11-1: Parks Board Budget Working Group Meeting Minutes from February 6, 2024 — original pdf

PARB Working Group - Budget February 6, 2024, 4pm – 4:40pm Virtual Attendees: Lane Becker, Kathryn Flowers, Jennifer Franklin, Shelby Orme Absent: Nicole Merritt 1. Review Action Items from Last Meeting Vice Chair Flowers reviewed the “helpful tips” document with the timeline and tips for the full Board, and all agreed it should be distributed. Board Member Becker provided an updated on his review of past PARB budget recommendations. He observed they were mostly short and concise, and nothing particularly jumped out for reconsideration this year, however, he will circulate them to the working group. No update on Board Member Merritt’s item. Board Member Orme made a spreadsheet of all the boards/commissions and marked the potentially relevant ones. She will circulate this to the working group. 2. Potential Briefing from PARD In discussion with PARD, it was determined that late February will be better timing for their briefing. Tabled. 3. Discussion of Possible Items of Interest from Members from Last Board Meeting Zilker Shuttle The working group discussed the Zilker Shuttle recommendation from the last full PARB meeting. Board Member Becker expressed interest in the shuttle aspects of the recommendation, but noted the lift of understanding cost might be significant. Questions regarding scope of the study were raised by Board Member Franklin. Board Member Becker expressed interest in transportation solution and noted that a study may be too significant to tackle in this working group. Vice Chair Flowers notes that it was unclear whether this would be a budget recommendation for PARD or for Transportation and Public Works, and suggested we reach out to Urban Transportation Commission to collaborate. It’s worth noting that the paused Zilker Vision Plan did include a shuttle system. Working group agreed that a study would be too difficult to cost but that the foundation for costing a shuttle system was present. Board Member Becker agreed to look into the past work of costing a potential shuttle system and share it with the working group. Board Member Franklin agreed to reach out to the Chair of UTC to have a discussion and gauge their interest in collaborating. Dittmar Recreation Center Some concerns were raised by working group members about focusing on one recreation center when needs citywide are significant. Vice Chair Flowers noted that the department is in the process of a recreation center needs assessment, which should better inform citywide needs, and that it is possible this would be addressed in the PARD discussion with the working group later this month. Board Member Becker noted that a citywide ask may be an impactful focus area for our working group, as long as it aligns with PARD’s assessment. Vice Chair Flowers agreed to ask PARD for an update on the assessment and encouraged other board members to do so as well. Onion Creek Metro North Chair Villalobos noted at the last meeting that the citizens here have raised concerns about lighting and shade. There was a large component to last year’s city budget related to shade structures at parks, as noted by Vice Chair Flowers. Board Member Becker notes that Joint Sustainability Committee is also focused on shade right now – particularly around sidewalk shade. Board Member Becker agreed to follow up with to ask for more details. Summer Camp Capacity Vice Chair Flowers noted that she believes this is a facilities capacity issue at the sites hosting camps, and that it was unclear what a budget ask might be. Board Member Becker brought up that the registration system was also a concern but it was not a budget issue, as a new system is already in the procurement process and that project is funded. Other New Items from the Working Group At a previous PARB meeting, Board Member Franklin had asked about reclaimed water, because PARD pays Austin Water for the water they use in irrigation, etc. Board Member Franklin was interested if reclaimed water might be an option, and what infrastructure existed for this. Board Member Franklin noted this might not be something for this year, but next year. Board Member Franklin committed to reviewing what she received from Director McNeeley and reassessing. ACTION ITEM RECAP: • Vice Chair Flowers to distribute helpful tips document via Tim to full Board • Vice Chair Flowers agreed to ask PARD for an update on the recreation center assessment and encouraged other board members to do so as well. • Board Member Becker to circulate the past PARB recommendation on budget that he reviewed and summarized • Board Member Becker agreed to look into the past work of costing a potential shuttle system and share it with the working group. • Board Member Becker agreed to follow up with to ask for more details on the Onion Creek Metro North request. • Board Member Franklin agreed to reach out to the Chair of UTC to have a discussion and gauge their interest in collaborating on the Zilker Shuttle item • Board Member Franklin committed to reviewing what she received from Director • McNeeley on reclaimed water and reassessing. (Holdover from last meeting) Board Member Merritt to create a spreadsheet to track possible recommendations and share with the group