05-2: Barton Springs Bathhouse Renaming Proposal Memo with Attachments — original pdf

M E M O R A N D U M TO: Parks and Recreation Board FROM: Kimberly McNeeley, CPRP Director, Austin Parks and Recreation Department DATE: February 15, 2024 SUBJECT: Renaming Proposal for Barton Springs Bathhouse This memorandum serves as the Austin Parks and Recreation Department’s (Department) conclusion to the 90-day community engagement period following an application to rename the Barton Springs Bathhouse to the Joan Means Khabele Bathhouse at Barton Springs. This memo, the attached application (Attachment A), community input report (Attachment E), and additional back up documents are submitted in accordance with Austin City Code of Ordinances. Process for Renaming a Park The process for naming or renaming a park facility is in Austin City Code of Ordinances section 14-1-36, section 14-1-37, and section 14-1-39. On October 20, 2023, the Parks and Recreation Department director notified the Parks and Recreation Board, City Manager, and City Council of an application (Attachment A) to rename the Bathhouse at Barton Springs to the Joan Means Khabele Bathhouse at Barton Springs, which began a 90-day period to receive public comment. The 90-day period ended on January 18, 2024. During that time, the department’s Communications and Engagement Unit performed the following actions: • Notified the community of the naming proposal through several outlets: o email notification o social media notification o in-person “pop-up” events at Barton Springs Pool • Developed and distributed a survey that allowed community members to indicate support or nonsupport of the bathhouse renaming proposal. Following the 90-day period, the director is required to submit the application and any other nominations or endorsements to the Parks and Recreation Board. The Bathhouse at Barton Springs The Barton Springs Bathhouse was built in 1947 replacing an earlier wooden structure at the same location. The one-story masonry building is attributed to Dan Driscoll, with support from Delmar Groos. The building style is Streamline Moderne, which is a late Art Deco style characterized by curving forms and horizontal lines. The building is architecturally and historically significant and is a State Antiquities Landmark and listed to the National Register of Historic Places. Names Associated with the Bathhouse Two other names associated with the Bathhouse are B.J. “Buster” Robinson Sr. and Beverly S. Sheffield: • In 1987, the Austin City Council Resolution number 870319-15 approved naming “a portion of Barton Springs Bathhouse in Zilker Park (old office and two basket rooms) the B.J. ‘Buster’ Robinson Sr., Information Center” (Attachment B). • An application for the naming of the Beverly S. Sheffield Education Center was sent to City Council on May 8, 1997. There is no record in City Council minutes from 1997 reflecting the naming process. The application is attached (Attachment C). An Austin-American Statesman article from June 16, 1997 (Attachment D) confirms the naming. Both naming processes preceded Austin’s current code, but most align with what is defined in current code as a “park feature:” “PARK FEATURE means a recreational improvement that is not considered a park facility and is a major component of a park facility.” (Code 14-1-36) From the research conducted by the Department, the City has not undertaken a formal naming process for the Barton Springs Bathhouse building in its entirety. Should the decision be made to rename the Barton Springs Bathhouse, as outlined in the application, it is appropriate for the existing feature names to remain. Joan Means Khabele Background Joan Means Khabele was born in Austin, Texas, during a time when the City of Austin segregated the city’s neighborhoods and public amenities through the systematic enactment of racist policies. Communities of people of color thrived and formed vibrant, dynamic, and close-knit communities in East Austin despite the injustices of racial segregation. Parks were segregated by race during this era, and Black Austinites were not permitted to swim at Barton Springs. In 1954, the Supreme Court ruled in Brown v. Board of Education that separating children in public schools based on race was unconstitutional. In 1956, Ms. Khabele, the oldest child of civil rights activists Bertha Sadler Means and James Means, was one of the first Black students to enroll at all-white Austin High School. When Ms. Khabele and other Black students were denied the opportunity to swim at Barton Springs during the Austin High School annual senior picnic, she protested by jumping in the pool despite policies forbidding Black people to swim in a pool designated for only white people. Ms. Khabele, along with other activists, bravely defied the segregationist policies of the time during these “swim ins,” which eventually led to the integration of Barton Springs pool and other recreational facilities in the city. As a young adult, Ms. Khabele earned degrees from the University of Chicago and UCLA, worked in the Peace Corps, and taught in several African countries. She later returned to Austin, where she raised three children and had eight grandchildren. Ms. Khabele passed away in 2021. More information is available in the submitted application for renaming the Bathhouse. Community Engagement The Department recognized the wide interest in the renaming proposal for the Bathhouse as a city-wide facility. During the 90-day period, the Department notified the stakeholders contact list from the Zilker Park Vision Plan process, posted multiple social media posts, and connected with key individuals, such as the Khabele family. Alongside the Barton Springs Bathhouse Rehabilitation team, staff members were at in-person pop-up events on October 24, 2023, in both the morning and evening. Interested community members were encouraged to indicate whether or not they supported the application for renaming the Bathhouse. Additionally, individuals were encouraged to share comments. Community Survey Results Show Significant Support The survey tool logged 1,378 views with 315 participants. Overall results showed significant support for renaming the facility with 86% of respondents endorsing the renaming and 14% not in support (307 responses to this question). Comments Supporting Renaming A review of the 204 comments on the survey indicates overwhelming support of the proposal to rename the bathhouse after Joan Means Khabele. Comments primarily touch on the positive qualities of Ms. Khabele and the ways she influenced people’s lives. Comments Against Renaming There were 20 of the 204 comments that did not indicate support for the bathhouse renaming. Following are the responses that the Department determined were not in support of the proposed renaming: • 13 comments expressed explicit nonsupport of renaming the bathhouse: o 5 centered around not changing Austin or erasing “Old Austin.” o 3 cited Buster Robinson’s name in the Bathhouse as the reason. o 1 called the renaming “political.” o 2 suggested reserving the space for an Indigenous name. o 1 suggested a different name. o 1 said, “No. Nope. Nay. Negative.” • 7 Comments expressed concern about the renaming proposal: o 4 expressed concern that the Bathhouse already had an association with Buster o 2 suggested naming the surrounding site for an Indigenous name rather than a focus on Robinson’s name. only the Bathhouse. o 1 expressed a desire to choose from more than one proposed option. All comments can be reviewed in