04-2: Draft Braker Lane Extension MOU — original pdf

M E M O R A N D U M O F U N D E R S T A N D I N G $6,282 $10,282 M.O.U. # 24-002 1/10/2024 Parkland Mitigation Amount = Chapter 26 Administrative Fee = $4,000 Total = Richard Mendoza, P.E. Director, Transportation and Public Works Department Kimberly McNeeley, M.Ed., CPRP Director, Parks and Recreation Department TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Braker Lane Extension (SP-2022-0425D) DATE: Transportation and Public Works Department is in agreement to sponsor a Chapter 26 application for the extension of East Braker Lane, adjacent to the Wildhorse Ranch Planned Unit Development #10, which encroaches upon an existing 7,818 sq. ft. Park Recreational Easement as shown on Attachment B (location map). Requested Permanent Change of Use Area: 7,818 sq. ft. = $6,282 (Attachment A, Mitigation Worksheet) Transportation and Public Works Point of Contact: Dan Hennessey Parks and Recreation Point of Contact: Gregory Montes Phone Number: 512-974-9458 Parks & Recreation Board: Council Approval: Phone Number: 512-974-1305 1 of 2 Date ____________________________________________________________ Kimberly McNeeley, M.Ed., CPRP Director, Parks and Recreation Department CONCURRENCE ____________________________________________________________ Richard Mendoza, P.E. Director, Transportation and Public Works Department Date Attachments A: (Mitigation Calculation Worksheet) Attachments B: (Location Map) 2 of 2