Parks and Recreation BoardJuly 15, 2022

2-1: Update on Lake Capacity Study Contract — original pdf

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UPDATE ON CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUSTIN AND HUSTON- TILLOTSON UNIVERSITY FOR LADY BIRD LAKE CAPACITY STUDY JULY 15, 2022 PRESENTER: PATRICIA ROSSETT Background Information: Parks and Recreation Board and Environmental Commission Annual Concession Report Recommendations: Page 1 of 5 UPDATE ON CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUSTIN AND HUSTON- TILLOTSON UNIVERSITY FOR LADY BIRD LAKE CAPACITY STUDY JULY 15, 2022 PRESENTER: PATRICIA ROSSETT In response to Parks and Recreation Board and Environmental Commission recommendations received as part of the Annual Concession Report, PARD staff has contracted with Huston- Tillotson University (HTU), specifically the Business Administration, Natural Sciences, and Environmental Justice departments, to conduct a Lake Capacity Study. HTU is the most qualified vendor to conduct the study and report its findings because:  The university has an Environmental Justice (EJ) program and major, making it the only undergraduate institution in Central Texas to offer this degree at the undergraduate level. The faculty, in the EJ program, are thus uniquely qualified to conduct an environmental assessment integrated with an environmental justice analysis.  This perspective is critical to the lake capacity study for several reasons. o First, environmental justice addresses the human consequences of environmental issues and how these often disproportionately impact systematically marginalized communities. This perspective mirrors a multi-lens approach to lake capacity, which must consider environmental, economic, and human parameters to understand capacity and impact. o Second, the economic assessments must similarly be anchored in an appreciation for the systemic factors that can lead to disproportionate economic impacts for vendors and consumers that ultimately impact opportunity and access. o In addition, HTU is a highly collaborative liberal arts institution that applies a multidisciplinary approach to student instruction and research. Agreement Overview The purpose of this contract is to work collaboratively with HTU to define lake capacity, determine the capacity of Lady Bird Lake (LBL) based on this definition, to make recommendations regarding safe recreational use of the lake and to report on current and future environmental impact of watercraft recreational activities on LBL. The study will include:  Environmental Study – For example, students and faculty will collect and analyze water samples before, during, and after a peak-use period for standard water quality metrics and algal toxins.  Vendor and Stakeholder Study – HTU will survey current watercraft vendors, both PARD and non-PARD concessions, to craft inventory, usage patterns, usage distribution, customer profile and growth plans/concerns.  Watercraft Census – HTU will conduct a watercraft census at both peak levels of recreational use and across several typical non-peak use days. Data will include: o Number of boats in the lake o Type and size of boat o Speed of boat (when possible) Page 2 of 5 UPDATE ON CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF AUSTIN AND HUSTON- TILLOTSON UNIVERSITY FOR LADY BIRD LAKE CAPACITY STUDY JULY 15, 2022 PRESENTER: PATRICIA ROSSETT  Environmental Justice Analysis – HTU will report on the demographics of impacted parties, including concession vendors, concession workers, concession customers, impacted businesses, and impacted communities.  Enforcement Analysis – Students and faculty will analyze 311 complaint data, social media advertisements/listings (such as Airbnb, Facebook, Instagram), and any available law enforcement data to identify vendors acting in violation of PARD policy.  Articulation of Goals – HTU will assist the City to set clear goals regarding the use of the lake. To ensure the information collected meets the demands of the City, clear goals must be set according to problems with historical use and the intended nature of the lake. HTU will use the results of their stakeholder surveys, conversations with PARD staff, and research of other cities’ approaches to determine an approach to carrying capacity that balances environmental and economic goals.  Developing a Plan and Recommendations – HTU will develop a use plan that takes the factors articulated in the study elements into account. The study will be delivered at internal meetings, board and commission meetings, and Council meetings as requested by the City. Furthermore, the collaboration between the City and Huston-Tillotson University supports the City’s commitment to inclusion and equity. Deliverables (see attached deliverables chart) Agreement Term This contract shall become effective upon final authorization and shall remain in effect until the earliest of when the deliverables set forth in the contract are complete or the City terminates the contract. Implementation Timeline May 2022 through December 2022 Page 3 of 5 Contract Discussion Items City of Austin (PARD) and the Austin Rosewood Community Development Corporation Funding, Operations and Administrative Agreement Contract Description: Huston-Tillotson University will provide PARD with a Lake Capacity Study for Lady Bird Lake to assist with internal planning and reporting to external stakeholders. The study process will include (i) articulation of goals, (ii) calculation of carry capacity using environmental, economic, and health and safety metrics, (iii) developing a plan to optimize use of the amenity. Contract Term: This contract shall become effective upon final authorization and shall remain in effect until the earliest of when the deliverables set forth in the Contract are complete or the City terminates the Contract. Public Benefit: Contractor will provide services that define lake capacity, that determine the capacity of Lady Bird Lake based on this definition, that make recommendations regarding safe recreational use of the lake, and that report on current and future environmental impact of watercraft recreational activities on Lady Bird Lake in order to protect one of Austin's greatest assets. Huston-Tillotson Deliverables Contract Reference Discussion Item # General Description Questions/Follow up Items I. 2.1 II. 2.2 III. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Environmental Study Collect and analyze water samples before, during, and after a peak-use period for standard water quality metrics and algal toxins. Environmental Study Analyze existing data on water quality to contextualize the peak use sample data and to identify critical sampling areas. Environmental Study Articulate a suggested water-sampling plan if changes are needed to the existing plan. Environmental Study Environmental Study Conduct biodiversity studies that focus primarily on shore species. These studies will identify species richness and relative species abundance and will include an analysis of invasive species. Coordinate with Austin Water to conduct testing for algal toxins on water samples gathered. Vendor and Stakeholder Study Survey current watercraft vendors (both PARD and non-PARD concessions) as to craft inventory, usage patterns, usage distribution, customer profile and growth plans/concerns. Conduct follow-up interviews that will allow vendors to provide less structured feedback. Vendor and Stakeholder Study Vendor and Stakeholder Study Water Census Water Census Water Census lake users, Survey stakeholders (concession customers or prospective customers, environmental experts, business owners, Parks and Recreation Board members) to articulate customer experience and concerns, environmental concerns and business concerns. Surveys may include perspectives from outside of Austin to provide points of comparison. Conduct a watercraft census of both peak levels of recreation use and across several typical non-peak use days. To gather census information, observations will be executed via drone photography and videography and land-based counts. At time of observations, the following data will be collected: 1. Number of boats in the lake; 2. Type and size of each watercraft ; Speed of boat (when possible). Water Census Provide a plan for continued periodic monitoring of peak-use periods. Environmental Justice Analysis Report on demographics of impacted parties, including concession vendors, concession workers, concession customers, impacted businesses, and impacted communities. Environmental Justice Analysis Enforcement Analysis Articulation of Goals Developing a Plan and Recommendation Developing a Plan and Recommendation Report on downstream effects of lake capacity with implications for marginalized groups included in the recommendations. Analyze 311 complaint data, social media advertisements/listings (such as AirBNB, Facebook, Instagram), and (if possible law enforcement data to identify vendors acting in violation of PARD policy Use results of stakeholder surveys, conversations with PARD staff, and research of other cities' approaches to determine an approach to carrying capacity that balances environmental and economic goals. Generate a plan to reduce use if it is determined that lake capacity is currently being exceeded. Develop a use plan that takes the factors articulated in the study elements into account. Page 4 of 5 Contract Discussion Items City of Austin (PARD) and the Austin Rosewood Community Development Corporation Funding, Operations and Administrative Agreement Discussion Item # Contract Reference General Description Questions/Follow up Items Developing a Plan and Recommendation Report on an ongoing process for measuring lake status, which may include ongoing sampling for environmental quality, continued surveys and other measures. Developing a Plan and Recommendation Deliver study results and report at PARD internal meetings, Board and Commission meetings, and Council meetings. Future Potential Work Continue to monitor carrying capacity of Lady Bird Lake to assess lake usage, economic measures, and effects on water, habitat, processes and populations through continued periodic assessment and evaluation of carrying capacity. Only applicable to future contracts. Future Potential Work Develop an iterative management strategy that may apply to other PARD service areas. Only applicable to future contracts. 19 20 21 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 COA Deliverables Contract Manager The City will provide the contractor with a point of contact (Contract Manager), from the City, during hours of operation and a remote point of contact outside of regular hours of operation. Contract Manager The City will provide a City Contract Manager who will be responsible for exercising general oversight of the contractor’s activities in completing the scope of work. Contract Manager Contract Manager Contract Manager Contract Manager Contract Manager The City’s Contract Manager will represent the City’s interests in resolving day-to-day issues that may arise during the term of the contract. The City’s Contract Manager will review any written reports submitted by the Contractor and will provide feedback within 10 business days of receipt. The City’s Contract Manager will participate regularly in conference calls or meetings for status reporting. The Contract Manager may request monthly meetings with the Huston-Tillotson contract manager to discuss progress and resolve any outstanding issues. The City’s Contract Manager will give the Contractor timely feedback (within 10 business days of receipt) on the acceptability of progress and task reports. Communication with PARD Concessionaires The City's Contract Manager will develop and provide a communication to current City- sanctioned concessionaires to inform them of their participation in the survey. the study and to request Scheduling of Agenda Request to Various Boards. Commissions and Council Invoices The City's Contract Manager will coordinate the logistics for all required meeting presentations. The City's Contract Manager will review, approve and pay invoices within 30 days of receipt if invoice is correct. Feedback Data Facilitate feedback resulting from various presentations. Provide concession-related information to assist with study. ___________________________________________________________ Signature ___________________________________________________________ Signature ___________________________________________________________ Signature Page 5 of 5