Attachment E. Next Steps According to section 14-1-39(H), after receiving this memorandum, the Parks and Recreation Board shall schedule and conduct a public hearing on renaming the Bathhouse at Barton Springs. The Board shall make a written recommendation to City Council not later than the 45th day after receiving this memorandum, which is March 31, 2024. If the board does not meet the deadline, the Board will be deemed to have made no recommendation. City Council will make the final decision thereafter. Attachments A. Application for Renaming Bathhouse at Barton Springs B. Resolution 870319-15 naming portions of Bathhouse after Buster Robinson C. Application for naming Beverly S. Sheffield Education Center at Bathhouse, May 8, 1997 D. Austin-American Statesman article from June 16, 1987 E. Renaming Survey Report Attachment A City Council Frank C.Cooksey Mayor John Trevino, Jr. Mayor Pro Tern Council Members Mark Rose Smoot Carl-Mitchell Sally Shipman George Humphrey Charles E. Urdy Jorge Carrasco City Manager s Elden Aldridge City Clerk Attachment B: Resolution Naming Portion of Bathhouse after Buster Robinson Austin City Council MINUTES For MARCH 19, 1987 - 1:00 P . M. Council Chambers, 307 V\bst Second Street, Austin, Texas Memorandum To: Mayor Cooksey called to order the meeting of the Council, noting the presence of all Councilmembers. MINUTES APPROVED The Council, on Councilmember Shipman's motion, Councilmember Carl-Mitchell's second, approved minutes for regular meeting of March 12, 1987 and special meeting of March 8, 1987. (6-0 Vote, Councilmember Rose out of the room) CITIZENS COMMUNICATIONS Mr.* Fred Mlchaelis invited Council to attend a showing of "Urban Subslstance Survival" at the Unity Church on Del Curto. Mr Jesus Miranda discussed bidding practices by Public Works, Design Engineering Section. Mr. Sidney B. Grief and Charles R. Jones discussed an ordinance presented by Citizens Against Pornography. Mr. James Pinedo did not speak. Mr. Pete Dwyer talked about lack of action on approach mains. Mr. Jim Fellers did not appear. Mr. Terry Davis talked about procurement practices and procedures. Col. Don F. Rettberg discussed status report on Infant-Parent Building Project. BOARD REPORT POSTPONED Indefinitely postponed is the Retirement Boards proposal to reduce level of local disclosure. OLD BUSINESS - ZONING ORDINANCES The Council, on Councilmember Carl-Mitchell's motion, Councilmember Shipman's second, passed through second and third readings of ordinances amending Chapter 13-2A of the Austin City Code (Zoning Ordinance) to cover the following changes: (7-0 Vote, unless otherwise noted) C o u n c il Memo 2 3 / 1 9 / 87 (1) JOHN A. JOSEPH C14-85-244.ll Generally located North of West Braker Lane and East of U. S. 183 Fran Interim "SF-211 to "LI" First reading on January 30, 1986, (7-0) . Conditions have been net as follows: Restrictive Covenant incorporating conditions inposed fcy Council has been executed. (2) RON F. BEARDEN C14-85-288.126 6804 Bee Caves Road From Interim "RR" to "CS" First reading on June 18, 1986, (7-0). Conditions have been met as follows: Restrictive Covenant incorporating conditions inposed fcy Council has been executed. (3) PHILIP C. JOSEPH C14-85-149 (part) Part of the 46 1/2 acre tract located at Fanner Lane, North Fran Interim "SF-2" to "HO" 5-2 V o t e, Council- Lamar c Z.B. 35 members Shipman and Carl-Mitchell voted No. First reading on December 12, 1985, (5-2). Council- msifcers Snoot Carl-Mitchell and Sally Shiproan voted W. Conditions have been net as follows: Restrictive Covenant incorporating conditions inposed by Council has been executed. (4) INDUSTRIAL. lAMINKtES CORP. By Robert D. Kelly C14-84-320 1800-1810 E. 4th Street From "MF-3" to "LI" First reading on Decentoer 6, 1984, (6-0). CouncilnEtriber Mark Rose absent* Conditions have been met as follows: Development restricted to that shown on site plan attached as an exhibit to the ordinance. Right-of-Way en East Fourth Street has been dedicated by street deed. CONSENT ORDINANCES The Council, on Councilmember Carl-Mitchell's motion, Mayor Pro Tern Trevlno's second, waived the requirement for three readings and f i n a l ly passed the following ordinances in one consent motion: (6-0 V o t e, Councilmember Humphrey out of the room) O p e r a t i ng Budget Amendment Amended the 1986-87 Annual O p e r a t i ng Budget by t r a n s f e r r i ng $243,750.00 f r om the Aviation Fund Ending Balance to increase the CIP t r a n s f er to $5,832,658,00 and a p p r o p r i a t i ng these f u n ds to the Taxiway R e c o n s t r u c t i on and Overlay P r o j e c t. Council Memo Item Postponed 3 3/19/87 Postponed indefinitely is consideration of amending Ordinance No. 860717-X, Article V, Section 2-3-72(c) to delete Inclusion of the Employees' Retirement System Board of Trustees, the Firemen's Relief and Retirement Fund Board of Trustees, and the Police Retirement Board of Trustees In that Section, and consider amending Ordinance No. 860717-X Article V, Section 2-3-72(d) to Include these three boards. Commission on Status of Women Approved amending the ordinance creating the Commission on the Status of Women to allow the member emeritus voting privileges. Postponed Item Speed Zones • <_11-2-100(e) 55 nph Postponed to April 2, 1987 consideration of waiving the Stelner Ranch Project from the Comprehensive Watersheds Ordinance. Amended the Austin City Code to modify the following speed zones: Deletet Manchaca Road from William' Cannon Drive to South City Limits (365 feet south of Shiloh Drive) 11-2-100 (d) SOnrA - 11-2-100(c) 45nph Deletes Manchaca Koad frccn Matthews Lane to South City Limits (365 feet south of Shiloh Drive) Add: Manchaca Road (FM 2304) from Matthews Lane frdle point 3.0) to 1,062.4 feet south of West Slaughter Lane fcnile point 5.276) ITEM POSTPONED Postponed to March 26, 1987 is consideration of amending Ordinance No. 870219-R to require purchasers of a single-family attached residence to consult an attorney. CONSENT RESOLUTIONS * The Council, on Mayor Pro Tern Trevino's motion, Councilmember Urdy's second, adopted the following resolutions in one consent motion: (6-0 Vote, Councilmember Humphrey out of the room) C o u n c il Memo 4 3/19/87 Release of Easement A u t h o r i z ed r e l e a se of the f o l l o w i ng easement: a. A 15* P u b l ic U t i l i ty E a s e m e nt of record in Volume 83, Page 107C, P l at R e c o r ds of Travis County* Texas, located on Lots 1 and 2 of Burge B u r n et Subdivision Two. Sigety of Baker-Aicklen & A s s o c i a t es on behalf of his client M a y f i e l d - W l l k e r s o n - J e f f e r s on P a r t n e r s h ip # 3) ( R e q u e st s u b m i t t ed by Don License Agreement Contracts Approved Approved entering into the f o l l o w i ng license agreement: To allow the encroachment of a canopy into the East 5th Street right-of-way adjoining 504 East 5th S t r e e t. (Request submitted by Patrick R i o r d an on behalf of Young-Zapp Joint Venture) Approved the following contracts: ( Except for "d" which was postponed) H 4 H CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION P. 0. Box 6460 Austin, Texas THE CADENCE GROUP, INC. 3101 Bee Caves Road, Suite 301 Austin, Texas CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM - Miscellaneous Drainage Improvements No. 1, Phase C, including water and wastewater adjustments. Transportation and Public Services Department total $843,944.00 C.l.P. Nos. 85/60-03, 86/22-04 £ 86/23-04 CAPITAL IMHWENEMTS PROGRAM - Hornsby Bend Wastewater Treatsent Plant Support