3-1: Monthly Contracts Report - September 2022 — original pdf

Parks and Recreation Department Contracts Under Development Concessions and Contracts Committee Sep-22 Phase P/D NCP NA S / NS NS CCC Nov-21 PARB Nov-21 Council Dec-21 P/D NA NS Jul-22 Jul-22 Sep-22 Contract/Project Interlocal Agreement between the City of Austin and AISD for Use of Athletic Fields Contract Type Interlocal Agreement Interlocal Agreement between the City of Austin and Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) Regarding Installation of Buoys Interlocal Agreement Watercraft Concession at 2418 Stratford Drive Concession P/D NA Sep-22 Mar-23 Apr-23 Recreation Management System Software Services P/D NA Apr-23 Apr-23 May-23 S S Notes This agreement would allow AISD the annual use of Parque Zaragoza Recreation Center softball field and Delores Duffie Recreation Center softball field for girls' fast pitch softball and boys' baseball from January 1-May 31 each year for the duration of the agreement. This agreement is pending AISD Board of Trustees approval. This is an agreement with LCRA for the installation of buoys at Lake Austin, Lady Bird Lake, Decker Lake, and the area surrounding Water Treatment Plant #4 on Lake Travis. This agreement will replace the current agreement expiring on December 30, 2022. Per the agreement, PARD and LCRA agree to mutually determine locations and number of buoys needed at each identified location. Additionally, LCRA will work with the City to establish processes and procedures for the purchase and installation of buoys in the aforementioned waterways. On July 25, 2022, PARB recommended Council negotiate and execute the agreement. Council action is scheduled for September 2022. The contract with the current vendor expires April 22, 2023. The Scope of Work (SOW) is currently under development. The draft SOW will be presented to the CCC at the September and it will be presented at the September 16th, 2022 CCC meeting. The solicitation is scheduled for release in late September. The contract with the current vendor, Vermont Systems (RecTrac), for recreation management software, expires in September 2022. PARD, with the assistance of the Communications and Technology Management Department (CTM), published a Request for Information (RFI) to survey current technology solutions in the Recreation Management Industry. PARD/CTM received three responses and conducted vendor question and answer sessions and vendor system demonstrations, along with meetings with current user organizations, between September and October 2021. Based on information gathered, PARD will work with CTM to establish a scope of work (SOW) and conduct a formal solicitation for a future Recreation Management Software System. As CTM is the principal information technology department that focuses on the delivery and operations of vital IT infrastructure network and telecommunications services for the City, they will facilitate the competitive solicitation process. This includes establishing a CTM project manager and creating a timeline for the solicitation process. CTM project manager assignment and timeline for PARD are pending. PARD will continue to utilize RecTrac services throughout the solicitation process until a recommended vendor is established. PARD staff met with representative from CTM on May 19th. CTM project manager assignment is underway. 9/1/2022 Contract/Project Contract Type Phase NCP S / NS CCC PARB Council Notes P/D - Planning & Development LEGEND A - Advertised E - Evaluation N - Negotiation NS - Non-Solicited S - Solicited NCP - No Contact Period in Effect NA - Not Applicable Contract Category Definitions Concessions: Relationship with for-profit or non-profit where the contractual partner earns money by using parkland. The contractual partner pays a portion of the revenue to PARD. PARD periodically evaluates whether this “service” continues to be a business need priority. Formal solicitations are typical for these relationships. In some cases, Council provides specific direction*. Contractual Obligation/Services: PARD enters into an agreement either for services or to provide services. May be driven by PARD business need or it may be Council directed. PARD periodically evaluates whether this “service” continues to be a business need priority. When services are provided to PARD, PARD typically allocates a portion of the general fund or other resources to pay for the services. Interlocal Agreements: PARD enters into an agreement with another governmental entity either for services or to provide services. May be driven by PARD business need or it may be Council directed. While PARD periodically evaluates the need for the “service”- there may be other considerations for maintaining the agreements Partnership: Cooperation, collaboration, working together for public benefit.