment to existing code language to accommodate the current Butler Trail alignment and width while continuing to provide protection to the shoreline through mitigation and improvements to the health of the floodplain. Three amendments to 25-8-261 (CRITICAL WATER QUALITY ZONE DEVELOPMENT) are proposed: • • 25-8-261 (B)(3)(c) to allow the Butler Trail to exceed 12 feet width 25-8-261 (B)(3)(f-g) to allow the Butler Trail to be located within 50 feet of the shoreline of Lady Bird Lake with restoration provided for impact associated with capital improvements and reconstruction of the trail. 25-8-261 (C)(2) to remove the requirement for additional restoration for shoreline disturbance associated with the Butler Trail. • Background: On May 18th , 2023, City Council approved Resolution No. 20230518-044 to initiate amendments to City Code Title 25 (Land Development) to allow the Butler Trail to remain within the setbacks applicable to Lady Bird Lake; and to allow capital improvements made to the Butler Trail to comply with the recommendations from the 2015 Butler Trail Urban Forestry and Natural Area Management Guidelines, maintenance standards of care listed in the Butler Trail POMA, and the recommendations provided in the Butler Trail Safety and Mobility Study. 1 C20-2023-013 Board and Commission Actions December 6th, 2023, Recommendation of approval by the Environmental Commission; 7-0 December 13th, 2023, Recommendation of approval by the Codes and Ordinances Joint Committee; 6-0 February 26th, 2024, Considered by the Parks and Recreation Board February 27th, 2024.Considered by Planning Commission Council Action March 7th, 2024: A public hearing will be scheduled. Ordinance Number: TBD City Staff: Leslie Lilly, Environmental Conservation Program Manager, Watershed Protection Phone: (512) 535-8914 Email: Leslie.lilly@austintexas.gov 2