Facilities Complex, Transportation and Public Services Department Total $4,118,800.00 C.X.P. No. 85/23-15 c. W. K. JOTTINGS ELECTRIC COMPANY INC. 1707 Dungan Lane Austin, Texas .5-0 Vote, Councilmember Rose d. BLUME TREE SERVICES, DC. 1236 Cude Cemetery Road Willis, Texas POSTPONED TO 4/2/87 e. MEDL3NE 2707 Hopewell Court Leander, Texas Installation of Microwave Tower Foundations at various substations, Electric Utility Department u . , ^ 3totalS74.100.00 J37-C063-JJe . abstained, Councilmeniber Humphrey out of the room. Itork Force for Tree Trimninq and Line Clearing Mark, Electric Utility Department Total $949,598.00 87-C072-JJ -. Surgical Wraps, Bradcenridqe Hospital Twelve (12) Month Supply Agreement Total $37,663.92 BS7-072 Council Memo Approach Mains 5 3/19/87 Approved the following approach mains: 819 McNeil Cut-off Joint Venture (Wastewater) 1011 82.5 Acre Blue Goose Rd. Tract (Wastewater) Postponed indefinitely are: 947 Johnston 10 Acre Tract (Water) City Cost Participation 948 17 Acre Boston Lane Tract (Water) City Cost Participation 989 17 Acre Boston Lane Tract (Waste- water) Westview on Lake Austin Approved an amendment of restrictive covenant for Westview on Lake h Austin, Phase A, Subdivision. Texas Department of Human Services Contract Approved amending the Texas Department of Human Services contract providing hospital-based caseworkers and data communications access. Approved entering Into a short-term coal contract with Elk River Coal Contract Resources, Inc. Bell County Health Facilities Approved the use of the proceeds of revenue bonds issued by the Bell County Health Facilities Development Corporation to finance health facilities to be located within the boundaries of the City of Austin; requesting that the Bell County Health Facilities Development Corporation loan certain proceeds of its revenue bonds to St. David's Community Hospital; and consenting to the acquisition of certain facilities by the Hospital with the proceeds of such loan. Approved determining ~. the route of,acquiring easements and fee titles for, Circuit 961, Jollyville to Howard Lane Circuit 961 Circuit 974 Approved determining the route of, acquiring easements and fee titles for, Circuit 974, Dessau to Sprinkle. Dessau Electric Substation Approved locating, surveying and determining compensation to be paid for said Interest, and negotiating for and acquiring fee titles for Dessau Electric Substation. Council Memo Item Postponed t, 6 3/19/87 Staff requested indefinite postponement of a resolution to consider determining the route of, acquiring easements and fee titles for, and constructing Circuit 3126, Austrop to McNeil. Barton Springs Bathhouse Renamed Approved naming a oortion of the Barton Springs Bathhouse in Zilker Park (old office and two basket rooms) the B.J. "Buster" Robinson Sr.f Information Center. (Recommended by ParKs and Recreation Board) ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET AMENDMENT The Council, on Counciltnember Shipman's motion, Counciltnember Urdy's second, waived the requirement for three readings and finally passed an ordinance amending the 1986-87 Annual Operating Budget by allocating $20,000 from the Social Services Contingency Fund to Community Advocates for Teens and Parents, Inc., for the establish- ment of a new shelter program, with the caveat they meeti with Department of Housing and Community Services to work out a budget for their money. (6-1 Vote, Mayor Pro Tern Trevino voted No) AUSTIN METROPOLITAN AREA ROADWAY PLAN The Council, on Councilmetnber Rose's motion, Councilmember Urdy's second, adopted a resolution to adopt Criteria 1 and 2 and add Koenig Lane from the Austin Transportation Study Plan for analysis for potential amendment to the Austin Metropolitan Area Roadway Plan. (7-0 Vote) ITEMS FROM COUNCIL Mayor Cooksey introduced an item of discussion about the bond counsel. He said he wants to spread the bond business around and assign a different law firm to GO bonds, another to .revenue bonds and still another to special project bonds. Mayor Cooksey also introduced an item to Council concerning Civic Center RFP requirements. Motion The Cuncll, on Mayor Pro Tern Trevlno's motion, Councilmember Humphrey's second, adopted a resolution clarifying Civic Center RFP requirements for Minority and Women Owned Businesses. (5-0 Vote, Councilmembers Shipman and Urdy out of the room) APPEAL SET The Council, on Councilmember Carl-Mitchell's motion. Mayor Pro Tern Trevino's second, set an appeal hearing for April 2, 1987 at 5:00 p.m. on the request of Mr. Chip Harris, president of Crestview Neighborhood Association on an appeal of the Planning Commission's decision regarding a site plan approval at 5301 North Lamar. (Related to an earlier appeal by Mr. Harris as to the compatibility waiver for this project) No. RZ-86-063. (6-0 Vote, Councilmember Urdy out of the room) ITEM POSTPONED • Postponed was consideration of a resolution instructing the City Manager to design and Implement an interim water action plan and hire the necessary project managers. \, I Attachment C: Application for Beverly S. Sheffield Education Center ~[Q) MAY- 8 199., -----------:___ May 8, 1997 Mr. Jesus Olivares, Director Mr. Kendall Moss, Deputy Director Parks and Recreation Department City of Austin -Hand Deliver Re: Request for expedited processing of Facility Naming Applications for Barton Springs Education Center and The Hillside Theatre at Zilker Park Gentlemen: Attached to this cover letter are two (2) "Applications for Facility Naming." Both applications request facilities be named after Beverly S. Sheffield. I respectfully request your immediate attention to these applications in order that they may be considered by the City of Austin Parks Board at its May 13th meetin!' so that City Council may consider the application to name The Hillside Theatre at its May 22° meeting. (Council Members Griffith and Garcia have agreed to sponsor this item.) I apologize for the late filing of these applications. The goal is to get both approved prior to the donor reception and naming ceremony May 30, 1997. A full bio/resume ofMr. Sheffield's lifetime of public service and volunteer activities will be delivered to your offices Monday, May 12th. There is widespread community support for these two applications. I urge you to make a positive recommendation and to allow both to be posted as addenda to the Parks Board's May 13th agenda. Thank you for your attention to this matter. On behalf of the fundraising committee for the Barton Springs Education Center, Sincerely yours, -?- 3306 Gentry Drive • Austin, Texas • 78746-5507 • (512) ]28-2481 • Fax ]28-JOOI ' I APPLICATION FOR FACILITY NAMING I/We (!; £47,f~l7 (A; FIE~ d/Y 8EJt lfu= ~F b~T tAt¥' ..5/t',itNI'l/i s. j.. £.c~G.-~ //diN C£Nr£,1f FQN..O..{'A/.$"/.••"'6 a-,,,7TLSE reque ~· that the :nasne o·f :onsidered tor ithe :&tfe JJ '"'~ t rN?: 'M'#sfr~ : Person .t!T£VE,If.i;Y S. SA'ErFI£~1 . be · : .. · 1 j • ~j'P.' ; ~4/1L6!7?= Alt? d-4(i A.~o#E JA.//J..L ..c'e 1 . £-r&"-iftfitE <1G'&~41-r.~ a%!Y /;? .,...~.: I t I• I . . : 1 : . Estimated co~ ~camen~ of signs and plaques 1/We /will ~~~. ;=0J-L- 0.5'/oP wfll participate: ~ • t· : . ; · · . ;J'r_,_Ac:Jei I v ~c.; .. ·, ht ~~ · . ~TH ~ to . the Public Works Department this j;z__ da,f; af · <'<"'?Y: . • Submitted 19 zz. - S - TOTAL P.01 .. • 5 ....!1 2-1 997 1 0 : 1 2AM FROM AUSTIN NATURE lENTER 51 2 327 87 4.5 P . 4 - VITA - MAME: BIRTH DATE: March 7, 1913 BIRTH PLACB: Alamo Heights, San Antonio, Texas Beverly s. Sheffield . CHURCH: st. David's Episcopal - Vestry 1951-53; 1959-61 - Layreader & Chalice Bearer 1954-present EDUCATION: 1931 1931-32 1932-35 1936-48 Jan.