- with non-profit organizations- and they are not necessarily subject to bid processes. These partners should adhere to recently developed base terms associated with partnership levels (operations and maintenance) PLD: Parkland dedication requirement for developers. Dates are subject to change based on project timeline. "Attachment A: Expiring Contracts" 9/1/2022 ATTACHMENT A - EXPIRING CONTRACTS Contract Category Definition Concessions: Relationship with for-profit or non-profit where the contractual partner earns money by using parkland. The contractual partner pays a portion of the revenue to PARD. PARD periodically evaluates whether this “service” continues to be a business need priority. Formal solicitations are typical for these relationships. In some cases, Council provides specific direction*. Contractual Obligation/Services: PARD enters into an agreement either for services or to provide services. May be driven by PARD business need or it may be Council directed. PARD periodically evaluates whether this “service” continues to be a business need priority. When services are provided to PARD, PARD typically allocates a portion of the general fund or other resources to pay for the services. Interlocal Agreements: PARD enters into an agreement with another governmental entity either for services or to provide services. May be driven by PARD business need or it may be Council directed. While PARD periodically evaluates the need for the “service”- there may be other considerations for maintaining the agreements Partnership: Cooperation, collaboration, working together for public benefit.- with non-profit organizations- and they are not necessarily subject to bid processes. These partners should adhere to recently developed base terms associated with partnership levels (operations and maintenance) PLD: Parkland dedication requirement for developers. Contract Name Type of Contract Contract Description Contract Term Beginning Date Contract Term Ending Date University of Texas System Lions Municipal Golf Course Brackenridge Tract Interlocal The purpose of this agreement is to fulfill the lease provision referenced in article 2 of the lease agreement between the University of Texas and the City for the Lions Municipal Golf Course. 5/25/1989 5/25/2020 - Extension granted on month-to-month basis. Amended and Restated Agreement with ZBG Conservancy Partnership Agreement to allow Garden Council to use Garden Building to continue the development of Zilker Municipal Gardens. 10/1/2019 9/30/2022 -two extensions available Capital Area Council of Governments (CACOG) Interlocal Interlocal Agreement b/w the COA and CACOG for delivery of congregate meals to 8 PARD facilities. Renews automatically. 4/1/2011 9/30/2022 Lower Colorado River Authority LCRA Cooperation Interlocal 1/1/2007 12/31/2022 LCRA will install, maintain, and replace buoys, signs, cables, an/or markers and appurtenances. Buoys to assist boaters in recognizing hazards associated with Tom Miller Dam. Athletes Services Network America Contractual Obligations/Services Late Night Youth Recreation Services 2/26/2020 2/25/2023 Austin Rowing Club - Waller Creek Boathouse Concession Austin Rowing Club (ARC) management and operations agreement with the City of Austin for the Waller Creek Boathouse. 3/1/2012 2/28/2023 Norwood Parkland Improvement Agreement Partnership 8/31/2021 3/10/2023 Norwood Park Foundation, Inc., is donating financial and other resources to stabilize, construct, and rehabilitate the Norwood House for use as a community meeting space and potential revenue generating event facility. Rowing Dock Concession Revenue contract--paddling rental concession on Lady Bird Lake 5/1/2002 4/30/2023 Austin Archery Club Concession User agreement for use of Parkland for Construction of Archery Club and Range. 1/26/1976 7/27/2023 1 of 5 9/1/2022 ATTACHMENT A - EXPIRING CONTRACTS Contract Name Type of Contract Contract Description Contract Term Beginning Date Contract Term Ending Date Houston-Tillotson University - Downs Field Contractual Obligations/Services Agreement to permit Austin Metro Baseball League AMBL and HT the use of Downs Field for practice and games during May through August of year. 10/31/2016 10/15/2023 Austin Metro Baseball League-Downs Field Contractual Obligations/Services Agreement to permit Austin Metro Baseball League AMBL and HT the use of Downs Field for practice and games during May through August of year. 10/31/2016 10/15/2023 Zilker Park Boat Rentals Concession Paddling rental - Concession 3/1/2006 2/28/2024 Expedition School Concession Revenue contract--paddling rental concession at Festival Beach on Lady Bird Lake 10/28/2020 4/28/2024 Texas Tennis Consultants Concession Management and Operation of Caswell Tennis Center 5/15/2015 5/14/2024 Lone Star Tennis Company Concession Management and operation of Austin Tennis Center. 12/18/2015 12/17/2024 Rippner Tennis Concession Management and operation of South Austin Tennis Center. 4/1/2016 3/31/2025 APF Park Concession Agreement - My Thai Mom - Old Bakery and Emporium* Concession City owns the Old Bakery located at 1006 Congress, and wishes to conduct a concession program under which the Austin Parks Foundation will manage a breakfast and lunch food and beverage concession in the outdoor space at the Old Bakery. 