09-1: Code Amendment Presentation — original pdf

Austin Parks and Recreation Department Chapter 14 Ordinance Repeal and Replace REVISIONS Presented by: Kimberly McNeeley January 22, 2024 Kimberly McNeeley, Director, Parks and Recreation Department Revision Goals • Simplify- improve understandability • Incorporate Working Group Recommendations (Chapter 14) Chapter 14 Repeal and Replace REVISIONS • 14-1-51 Definitions removed Public Information Officer • 14-1-55 Naming and Renaming Policy • 14-1-55 (C) A public recreation area may not be renamed for a period of 25 years from the date the council approves a naming or renaming under this article unless council approves a resolution initiating a renaming of a public recreation area before the 25-year period ends. Chapter 14 Repeal and Replace REVISIONS • 14-1-57 (C) Community Engagement (3) (d) disaggregate engagement feedback to compare district-based feedback to total community feedback and consider racial, ethnic, gender, and economic disparities. • 14-1-57 (D) For a newly constructed public recreation area or park feature, the deadline to submit nominations must be at least 90 days before the date of the first community engagement activity. Previous Discussion Reminder • 14-1-52 APPLICABILITY AND INTENT (F) Unless the name is related to the Confederacy, a public recreation area or park feature with the same name for 50 or more years is considered an iconic park and is not subject to this article. Recommendation Make a recommendation to City Council to amend City Code relating to the naming or renaming facilities, features and properties that are part of the City’s park system Questions?