~938 Completed Alamo Heights High School st. Mary's University of San Antonio The Uni-versity of Texas - BS in Phy£ical Ed. The University of Texas - Masters of Ed. He~ Yo~k University - Recreation Administration PROFESSIONAL EXP!RlEMCB: . 1937 counselor - San Antonio Y.M.C.A. Camp 1930 Aquatic Director -San Antonio Y.M.C.A. Camp 1931 Activities Director - San Antonio Y.K.C.~. Ca.p 1932 & 3~ Counselor - Byers Peak Ranch for Boys - Colorado 1934 Playground Leader - Lifeguard - Activity Leader Austin Reoreation Department 1935-40 Aquatic Director - Super,isor and AtUJiatant Direa.tor of RecreQtion, CitJ of Austin 1941-42 Acting Director of Recreation 1943-45 Welfare 6 Recreation Officer - o.s.H.R. 1946-62 Director o~ Recreation, City of Austin 1963-73 Director of Parks & Recreation, City of Austin 1974-76 Director of the Office for the American Bicentennial celebration 1977-78 Director of Trusts & Endowment• for City of Austin 1978-87 Executive Director, Austin Community roundation (Summer) Assistant Professor - University of ~ezas 1946 1951 1961 1952 " (Pall) (Pall) " " n " " " " .. n .. " '' " " 1953-56 Instructor for correspondence course in "Municipal Rr:creation Admdnistration"~ International City Manaoer's Association 1952 Prepared a master plan for the Rec~eation Department entitled "PLANNING AHEAD FOR RECREATION IN AUSTIN". ~he plan included a at~dy of th• Parks & Reoreatiou srste• and showed comparisons national . standards and other cities. 1 - 9 -- 5~ 12-1997 10:12AM FROM AUSTIN NATURE CENTER 512 327 8745 P . S 1653 Recreation Planner & Consultant for the City of Odessa & Ector County, Texas. A 64 page printed report was issued on the Park & Recreation system. 1954 Prepared a master plan for a 68 acre park in San Marcos, Texas and serv~d as a consultant to the Parks Board in the development of the plan. 1949 Prepared a 91 page report on a study of "The Community Use of Shil Playground". Ser•ed as consultant and gueat speaker on the subject of parks anc recreation to numerous towns and cities in central Texas. PAR'l'lClPATIOB IH PROPESSIOMAL ORGANI· ~TIONS: American Recreation Society: (Merged with. the National Recreation Association, the ·Institute of Park Bzecuti••s and other professional recreation groups to form the Rational Recreation & Park Association in 1966.) southwestern Geographical Representative Member of Pe~sonn•l Pra~ticea Committee Cbairma~ of Study & Resea~ch Committee Chairman of llomitiatin9 Coaaittee Member of Membership Cammdttee Chairman of the H.istory Conaittee Treasur~r Member-at-Large - Exedutive Committee Secretary 2nd Vice ~resident ·National Recreation Association: (merged into RRPA 1966) ~ember of Adv~sory Comndttea on Recruitment, Training and Placement of Personnel Member of Advisory Committee on Defense Related Services Ke~er of Advi•ory Commdttee on Recreation Research Member of Co~ttee on International Recreation Services Chai~an National Advisory Committee on Recreation Admdnistration chairman Rational. Advisory Council Southern Re9ional Eduaation . Board: Kember of the studJ C~ittee on Recreation Leadership · and Training need~ in the South~rn Region l953- ! 1951- 1953- 1954- 1955- . 1956- 1957- 1960~ 1961- .1962- 1963- 1957- 1959- 1962- 2 - IC' -- . 5-·12-1997 10: 13AM ' FROM AUSTIN NATURE C5~TER 512 327 8745 P . 6 PARTICIPATION Ift PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS (continued) Texaa Amateur Athletic Federation; Membe~ of the Executive Committee Chairman of the State Swimming Meet Texas Beach & Pool Association: Vice President President American Institute ~f Park Executives: (merged into MRPA - 1966 Member Texas Recreation & Park Society: Treasurer President Editor - "Texas Recreation News" Chairman of the Legislative C~ttee Chairman of the Certification committee Chairman of the Citation & Awards Committee Member Legislative Committe~. National R~creation & Park Association: National Registration .Commdttee Board of Governors - Professional Division (became ~he National council) ~ Chairman Vice Chairman - Board of ~rustees National Park & Recreation Society: Nominating Committee Distinguished F~llo~ Committee Chairman Coustitution &· By-Laws Commdttee PUBLICATIONS: 1937-38- 1939 1940 1958- 1940 - · 1949-! 1954-: 1961-1 1957-~ 1963-1 1977-' 1966-i 196?-~ 1968-f 1968-",j 1966 1969 1973 "Mothers• Clubs Bridge the Season", RICREATIOR, Sept. 1941 Published by the National Rec~eation . A•sociation "organized Recreation Proora~", . TBXAS HURICIPALlTlES, Dec. 1949 PARTICIPA~ION IR CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS: Austin Rotar~ club - membe~ Junior Chamber of Co~roe - past member & Board member Austin Chamber of Commerce - pa•t member Austin B_e:r:itage Society - Austin Symphony society- member Board of . Directors Y.H.C.A. ~ past me-her of Board-of Director• Austin Area Garden Council - member o~ Board of Directors founding member 1956 - presen 1942 1953 - presen 1946-7 1955-7 and a founding member 3 ~II-- . ' PARTICIPATION IN CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS: (continued) Tra~is County Chapter American Red Cross - Board of Directors 1966-7 and 12 years service as Chairman of Water Safety Austin United Fund - past member Board of Tru~tees . Travis Audubon Society - Austin u.s.o. - member of Board . founding member & member of Board - Pte=s~ident Natural Science Association - founding member and member Board of Directors Austin Ballet Society - member Board of Directors Austin Aqua Festival - Austin Community Council - tounding ·member and Secretary founding member and member Board of Directors Montopolis Community Center - member Board of Directors Laguna Gloria Art MU8eum - member Board of Directors founding member and Board member Austin A~ts Council - Austin Boys Club - member Board of Direeto~s Austin Community Foundation -incorporator, founder and Governor EmeritUs · 1954-7 1952-6 1967-6 1960-7 1962-6 1962-7 past 1965-7 1965-7 1968-7 · 1968-7 1977 - presen· SPECIAL HONORS & RECOGR~TIORS: Meritorious Service Award - American national Ked Cross Recipient of the Fellow Award - Tesa• Recreation Soei•ty Recipient of the Fellow Award ~ American Recreation Society Recognition A~ard - USO Board of Gove~ors Recipient of Oistinguiabed Service Award - A.eriean Institute of Park Executive national award for excellence in Parks & Recreation Management - National Sport Foundation community service Award - Austin Rotary Club Recipient of the Merit Award - American Park & Reereation Soc. Recognition Award - Austin Aquatic Club Appreciation Award - Zachar7 Scott ~heater Appreciation Award - Travis Countr Historical Survey Committee Recognition Award - Texas Ameri.ean Revolution Bicentennial Conmission Appreaciation A~ard - ~rican Freedom Train Appreaciation Award - NAACP Austin's Most Worthy Citisen Award ~ppreaciation Award - ~h• Heritage Socie~y of Austin outstanding Citizen Award - The counseling & Paatoral Care Center of Austin Distinguished Se~vice Award - city Co~cil, .Austin App~eciation Award - Austin 150 Commission Recipi•nt Dr.W.H."Deacon"Crain Award- Friends of the Summer Music~l 1954 1957 1961 1961 1965 1969 1970 1971 1971 1973 1976 1976 19'76 1978 1980 1988 1988 ~989 1994 4 -/1 - l 'd SV LB L~ ~ l S ~:nN30 3CinJ.. ~ N I .LSfW WOCi::i W~l'0l L66l-GL-S . . COMNEMTS ON BARTOK SPRING$ by Beverly 8. Sheffield Pebruarr 21, 1993 Barton Springs is like heaven, mo~e a state than a place. ~hat'8 hov many. many devotees of this beautiful water hole feel about it. When one is walking toward the pool and passes a swimmer leaving they often smile at one another an one says, "How'• th• water today?"