5/14/2015 5/13/2025 Lone Star Riverboat Concession Excursion Boat/Town lake - Concession 8/1/2015 7/31/2025 Fairways Cantina Concession - Morris Williams Golf Course Concession Morris Williams -- Food and Beverage Concession. One two-year option available. 9/30/2020 9/30/2025 Austin Symphony Square Lease/Partition Waller Creek Conservancy 6/1/1975 12/31/2025 Contractual Obligations/Services (City Wide) Lease with Symphony was entered into by Urban Renewal Agency, a municipal corporation not under the jurisdiction of COA. In May 1982, all Urban Renewal Agency property, including Symphony Square, were conveyed by Warranty Deed to COA. Warranty Deed required COA to honor lease agreements. Several historic buildings are maintained on the property by the Symphony. PLD Interlocal TD/Glade is constructing 54 Rainey Place Condominiums adjacent to parkland owned by the City. The parties wish to enter into an agreement to allow TD/Glade and the City to share responsibilities for such improvements to the park. The purpose of the agreement is to support the funding of Literacy First Program offered to elementary school students in the Eastside Vertical Team. Three one- year automatic renewals remaining. Milago Condominiums/TD Glade/Joint Venture 2/20/2001 02/19/2026 AISD Literacy First Program 10/1/2021 5/30/2026 Ryan Sanders Sports Services, LLC -Clay/Kizer Concession Concession Golf Division-Renovation, Management of Food and Beverage Concession at Clay/Kizer. Two five-year extension option available. 10/12/2016 10/11/2026 2 of 5 9/1/2022 ATTACHMENT A - EXPIRING CONTRACTS Contract Name Type of Contract Contract Description Contract Term Beginning Date Contract Term Ending Date AARC/ACC ESL Classes Interlocal Agreement Interlocal ACC offers ESL classes to the public at AARC. No extension options available. 1/1/2014 12/31/2027 Pecan Grove Golf Partners - Butler Pitch & Putt Concession Golf Division-Renovation, Management of Operation of a golf concession. Two five-year extension options available. 7/10/2019 7/9/2029 Republic Square - Parkland Improvement Agreement Partnership 2/10/2015 2/9/2030 A three-way agreement between the City, Downtown Austin Alliance, and the Austin Parks Foundation for the finance, design, construction and operation of Republic Square Park. YMCA of Austin Partnership Construction of a joint use facility with the YMCA.The new facility was constructed, occupied and managed by the YMCA for offering and conducting of YMCA programs and other community-based programming. 8/03/2010 8/2/2030 Texas Rowing Center Concession Rowing and Sculling - Concession. Two five-year extension options available. 11/1/2020 10/31/2030 Round Rock ISD Swimming Pool Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Interlocal Parties jointly construct, maintain, use and operate a swimming pool located on Round Rock ISD property located at Round Rock ISD Canyon Vista Middle School. 6/1/2010 5/31/2031 Touchstone Golf, LLC Grey Rock Golf Club - Facility Management Agreement Concession Touchstone provides the management and other services necessary for the operations of the Golf Course Facility, 12/21/2021 12/20/2031 Travis County Expo/ Center Lease Interlocal Agreement between COA and Austin Travis Co. Livestock show. 12/14/1986 12/14/2033 KS Eagle (Formerly Tejas Golf) Concession Driving Range - Concession. 5/19/2000 12/31/2033 Butler Softball Fields Interlocal with AISD Interlocal The city leases the Butler Fields to the AISD for it non-exclusive use for the Girls' Fast pitch Team in exchange for facility improvements. 1/6/2015 1/6/2035 AISD/Northwest/Garrison Baseball Fields Interlocal AISD has priority use of the baseball fields at these two facilities in exchange for facility improvements. 6/12/2015 6/11/2035 Austin Independent School District (AISD) Austin High School Interlocal 3/8/2012 3/7/2037 AISD and the City entered into an interlocal agreement to establish use, maintenance, rights and responsibilities for each of the five areas surrounding Austin High School. ARG Bull Creek, LTD Contractual Obligations/Services Grove at Shoal Creek Parks ARG to develop property as a mixed-use development. The City will own the parkland (14.48 acres), but ARG will improve and maintain it. 5/10/2017 5/9/2037 3 of 5 9/1/2022 ATTACHMENT A - EXPIRING CONTRACTS Contract Name Type of Contract Contract Description Contract Term Beginning Date Contract Term Ending Date West Austin Youth Association Contractual Obligations/Services WAYA to provide needed improvement to the ball fields at Lamar Beach and Town Lake Metropolitan Park. 8/01/2013 7/31/2038 Austin Tennis Center - Interlocal with AISD - Johnny Morris Road Interlocal 1/1/2009 12/31/2039 The City and the District AISD desire to use the Tennis Center on a priority basis during certain times, and the city has agreed to such use of the Tennis Center by the District. AISD Shared Use of Shoal Creek Parking Lot Facility Interlocal Interlocal agreement between the City of Austin and the AISD for shared parking at Austin Recreation Center / House Park Stadium. 8/18/1997 8/18/2047 Shoal Creek -9th & Water Loo II, LTD- PLD Agreement to allow Waterloo to license and maintain unimproved parking area for local business and Park patrons, Shoal Creek at 9th. 9/18/1997 9/17/2047 AISD J.J. Pickle Elem School/St. John Community Center Interlocal 2/8/2000 2/7/2050 The City and AISD plan to construct a community center in the St. John's neighborhood to meet the needs of the neighborhood for recreational and other community services during the same period of time. (Joint-use project) Mexic-Arte Master Lease Partnership COA leases property from Mexic-Arte. 7/30/2010 1/11/2051 Mexic-Arte Sublease Partnership COA subleases property back to Mexic-Arte to manage and operate the facility and make improvements utilizing COA bond money. 7/30/2010 1/11/2051 Mexic-Arte Improvement of Cultural Facilities Partnership Provides for City bond funds ($20M) for improvements of museum. 7/16/2021 1/11/2051 AISD Colony Park - Turner Roberts Interlocal 1/4/2007 1/3/2057 Mexic-Arte Amended & Restated Services Agreement Partnership 1/11/2001 6/1/2060 AISD Lanier High School/Kennemer Swimming Pool Lot Interlocal 8/10/2010 8/9/2060 Sunshine Camp YMBL Contractual Obligations/Services 12/13/2010 10/1/2060 Umlauf Sculpture Garden & Museum Partnership Agreement sets forth the responsibilities of the City and USG in the construction, renovation, payment and dedication to the public of the improvements. 9/30/2014 9/29/2064 Lease and Parkland Improvement agreement between AISD and the City of Austin. The City leases to the District a 28.065 acre tract of land out of the Colony Park Tract to construct a public elementary school and future eight-classroom addition and facilities. The purpose of this agreement is to restate and clarify the ongoing and future relationship between the City and the Museum, the public benefits to be provided by the Museum, and the Museum's operational requirements. It is intended that this Agreement shall completely restate and supersede the 2001 Agreement, but that is shall be construed and implemented in harmony with the Bond Funds Agreement and the Lease Agreement. The City of Austin has agreed to lease a portion of the park property to AISD for the construction and use of the Parking Lot, which will mutually benefit both parties. Young Men's Business League of Austin YMBL and the City of Austin outline in this agreement the respective rights, duties and responsibilities of each party as to the construction, remodel, and maintenance of a building on land owned by the City in Zilker Park. 4 of 5 9/1/2022 ATTACHMENT A - EXPIRING CONTRACTS Contract Name Type of Contract Contract Description Contract Term Beginning Date Contract Term Ending Date Zachary Scott Theater - Parking Contractual Obligations/Services Parking Agreement. 4/17/2013 11/24/2086 Texas Facilities Commission Contractual Obligations/Services Interlocal agreement with the Texas Facilities Commission for the COA to take custodianship of the statues and display them at the Carver Museum. 9/26/2013 9/26/2112 Onion Creek Metro Park District-Consent Agreement 08/13/2014 12/31/9999 Evergreen Contractual Obligations/Services State created Onion Creek Metro Park District, a special district with authority to issue bonds and impose assessments, fees, or taxes. This is a three-way agreement between COA, Onion Creek District Metro Park, and Austin Goodnight Ranch Developer. Vision Plan is to be developed. GO PROJECT Cooperative/AISD Interlocal Agreement entered into and between AISD and City of Austin. This is to establish a GO PROJECT to help IDEA eligible aged and older high school students. 8/3/2005 12/31/9999 Evergreen AISD Martin Middle School This agreement clarifies terms and conditions under which the PARD will continue to provide sports and recreation services using gymnasium and outdoor facilities at Martin Middle School. 9/1/2007 12/31/9999 Evergreen Interlocal Agreement Concerning Use of Equipment, Labor and Materials Travis County The City and County's purpose is to facilitate greater efficiency and cost savings through utilizing available resources. 3/29/1994 12/31/9999 Evergreen TXDOT Municipal Maintenance Agreement 9/10/1986 12/31/9999 Evergreen Responsibilities of TXDOT for the maintenance, control, supervision, and regulation of certain State highways and/or portions of certain State highways located within corporate City limits. Interlocal Interlocal Interlocal Violet Crown Trial - APF and Hill Country Conservancy Partnership Three way agreement for the construction and maintenance of trails. 2/28/2012 12/31/9999 Evergreen DAA/APF Operations of the Historic Downtown Austin Parks-Perpetual Partnership 1/17/2001 12/31/9999 Evergreen Agreement between different groups on cooperative terms to operate Historic Downtown Austin Parks. The groups in this agreement are PARD, Austin Parks Foundation, and Downtown Austin Alliance. Agreement to allow Lamar Sixth-Austin, Inc. to use licensed property to improve the Parklands near the boundary line of licensee to the centerline of Shoal Creek for mutual benefit of development and Park's trail system. Austin - Lamar @ Sixth Partnership 12/11/1998 12/31/9999 Evergreen 5 of 5 9/1/2022