- and the anawer is, "God, it's wonderful!" This sort of interaction just doesn't happen at any other pool. I made mr fir•t swim in Bartana in 1923, when I was 10 years In 1934 I began my career in the City Recreation Department I became the first Director old. as playground leader and lifeguard. of Aquatics in 193S. included Mater Pageants, Bathing Beautr Contests, SVimndng exhibition•, Swim apparel •tyle shows, ana the annu•l Porth of July fire works e~ibition sponsored by the American Legion &Dd later the Jaycee~.-- Swi~P9 and Red Cross Life Saving classes were taught there too. In thoae da.rs special events at the Springs In 1940 the Director of Recreation, Jim Garrison, took a leave of absence and I became acting Director. He told me that Barton Springs was a speaial place and that I had to be sure to take care of it. Frankly, at that time I di4 not know what he meant. And I did not really get a feel for Bartons until t became a ae~ious swimmer at. the Springs aDd met the ~Y devotees of that beautiful water ••• ~ it vas like heaven. Kany people don't realise that recreation is important for a full life. !here are four things that a p•r•on lives by: their work, their love (f~ly), their worship and their. play. And the wa:r one plays; their choices of leisure· activ'itiea are essential for a full and happy· lite. The euphoria that coma frena physical recreation, like a mile avim in Bartona, makes one feel qood about himaelf, I gives one a sense of weil being. I didn•t reall7 discover my own need for phrsical reo~eaticn until Charlie Morrison's 85th birthday party at the poo1. I swam with his party givers to the dam and b•ck and waa ezh•usted. This prompted me to .beoame a serious swimmer. and· decided that now was the time to start taking care of my own body. 1 was SO years old l . . I started logging ~ avima. It took me 80 days to swim the first 50 miles. Then when 1 completed 200 miles I thought, "My, I've svwn all the way to Dallas••. Then one clay I completed a~immin9 the diatance from Bew York to Los Angeles, 2820 Miles in 1114· •wim days. ·Now I'm out in the Pa~ific heading for Hawaii. I am alv•ys faaainated br the number of people who drive out to Bartons just to take a few minutes to look at the sprinqs. ~his bappe~ over and over again, reqardleaa of the weather. There is a magic attraction to the water that the general public love and appreciate. Yea, even. non swimmers. My family bas been told that when I die to c~emate ~r body and sprinkle some of the aahea in Bartone. Yu; Bartons is like heaven. As Director· of the Park and R~creation the first tia~ that I realised the need to protect Barton Springs was in the middle fifties. A large·uumber of homes were built alon.9 Bluebonnet Lane and in the area that drained into what we call "Rabb Creek" which empties int~ the Bdddle of the swimadng pool. The trash and liter: that was flushed down this drainage 11a::r vas awful. sometimes ve would find small dead animals in the pool. And it hapten each time a s.-11 rain ahov•r hit that sectioD of the cit~. one year we closed the· pool_ about 3o timea due to the dirty water that flooded into the pool from Rabb creek. 7he city finally built a br-pass to carry thia runoff below the lower dam of the pool. Developers began negotiating for the Rabb !ract in the early 'bia land enco.passea aucn of the Barton Hilla fifties. subdivision. The late Walter Seaholm. Ci t:r Manag.er, told me to lay out a golf course for that land. we gave the City Council the plan and the:r did not see fit to purc:ba.se the land. We did buy the creek botto. up to campbell& hQle. About thia aame time, the late aobert. Hueller, for.er looker boy at Bartons and later cashier, offered to sell a st~ip of land, about 40-50 acres, lying ou the South aide of the ereek from the pool to Campbell hole. Again the City Council did not come up with the funds to gain ·control of tbia v~luable piece of land. 2 - IL/- ~VLL'0L L66L-~L-S . . In the middle sixtiea Austin's first environmental group organized under the leadership of Mrs. charles naobby" Crenshaw and Russell Fish. They brought their concerns about Barton creek to me and our Park planners, headed by Don Stance, drew up a plan to~ a green belt up Barton Cre•k. Nothing substantial came from thia effort eKcept it be9an to create some citizen interest in extending Zilker Park up Barton Creek. Our staff de~ided that the Pa~k and Recreation Department should inv~stiga~• the pos•ibility of creating a soil erosion project on Barton Creek. This is a progr~ of the D.S. Agriculture Department that develops small flood control dams on a creek to check run off. permdsaion for thei~ land to be flooded and if they wanted a per,manent body of water they would have to supply the funds for a hivher dam. frivate land owner• mu.t· give Ke held two meeting~ with representatives from the Cit~, St•·te and Federal official• ~d land owners to discuss the merits of the flood control dams. The talks broke down because I could not get the City Manag•r, the late H.~. Williams to support the id•a. Por the project to be .c:reated it was necessary to have it sponsored by a political entitJ'. It was alvays mJ' thought that the development i~iately above· the Springa waa had only because of si;ht poll uti on. We could build a by-pass around the pool for the ~unoff water. What we reallr needed t .o do waa spea.d evex-y dollar that we could qet far land above the first aink hole that recharges the aquifer. remember how disappointed I was when the $750,000 paid by the AI8D to the City for the part of Zilker Park that was used for the new stephen P. Austin Bioh Sehool, waa not used to eztend Zilker Park up Barton cr . . k. Rhen l wanted to budget all of these funda for land purcbaae up Barton Creek the City Kanaqer's office told me we had to use the money for a new golf course, a new district park, a new swimming pQol etc. I At the time when I saw several ideas for creatinq a Barton Creek greenbelt 90 unheeded there was no Barton Creek passe and f~r many yeara we not even · ~ad a Parka and Recreation Board. There was no one for me to talk too. 3 --- IS - Attachment D: Statesman article Interactive center will focus on aquifer, Barton - Austin American-Statesman (TX) - June 16, 1997 - page B1 June 16, 1997 | Austin American-Statesman (TX) | Kelli Walker; AUSTIN AMERICAN-STATESMAN | Page B1 Barton Springs is a little slice of heaven on Earth. That's what Beverly S. Sheffield Sheffield, 84, tells anyone who will listen to him half a second. ``It does something for your heart and your soul,'' Sheffield heaven, more a state than a place.'' Sheffield said. ``It's like I say: Barton Springs is like The Old Bathhouse at Barton Springs Pool last month was renamed the Beverly S. Sheffield The center will open in October, featuring an Austin Nature Center exhibit called ``Splash into the Edwards Aquifer.'' The exhibit will be interactive and educational, with a focus on the aquifer and Barton Springs. Sheffield Education Education Center. Sheffield Sheffield, a longtime parks director who dreamed up the Zilker Christmas Tree, sees the new exhibit as a chance to show everyone how special Central Texas is to have such an aquifer. ``I think it's amazing what they're going to do,'' Sheffield Sheffield said. ``It will be, like they say, state of the art.'' Sheffield Sheffield, a San Antonio native, moved to Austin in 1932 and hasn't moved since. Austin, he says, has a unique hold on people. And as the city continues to attract more and more people, Sheffield springs. Sheffield rain, for instance, has become worse. Sheffield has seen patterns during the years that disturb him; the condition of the springs after a Sheffield says he fears for the future of the ``I'm very pessimistic about the future of the springs,'' Sheffield water.'' Sheffield said. ``I hope we can protect the quality of When not away visiting friends and family, Sheffield dip in the 68-degree waters of Barton Springs. Sheffield says hello to other regulars, greeting his female friends at the pool with a cheek-to- cheek gesture. Sheffield can be found at least two or three times a week taking a Sheffield, who has been married to his wife, Lois, for 57 years, His first swim was in 1923, but he did not become a devotee of the pool until more than 30 years ago. ``When I stand there ready to plunge in, whether it's 35 degrees or 100 degrees (outside), I say, `You're a damned fool,''' Sheffield Sheffield said. ``It's cold! But after I plunge in there, I say, `Oh, this feels so good.''' Cindy Giedraitis, a site supervisor with the Austin Nature and Science Center, said when she met Sheffield years ago, she couldn't believe the slender, gray- haired man ``with a spring in his step'' was in his 80s. Sheffield two ``He just had this healthy vitality in his eyes and his swimmer's body,'' Giedraitis said. ``He seemed more energetic than I.'' Giedraitis said many people in the Parks and Recreation Department admire Sheffield person who did much for Austin. Sheffield and know him as a ``He's a legend,'' Giedraitis said. ``He was one of the longest-serving parks directors. He really had the chance to see Austin grow.'' Sheffield worked for the City of Austin for more than 40 years and Sheffield was director of recreation from 1946 to 1962. It was his idea to string lights from a tower to create the Zilker Christmas Tree. When the Parks Department and the Recreation Department merged, he was named director of the Parks and Recreation Department for 10 more years. After retiring in 1978 from the City of Austin, Sheffield Sheffield went back to work as a founder of Austin Community Foundation, a nonprofit corporation that receives donations and gives them to charities. He retired again in 1987. ``He's given (Austin) a lifetime of service,'' said Craig Biddle, a friend of eight years. ``He took a lot of pride in his job and initiated so many programs that have become integral in our community.'' CITATION (TURABIAN STYLE) CITATION (TURABIAN STYLE) Walker, Kelli. "Interactive center will focus on aquifer, Barton Springs - Barton Springs center renamedLongtime Austin parks director - Beverly Sheffield honored at pool." Austin American-Statesman (TX), June 16, 1997: B1. NewsBank: Access World News. https://infoweb.newsbank.com/apps/news/document-view?p=AWNB&docref=news/0EA059071950DF42. Copyright (c) 1997 Austin American-Statesman Attachment E: Renaming Survey Report Barton Springs Bathhouse Renaming Proposal Feedback Form Project Engagement VIEWS 1,378 PARTICIPANTS RESPONSES COMMENTS 315 673 204 Would you like to provide your endorsement to rename the Bathhouse at Barton Springs Pool to the Joan Means Khabele Bathhouse at Barton Springs Pool? 14% No 86% Yes 307 respondents If you would like to endorse the renaming proposal, please enter your name here. https://publicinput.com/Report/fpm0pkqv4uh 1/19 Joan Means Khabele was an important civic leader, and she deserves recognition. Beyond that, renaming the Bathhouse is a way to make Austin's civil rights history known to all residents. The fact that most Austin residents do not know that Barton Springs, in spite of being in the area of one of the Freedmen's Communities that was affected by the 1928 Master Plan, was closed to African Americans within the lifetimes of many people living today. 2 months ago 3 months ago 2 months ago one month ago I am pleased that the City considers honoring the desegration efforts at Barton Springs, though I am pretty sure it will continue to be refered as "the Barton Springs Bathhouse". In view of that, let's make sure there is a statue of Ms. Khabele, a plaque or any other way to prominently display her background and the actions she took. Barton Springs WAS racist. Black people were not allowed to swim there. Let’s honor a hero that changed that. I support this nomination. The history of segregation, racism and civil rights in Austin is not sufficiently discussed or taught. I was a student at Austin High and frequented Barton Springs with no idea about what Ms. Khabele had done to desegregate Barton Springs, herself an Austin High student. This is something every student should know and understand, they can relate to this story and we should hold up her bravery as an example. I am positive that Ms. Khabele was an important and brave civic leader deserving of recognition. However in 1987 the Parks & Recreation Board recommended and the Austin City Council approved a resolution (#870319-15) that the bathhouse to be named for Mr B.J. (Buster) Robinson, a long time city employee with years of service at Barton Springs and Zilker Park. I strongly support leaving the name as the former Parks and Recreation Board and Austin City Council approved. one month ago I support the renaming of Barton Springs bathhouse. Joan Means Khabele was an impressive woman who holds a rather significant moment in the history of Barton Springs Pool. It would be honorable to hold a space for her and her legacy. Her transformative action at the Barton Springs Pool all came from a moment's decision that one could possibly argue impacted the direction of the rest of her life's work and achievements. God Bless those whose moment of courage sparked important events that contribute to our history and development as a society. May we honor them and never forget. 2 months ago honor of being named for Joan. 2 months ago I think it’s an important ameliorative gesture that will signal to diverse audiences what our values are here and what heroes we elevate as role models. This is an important opportunity. I hope the bathhouse design is equal to the 14 Agree 12 Agree 11 Agree 5 Agree 5 Agree 4 Agree 4 Agree 2/19 Tanya Payne 2 months ago one month ago 2 months ago Kyra Kerr-Fitzgerald 2 months ago Leave Austin Alone 2 months ago Diana Prechter 2 months ago one month ago community for all. one month ago 2 months ago I support this nomination. The history of segregation, racism and civil rights in Austin is not sufficiently discussed or taught. I was a student at Austin High and frequente I support renaming of Barton Springs bathhouse I am confused about the renaming of the Barton Springs Bathhouse. It is my family’s understanding that the entrance to the pool including the offices/ basket room was named after our grandfather Buster John Robinson several years ago. The parks board and city council gave him that honor for his many years of service to the city of Austin and the building of Barton’s Springs pool. There is a plaque is on the wall at the entrance to the pool showing that. Buster laid the stones creating the lower dam, and then spent the next 30+ years working to create the pool and park that are now the gem of Austin. While I do believe that Joan Means Khabele deserves recognition for her courageous role in Barton Springs history, I have to wonder if it is appropriate to erase the name of a man who dedicated his life to Zilker Park and Barton’s to replace it with hers? I wholeheartedly endorse the renaming of Barton Springs Bathhouse in honor of Joan Means Khabele, a distinguished leader in our city who herself defied exclusionary policies like the ones which closed Barton Springs to Black Austinites. This necessary change not only acknowledges the historical injustice of segregation but also pays tribute to a trailblazer who tirelessly advocated for equality, making Austin a more inclusive and equitable It's a step in the right direction. Barton Springs still has predominantly white visitors. Let's change that. https://publicinput.com/Report/fpm0pkqv4uh 3/19 4 Agree 3 Agree 3 Agree 3 Agree 3 Agree 3 Agree 2 Agree 2 Agree 2 Agree Barton Springs is a landmark and old Austin tradition. I never thought it was racist, just an iconic Austin place to go swimming. Is renaming Austin next? I fully support this name change as a Barton springs guard, people need to remember history and from what I’ve read, Ms. Khabele is more than deserving of this nomination. 27 days ago Honoring the person who helped de-segregate Barton Springs by naming the bathhouse after her is important because we need to voice our support for anti-racist policies. By naming the bathhouse for an Black Activist we are supporting our Black community. 28 days ago Joan Means Khabele is a gine example of commemorations, please cut through the red tape necessary to implement this positive change, something that should not financially encumber the city and should be fairly easy 2 months ago Elisabetta Diorio 2 months ago Maria Saravia 2 months ago Kelly Wright 24 days ago alerio flores 27 days ago to implement. 28 days ago Dr. Jaime Kowlessar one month ago Kim Simpson one month ago Julia Hoke one month ago 2 Agree 2 Agree 2 Agree 1 Agree 1 Agree 1 Agree 1 Agree 1 Agree 1 Agree 1 Agree 1 Agree https://publicinput.com/Report/fpm0pkqv4uh 4/19 Sounds like a decent bit of payback for all the trouble she had to endure. Myka Hancevic, I support the renaming to remember and honor Joan Means Khabele I support renaming the Barton Springs Pool. Joan Means Khabele was a courageous person to start the effort to desegregate the pool. And ultimately Austin. 2 months ago I support the renaming proposal to honor the effort to desegregate Barton Springs Pool. An important milestone in Joan Means was an incredible person, and I support this good work to rename the bathhouse in her honor. Let's remember Joan Means Khabele who was a hero of enlightenment and civil society in Austin one month ago one month ago desegregating Austin. 2 months ago 2 months ago 2 months ago Avery Alexander 2 months ago Amy Pancake 2 months ago Joan Means Khabele 2 months ago Priscilla Ebersole 2 months ago Fran Clark 2 months ago garret nick 2 months ago 1 Agree 1 Agree 1 Agree 1 Agree 1 Agree 1 Agree 1 Agree 1 Agree 1 Agree 1 Agree 1 Agree 1 Agree https://publicinput.com/Report/fpm0pkqv4uh 5/19 1 Agree 1 Agree 1 Agree 1 Agree 1 Agree 1 Agree 1 Agree Clinton Dawson 2 months ago Elaine Tang 2 months ago Linda Fields 2 months ago Cara Bertron 2 months ago Sean Moothart 2 months ago Amy Salmeron 2 months ago Lindsey Derrington 3 months ago Madeleine Bate 23 days ago 23 days ago Marissa Griffin 23 days ago I support this proposal. Please Austin City Council, vote yes! The bathhouse is not named for anyone right now. Naming it for Joan Means Khabele would be a great honor for the City of Austin. She earned this recognition! She set in motion the effort to end segregationist policies at the pool that were enforced by Austin Parks and Recreation. She showed great courage when she jumped into the pool after being told she could not swim there because of her race. She got kicked out and came back over and over. There are two rooms used in the past as basket rooms and the old office inside the bathhouse that are named for Buster Robinson. Naming the Bathhouse for Joan Means Khabele will not change the name of the rooms named for Mr Robinson. In fact, naming the bathhouse for her and keeping the three rooms inside named for Mr Robinson will symbolize the great change that Joan brought about at the pool. Mr Robinson served from 1928-1961. Segregation ended at the pool in 1962, the year after Mr Robinson retired, because of the swim-ins Joan started organizing in 1960. It is time for her name to adorn the bathhouse at Barton Springs Pool! 26 days ago https://publicinput.com/Report/fpm0pkqv4uh 6/19 I would like to endorse this proposal to name the bathhouse for an Austin heroine, Joan Means Khabele. She saw injustice and she changed it. And she was only 18 at the time. I didn't know about Joan or her work until now. But her work is an important piece of Austin (and Texan) history that we should all know about and celebrate. Yes, I would like to rename the bathhouse Joan Means Khabele I DO ENDORSE THE KHABELE NAME FOR THE BATHHOUSE. Honoring the witness of Joan Means Khabele in a public way is so important. It’s part of telling the whole story of our history, both of White supremacy and courageous Black leadership. If we are seriously considering renaming the Springs, I wonder if we ought to be asking Indigenous folks in our area to name it. 26 days ago 26 days ago Jamie Bush 26 days ago Audrey 27 days ago Scott Cobb 27 days ago 27 days ago Susan Wall 27 days ago Matthew Wise 27 days ago 27 days ago 28 days ago John Elford 28 days ago Carroll Martin 28 days ago Mikaela Stiner 28 days ago https://publicinput.com/Report/fpm0pkqv4uh 7/19 Bravery, daring and "taking the plunge" for what's right should be rewarded! Joan Means Khabele is beyond deserving of having her name attached to the Bathhouse at Barton Springs where she succeeded in shining a spotlight on the overdue need for true community and anti-racism. Wholeheartedly endorse! Mary Ellen West 28 days ago 28 days ago Bill Bingham 28 days ago Casey Smith 28 days ago Elizabeth Hoffman 28 days ago Teresa Welborn 28 days ago Jennifer Savini 28 days ago Thomas W Downing 28 days ago 28 days ago 28 days ago Earl Kim 28 days ago 28 days ago David Mossman 28 days ago Her struggle for civil rights should be honored In a time when some are trying to pretend black history is unimportant, we should honor it whenever possible. Naming the Bath House for Joan Means Khabele would be a small but admirable step in the City's public effort to dismantle our history of systemic racism. https://publicinput.com/Report/fpm0pkqv4uh 8/19 Jessica Morrone 28 days ago The zephyr bath house 28 days ago I support this nomination. 28 days ago Michelle zadrozny 28 days ago Shelby M 28 days ago Frances Morey 28 days ago Dana Hegar 29 days ago 29 days ago Kristi Xing 29 days ago Stephanie Taylor 29 days ago Halima Foster 29 days ago Valerie Mitchell 29 days ago Nicole Powell 29 days ago I fully support the name change for the bath house at Barton Springs. This woman deserves long term recognition for her courage and foresight. https://publicinput.com/Report/fpm0pkqv4uh 9/19 Virginia Palme 29 days ago Shelley Smith 29 days ago Camila Restrepo 29 days ago David Tobin 29 days ago chuck wimbrow 29 days ago Casey Wilson 29 days ago Michael 29 days ago 29 days ago JAMES KIPPLE 29 days ago Pauline Caldwell 29 days ago Colin Perez 29 days ago 29 days ago Amanda Arredondo 29 days ago Kellyn Dassler 29 days ago I endorse naming the bathouse after Joan Means Khabele! Make Austin's civil rights history known to all residents. https://publicinput.com/Report/fpm0pkqv4uh 10/19 Janna Horn 29 days ago Ruthann Panipinto 29 days ago LaTrelle Peterson 29 days ago Why would anyone oppose this? 29 days ago people who support all people. 29 days ago Alyssa 29 days ago Megan Moore 29 days ago ** 29 days ago Kristen Washam 29 days ago Joy Custer 29 days ago 29 days ago 29 days ago Tanya Payne 29 days ago Very important move to for real change in Austin and many other cities to have areas and buildings named after Such an important person deserving the honor. It's the right thing to do. She was a trail blazer who made Barton Springs Equitable. https://publicinput.com/Report/fpm0pkqv4uh 11/19 Joan Means Khabele is an inspiration to all Austinites and visitors! I support the renaming of Barton Springs to Joan Means Khabele Bathhouse at Barton Springs. Thank you for allowing us to make comments on this issue ...as a life long swimmer of Barton Springs and of Mexican descent, I and my family were very welcome there and lived right up the hill in Barton Heights until recently....we attended Zilker Elementary, Porter Jr. High & Crockett High with the Robinson boys & led charming lives! If there is a name change, I would personally be honored if the Native American families who settled there over 10,000 years ago ... the true founders of our beautiful and beloved swimming hole! I drive up to Austin from San Antonio at least once a month to go to the Springs. I enthusiast support naming the bathhouse for Joan Means Khabele! Tammy Sajak 29 days ago Mary McLennan 29 days ago Deena Telley 29 days ago 29 days ago Gloria Rubac one month ago one month ago one month ago one month ago David Edwards one month ago Martha Clay one month ago Ethan Powell one month ago Shannon Fitzgerald one month ago https://publicinput.com/Report/fpm0pkqv4uh 12/19 I love love love this idea! Sean Daniels one month ago CHIP BACH one month ago Jim Kuhn one month ago one month ago Liam Garcia one month ago Roxanne Evans one month ago Lillian VanScoy one month ago Leanne Arismendez one month ago Jessica Finnigan one month ago Vivian Newdick one month ago Joy Diaz one month ago Ellen one month ago Lee Ramsey one month ago Emma Alsept-Ellis one month ago https://publicinput.com/Report/fpm0pkqv4uh 13/19 Ben one month ago McKenna Jolet one month ago Charlie Angel one month ago Catherine Black one month ago Mindy Enriquez one month ago Inonge Khabele one month ago Edwin Bautista one month ago Michaela one month ago An excelent match. one month ago one month ago David Berry one month ago Siri Chakka one month ago Great idea. one month ago Silva Gentchev one month ago Thomas Josephson, endorsing Joan Means Khabele https://publicinput.com/Report/fpm0pkqv4uh 14/19 Caitlin Goodrich one month ago Ana Leifeste 2 months ago Madeline Hawley 2 months ago Ted Lee Eubanks 2 months ago Gail Wormley 2 months ago This is awesome! 2 months ago Julie Valentine 2 months ago Kathryn Jones 2 months ago Iza Padilla 2 months ago Alondra Johnson 2 months ago 2 months ago Mir Sommerfeld 2 months ago Liz Jones-Dilworth 2 months ago Teri Poon 2 months ago https://publicinput.com/Report/fpm0pkqv4uh 15/19 Cameron Neagli 2 months ago Erin McClelland 3 months ago Garret Nick 3 months ago 2 months ago Mead 2 months ago and listening. 3 months ago If you would like to provide additional feedback or comments about the proposal to rename the Bathhouse to the Joan Means Khabele Bathhouse, please share here. Leave it at Barton Springs. The place and identity of the spring is stronger than the namesake family. No reasonable person associates the family with the spring. It is, independently Barton Springs to the world. Naming buildings, parks and roads after humans is absurd -- we are all flawed. Leave it alone. Stop eradicating old Austin! I have heard the story of the swim-ins firsthand from my dear friend Saundra Kirk, who also helped desegregate Barton Springs Pool. The story she has told me has made the eventful days very vivid. "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has." - Margaret I think that it’s very important that on the original email sent to everyone that information about Joan Means Khabele is placed on that page as well. I also hope and ask with the strongest request I could possibly make that there be a plaque front and center. That explains exactly why the bathhouse is named after her. Just naming it after her is not enough. As hard as it may be for many in Austin to admit to, it should absolutely be acknowledged the mistakes that we made as a white community. So just naming it after her, there’s not enough. Thank you for reading 6 Agree 6 Agree 6 Agree https://publicinput.com/Report/fpm0pkqv4uh 16/19 My name is Jeff Robinson. The bathhouse, or at least a portion of the bathhouse, is currently named after my grandfather, Buster Robinson. He worked for over 30 years creating the Barton Springs we know and love My father, Jack Robinson, was also the supervisor of Zilker Park and subsequently , Director of Parks and Recreation for the city of Austin. He and I both grew up in the Zilker Park Supervisors cottage. The Austin Parks and Recreation office is also currently named after my father. I recognize the current trend to rename things because of past wrongs, but I can think of no better name for the Barton Springs Bathhouse than the current name of Buster Robinson. Below is the text from the plaque that is currently mounted on the bathhouse wall. Buster Robinson served Austin for more than 30 years in Zilker Park. His first love was Barton Springs and he was Buster Robinson Center devoted to the quality of life in Austin. Years of Service 1928 - 1961 one month ago Barton Springs should be renamed. William Barton only lived on the land surrounding the springs for 3 years and "was known as a fearless and skillful Indian fighter." He owned slaves as well. Doesn't seem like Barton contributed much good to the community. If he did contribute some good to the community, maybe there'd be an argument to keep the name. Andrew Zilker, for instance, apparently held confederate generals in high regard but he also realized the importance of public education and realized the natural beauty of the area belongs to the public so donated it to the city. He wasn't perfect but at least he contributed some good to the community. Barton, on the other hand, didn't do much except take land from indigenous peoples, kill them, and then sell the land a few years later 2 months ago 5 Agree 5 Agree What City Council District do you live in? I do not live in Austin District 9 (Zohaib "Zo" Qadri) District 5 (Ryan Alter) District 10 (Alison Alter) District 1 (Natasha Harper-Madison) District 3 (José Miguel Anwar Velásquez) 15 % 13 % 12 % 11 % 10 % 10 % 10 % District 8 (Paige Ellis) 9% District 7 (Leslie Pool) 5% District 4 (José “Chito” Vela) 4% District 2 (Vanessa Fuentes) 1% District 6 (Mackenzie Kelly) https://publicinput.com/Report/fpm0pkqv4uh 17/19 92 respondents What is your age range? 96 respondents What is your race/ethnicity? 68% White 21% Hispanic or Latinx 9% 4% 4% 1% 0% Black or African-American American Indian or Alaska Native Race or ethnicity not listed. I identify as: Asian or Asian American Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 82 Respondents 65-74 35-44 45-54 55-64 26 % 20 % 16 % 16 % 9% 75+ 7% 25-34 6% 18-24 0% Under 18 56 ✓ 17 ✓ 7 ✓ 3 ✓ 3 ✓ 1 ✓ 0 ✓ https://publicinput.com/Report/fpm0pkqv4uh 18/19 What language is spoken at home? 92% English 8% Spanish 4% Prefer not to say 2% Other 1% Korean 0% Arabic 0% Chinese (Cantonese) 0% Chinese (Mandarin) 0% Vietnamese 0% French 85 Respondents 78 ✓ 7 ✓ 3 ✓ 2 ✓ 1 ✓ 0 ✓ 0 ✓ 0 ✓ 0 ✓ 0 ✓ https://publicinput.com/Report/fpm0pkqv4uh 19/19